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  • 7. Oktober 2020 at 11:10 #49808

    Hi jurabln,

    We are currently developing our image primarily for the Pi 3 and Pi 4, so problems can arise with older Pis, especially with older Max2Play distributions. Please burn the current stretch image to the SD card and use it to replace your wheezy image. Then the update should work again.

    6. Oktober 2020 at 13:46 #49802

    Hi Steve,

    I asked our chief developer about it and he said that this is not possible unfortunately. You can only set the volume of Spotify Connect with the „initial-volume“ function.

    6. Oktober 2020 at 13:21 #49799

    Hi Steve,

    The Max2Play plugins are developed by us and usually have nothing to do with the Squeezebox Server plugins. I can ask our chief developer if he can add a fixed volume function. Which option in the Spotty plugin do you use to keep the volume at a certain value?

    Edit: didn’t see your edit. I will still ask our developer if it is possible. However, I believe that you can hardly bypass Spotify’s standard settings.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by MarioM.
    6. Oktober 2020 at 13:11 #49797

    Hi Sebastian,

    Unfortunately, we cannot help you specifically, as we do not know what and how you updated your system. I can therefore only recommend you to burn a new image on the SD card and try Jivelite with it again.

    6. Oktober 2020 at 12:48 #49795

    Hi Steve,

    Unfortunately this is not possible with the Spotify Connect plugin. I am also not sure whether it is even possible to „turn off“ the volume change on Spotify. You could try the Spotty plugin for the Squeezebox server though. There you can switch on Spotify Connect as well and configure more than with our plugin.

    6. Oktober 2020 at 12:37 #49792

    Hi superpedro,

    This HowTo might help you setting up the IR remote:

    2. Oktober 2020 at 14:51 #49787

    Hi warwick,

    I spoke to our chief developer. He will take a look at the problem and look for a solution. Apparently it is related to an outdated kernel version. To solve the problem, we probably have to offer a new image with the latest kernel on our download page. This might take a while though.

    2. Oktober 2020 at 14:48 #49786

    Hallo Philip,

    danke für den Hinweis! Auf welche Dokumentation beziehst du dich bzw. an welcher Stelle würdest du dir wünschen, dass der Hinweis erscheint?

    2. Oktober 2020 at 14:43 #49785

    Hi Bun-Bun,

    If you want, we can send you a 7 day trial version to test our premium features. Please write us an email to [email protected] with a reference to this forum discussion if you are interested.

    2. Oktober 2020 at 14:32 #49784

    Hi trondkj,

    I tested the VU meter with a Pi 3 and a DAC and couldn’t reproduce the problem. Can you please send me your debug info from the audio player tab?

    2. Oktober 2020 at 14:29 #49783

    Hi Thone,

    When Squeezelite is running, you don’t really have to adjust anything more. Otherwise you can change the Squeezelite settings using the „advanced options“ button next to the start/stopp button. However the big blue button should be visible on the Squeezebox server page. The Squeezebox Server is used to control the Squeezelite Player. The server’s web interface can be used to control music playback. Please download the current stretch image one last time from our download page and restart the Pi with it. Select HiFiBerry as the manufacturer and install the DAC + light driver. Update Max2Play and then install the Squeezebox Server. The blue button should then lead you to the Squeezebox Server web interface. There you can start the music playback.

    2. Oktober 2020 at 14:18 #49782

    Hallo Karsten,

    Du kannst sowohl den Squeezebox Server als auch Squeezelite und Jivelite auf einen Pi installieren und nutzen. Über das Webinterface von Max2Play lässt sich jeder Dienst schnell einrichten. Wenn bereits auf einem Pi ein Squeezebox Server installiert ist und sich alle Pis im selben Netzwerk befinden, brauchst du keinen weiteren Server auf den restlichen Pis installieren. Die Größe des Displays sollte keine Rolle spielen. Wir testen vor Ort vor allem mit dem offiziellen 7″ Display sowie einem 2,8″ Display. Auf beiden läuft Jivelite ohne Probleme. Gegebenenfalls könnte dir noch unser Touch Display Plugin bei der Einrichtung helfen. Allerdings ist dies vor allem für Displays, die über die DSI Schnittstelle angeschlossen sind, gedacht.

    30. September 2020 at 14:22 #49775

    Hi daemmi,

    This is not possible via our plugin. Perhaps this guide will help you to set up a wifi bridge manually:

    30. September 2020 at 14:19 #49774

    Hi warwick,

    Which Pi 4 version do you have? The 8GB version had problems in the past. In this case it is best to use a Pi 4 with less RAM to set up the image and then switch to the 8GB. You can find out more about this in this forum discussion:

    30. September 2020 at 13:59 #49773

    Hi trondkj,

    Which Max2Play version do you use and which image (stretch/buster)? What settings have you made in Squeezelite?

    30. September 2020 at 13:56 #49772

    Hallo CJ,

    Die Tastenbelegung der USB Fernbedienung kannst du entweder im Justboom oder Hardware Control Plugin festlegen, unabhängig davon welche Soundkarte du nutzt.

    30. September 2020 at 13:53 #49771

    Hi thedude,

    We do not officially support this sound card, so currently the only way to get it working is to manually install the drivers. In theory, the sound card should work with Max2Play that way.

    30. September 2020 at 13:50 #49770

    Hallo Karsten,

    das 7″ Display sollte mit Max2Play out-of-the-box funktionieren. Wenn Probleme auftauchen, weiß der Hersteller des Displays i.d.R. am besten Bescheid. Jivelite sollte in jedem Falle ohne Probleme laufen. Allerdings benötigt Jivelite mindestens einen Squeezebox Server im Netzwerk, um richtig zu funktionieren. Auf deinen Geräten sollte dann auch jeweils Squeezelite laufen, damit Sie als Player vom Server und damit auch Jivelite erkannt werden.

    30. September 2020 at 13:13 #49767

    Hi jurabln,

    Which version of Max2Play do you have installed (wheezy/jessie/stretch/buster)? If you don’t know, you can find this information in the debug info at the bottom of the Settings/Reboot page. Which Pi do you use? If you are not using our current stretch image, please download it from our download page and burn it to the SD card, then the update should work.

    30. September 2020 at 13:09 #49766

    Hi Thone,

    To test Squeezelite and the Squeezebox Server, you don’t need a Max2Play Premium license or Jivelite. You can find the Squezelite settings in the audio player tab. You can install the Squeezebox server in the corresponding Squeezebox server tab. To see whether your sound card is set up correctly, Squeezelite should be running and the driver „sysdefault … hifiberrydac …“ should be selected in the advanced options of Squeezelite. You can then start playback in the Squeezebox Server web interface.

    30. September 2020 at 13:01 #49765

    Hi daemmi,

    We have not yet integrated any bridge mode into the access point plugin, but maybe I can help you anyway. What would you like to realize with this mode? What exactly isn’t working for you?

    30. September 2020 at 12:56 #49764

    Hallo Hanno,

    bitte entschuldige, du musst noch „sec=ntlm“ löschen, damit es funktioniert.

    30. September 2020 at 12:46 #49763

    Hi Bun-Bun,

    You currently need a Max2Play Premium license to update Max2Play to the latest beta version. With this version you can then select „HiFiBerry DAC+ HD“ from the list.

    30. September 2020 at 12:44 #49762

    Hi Koto,

    Have you tried our Audiophonics plugin to get the OLED display working?

    30. September 2020 at 12:38 #49761

    Hi Bun-Bun,

    The beta update is only possible for users of a Max2Play Premium license. Users without a premium license have to wait until the current beta version has been published as the new official Max2Play version.

    23. September 2020 at 12:09 #49743

    Hi Mark,

    The IQaudIO DAC+ should definitely work with the Pi 4. The Pi 4 is especially recommended for use as a server, as it is equipped with more RAM than the Pi 3 (at least the versions over 1GB). Apart from that, the Pi 4 can be set up with Max2Play just like the Pi 3 or older versions. All it needs is the newer buster image, which is currently in beta. Nonetheless, all features should work normally and we try to fix any occurring bugs as soon as possible.

    23. September 2020 at 10:56 #49741

    Hi Mark,

    Please burn our current stretch image onto the SD card and set up your system again. We are currently developing primarily for the Pi 3 and Pi 4, so older models may have problems with the latest updates. Please let us know whether the new image works for you.

    23. September 2020 at 10:49 #49738

    Hallo drpen,

    Das Power Management Modul wird vor allem für unser Touch Streamer Bundle genutzt, die Anleitung zum Anschluss findest du im entsprechenden How-To:

    21. September 2020 at 17:52 #49733

    Hi Thone,

    Thank you for the comprehensive report. It looks like MPD has a problem with your sound card or the ALSA mixer. Please select the „sysdefault“ driver again and make sure that neither Squeezelite nor Shairport are running in parallel. If that doesn’t help, please test whether playback via Squeezelite and the Squeezebox Server causes the same problems. In particular, please try to see if internet streams differ from your local music on the hard drive. Does the Health Checker show anything special in the Settings/Reboot tab? Maybe your power supply is too weak or the Pi is overloaded for some reason. In the latter case, please burn a new image on the SD card and try again with the standard settings.

    21. September 2020 at 17:44 #49732

    Hallo wilfo,

    mir ist leider keine AMP-Soundkarte für den Pi bekannt, die einen Line-In Anschluss hat. Allerdings bietet HiFiBerry mit dem DAC ADC eine Lösung für externe Verstärker.

Viewing 30 posts - 751 through 780 (of 1,122 total)