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22. Dezember 2016 at 12:33 #25144
Hi Oliver,
good to hear, that the Boom2 speaker is working now. This was indeed solved with the latest bugfix 🙂
Sometimes you may have to click twice on the Reconnect Button for initial setup. Also make sure to open the bluetooth setup page on your smartphone before clicking the button. We addressed this in our video tutorial.
In our tests with different iPhones and android phones (not with android 7.x) we encountered no problems so far.
Instead of using chromecast you may also use the DLNA streaming via Squeezebox Server (stream to connected players) and smartphone apps like „AllConnect“ on android.
Choppy sound might also come frome a bad bluetooth connection. I had no trouble or choppy sound with the RPi2 when testing.
#1 the other devices you tried to connect do not seem to be visible for the Pi. Maybe due to security settings?
#2 do your stream to the Squeezebox Server or directly to the Soundcard of your Player? I had this problem only when the bluetooth connection dropped.
The bluetooth deivces in LMS favorites are less important when you activate „Autostart Bluetooth-Streaming in Squeezebox Server“. In this case you don’t need to do anything to start streaming from your smartphone (besides connecting and playing from the smartphone itsself).
I do not have an Amazon Echo for testing, but maybe this is not recognized as input source (only as speaker)? You might see this in the Debug info on the Bluetooth page.
@Christian – Feature Request:
Multiple Bluetooth Speakers might be possible with multiple bluetooth adapters. Connecting more than one stream / source to one adapter doesn’t work. If you want to play audio from smartphone directly to some bluetooth speakers, I’d suggest to skip the device in the middle.All the Best,
Stefan19. Dezember 2016 at 11:47 #24983Hi Wallie,
sorry, but if you don’t have a Max2Play license the „Raspberry Pi Settings“ Page will not work. This is indicated with the message output above the content („License needed…“). You probably noticed that nothing gets saved when you try to change any values on the page. You may try the 3 month license of Max2Play to set up everything you need.
All the Best,
Stefan13. Dezember 2016 at 17:43 #24834Hi Aurélien,
you are completely right with addressing the problem. It is mainly because of the different subnets. The idea behind the access point plugin was to give users access to the device itsself and maybe to an internet connection behind another router. If you also want to see the devices in your network you need to change the IP address to your existing subnet. In your case you need to:
edit /etc/dhcpcd.conf and set the IP to some not yet existing IP
static ip_address=
edit /etc/dnsmasq.conf to
dhcp-range=,,,12h address=/HOSTNAME/
edit /etc/hosts and change IP to
I did not test this setup, but it should work. I’d rather recommend to use a good router and some wireless extenders to set up your wifi as this is better for performance and easy of use.
All the Best,
Stefan13. Dezember 2016 at 12:39 #24816Hi yoja,
the X-Server is used to start the Pulseaudio server (that is used for the Bluetooth connection). As some may use Jivelite or other visualisations and therefor need the X-Server anyway, it is the easiest way to make this mandatory and have only one Pulseaudio instance.
The running X-Server should not make much of a difference on current Pi (2/3) setups – but yes, on Pi 1 it may take longer to start.
Support for multiple Bluetooth Adapters may not be too difficult, but the audioquality suffers from bad bluetooth connections and player synchronisation with Bluetooth is also not as good as with normal soundcards (delay between players due to BT-connection). It won’t be possible to stream bluetooth with the normal BT-Dongles through walls…
Multisqueeze for Multiroom audio is best used with the build-in audiochip (headphone jack on Pi), an additional audiocard like the AMP+ from hifiberry / iqaudio / justboom and maybe one BT-Speaker. With this you can stream to 2 or 3 rooms with just one device wich works great for me.
5. Dezember 2016 at 17:02 #24564@oli: streaming in both directions at a time is not possible. I did not have the opportunity to test with the latest android running on Pixel phone. But I tested Android on Samsung S7, HTC and iPhone running iOS 10 without problems. In case you did not modify your Debug log, there are „**“ symbols behind every MAC-Address, so this might be causing the error. You may try to load the latest BETA from Max2Play on the Settings Page, Reboot and try to connect again.
@rttm: Der Lautsprecher scheint korrekt verbunden, allerdings ist die Audio-Ausgabe über Pulseaudio nicht korrekt erstellt. Kannst du es mal mit der neusten Beta und einem Neustart versuchen? Hast du die Soundkarte für die Audioplayer auf „Pulse“ umgestellt, bzw. die Audioplayer (oder Kodi) auf dem Gerät deaktiviert? Aus irgendeinem Grund scheint die Soundkarte schon von einem anderen Player belegt zu sein. Probier nach dem Beta-Update auch noch mal den Bluetooth-Lautsprecher aus der Liste zu entfernen und neu zu suchen.All the Best
This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by
1. Dezember 2016 at 16:10 #24467Hi,
thanks for your detailed debug info. I found a bug in Bluetooth, that prevented some speakers from working (Pulseaudio Bluetooth drivers Bluez5 vs Bluez4) and I built a workaround during connect and added better information to the message output on the connection status.
If you had problems connecting your speakers until now, get the latest Beta on the Settings Page of Max2Play, remove your speakers from the Bluetooth page, Scan again and click Reconnect next to your speakers.
@stefano: is your smartphone is indicated green (connected)? Can you post the output messages when clicking “Install Squeezebox Server Streaming”?
30. November 2016 at 11:14 #24363Hi,
everything looks good from the log you posted. Your Squeezebox Server is running on the same device, right? Did you click the „Install Squeezebox Server Streaming“ after the pairing of your Smartphone was successful (this will add the Bluetooth Device to Favorites)?
One more Point: please enable the Autostart in the Squeezebox Server Bluetooth Streaming Options at the bottom of the Bluetooth page. With this enabled you don’t even need to do anything in your Squeezebox Server and Bluetooth will stream automatically once your Smartphone starts playing.29. November 2016 at 12:43 #24301Hi,
maybe something went wrong during the installation of Bluetooth. Also, your Bluetooth Dongle seems not to be recognized correctly. To skip all possible errors I recommend that you try a new SD-Card with a fresh Max2Play Image (download the current version).
28. November 2016 at 15:17 #24289Hi Simon,
please have a look at the video-walkthrough on our Plugin page for Bluetooth:
You may also post the Debug Output from the bottom of the Bluetooth Page here, if anything is not working as expected. A little more information is also usefull to help you better: version of Max2Play / downloaded SD-Card Image?
23. November 2016 at 15:53 #24128@castalla: great to hear it’s working finally :). If your FireTV gets connected via Bluetooth, it should work like streaming from your phone.
@smiling-stefano: did you click reconnect in the web interface next to your phone? A popup should appear on your phones display for pairing after clicking the reconnect button. You may have to do this twice. Castalla had a similar problem – solved it with another BT-dongle.22. November 2016 at 18:00 #24103So you did the reconnect and there is no popup on your phone that asks for you to confirm the connection (you tried at least 2 times). Maybe you have an other phone for testing? The HUAWEI phone might be part of the problem or maybe security settings on your phone that don’t let any device connect.
22. November 2016 at 17:46 #24099@castalla: please open the bluetooth page on your smartphone (the one that shows devices – this should also show Max2Play) and do not click on anything. Now click reconnect in the web interface. Do this again, if no message appears on your smartphone.
On every smartphone I tried (Samsung Galaxy, HTC, iPhone), this worked without problems. Your phone should also say „connected“ on the Bluetooth page after this.
This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by
22. November 2016 at 17:29 #24095Hi castalla,
once more: After you click „reconnect“ in the web interface, does your smartphone show a window with „Do you want to connect to Max2Play?“ AND did you confirm this message with „OK“?
After the first initial setup you just need to choose „Max2Play“ from your smartphone (Bluetooth Settings) to connect.
This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by
22. November 2016 at 15:48 #24085We will make a video for this to clarify – but the text on the bluetooth page explains everything. There are just 4 buttons to click to install and setup…
First click: install bluetooth
Second click: scan for devices
Third click (where you struggle): When your phone appears after the scan in red, you need to connect to it by clicking „reconnect“ button. Then your phone will ask you to open the connection. After you confirm this your phone will be indicated as connected and green on the bluetooth page.
Fourth click: at the bottom of the bluetooth plugin page click „Install Bluetooth Streaming for Squeezebox Server“ and optionally enable „Autostart“ below it.
Everything together takes about 2 minutes of time…
21. November 2016 at 17:35 #24069Yeah – right. No audioplayer settings need to be edited. The Bluetooth Streaming to Squeezebox Server works like a radio stream and is fully integrated into Squeezbox Server.
The Bluetooth Plugin Page might be a little confusing at first, as it offers multiple options, depending on what you want to achieve.
If the Bluetooth Plugin does not install, there must be something wrong with the system. Maybe the SD-Card had an error on installing.
21. November 2016 at 17:23 #24067Hi – the 2.38 should work fine.
If it cannot install Bluetooth, maybe you forgot to expand the filesystem and the SD-Card is full? After installing Squeezebox Server this might be the problem. You can check this in the DEBUG at the Settings Page.
21. November 2016 at 17:07 #24064Hi Castalla,
it should be really easy – maybe you missed the part where you couple your smartphone with Max2Play? This must be done just once after you installed the Bluetooth plugin and before clicking the „install Bluetooth Streaming to Squeezebox Server“ at the bottom of the Bluetooth Plugin (this really needs to know your smartphone as otherwise it will not start streaming).
After this you should see the Bluetooth device in your LMS in favorites.
Errors may occure when:
– no space left on SD-Card when installing
– no Bluetooth Connection to your Smartphone (indicated as green)Hope this helps – Stefan
21. November 2016 at 15:15 #24049Hi Castalla,
the bluetooth streaming is only supported with the Debian Jessie version of Max2Play on Raspberry Pi (this is the base operating system). When it says „Wheezy Image is not supported“ this indicates, that you are using the older Debian Wheezy System. The jump from Wheezy to Jessie was around 6 month ago. Please flash a new SD-Card with the current download of Max2Play to use Bluetooth streaming to Squeezebox Server.
Stefan15. November 2016 at 17:44 #23914Hi Hilary,
please choose „Master“ as mpd mixer control in the MPD settings.
Stefan10. November 2016 at 11:39 #23853@southafricanrob: there is a setting for this to switch off / on squeezelite player by connection status of bluetooth speakers on the bluetooth page. See also the instruction on this page how to set up.
9. November 2016 at 17:00 #23840Hi LowTech,
dein Grundproblem im Setup mit Squeezelite scheint zu sein, dass standardmäßig beim Abspielen auf die USB-Soundkarte „sysdefault-USB PnP Sounddevice“ wohl nicht direkt auf Hardware abgespielt wird (Mixer Device hängt dazwischen).
Wenn du direkt auf die Hardware abspielen willst, funktioniert das in der Regel über den genannten Parameter „-o hw:0“, der in den Kommandozeilenparametern von Squeezelite eingefügt wird. Wichtig ist dabei, dass kein anderer Audioplayer oder Kodi aktiv ist, der ggf. das Audiointerface schon exklusiv für sich beansprucht und keine sonstigen Parameter in diesem Feld stehen.
Falls das nicht geht, gibt es eventuell eine Soundkartenoption, die etwas wie „hardware“ oder „direct hardware output“ im Namen enthält und gewählt werden kann.Weitere Möglichkeiten:
– ein regelmäßger Reboot, um dem Audioproblem zuvor zu kommen (ggf. erstelle ich hierfür mal ein Plugin). Aktuell müsste der Reboot in die Crontab eingetragen werden (z.B. für 6 Uhr morgens)# Crontab Editieren über crontab -e 0 6 * * * sudo /sbin/reboot
– Nutzung von HifiBerry / IQAudIO / Justboom Karten, die alle fehlerfrei funktionieren statt der USB-Soundkarte (ggf. liegt es auch am USB selbst oder an der Stromzufuhr)
– Umstellen der Audioausgabe auf Pulseaudio (Autostart Desktop aktivieren und Audioausgabe auf Soundkarte „Pulse“/“Pulseaudio“ setzen)8. November 2016 at 16:59 #23775Hallo,
gibt es einen Grund, warum du nicht einfach „Pause“ im Player drückst, um die Wiedergabe zu unterbrechen?
8. November 2016 at 16:07 #23772Hi Georges,
das Script zum Deaktivieren der Protection muss ausgeführt werden als user root:
Normalerweise sollte das Plugin fehlerfrei funktionieren, solange Max2Play nur als Audioplayer verwendet wird.
Viele Grüße
Stefan4. November 2016 at 12:06 #23662Hi jnile1, hi Marc,
sorry, but the new feature in the Max2Play-Beta to change the build-in wifi interface in Raspberry Pi Settings had a minor bug. Just load the latest Max2Play-Beta and uncheck the Checkbox „Disable Default WiFi Interface WLAN0 on RPI3“ -> click save -> check it again and save.
After a Restart the build in Wifi will be at position wlan1 and the other stick will have wlan0 and be default.
3. November 2016 at 18:33 #23658Update: I just added a switch to the „Raspberry Pi Settings“ Page, to change the default Wifi from wlan0 to wlan1. You may just use this setting and your wifi-stick should work. You need to do a Beta-Update on the „Reboot/Settings“ Page to get this feature, as it is not released yet.
3. November 2016 at 15:48 #23649Hi,
you have to edit a file and add a rule for your Wifi Stick to make sure it gets named wlan0:
Login per SSH as user pi and do
sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
now add a new line and edit the old line that it looks like this:
SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="[MAC-ADDRESS-OF-YOUR-DEVICE]", ATTR{dev_id}=="0x0", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="wlan*", NAME="wlan0" SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="*", ATTR{dev_id}=="0x0", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="wlan*", NAME="wlan1"
Change the part [MAC-ADDRESS-OF-YOUR-DEVICE] with your Mac-address of your wifi stick and change the name of the existing entry to wlan1.
This should do the trick.
All the Best,
This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by
11. Oktober 2016 at 17:31 #23374Hi Bjardne,
very good so far 🙂
If you really like to change the volume steps, this is a little more difficult, as we just use the file from IQAudIO. If you know how to compile a file and log in with SSH on the Pi, you can do it this way:
1. get the file from and edit lines
currentVolume = currentVolume + 10;
currentVolume = currentVolume - 10;
to the step you like – e.g. „5“ or „2“ to use smaller steps.2. complile the file with
gcc IQ_rot.c -oIQ_rot -lwiringPi -lasound
3. change the existing file in /opt/IQ_rot with the one you just compiled
4. set file permissions with
chmod 777 /opt/IQ_rot
This should do the trick…
All the Best,
Stefan10. Oktober 2016 at 12:30 #23335Hi Mike / hi Simon,
the fix for the wolfson/cirrus logic card in the current version of Max2Play (version 2.37) uses a newer Kernel that fits the latest Max2Play-Image and uses a renamed Device Tree Overlay for the card.
This definitly works when using the latest Max2Play-Image -> Install Wolfson-Card on Raspberry Settings Tab -> Reboot -> choose Card in Audioplayer Tab (advanced Settings) and set prefered Audio-Output on Raspberry Settings Tab.
Older Max2Play-Images should still work, as the Bugfix just targets the latest Max2Play-Image based on Kernel 4.4.y
@Mike: After installing the Wolfson-Card with the Kernelchange, the change of the installed soundcard to „none“ doesn’t change the Kernel back to the original one. But it removes the DTOverlay entry to load the card on boot. If your card won’t work after the next reboot, make sure to select it again.All the Best
Stefan10. Oktober 2016 at 11:45 #23333Hi,
to get the Rotary Encoder on IQAudio-Cards working with Synchronisation of volume with Squeezebox Server (control with App / webinterface / rotary encoder) you need to add following to the command line options of Squeezelite (not dependend of build-in audio active /not active):
-o hw:CARD=IQaudIODAC -V Digital -Q
I also added this to the description of the Rotary Encoder now (in Beta).
Description of Parameters:
– The Parameter „-Q“ starts the synchronisation with the Squeezebox Server
– The Parameter „-V“ makes sure to use the correct alsamixer control
– The Parameter „-o“ uses the dircet hardware as audio output (needed to use volume control on alsa level)Important: This will only work with the Squeezelite in Max2Play and not in other distributions!
30. September 2016 at 11:39 #23266Hi Simon,
the Wolfson card drivers and the driver selection within „Raspberry Pi Settings“ should work with the current Max2Play Image. We will test this again with the latest version. EDIT: ok – there seems to be a problem with the newer Kernel… we work on this.
This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by
This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by