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  • 20. November 2015 at 13:59 #16976

    CEC für Jivelite zu aktivieren ist sicher möglich. Allerdings geht das nicht mit dem 7″ Display sondern nur über HDMI an einem angeschlossenen TV. Ich werde das mal testen und ggf. in Jivelite als Option hinzufügen.

    20. November 2015 at 12:47 #16971

    Hallo zusammen,

    danke für die Infos in diesem Thread. Da die aktuelle Max2Play-Kernelversion wie von Manfred geschrieben diese Funktion noch nicht unterstützt, bin ich gerade dabei einen neuen Kernel mit der Backlight-Unterstützung zu erstellen. Diesen werde ich dann noch testen und als Update im RPI-Display-Plugin Mitte nächster Woche zusammen mit einem Max2Play Update zur Verfügung stellen.
    Dabei wird es auch ein Update für Jivelite geben, damit hier automatisch die Hintergrundbeleuchtung deaktiviert wird, sobald der schwarze Bildschirmschoner (BlankScreensaver) aktiv ist.

    Viele Grüße

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by flysurfer.
    19. November 2015 at 12:15 #16962

    Hi Olaf,

    the hardware choice depends on what you need / want. Basically I would recommend a Raspberry Pi for player purpose as it offers more options for soundcards (DACs and AMPs) and community support is better. Also the system itself is more „stable“. The Odroid C1+ supports just the HifiShield (DAC) from hardkernel (quality is similar to the HifiBerry DAC+).
    Max2Play only supports the 3.2 inch Touchscreen Display Shield for the C1+. Software like Jivelite need some settings to display properly on small displays – this is why this thread mentions a skin for a 2.8″ display, that is needed to show Jivelite correct on the 3.2″ display.

    You may have a look at our shop as we offer different bundles that work very well together with Max2Play.

    11. November 2015 at 17:24 #16856


    thanks for sharing your ideas! We will think about adding the screen turn on/turn off feature to the screensaver options and check if this works.

    Regarding HDMI and touchscreen at the same time or changing on the fly with a switch:
    I am sorry, but this is currently not possible with Kodi. Some Apps (like omxplayer) support to choose from connected HDMI and DSI displays, but Kodi doesn’t support it. The only option is to change the default display and reboot. To do this you have to add following to the file /boot/config.txt and reboot.
    This is only helpful, if you want to use it without the touchscreen, as you need to revert the changes and reboot to get the touchscreen running again. We will think about adding this parameter to the Display configuration in the web interface as it helps to improve the „activation“ process of HDMI.

    EDIT: I just added this switch to the Max2Play Web interface to the current BETA. You may find it in the „RPi Display“ Addon.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by flysurfer.
    11. November 2015 at 15:04 #16845

    Nachtrag: Ich glaube ich hatte deine Frage falsch verstanden. Das Problem ist nicht der Squeezelite Player sondern dass Shairport bei dem HifiBerry AMP+ nicht auf die Hardware-Volume Control zugreifen kann. Dafür konnte mir HifiBerry noch keine Antwort geben – der Workaround ist:
    a) Airplay über den Squeezelite Player laufen lassen (Shairtunes im Squeezebox Server installieren) und Shairport deaktivieren
    b) Die Steuerung der Lautstärke über die Software laufen lassen und die Hardware-Lautstärke des AMPs einmalig im Webinterface auf z.B. 80% zu setzen. Dafür musst du den Parameter „-o hw:0 -V Master“ aus den Kommandozeilenparametern von Squeezelite entfernen. Dadurch wird beim Ausschalten von Squeezelite dann nicht die Lautstärke auf „0“ gesetzt.

    zu deiner 2. Frage:
    Jivelite läuft aktuell noch nicht mit dem SD-Card-Schreibschutz. In der nächsten Version von Max2Play wird das möglich sein – allerdings nur mit einem neu aufgesetzten Image, da hier eine kleine beschreibbare Partition zusätzlich angelegt wird.

    11. November 2015 at 14:39 #16843

    Hi Gerhard,

    you may rotate the display by editing the file /etc/modules as it contains the parameter „rotate=270“. Just change it to „rotate=90“. It should look like this:
    fbtft_device name=odroidc_tft32 rotate=90 gpios=reset:116,dc:115 speed=32000000 cs=0

    After changing this value restart the device.

    10. November 2015 at 18:47 #16838

    Hallo lucky,

    damit du die Hardware-Lautstärkenregelung für den HifiBerry AMP nutzen kannst, muss in den Kommandozeilenoptionen im Squeezelite (im Tab Audioplayer -> Erweiterte Optionen) folgendes stehen:
    -o hw:0 -V Master
    Damit sollte der Squeezelite Player in Lage sein, die Lautstärke entsprechend zu steuern.

    Sauber ausschalten kannst du das System nur über die Einstellungsseite im Webinterface von Max2Play („Herunterfahren“). Allerdings kann das System auch durchgängig laufen, da es im Standby nur sehr wenig Strom verbraucht.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by flysurfer.
    10. November 2015 at 18:39 #16837

    Hi Zerbes,

    to use special letters in FAT32 you need to add the iocharset parameter to the usbmount configuration. This is done in file /etc/usbmount/usbmount.conf and the edited line looks like this:

    FS_MOUNTOPTIONS="-fstype=vfat,gid=users,uid=pi,iocharset=iso8859-1 \

    10. November 2015 at 16:35 #16831


    you need to disable the password check for the webserver in the folder /var/www/max2play/public/ as user root (via SSH). Password is „max2play“.

    /bin/sed -i "/##AUTHENTICATION START/,/##AUTHENTICATION END/ { /##AUTHENTICATION END/"\'!\'" d;}" /var/www/max2play/public/.htaccess
    rm /var/www/max2play/.htpasswd
    rm /var/www/max2play/public/.htaccess_add

    Otherwise you may also burn a new SD-Card image.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by flysurfer.
    2. November 2015 at 15:32 #16679

    Hi titobustillo,

    thanks for reporting back! I also tested the fix now and did not encounter any problems with playback. Maybe there is an other problem with your hardware / software? Did you play any special videos? I tested different YouTube and 1080p videos. The CEC-fix should not change anything else that breaks kodi functionality.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by flysurfer.
    30. Oktober 2015 at 19:18 #16658

    Yes – set it up in Jivelite to show blank screen when not playing. This will be better for your display.

    30. Oktober 2015 at 17:37 #16653

    Hi titobustillo,

    seems like something in the CEC libraries changed for Kodi version 15. You may try to log in into the console (via SSH, user „pi“ password „raspberry“) and run following

    sudo /opt/kodi-15/install_cec3

    This may fix the problem. If it works for you, we will add this fix to the installer.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by flysurfer.
    28. Oktober 2015 at 14:09 #16595

    Hi Raymond,

    yes – still working on this 😉

    Please try to „Reset Jivelite Settings“ on the Jivelite Tab in the Web interface. Somehow our Testing Squeezebox Server (network name is Diskstation) is still present in the Jivelite settings…

    27. Oktober 2015 at 19:19 #16585

    Hi Raymond,

    if you update packages or do other things on the commandline, this might cause issues as you already noticed.

    You should start again with a fresh image (Audioplayer is set to the DAC). I found a bug on the ODROID C1 that it sometimes uses DISPLAY 0 for the LCD-Shield and sometimes DISPLAY 1. This changes on reboot what makes it kind of difficult to reproduce (really strange behavior). This is why Jivelite sometimes is not showing up after starting it… If you manually log in as user odroid you may start Jivelite with

    export DISPLAY=:1

    There might be other Bugs with the C1+ itsself (related to the hardware) and with the Max2Play-Image.

    I would recommend, that you use the Squeezebox Server Webinterface to connect to your Music Library as Jivelite is just a
    a tool to control the Squeezelite player and show its status.

    UPDATE: I added a switch to the latest Beta (click update to latest Beta in settings of Web interface) to get the right display to show Jivelite. As the display randomly switches between 0 and 1, this solves the problem, not showing Jivelite after starting it on the web interface.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by flysurfer.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by flysurfer.
    27. Oktober 2015 at 12:25 #16573

    Hi Raymond,

    I used the pin stacking header (tall) from the Adafruit page to connect it.

    LXDE is not the default desktop in the Ubuntu distribution of hardkernel. Normally it boots into lUbuntu which doesn’t let you completely undecorate the windows. When using the HDMI connection instead of the touch display you may need to change settings on the console via SSH to switch the display: open this file and uncomment every line with a „#“.

    nano /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-odroidc-tftlcd.conf

    After this the desktop will appear on HDMI in full resolution. You may still control the mouse with the touchdisplay 😉
    If you do not use the display at all you should remove the modules spicc and fbtft_device from /etc/modules


    26. Oktober 2015 at 16:10 #16555

    Hi Nico,

    I just added a modified version of your script to the latest Max2Play Beta (will be part of the next release). You can now specify the LMS IP in the Advanced settings of Shairport. This will trigger the usage of the Start/Stop script. After restarting Shairport it will make use of this feature.

    We really appreciate your help and thanks again for sharing this!

    All the best,

    23. Oktober 2015 at 13:01 #16532

    Hi Dan,

    thanks for this very detailed post! I will have a look at it this weekend and try my best to see if I can get it working.

    Although I did not test it, you may try to add „-D“ to the commandline options of Squeezelite (Webinterface -> Audioplayer -> Advanced settings)
    From Squeezelite documentation:

    -D [delay] Output device supports DSD over PCM (DoP), delay = optional delay switching between PCM and DoP in ms

    I compiled Squeezelite for Max2Play with DSD option:

    DSD – support of DSD playback via DOP (-D command line option) or conversion to pcm (requires LMS server patches)

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by flysurfer.
    21. Oktober 2015 at 13:52 #16465

    Hi MvD42,

    I am sorry… well – indeed you are a Beta-Tester. We did not have the PVR-Addons for the Pi yet and we do not have the hardware to test them… During my testing I forgot to set up the repository the right way for the PI packages. This did not occur when I had the Odroid packages installed before. Now I fixed the Repository and you can install the Addon. The „installation failed“ should not come up anymore.

    Thanks for your help!

    20. Oktober 2015 at 18:00 #16446

    Hi Silver,

    you may test nginx by installing it with

    apt-get install php5-fpm nginx -y

    using this config file for Max2Play:

    server {
    	listen   81; ## listen for ipv4; this line is default and implied
    	#listen   [::]:80 default_server ipv6only=on; ## listen for ipv6
    	root /var/www/max2play/public;
    	index index.php;
    	location / {
            error_page  404 = /index.php?q=$uri;
            log_not_found  off;
    	location ~* ^.+.(jpg|jpeg|gif|css|png|js|ico|xml)$ {
            access_log off;
            expires 30d;
            root /var/www/max2play/public;
    	# Rewrite rule
        if (!-e $request_filename) {
            rewrite ^(.*)$ /index.php?page=$1 last;
    	# pass the PHP scripts to FastCGI server listening on
        location ~ \.php$ {
    		fastcgi_pass   unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock;
            fastcgi_index  index.php;
            fastcgi_param  SCRIPT_FILENAME  /var/www/max2play/public$fastcgi_script_name;
    		include fastcgi_params;
    	# deny access to .htaccess files, if Apache's document root
    	# concurs with nginx's one
    	location ~ /\.ht {
    		deny all;

    Open the web interface with http://max2play:81 – the original apache web server is still running on Port 80. We did not test this yet – there may be some problems on nginx…

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by flysurfer.
    20. Oktober 2015 at 11:29 #16441

    @Raymond: the C1 3.2inch TFT+Touchscreen Shield is the one that we tested and set up in the C1+ image of Max2Play. We picked this because of the price and the touch functionality. Btw: nice picture of a player!

    : if the web interface is slow loading there is something wrong. Maybe high load on the system? You see details in the Debug of the Settings Page in the Web interface. I’m sorry but I can’t tell you anything about your display as we do not have one here for testing.

    : make sure not to connect a monitor via HDMI when booting up the C1+. It should automatically show a desktop environment on the 3.2″ display. Starting or setting Jivelite to „Autostart“ in the Web interface will start Jivelite on the desktop.

    19. Oktober 2015 at 16:01 #16430

    Hi Raymond,

    the Image is set up to work with the HiFi-Shield and the LCD-Shield (touch display 2.8″) on a ODROID C1+. Jivelite is preinstalled and can be started on Boot or via Webinterface. Although it is not the same „touch“ experience as the 7″ Raspberry Pi Display does offer, it is usefull as a small player.

    The ODROID-Show is probalby not used to show a desktop environment and it won’t be possible to show any graphic stuff on it.


    19. Oktober 2015 at 14:25 #16427


    I recreated a repository for the Raspberry Pi now, as some addons did not work when using the repository with the ODROID builds.
    Now all you need to do, is a Update to latest Beta and then you will find the „PVR-Addons for Raspberry Pi“ installer on the Kodi tab of the web interface. With this repository it should work (got at least no DLL-Error when testing). Make sure to remove the the ODROID Repository and uninstall the addons before trying the new repository.

    Thanks for your feedback and ongoing testing!

    19. Oktober 2015 at 12:09 #16425

    The new SD/Emmc-Card Image for the C1+ is now available on the downloads page!

    15. Oktober 2015 at 12:03 #16380

    If the demo plugin does not work – something during your installation went wrong. If you use a current sd-card-image (e.g. Max2Play version 2.22) and follow the points I wrote above, it should work (just tested it again to make sure it really does).

    IMPORTANT: as this is still in BETA-Mode you MUST update Max2Play to the current Beta before doing the update on Kodi (click on Beta Update on Settings Page!).

    14. Oktober 2015 at 18:59 #16372

    Can you try the pvr Demo addon to see if that works?

    14. Oktober 2015 at 15:24 #16365

    As I said – I don’t know anything about this special add-on, but when adding other repositories, these must:
    – be build with the current platform version of kodi (kodi 15 in that case)
    – offer ARM-binaries (if they use binaries, and some do) to run on the Raspberry Pi/Odroid. That’s why we built the PVR-Addons and offer them for download in our Repository

    And please do not link any stuff that might violate copyrights…

    14. Oktober 2015 at 15:01 #16358

    I don’t know anything about xstream, but YouTube, Zattoo, twitch and other apps are working without problems and can be installed as video add-ons in kodi.

    14. Oktober 2015 at 12:05 #16354

    Hi MvD42,

    the Raspberry did not have the support for the PVR-Addons from our Max2Play-builds yet … until NOW 😉

    You may update to the latest Beta of Max2Play on the Settings page in the Web interface and then you have to:
    – install Kodi again even if you already have version 15 (just start the installation on the Kodi-tab of Web interface)
    – install the PVR-Plugins Repository from the Addon installer on the Kodi-tab in Max2Play Web interface, which now also work for the Raspberry
    – activate the desired PVR-Plugin in Kodi: System -> Addons -> Install from Repository (Choose Max2Play Repository)
    – enable Live TV in Settings

    This feature will be available in the next Release version 2.23 and is now in Beta testing.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by flysurfer.
    5. Oktober 2015 at 11:26 #16015

    Hi MvD42,

    thanks a lot for the Update and your testing! I also tested some videos and everything is playing fine for me. I discovered no problems with running the Update after playing some videos in the „old“ kodi 14 version. But if kodi is not starting as expected, you may see the Log-File with Debug-Information on the kodi page of the Max2Play web interface (at the bottom of the page) in the next Max2Play Version. The current Beta already has this feature. I will add an update Kodi button to the webinterface for the Raspberry PI based on this version.

    : what kind of videos did you test (format)? Do you have test files that are linked somewhere? Please try the Youtube-Video Addon for Kodi or files like this (more on to make sure your setup is OK (power supply, network, access rights, etc.). This videos should play flawless. To update to Kodi 15.1 you may use the shell commands I posted above, but this won’t change much in your case if videos just don’t play. The updater on the Kodi page of the web interface of Max2Play is currently only working with the ODROIDs (U3, XU4, C1), as it is a little more difficult on the Raspberry Pi to update Kodi – but there will be an option in the next release.


    2. Oktober 2015 at 14:14 #15962


    der LMS sollte standardmäßig unter dem Port 9000 laufen. Ist vielleicht irgendwas schief gelaufen bei der Installation des Plugins? Ggf. auf der SD-Karte kein Platz mehr?

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