I was finally able to get the wave-input plugin to work with my record player.
I have two Max2Play’s running a Hifiberry AMP and a Hifiberry DAC-ADC. First I had the Squeezebox server running on the Hifiberry AMP, and the wave-input plugin did not work. I am reading that a few people have the issue that the plugin starts and then stops. That’s exactly what I had with my incorrect setup.
What I didn’t realise was (MarioM mentions this) is that the Squeezebox Server has to be installed on the HiFiBerry DAC – ADC machine.
These are the steps I took:
1. I checked the card with arecord -l in the terminal and it gave me:
card 1: sndrpihifiberry [snd_rpi_hifiberry_dacplusadcpro]
–> therefore URL „wavin:plughw:1“
2. In the LMS settings (IP:9000) under plugins checked the Waveinput (v1.04) , save and close.
3. Created a favorite with the „wavin:plughw:1“
4. Done and this works
There is a 4-7 second delay when playing records. It’s a little weird , but it does work.