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  • Posted in:
  • 17. November 2020 at 15:39 #50257

    Hi James,

    Unfortunately we cannot solve the display problem. The real problem is the USB remote control though. For IR remote controls we offer the possibility to control Squeezelite directly. However, this simple option for USB remote controls does not exist. Squeelite only offers IR support and since it runs in the background, control via keyboard commands (which the USB remote control uses) is not possible.
    So either you switch to an IR remote control or continue to use your smartphone with apps such as iPeng or Squeezer.

    13. November 2020 at 14:42 #50213

    Hi James,

    If you check „re-initialize display“ before you start Jivelite without a connected display, Jivelite should start.

    Edit: That only seems to work after booting up the Pi. If you then stop and restart Jivelite, it will no longer work. Only after restarting the system.

    Jivelite is a desktop visualization for the Squeezebox Server, so a screen is recommended in any case. It is not intended to operate Jivelite without a display. Do you still use the other Pi with the 7″ display? If so, you can switch the player there to the Pi 4 and use it to control that player.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by MarioM.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by MarioM.
    12. November 2020 at 17:53 #50211

    Hi James,

    Jivelite should normally be pre-installed on Max2play. It should also start without any problems without a connected display. Do you have the option of temporarily connecting a display for the Jivelite installation?

    10. November 2020 at 17:55 #50110

    Hallo holson,

    Danke für das Logfile. Es scheint so, als ob etwas mit dem Login auf der FritzBox nicht funktioniert. Bitte setze die Looptime mal auf einen Wert größer als 60 Sekunden. Kleinere Werte machen da nicht wirklich Sinn, da es etwas dauert, bis die WLAN-Geräte in der FritzBox als nicht mehr aktiv angezeigt werden. Wahrscheinlich blockiert die FritzBox deswegen den Zugang. Warte beim Testen (z.B. Handy WLAN ausschalten) am besten 5 Minuten und schau dann, ob es funktioniert.

    10. November 2020 at 16:42 #50108

    Hi sdspieg,

    Your debug looks normal. However, with the new update, problems can occur with old systems. We are currently developing primarily for the Pi 3 and Pi 4. Which image do you use (wheezie, jessie, stretch, buster)? You can find this information in the Debug Info on the Settings/Reboot page. If you don’t use stretch, please download it from our website and burn it to the SD card. If necessary, make a backup of your current system beforehand.
    When the dropsouts occur, is there anything suspicious in the Health Checkeron on the Settings/Reboot page? Please also take a look at the Squeezebox Server log file. Perhaps error messages appear there too.

    10. November 2020 at 16:32 #50107

    Hi wmupchurch,

    I’m glad that Bluetooth streaming works for you now. Normally, the Bluetooth favorite should be automatically added to the Squeezebox server after installation. Perhaps this error is related to a specific Squeezebox server or Max2Play version. Which versions do you use? As you say, the dropouts can be due to the built-in Bluetooth chip. Do you use a WiFi connection? The simultaneous use of WiFi and Bluetooth is often problematic with the Pi 3. Apart from that, I can only recommend a Bluetooth dongle or, as you have already noted, the Pi 4.
    If you are using the LMS 8.0, I recommend that you install the Wave-Input Fix on our Squeezebox server tab. Maybe that solves a couple of problems too.

    6. November 2020 at 15:03 #50076

    Hi wmupchurch,

    Have you already read the quick guide to Bluetooth on our wiki?

    4. November 2020 at 15:28 #50021

    Hi James,

    It is unusual that mounting with the 3B+ worked without a partition table. A partition table must be on every hard disk, otherwise the OS does not know how much space there is and how it should use it. Without a partition and formatting, this usually doesn’t work. So it is normal that you need a partition table to mount the hard drive, even with the Pi 4b 8GB.

    4. November 2020 at 15:23 #50020

    Hallo holson,

    die Anwesenheitsüberwachung sollte eigentlich mit dem FritzOS 7.2 funktionieren. Unser Entwickler hat es hier vor Ort getestet und konnte keine Probleme oder Änderungen feststellen. Schick uns am besten deine Debug Log. Dort sollte etwas von „sid“ und „challenge“ stehen. Wenn die Anmeldung nicht funktioniert, liegt das ggf. an einer Einstellung deiner FritzBox.

    4. November 2020 at 14:13 #50017

    Hallo pucki,

    Eigentlich verkaufen wir die Platine nicht separat, aber vielleicht lässt sich da noch was machen. Schreibe uns am besten eine Mail an [email protected] mit deinem Anliegen, einem Verweis auf diese Forendiskussion und der ursprünglichen Bestellnummer.

    3. November 2020 at 14:43 #50001

    Hallo pucki,

    Genau, wenn du die Soundkarte zunächst nicht im Einsatz hattest und nicht beim ersten Start des Pi ausgewählt hast, musst du sie nachträglich im Plugin oder in den Raspberry Einstellungen auswählen, speichern und das System neu starten. Dann wird alles automatisch vorkonfiguriert.
    Was genau macht dir beim Einbau des Displays Probleme? Hast du bereits einen Blick in unsere Anleitung geworfen?

    3. November 2020 at 14:35 #50000

    Hi Dave,

    Normally, the images shouldn’t be damaged in the first place. I therefore fully understand your pain. That definitely shouldn’t happen. Have you ever let your systems run for a while without write protection? The plugin has caused a few problems in the past, maybe that is exactly why the images are getting corrupted.
    Unfortunately, I don’t know of any way how to renew the image over the network without removing the SD card from the Pi and burning a new image onto it. I don’t think that’s possible.

    3. November 2020 at 14:17 #49999

    Hallo holson,

    ich hatte diesen Hinweis bereits an unseren Entwickler weitergegeben. Allerdings ist er leider noch nicht dazu gekommen, sich der Sache anzunehmen. Ich werde ihn nochmal darauf hinweisen und dir hier schreiben, sobald ich etwas neues weiß.

    3. November 2020 at 14:12 #49998

    Hi Clarenze,

    A Bluetooth dongle can help, but the Pi’s integrated Bluetooth should also work as long as nothing interferes with the signal. Did you install the Pi in a case and did you connect the Pi to the internet via WiFi? In this case the Bluetooth signal may be disturbed.

    3. November 2020 at 14:09 #49997

    Hi Raymond,

    Have you already tested the sound card with other audio sources? Do such clicks also occur there? Maybe there is a hardware defect.

    3. November 2020 at 14:02 #49996

    Hi James,

    Please check the debug info in Settings/Reboot. Which kernel version is shown there? It is possible that the 8GB Pi still causes problems, so far we have not been able to test all Max2Play functions with this version. Maybe an update of the kernel could help. However, I would recommend that you create a backup of the system beforehand in case errors occur during the kernel update.

    3. November 2020 at 13:04 #49991

    Hallo pucki,

    schön, dass du das Problem lösen konntest. Normalerweise sollte alles automatisch eingestellt sein, wenn die Soundkarte im Hersteller Plugin (z.B. HiFiBerry) oder in den Raspberry Einstellungen gewählt wurde. In der Regel wird dann in den erweiterten Einstellungen von Squeezelite der „sysdefault“-Treiber aktiviert.

    28. Oktober 2020 at 15:04 #49966

    Vous pouvez nous envoyer la photo par e-mail à [email protected] avec une référence à ce forum de discussion.

    28. Oktober 2020 at 15:03 #49965

    Hi Raymond,

    Unfortunately we do not currently have the capacity to create a detailed openHAB tutorial. I can therefore only refer to the openHAB documentation: Apart from that we have already published a HowTo on the basics of openHAB: You will certainly find a lot of instructions on how to use Alexa with openHAB on the Internet. Perhaps our HowTo will help you to set up a connection to the Squeezebox Sever.

    Apart from that you could also use roomskills to control your music playback with Alexa:

    28. Oktober 2020 at 14:54 #49964

    Hallo pucki,

    Läuft bei dir der Service „Squeezelite“ im Reiter Audioplayer? Hast du den HiFiBerry DAC+ im HiFiBerry Plugin oder bei den Raspberry Einstellungen als Soundkarte ausgewählt? Falls ja, solltest du nun z.B. über den Squeezebox Server Musik abspielen können.

    28. Oktober 2020 at 14:47 #49962

    Hi Raymond,

    Please try again to enter „160:4::“ in the ALSA parameters without the „-a“, which is already in front of the parameter. You can also use values greater than 160 (up to 500). I believe, however, that the dropouts have more to do with the system itself or the sound card. Unfortunately, we can only offer you limited support because you do not run Max2Play on a Raspberry Pi as intended.

    28. Oktober 2020 at 14:35 #49960

    Hi James,

    Which Max2Play version do you use? Have you already updated Max2Play to the latest version? Which kernel version is installed on your device? We recently adapted our filesystem/mount plugin to the new image, so there could still be problems with older Max2Play/kernel versions.

    28. Oktober 2020 at 14:29 #49959

    Hi Steve,

    As far as I know, you cannot set transitions between songs via Spotify Connect. This is only possible if you are listening to Spotify on the device on which you want to set the transitions. Unfortunately, this is not possible with Max2Play.

    28. Oktober 2020 at 14:22 #49956

    Hi Gunter,

    Have you made a kernel update or just updated the Max2Play version? Problems can occur with a kernel updates. Please try to burn a fresh image to the SD card and reinstall the Squeezebox Server. Then everything should work again. We currently only offer Nightly Version 7.9 and 8.0. These are always the latest versions of the server.

    28. Oktober 2020 at 13:52 #49952

    Hi Chris,

    These problems have already appeared in the past with Amp2 boards. However, we thought that these affected Amp2 boards are no longer sold. You are welcome to send the amp back to us and we will exchange it for a working board.

    28. Oktober 2020 at 13:37 #49951

    Salut Jonas,

    Avez-vous défini des paramètres dans le routeur ou le pare-feu qui pourraient bloquer l’accès? Pouvez-vous nous envoyer une photo du message de connexion?

    28. Oktober 2020 at 13:34 #49949

    Hi gianpaoloracca,

    Which Max2Play version do you use? Have you installed our stretch image or buster image? You can find this info in the Debug Info at the bottom of the Settings/Reboot page. This is definitely not normal behavior. The CPU utilization should hardly reach the 100% mark. I would recommend you to burn a fresh image to the SD card and reinstall the Squeezebox Server.

    28. Oktober 2020 at 13:24 #49948

    Hi Clarenze,

    I tested bluetooth streaming again and could not reproduce the problem. So I am assuming that there is a configuration error. Can you connect your mobile phone to the Pi via the plugin? Can the Pi find any Bluetooth devices in the area?

    28. Oktober 2020 at 13:13 #49947

    Hallo Stefan,

    Du kannst den Max2Play Code von unserer Github Seite als ZIP herunterladen und installieren. Die Anleitung steht etwas weiter unten auf der Seite. Allerdings würde ich dir empfehlen unser aktuelles Image als ISO für die Installation zu nutzen.
    Du könntest natürlich auch den Squeezebox Server allein auf deiner VM (ohne Max2Play) und deine restlichen Pis lediglich als Player (mit Max2Play) nutzen.

    27. Oktober 2020 at 13:16 #49929

    Hallo Stefan,

    An sich sollte es möglich sein unser Image als VM zum laufen zu bringen. Allerdings kommt das immer auf das System an, auf dem es laufen soll. Leider können wir Ihnen keine konkreten Tipps zur Installation geben. Ich würde Ihnen empfehlen, im Netz nach Installations-Anleitungen zu suchen, die beschreiben, wie man Raspbian auf einer VM installiert. Mit Max2Play sollte es sich dann ähnlich verhalten.

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