Tried beta version and reload of spotify connect.
I still get the same debug info:
Librespot command line options
error:Required option ’name‘ missing.
According to the debug info
I am authenticated with spotify.
The outpit device is hw:sndrpihifiberry-sn
I have a audiophonics sound card attached.
tried to re-enter spotify user name but still same message. Nothing I place in the config window seems to be entered into the spotify app.
I have re-installed spotify connect but still same error message.
Thank you for all the assistance and time you have invested but I think I will need to look for another approach.
Thanks. I can run spotify connect through LMS, everything works fine.
However if I try to install spotify connect plugin I get the error:
#### Librespot Command Line Options ####
error: Required option ’name‘ missing
Usage: /opt/spotifyconnect/librespot [options].
Can you help with the missing name and how I enter it?