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  • 21. Dezember 2016 at 22:48 #25132

    ok guys, solved the mystery:
    updated my RPi to v2.39 with new m2p debian jessie image… (downloaded the actual image and put it on the sd card) tadaaaaaa updating kodi works. unfortunately i need to do the entire setup process again…

    20. Dezember 2016 at 17:53 #25084

    Same here V2.39, Raspi 2, currently kodi 15.1 running (yes, i’ve stopped the process before hitting the upgrade-button):

    Installationspaket: kodiupgradepi
    Installation gestartet - Diese Meldung zeigt den aktuellen Status der Installation aller 3 Sekunden an. Wenn diese abgeschlossen ist verschwindet die Meldung und der Server läuft.
    Hit wheezy/main armhf Packages
    Hit wheezy/contrib armhf Packages
    Hit wheezy/non-free armhf Packages
    Hit wheezy/rpi armhf Packages
    Ign wheezy/contrib Translation-en_GB
    Ign wheezy/contrib Translation-en
    Ign wheezy/rpi Translation-en_GB
    Ign wheezy/main Translation-en_GB
    Ign wheezy/rpi Translation-en
    Ign wheezy/main Translation-en
    Ign wheezy/contrib Translation-en_GB
    Ign wheezy/contrib Translation-en
    Ign wheezy/main Translation-en_GB
    Ign wheezy/main Translation-en
    Ign wheezy/non-free Translation-en_GB
    Ign wheezy/non-free Translation-en
    Ign wheezy/rpi Translation-en_GB
    Ign wheezy/rpi Translation-en
    Fetched 19.8 kB in 11s (1,779 B/s)
    Reading package lists...
    --2016-12-20 16:47:10-- http://kodiupgradepi/
    Resolving kodiupgradepi (kodiupgradepi)... failed: Name or service not known.
    wget: unable to resolve host address 
    ERROR! Given HTTP-Link to Kodi package does not exist! Please check URL kodiupgradepi
    Installation abgeschlossen!

    Where can I get the right URL?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by MvD42.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by MvD42.
    11. Oktober 2016 at 21:54 #23377

    Hallo Heiner,

    hat sichbezüglich dieses Themas etwas getan?
    Kodi 16 wär schon schön…. 🙂

    Beste Grüße

    21. Oktober 2015 at 19:40 #16466

    it works! big big thanks!!
    *dance* 🙂

    now i can setup my entire project!! :

    5 PIs
    – 2 of them via LAN & dLAN, used with Kodi (TV, movies, series, streaming) & Squeezebox Player (using USB-soundcard)
    – 2 of them via WLAN, used as Squeezebox Player
    – 1 of them via LAN, used as Squeezebox Server

    all medias are saved on a Synology DS212.

    Thanks Max2Play for providing the base. You are awesome!

    21. Oktober 2015 at 1:14 #16449

    hey guys.

    @ xardas: nice to hear 🙂 what worked for you precisely? which part of this thread?

    @ flysurfer: my pleasure 🙂 M2P is awesome, you do a great job. i’m feeling like a beta-tester^^ but the the best part is the following: you are located in Leipzig, Käthe-Kollwitz-Straße right? So we are neigbours =D

    testet it with a fresh image v2.22
    -updated to 2.23, reboot
    -updated kodi, reboot
    -updated to beta, reboot
    -installed RPi PVR repository, reboot
    -started kodi

    Only neccesary settings were set.

    can’t install any of the PVR-addons including demo plugin. i’m getting always a „installation failed“
    i varied the updated process as described before (p.e. tried to update kodi in beta) and testet it a view times. no success.

    good news:
    mananged it to install the xstream plugin. was my fault.

    18. Oktober 2015 at 14:39 #16420

    ok, had time to test again.

    installed the now offical m2p v2.23 image.
    updated kodi
    updated pvr addons

    The demo pvr client starts without any problems. but PVR IPTV simple client does net start.
    It says „Add-on couldn’t be loaded. An unknown error has occured. Can’t load Dll“

    Where can i find the logfile?

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by MvD42.
    15. Oktober 2015 at 12:18 #16384

    ok that’s weird.
    Steps i did:
    – burnt the Image on MicroSD –> so i used a fresh M2P-Installation
    – changed IP to static, changed network-name, registered to M2P, expanded the image
    – updated to beta (affirmated by hint on webinterface that i am using a beta version)
    – updated Kodi and started to make sure kodi 15 is running
    – added pvr-repository
    – started kodi to test

    I will do the steps again, without changing IP and stuff and without starting kodi before PVR-repository is added.
    Maybe this helps. I will report next days.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by MvD42.
    14. Oktober 2015 at 19:12 #16373

    tried it. same error message as before

    14. Oktober 2015 at 18:54 #16371

    it’s me again.
    Testet PVR IPTV simple client using your tutorial.
    same error as described before: „unknown error. can’t load dll“ when trying to activate LiveTV.

    14. Oktober 2015 at 15:55 #16368

    Hey flysurfer,

    ok i think ich will just test it again.
    Xstream i definitely compatible to RPis and Kodi 15….

    ok sorry. Will never do it again 🙂

    14. Oktober 2015 at 15:08 #16359

    I tried to install the xstream-Addon via repository from

    direct link:

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by MvD42.
    14. Oktober 2015 at 12:28 #16356

    wow cool! oneca again: i will test it. 😉
    What about streaming addons like xstream? i didn’t got that to work as well, because the addon was not installable….

    13. Oktober 2015 at 20:33 #16345

    Hey there,

    today i tried to install PVR IPTV simple client (v1.11.5) using kodi 15 isengard.
    No problems while installing and configurating.
    But when i tried to start he TV option in Kodi, an error message appears „can’t load dll“
    Any ideas how to solve this?

    5. Oktober 2015 at 9:59 #15988

    Allright guys, i got it to work using a fresh max2play v2.22 image. (I didn’t start kodi 14 before running the update!):

    step by step:

    – download the max2play image v2.22
    – install it on sd-card
    – start the PI, expand the image using the max2play web-surface
    – do the steps described before written by flysurfer
    ATTENTION STEP 3: „wget“
    use „wget“ instead!
    – restart the PI
    – configure kodi as your wishes

    Seems like update does not work, when using kodi 14 before (like my first try… )


    P.S.: I’m using a synology diskstation to store my movies. The PI grabs them via NFS with Gigabit-Lan.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by MvD42.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by MvD42.
    4. Oktober 2015 at 13:08 #15978

    hey guys.

    results of the first try:

    cd /opt
    sudo apt-get remove kodi-bin
    tar -xzf kodi-15.tar.gz
    cd kodi-15
    sudo ./install

    –> works fine

    removing kodi 14, download, installing kodi 15…. no problem.
    but starting kodi after updating doesn’t work.
    the start screen from kodi 15 isengard appears frequently, but no menu. start screen loop.
    i will test it again, with a fresh max2play installation.


    sorry for my bad english. once again in german:

    Also das deinstallieren/installieren usw. ging problemlos.
    Nach einem Neustart erscheint das kodi logo und erlischt wieder, erscheint und erlischt…. kodi bootloop also.
    Auch manuelles beenden und starten über die Weboberfläche verschafft keine Abhilfe.
    Ich teste noch ein bisschen weiter mit einer frischen Installation von max2play 2.22….


    2. Oktober 2015 at 14:17 #15963

    OK thanks, i will try this asap and report!

    30. September 2015 at 9:27 #15890

    During the last days i didn’t found a solution for the problem. Maybe kodi 15 solves the problem. Does anybody know when kodi 15 with max2play on raspberry pi will be published or an update will be available? Otherwise i need to buy 3 additional RPs…. :/

    23. September 2015 at 14:43 #15790

    same problem here. (RP2, max2play 2.21, pre-installed kodi running –> 14.2)
    black screen while fullHD videos or a rotating array of coloured squares appears.
    Normal videos (SD) are working properly.

    Video-Source (mkv, h264) cannot be the problem, cause same videos are working fine one separate raspberry pi 2 (without max2play) running openelec kodi 14.1 and without any special licences…

    idea: in kodi 14.1 there is an option, which is missing in 14.2: in Settings -> Appearance -> File lists -> „Support browsing into archives“. maybe this causes the problem (afaik mkv is a container format)?

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