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  • 23. Februar 2016 at 19:27 #18678

    Hi Maximilian:

    To summarize and help you see, what I think the problem is. Look at the file:
    and specifically the lines:

    if grep -q "^[[:space:]]*iface[[:space:]]*.*[[:space:]]*inet[[:space:]]*dhcp" \
        $INTERFACES; then
            log_failure_msg "Not running $NAME because $INTERFACES"
            log_failure_msg "defines some interfaces that will use a" \
            "DHCP client"
             exit 6

    If I read this correctly, it scans the /etc/network/interfaces file and aborts the script if it finds any interface that is set to request dhcp setup. I know that this is not max2play code, but it seems wrong to me, because I see no reason why a server with multiple interfaces cannot be both a DHCP server and a DHCP client. Perhaps the best fix is to comment out this test.
    The fix I had implemented was NOT this, I simply modified the interfaces file to satisfy the test by assigning static IP addresses. That fix is not undone by „access point removal“ causing the issue that gapmedia refers to. So an alternate fix of commenting out the check is better, I think.

    I read that your tests with an alternate dongle works. Does the /etc/init.d/dhcpcd file on the test system contain the code above? If it does then, I have no idea why it works, as DHCPD should fail to start, with the max2play standard interfaces file.

    12. Februar 2016 at 2:04 #18466


    here’s a kludge -> when adding the samba share, in the comment field, follow your comment with the string:
    \nguest ok=yes„. For example: comment\nguest ok=yes.

    The adds the guest ok option and should eliminate the password requirement.

    21. Januar 2016 at 16:48 #18045

    Based on your code I wrote this (in perl) it works.

    $| = 1;
    $debug = 1;
    if ($debug == 0) { open(STDERR, ">/dev/null")}
    # This will start kodi on startup if a device is on hdmi
    # or will stop kodi processes if no device is on hdmi
    $oldstat="X";    # force a change on startup
    while(1) {
        $stat=<code>/opt/vc/bin/tvservice -n</code>;
        # if there is something plugged in and there was a change then Start KODI
        if (($stat ne "") && ($stat ne $oldstat)) {
            print "starting Kodi\n";
            #Turn on HDMI
            system("/opt/vc/bin/tvservice -p");
            #Turn on Kodi
            system("sudo -u pi -H -s /opt/max2play/ >> /dev/null 2>&1 &");
        # if there is nothing plugged in and there was a change then Stop KODI
        if (($stat eq "") && ($stat ne $oldstat)) {
            print "stopping Kodi\n";
            #Turn off Kodi
            system("pkill -9 -f \"kodi.*standalone\"");
            #Turn off HDMI
            system("/opt/vc/bin/tvservice -o");
    sleep 10;
    20. Januar 2016 at 19:03 #18027

    Disclaimer: I’ve not tried this myself:

    With shell access:

    You can edit the file /var/www/max2play/application/config/plugins.xml and look for this section

        <name>Settings / Reboot</name>
          <translate>Settings / Reboot</translate>

    If you see a „0“ in <active> change it to a „1“ and save the file

    Good Luck

    20. Januar 2016 at 18:01 #18021

    Sounds like a job for:

    here is the url to my “run Command” plugin:

    It lets you run a command from the web interface.

    20. Januar 2016 at 17:49 #18020


    I used one of those cheap USB sound dongles too. I found it much better than the raw audio output on the PI.
    Not super but good enough for my purposes so far. I have zero experience with the hifiberry or wolfson cards.
    I have also been using KODI and playing music through the HDMI to my amplifier, the sound is great.

    20. Januar 2016 at 1:38 #18007

    HI Fred:

    I do not know when m2p will be updated to fix this…but yes following the instructions above to change the „interfaces“ file and you should be up.

    PS I’m Canadian too 🙂

    19. Januar 2016 at 16:33 #18002

    I downloaded several days ago…unzipped and flashed to sdcard and it worked.
    On my RPI-2

    17. Januar 2016 at 18:38 #17966

    I don’t think it was a corruption. However, I started with version 2.26 and all is well.
    Thank You!

    17. Januar 2016 at 5:40 #17964

    Hello Heiner:

    Thank you for trying it. Please feel free to proceed as you wish. The dropbox link above can be used, as I have no other place to host it. As far as a description how about?

    Plugin Run Command
      Allows you to run a single command on the hosting computer from the web interface. You can run the command with or without "root" privilege. 
    17. Januar 2016 at 2:18 #17963

    It is a flaw in M2P, and something they should address in the next update.

    I did not see the problem because my base release is older started with 2.16?
    It didn’t have the dhcpd check that the newer versions have.

    I found the problem by loading the new release and trying to get my dongle to work.

    You’re very very welcome, my reward is your reaction when it worked ROFL

    It’s been a long haul but it ended in success.

    17. Januar 2016 at 1:17 #17958

    The issue or at least the latest issue turned out to be that the DHCP Daemon (DHCPD) was not starting.The DHCPD provides IP addresses to clients when they connect to the access point.
    The latest init.d script to start DHCPD, scans the /etc/network/interfaces file and exits if it finds an interface set to DHCP.
    The default file from M2P has such an entry so DHCPD never starts, causing the connect problem. In the file I had you download with „wget“
    I replaced the dhcp entry with a static entry for eth0, and removed the dhcp setting for wlan0 as well.
    BTW you will find M2P through the ethernet/wired interface at: with the current setting.

    16. Januar 2016 at 23:52 #17949

    Hi Alex:

    I think I found the answer, please try the following:

       cd /tmp
       sudo cp /etc/network/interfaces /etc/network/interfaces.orig
       sudo cp interfaces. /etc/network/interfaces
       sudo chown root:root /etc/network/interfaces
       sudo chmod 666  /etc/network/interfaces

    Then reboot. If it works I’ll follow with an explanation.

    16. Januar 2016 at 18:42 #17947

    good same as mine….going to lunch be back later

    16. Januar 2016 at 18:26 #17945

    did you miss my previous post?

    16. Januar 2016 at 18:08 #17943

    that was probably a waste time….as you are connecting to your router wirelessly without a problem.

    so same dongle … lets compare hostapd programs please run:

    sudo md5sum /usr/sbin/hostapd

    16. Januar 2016 at 18:03 #17941

    ah same as mine…

    lets check wpa_supplicant
    sudo cat /opt/max2play/wpa_supplicant.conf

    16. Januar 2016 at 17:49 #17939

    OK please log:

    sudo /etc/init.d/hostapd restart

    also what does lsusb return?

    16. Januar 2016 at 17:29 #17937


    Does the maz2play accesspoint page debug info say something like this?
    Just making sure that with this new dongle these remain running.

    #### DNSMASQ Running ####
    5 S   110  2444     1  0  80   0 -  1612 poll_s ?        00:00:00 dnsmasq
    #### HOSTAPD Running ####
    5 S     0  2519     1  0  80   0 -  1294 poll_s ?        00:00:00 hostapd

    out of interest please run: lsusb to see what info is returned for the new dongle.

    16. Januar 2016 at 15:51 #17933

    I’m amazed at the problems we are having…

    Regarding not seeing any network info for max2play, You are correct you will not see that until you successfully connect.

    From the info you provided…wlan0 is NOT running in master mode, but it is trying to assign the address, but it gets withdrawn:
    Withdrawing address record for on wlan0.

    please provide more from the syslog:

    sudo tail -75 /var/log/syslog

    16. Januar 2016 at 6:10 #17928

    I have two ideas

    • 1 To be absolutely sure it’s not a that your device is capitalizing the first character, change the password and make the first letter a capital.
    • 2 Hook up a display and keyboard, OR login via the ethernet port using putty. login and type the command sudo iwconfig to check the status of wlan0. Then sudo ifconfig to confirm that wlan0 is up and has an ip address (should be then sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog. This will monitor the end of the syslog file. With this running try to connect. look for new messages related to the connection attempt. You can terminate the command with Crtl-c
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by noop.
    15. Januar 2016 at 2:24 #17884

    is this another edimax dongle or another kind? if not another EDI yes re-install follow the standard procedure.

    15. Januar 2016 at 2:03 #17882

    Nice … so you just installed access-point and it worked out of the box?

    The password is mypasscode case sensitive make sure the device is not capitalizing the first character

    15. Januar 2016 at 0:16 #17879

    I have to head out….I’ll be back later.

    But if that didn’t work…Then at this point, my guess is that the dongle is defective.

    14. Januar 2016 at 23:43 #17876

    It’s perfect as far as I can see. Perhaps get it away from your other router and if you can see the MAX2PLAY ssid?

    I’m running out of ideas. LOL

    you can reboot/repower it if you need to.

    14. Januar 2016 at 23:36 #17874

    Yes it looks OK too… But why is it not working ? argh!!!
    Please report what these familiar commands yield

    sudo /etc/init.d/hostapd stop
    sudo /usr/sbin/hostapd -d /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf
    14. Januar 2016 at 23:27 #17872

    Thanks and what does you interfaces file look like?

    sudo cat /etc/network/interfaces

    14. Januar 2016 at 23:12 #17869

    That’s perfect! First time we’ve seen that first „5“ in the process info for hostpad. Meaning it is running with root privs

    what does the command:

    sudo iwconfig


    14. Januar 2016 at 23:00 #17867

    What do you see on the accesspoint page in max2play now?

    14. Januar 2016 at 22:46 #17863

    see my previous post message, about trying to see if it now works

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