Mark One

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  • 16. März 2018 at 18:54 #34483

    Yes, i did

    16. März 2018 at 0:44 #34462

    The HandyGuy /etc/asound.conf fix works perfectly, but it overwritten every time I restart the RasPi.

    How can I make the changes permanent?

    2. September 2017 at 17:22 #31087


    I have been trying to create a system that will do this myself! I have a separate RPi that creates an internet radio stream of the Bluetooth input, but it’s not as nicely finished as this solution.

    I can’t get this Bluetooth plugin working. I have two RPi players and a Zyxcel NAS LMS.
    If I try to play Bluetooth audio on a single player, I set the soundcard to pulse (as instructed), and it simply disables my HifiBerry Digi+ soundcard. What soundcards can I use?

    Is there any way to stream back to my LMS? I can install the waveinput plugin on my LMS?

    6. Februar 2016 at 14:23 #18393

    I’ve found a solution for this !!

    This plugin runs on the Logitech media server and will send TCP commands to specified Squeezeboxes that are currently playing.
    ‚Commands‘ can be specified in the LMS settings for the plugin. You then need to create something executable on the players to turn on/off a GPIO pin. I wrote two .c files AmpLatchOn.c and AmpLatchOff.c and compiled them to AmpLatchOn and AmpLatchOff. The ‚commands‘ set in the plugin are simply AmpLatchOn and AmpLatchOff

    AmpLatchOn.c :

    #include <wiringPi.h>
    int main (void)
      wiringPiSetup () ;
      pinMode (0, OUTPUT) ;
      digitalWrite (0, HIGH) ; delay (50);
      return 0;

    You may also need to install wiringPi to get this working

    From the bottom of the google code page (linked above), download
    Extract this to a new folder on each player
    Set to run on startup (boot) (I created a bash script to run it and added with crontab I think). This will receive the TCP commands and run the command.
    I had to modify this under “ def handle_command(self, line); “ I altered the command directory to “ Dir = ‚/home/pi/netio/./‘ “ as this is where my c-code executables are.

    Takes a bit of setup, but it worked for me!
    It’s exactly the kind of thing that could be made native to M2P/Squeezeplug

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Mark One.
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