Set up JustBoom IR Remote

With the IR Remote Control by JustBoom it is now possible to control your Squeezelite audio player, Jivelite or MPD with the help of a JustBoom sound card and the infrared receiver.

You want to know how to set up the Justboom Smart Remote instead? Visit our wiki article for more information.

Add an IR Receiver to a JustBoom card


Step 1

Identify the port for the IR receiver of your JustBoom sound card. The port is located on the upper side next to the header (3 holes in the row) at the edge of each sound card.

Step 2

Put the IR receiver from above through the three holes and solder the receiver from below to the sound card.

Step 3

Then easily remove the protrude ends of the receiver, so the sound card can be mounted onto the Raspberry Pi.

Step 4

If you are not using an official case, you can skip the next two steps. Otherwise, please look for the part of the case where the soldered receiver touches the plate. There should be a small recess with a plastic pin in the center.

Step 5

Break the pin by pushing against it with a pen or a similar tool. Then remove the remaining plastic parts that might block the hole. Now you can assemble your Raspberry Pi and the sound card with your case.

InstalI IR Remote


Step 1

If you are using a new image, install the sound card first and then update Max2Play to the latest version.

Step 2

Install the IR support by selecting the player you’d like to control with your IR remote control in the JustBoom plugin. Look for the „Additional Settings for justboom-cards“ menu within the IR remote control tab from the dropdown menu. After reboot the control is ready to use.

Step 3

You can change the player you’d like to control within the same menu. The assignment of keys can be adjusted with a click on „Edit IR-Button-Configuration for…“.

Step 4

If you need help with the key assignment, use the picture on the right side as a orientation: