Multiroom Audio Configurator

Get the right hardware for your preferred application

Max2Play is a solution for Multiroom Audio setups which adapts to the requirements of each room and the hardware already in place. With this configurator, you can find out easily which Max2Play bundles are compatible with your specific Multiroom Audio setup.

Choose a room, tick your existing hardware, tick additional features you would like to have and you get a selection of recommendations and bundles.

If you want to compare the individual sound cards, check out our comparison charts for all DAC’s, Digi’s and Amp’s.

Which opportunities you have with Max2Play you can see in this article.

Choose your room

Preferable (existing) Hardware

Additional Wishes


  1. Per Lundborg 9 Jahren ago


    I am lacking the option of selecting (portable) bluetooth speaker for existing HW, these are very suitable for many of the rooms that are listed, like kitchen, bathroom (water protection), terrace etc…
    Given most house plans, a suitable situated player should be able to connect with a BT speaker without a major problem (5-15m depending on walls etc).

    Such a solution would really be woth paying for.

    Best regards

    • Maximilian 9 Jahren ago

      Hi Per,

      Thank you for your comment. It is our first version of our configurator and work is still in progress. Therefore, we appreciate your feedback that helps us to improve it.
      We are actually working on a Bluetooth solution for Max2Play at the moment which might lead to another easy-to-use Max2Play plugin for bluetooth devices. As soon as it is ready for launch, we will add the Bluetooth option to our configurator.

      Maximilian from Max2Play

      • Gary Stainburn 9 Jahren ago

        Given that the Pi 3B has built in Bluetooth, I think this could become a very popular plugin. I would love to use it for my garden, and a friend would love to be able to use their BT speakers in their bedroom as he doesn’t have power sockets there

        • Roman 9 Jahren ago

          Hello Gary,

          thank you for sharing your opinion. We are currently working on a bluetooth plugin and expect it to be released shortly.

          Roman from Max2Play

      • Heiner 6 Jahren ago

        By now our Bluetooth Plugin is well-established works for both input and output through this wireless protocol. However, since all Raspberry Pi 3B and 3B+, the two models we are selling for our bundles, have Bluetooth built-in, all our bundles also offer full Bluetooth support.

  2. Jason 9 Jahren ago

    I can’t wait. Bluetooth plugin is going to be big 🙂

    • Author
      flysurfer 9 Jahren ago

      There is a Beta Version of the Bluetooth Addon for testing if you are interested:

      You should use the latest Max2Play based on Debian Jessie (Beta) from our download page. Make sure to Update Max2Play to the latest Beta on the settings page to get full support for the Bluetooth Addon.

  3. Guillaume 8 Jahren ago

    Hi, I have a multiroom configuration with 7 Rasp Pi. I have all kind of configurations (BT, RCA,Optical, USB, RCA, USB audio card).

    I just miss one functionality : a plugin to use the rasp and it’s audio as a Bluetooth speaker from a smartphone.
    basically it could play locally,.
    the must would be to connect by BT to the server and cast in multi room…

    Enjoy guys

    • Author
      flysurfer 8 Jahren ago

      Hi Guillaum,

      connecting via Bluetooth and stream directly audio from your smartphone to the Raspberry Pi is already possible with the Bluetooth Plugin. This can be used to connect Bluetooth Speakers to the Raspberry but also connect a smartphone to stream audio (all Audioplayers must use „Pulse“ as Audiooutput when using Bluetooth).

      Connecting via Bluetooth somehow directly to the Squeezebox Server and stream the content to all connected players is much more difficult – maybe this can be done with the waveinput-Plugin from Squeezebox Server (did not try this yet). Should be something like: configure Pulseaudio Bluetooth as input for Waveinput Plugin on Squeezebox Server.

      Thanks for your comment!

  4. Tom 8 Jahren ago

    I have connected my RPI3 to HDMI2 inputs on my Marantz AVR and connected my HiFiBerry coax Digi+ to analogue2 RCA inputs on my Marantz AVR. Using the Max2Play HiFiBerry image on a 16gig micro SD card, I booted the RPI3 and loaded the M2P settings page on my PC which is connected to HDMI4 on my AVR. I have a wired connection from my RPI3 to my router. After rebooting The RPI3/HiFiBerry Digi+, the RPI3 has a blank screen. The M2P control page on my PC is fine and I have set it up as I think it should be. My attached HDD is added to my Library and I can play music from the PC but the sound only comes out when I select the RPI3 on the AVR, which is showing a blank screen?? Sound is excellent and goes through analogue output on the AVR. but have to go back to PC to select a different track. I think this can’t be right. When using the OSMC image with HiFiBerry I can play tunes and see my library on the RPI but I cannot access the PC for surfing and visuals and still hear audio as I want to. Any help for a very Noobie is needed

    • Author
      flysurfer 8 Jahren ago

      Hi Tom,
      compared to OSMC, Kodi (videoplayer) is not running default on Max2Play. When you restart without having the AVR and the TV running, the RPi3 will not initialize the display correctly. To solve that, you may set a default resolution in the „Raspberry Settings“ of Max2Play (after starting with TV and AVR attached and running the first time), to make sure the HDMI display is always initialized on later reboots and start-ups.
      To have a display that shows the status of your Audioplayer when using Squeezelite you may use Jivelite (has an own tab in the web interface). This also needs the display to be initialized first.

      Hope this helps – please try to answer further questions in our forum – thanks!

  5. Gabriel 8 Jahren ago

    I bought it to use Airplay from an Android device or on a Windows PC. I tested the system using Airplay from an Apple device and it works correctly, but when using Windows AirParrot, it does not work and it displays a red icon next to the selected HiFiberry. How to use it from Windows? Can you indicate necessary software and Max2play settings?

    Thank you

    • Kolja 8 Jahren ago

      Hi Gabriel,
      if you use Windows, try it with iTunes, which is designed for airplay.
      For further technical support, please write your question in our forum, so all members can benefit from the solution.

  6. nono 8 Jahren ago


    Is that possible in your solution to have a jack audio imput on the raspberry (additional card) to play music from a CD on the multiroom.
    I am litle old school some time


  7. Micha The Bremer 7 Jahren ago


    is there a licence bundle for multiroom? At the moment I‘ve got 4 raspis with hifiberry AMP / AMP+ installed.

    Thanx for your support!


    • Heiner 7 Jahren ago

      Hi Micha,

      Good news! The Max2Play Premium License is user-based, meaning you just need one license for your devices.

      However, we appreciate any and all support from our users to keep Max2Play development going 😉

  8. majones 7 Jahren ago

    Hello. I’d like to synchronise the RCA and bluetooth outputs from my RPi3. Is this possible? I’ve tried it with multisqueeze setting up 2 squeezelite players on the same RPi3 and synchronising them in LMS, but they weren’t synchronised when playing – presumably because the bluetooth processing creates some additional delay?

    • Heiner 7 Jahren ago

      Hi majones,

      Unfortunately, this should indeed be due to the latency of the BT connection. For ideal synchronisation, try using another physical connection, like HDMI.

  9. benekm 6 Jahren ago


    I would like to habe some kind of m2p highend headphone amp.
    Today I use a rasperry pi and a hifiberry dac pro + together with a Fiio headphone amp.
    Wouldn´t it bee nice to have all that in one box?

  10. John 6 Jahren ago

    Thanks for the OS. Truly a magic product.
    I have question. I have 4 rooms with TV and passive speakers. Can I configure m2p so I could stream the video from YouTube to one TV and your system would sync everything and display on 4 TVs? Without lags and out of sync.
    Also music sync (with hifiboard) dont lag?

    • Heiner 6 Jahren ago

      Hello John,

      The sync in our Squeezebox multiroom accounts for latency and makes sure all stream are simultaneous. However, with video the audio will lag as it has to go through multiple conversions and synchronisation processes before being put out.

  11. Jorge 4 Jahren ago

    Wow, that’s what I was exploring for, what a information! existing here at this weblog, thanks admin of this web site.

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