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Posted in: Allo USB Bundle
2. Juni 2018 at 11:41 #36021
No protections, but I experimented a little more:
I have tried different sizes of tar files via WLAN and via LAN: One with 45 MB, the other with 55 MB.
The smaller works, the larger not. This is true for two installations on different sd-cards (8 GB & 16 GB). WLAN or LAN makes no difference.I also made the larger file smaller by removing a large file (e.g. artwork.db): Now it works!
So for now I will simply remove the folder „cache“ from the tar-file. I have to rebuild it anyway with a new installation of squeezeserver.29. Mai 2018 at 18:24 #35962Hello Heiner,
it doesn’t even work with the same LMS:
I created a backup file with the „new“ LMS on Stretch image and tried to restore the same file on it. No success.
Could it be a problem with access rights?24. Mai 2018 at 17:50 #35866Hi Heiner,
same error with both tar files (55 MB and 77 MB). The files seem ok, I can open them with 7zip.
My setup is basically the default with Pi2, Cirrus sound and LMS server. External hardware: Wifi stick, card reader with SD card for music files.
Audioplayer Einstellungen / Reboot WLAN & LAN Dateisystem Mount Squeezebox Server Jivelite Raspberry Einstellungen Passwortschutz Kodi / XBMC Bluetooth.Is there a way to prepare an image of the SD card within Windows? If not, I could also use a Linux live system if you tell me the command line. I could then upload the image file, so that you could debug it.
And while you’re at it:
WPS does not work for me either. I have to use Access Mode instead.24. Mai 2018 at 14:58 #35862I think it has expanded. The partition list shows ~3.5 GB for root. Is this not enough? Rest may be used for tmp?
I don’t know enough about Linux to really check this.
If you have 32% used on 8 GB, it would be ~65% on a 4 GB card. With 83% some 500-800 MB are „lost“. How can I check proper expansion?24. Mai 2018 at 14:38 #35860I use a 4 GB card. The tar-file is now 77 MB, but root partition still has ~500 MB left. So it should work in my opinion, even if it needs twice the space for untaring.
Maybe I should get a larger card for testing.22. Mai 2018 at 15:27 #35812Hi Heiner,
thanks for trying. I just did it again without success (after rebooting the server). Debug shows nothing:
2018-05-22 15:12:38 squeezeboxserver_safe stopped. 2018-05-22 15:13:14 squeezeboxserver_safe started. #### PERL VERSION #### v5.24.1
Could it be a problem with disk space? System looks like this:
#### FILESYSTEM #### Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on /dev/root 3536880 2782288 581856 83% / devtmpfs 495484 0 495484 0% /dev tmpfs 500092 0 500092 0% /dev/shm tmpfs 500092 0 500092 0% /sys/fs/cgroup tmpfs 500092 52476 447616 11% /run tmpfs 5120 4 5116 1% /run/lock /dev/mmcblk0p1 42136 22164 19973 53% /boot /dev/sdb1 62500560 60312696 2187864 97% /media/usb1 /dev/sdd1 7798864 688528 7110336 9% /media/usb2 #### LOAD AVERAGE #### 0.21 0.10 0.09 1/127 4354 #### KERNEL #### Linux max2play 4.14.39-v7+ #1112 SMP Sat May 5 12:01:33 BST 2018 armv7l GNU/Linux #### LINUX-VERSION #### Distributor ID: Raspbian Description: Raspbian GNU/Linux 9.3 (stretch) Release: 9.3 Codename: stretch
This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by
17. Mai 2018 at 10:30 #35734Does not work for me, too.
I did exactly what Heiner said: Download via Web from Jessie and upload via web to Stretch. No samba shares.
Trying to Restore Squeezebox Server Settings…
Upload NOT successful!Tried both, Squeezebox server running and stopped.
The tar file is 55 MB. Maybe it takes too long to upload via WLAN?28. Januar 2018 at 11:39 #33702Ja, nicht auf dem Phone. Es gab zwar mal Versuche auf WinPhone6, aber die waren nicht praktikabel. Die reine Bedienung des LMS übers Smartphone ist bei WinMobile mit Android eigentlich gleichwertig: Die App SqueezeControl ist praktisch identisch.
Leider wird WinPhone aber nicht mehr weiterentwickelt, obwohl ich es viel besser finde als Android. Microsoft ist aber leider etwas mutlos geworden… 😉
27. Januar 2018 at 16:44 #33697Wäre schön, wenn das ginge. Aber Squeezeplay ist ja keine Windows-App, sondern ein Desktop-Programm. Auf meinem Win-Tablet läuft das prächtig, aber das ist leider nicht so handlich wie das Telefon.
Trotzdem vielen Dank für deine Hinweise.
27. Januar 2018 at 16:18 #33693Nee, so einfach isses nicht. 😉
Auf dem Winphone habe ich „Smartplayer“, eine kleine, aber feine APP, die das Winphone direkt zum Player macht – im Falle des Fritzbox-Servers eben auch für die Radiostationen.
Squeezer bzw. der Browser steuert ja nur den LMS an der Stereoanlage, kann aber nicht auf dem Winphone spielen. Ja, für Android gibt es zwar LMS-Player-Apps, aber ich selbst habe kein Android-Phone und will eigentlich auch nicht allein zu diesem Zweck eines kaufen. Den oben beschriebenen Test habe ich mit einem geliehenen Gerät gemacht.
Natürlich kann das Winphone auch mit einer Radioapp die Sender abspielen, aber die nerven mit Abbrüchen und eben wieder doppelter Pflege der Favoriten.
Ich glaube, dass das LMS-DLNA-Plugin einfach die Radiofavoriten veröffentlichen müsste, so dass diese auf dem DLNA-Player erscheinen. Leider kenne ich aber die Funktionsweise von DLNA nicht. Vielleicht sollte ich versuchen, die Autoren der Plugins zu erreichen.
This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by
27. Januar 2018 at 15:44 #33691Ja, ich meine, dass diese vom DLNA-Gerät aufrufbar sind.
Die AVM Fritzbox kann das: Jeder dort eingetragene Radiostream erscheint auf dem DLNA-Gerät – in meinem Fall ein Windows-Telefon – und kann direkt auf dem Gerät abgespielt werden. Ich will aber nicht doppelt pflegen (in LMS und Fritzbox).
Mit dem Bridge-Plugin von Philippe könnte es vielleicht funktionieren, aber ich schaffe es lediglich, einen Windows-Media-Player dort sichtbar zu machen. DLNA-Player auf Windows-Mobile oder Android bleiben unsichtbar.
Vielleicht gelingt es jemandem hier.
Mike12. September 2017 at 8:20 #31283Thanks, Heiner!
Here’s some more info from the debug messages:# Enable audio (loads snd_bcm2835)
dtoverlay=rpi-cirrus-wm5102-overlay`When I try to set „Lineout“, I get:
amixer: Control hw:sndrpiwsp open error: No such device
I don’t know enough about Linux to debug it further.
Mike28. Februar 2017 at 18:46 #27353Thanks, I will reinstall it and hope it won’t happen again.
Mike27. Dezember 2016 at 13:15 #25261My situation:
I want to stream from tablet to m2p. BT worked until v2.38 with direct stream to soundcard via pulse.
After update to v2.39 not anymore. The connection from tablet to m2p is ok and tablet plays, but I hear no sound.
When I connect tablet to a BT speaker it works.
When I play via stream to SB server, it works (not using pulse, but sysdefault)!
But I want to use direct stream, because SB server has a 3 second buffer delay.The problem seems to be that pulse does not work anymore -neither with BT nor directly with SB server. Any ideas?
Ok, I just found the error:
I watched the second tutorial and saw that these two settings were wrong in my installation:
1. Shairplay was not set to pulse
2. In BT options „Audio-Ausgang beim Trennen wechseln“ was not switched on.Now it works again… hope this helps some other people, too!
15. November 2016 at 21:19 #23918Hallo std!
Für einen Medienspieler ist ein Receiver sicher ausreichend. Für besten Musikgenuss ist aber ein reiner Stereo-Verstärker das Mittel der Wahl. Solche haben in der Regel aber keinen digitalen Eingang. Dies trifft auch auf viele Aktivboxen zu.
Die hochwertigen Wandler sind daher eine tolle Sache.
Natürlich spricht aber nichts dagegen, den Raspi ohne Zusatzkarte anzubieten.27. Oktober 2016 at 19:13 #23585Hello Heiner,
happily received your message today and tested it immediately:
After installing BT support, the first reboot produced an error (sth. like „Installation went wrong.“) but after a second reboot everything was fine:
I connected a BT Speaker (as receiver) and my tablet (as source).
They both work and even output to my stereo system is correct! (Cirrus/Wolfson card via LineOut).Great work from you and the others on the team!
Big „Thank You“ for implementing this!Viele Grüße,
Mike11. Oktober 2016 at 11:03 #23369Hello Roman,
may I ask for a reason, why you do not plan this feature?
Do you think it will be too complicated?
In my opinion it would be very useful, because currently, I am not able to stream music from or other music sites to my stereo
On the net I already found BT player solutions for RasPi, but I cannot use them without breaking my M2P installation.Please, consider it again!
Mike9. Oktober 2016 at 10:43 #23322Hi gapmedia,
I am running Cirrus/Wolfson on version 2.37 with kernel 4.4.
After kernel update the card was gone at first. I then installed it via m2play web interface and it did NOT work.
Then I selected NONE as card, saved and rebooted and strangely the Cirrus was there.
Do not know if this can be repeated, because I do not want to break it again…Cheers,
Mike5. März 2016 at 13:02 #19125Hi Heiner,
now I have a new Raspi2 running. Kernel update worked fine this time. Cirrus card still working!
I am looking forward to your new version that includes Bluetooth streaming!
Mike7. Februar 2016 at 22:53 #18400Hi Simon,
I don’t know of any „roll back“ function via the web front end of max2play. So you better make a backup of your sd-card before updating the kernel. But even if you don’t do this, you can always simply make a new installation and redo the settings.
I will try the update as soon as my Raspi returns from repair.
Mike3. Februar 2016 at 11:58 #18336Hi Heiner,
thanks for the info, but I’ve tried this already after updating to 2.27 and my Cirrus Audio Card did NOT work after kernel update.
I will try it again, but need to wait for my Raspi to return from repair/exchange. It broke down last weekend.
To Simon:
I hope that the new kernel will support Bluetooth connections, so that I can stream audio to my Raspi.Cheers,
Mike7. November 2015 at 10:50 #16801Hi Ray,
I have and use it. It is the former „Wolfson“ card. Cirrus took over Wolfson some time ago.
It works without problems with m2play and sounds crystal clear with hardware volume control.The only downside I see so far:
You cannot update the kernel without losing support for this card.Cheers,
Mike7. November 2015 at 10:41 #16800Ja, Bluetooth wünsche ich mir auch! Wäre klasse.
Meine eigenen Versuche damit sind leider gescheitert, weil das Kernel-Update die Cirrus-Soundkarte verworfen hat. Der Bluetooth-Dongle lief aber bereits.
Für die m2play-Experten ist das vermutlich eine Kleinigkeit.Gruß,
Mike -
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