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  • 1. April 2016 at 16:40 #19574

    It’s sad to hear that.
    I have a problem with a very popular Kodi add-on. Quasar addon from official Kodi video addons forum is crashing by starting Kodi and they suggest to fix this by following, which breaks my Max2Play and Kodi:

    Firstly, install:
    sudo apt-get install libstdc++6
    This should already be installed by default, but try it anyway. If it doesn’t solve it, just do the following:
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get upgrade
    sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

    Do you offer a way to fix that libstdc++6 issue?

    24. März 2016 at 15:44 #19450

    I think I have found a solution.
    As you say, actually listed devices and settings were more clear and obvious with 14, now it’s confusing.

    Here is what I did:
    -Stop Kodi and go to Ubuntu desktop, open Sound & Video/Pulseaudio Volume Control
    – Select Configuration tab, set built-in Audio off and find usb-dac (CM108 audio controller by me) set digital stereo output. This can be confusing, because it’s always changing by me, needed a few reboots, good luck.
    -Now change to Output devices tab, set usb-dac device port(cm108 by me again) as digital output (s/pdif), close
    – Start Kodi
    – Go to Settings/system/ audio output/audio output device
    – Select Built in Audio(dmixer),analog (Now this step is confusing again; There were only Pulsaudio device and CM108 usb-dac listed with kodi 14 before. Now there are 2 pulseaduio devices and 2 built in audio listed with 15. An even we choose „built in audio, analog“, audio comes from hdmi. I’m confused, but happy that it works!)
    I hope this works for you to. I have no problems with these settings so far.
    Edit: BTW I’m on Kodi 16, but the listed devices and settings were same on 15, too.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by mkkyah.
    11. März 2016 at 18:11 #19210

    I have also checked last image I have used, it’s the last downloadable image and updated to Version Beta-160307 until today.

    11. März 2016 at 18:04 #19209

    Thanks Roman,
    I did uncomment „killall pulseadio“, but after that Kodi is not starting. I’m getting „/opt/max2play/ 24: /opt/max2play/ Syntax error: „fi“ unexpected“ error.
    I think that was added for 15.2, after I have reported „not starting“ issue.

    4. März 2016 at 12:05 #19108

    Hi Maximilian,
    I see, but Kodi is normally checking Squeezellite and Shairplay (to stop I guess) if used without USB-Dac. Can this mechanism used for our case, to check and wait for Squeezelite to start first?

    I have unfortunately no Raspi available to test at the moment.
    „Keep Audio Device alive/always“ did not help I’m afraid.
    BTW I’m on Kodi Jarvis 16.0 now and the problem exists.
    I remember Pulseaudio and one other option (maybe named default or alsa) under Kodi audio output device settings before Kodi 15. Now there are only „PulseAudio Sound Server“ and „Playback/recording Through the PulsAudio sound server“ as options and I don’t see any difference between them. Is this related?

    1. März 2016 at 15:23 #18904

    I’m now on Beta-160301 and the problem still exists. Most of the times I still need to stop/start Kodi after a reboot, to have sound working.
    Is there a chance that you can at least add a delay option to Kodi tab like in Squeezeserver tab?

    4. Februar 2016 at 18:56 #18382

    Dear Maximilian,
    I have installed beta without improvement, but I did some start/restart and different card setup tests and I think I have found something that may be can help.
    If kodi starts before squeezelite with this setup, kodi is starting with usb dac as audio device and fails to produce HDMI audio.(Kodi’s sound comes from amp’s squeezelite connections, from usb dac)
    If I stop Kodi and start squeezelite, after that start Kodi everything goes well.
    I believe it can be solved if Kodi checks squeezelite before starting or at least if Kodi has an optional dumb delay.

    1. Februar 2016 at 12:47 #18279

    Hi Maximilian,
    I still have the problem, sometimes less, sometimes more often.

    It’s fair that you cannot check every USB-DAC, but this is original Hardkernel USB-DAC. I was thinking that you have it.

    — I’m on 2.27 stable at the moment. I will install and keep updating beta for a while to test.
    — I have compiled and using Kodi 15.2 from Owersun’s github.
    — Actually there is no /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/mesa-egl/ on my install.

    Can a delay option for Kodi at startup help for this problem?

    1. Februar 2016 at 12:30 #18278

    Thanks Maximilian,
    I had already cleaned all files, caches and folders connected with that plugin, followed all manual plugin uninstall steps. Even deleted cache.db several times and it didn’t help. I was asking about a Max2Play WebUI cache, if there is one.
    But weirdly again it all returned to normal by itself after a while. I’m still suspecting(without real knowledge) WebUI code and links on Squeezeboxserver tab of Max2Play.

    I will install and test same plugin again when I have time, will provide feedback.
    Best regards,

    6. Januar 2016 at 14:45 #17591

    Dear Heiner,
    I will probably restore my backup, no problem.
    But is it possible that Squeezebox Server Tab’s code is triggering, calling an unnecessary script and causing this. I’m not an expert and maybe I’m putting the wrong wording, but may this issue be considered a bug in Max2Play WebUI which is triggered because of other bad coded plugins etc and checked for that issue?
    Before restoring my backup, is there a web-UI cache or something that I can try to delete/clean?

    21. September 2015 at 22:07 #15764

    Hi Heiner,
    My steps are:
    -Stop LMS
    -ssh to odroid
    -delete /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/cache.db
    -reboot or restart LMS

    I’m sure you know picoreplayer’s UI, there is a section where you setup a cronjob for a reboot. I think an automatic daily/weekly/monthly reboot can be chosen in one of the Max2Play UI tabs. Additionally a checkbox for „LMS cache cleanup“ can be integrated to that reboot.
    Best Regards,

    BTW: I can’t edit my first post, there is a missing word, it should be „some LMS plugins..“ In my case smartmix plugin needs regular cache cleanup, otherwise it’s not playing my receipes.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by mkkyah.
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