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  • 18. Januar 2021 at 16:36 #50620

    Hallo waterdrinkingman,

    An sich sollte es möglich sein, einen solchen Prozess zu installieren und auch automatisch starten zu lassen. Ich kann dir allerdings nicht garantieren, dass das Max2Play anschließend noch korrekt funktioniert – je nach dem, was der Prozess im System verändert. Ich würde dir in jedem Fall empfehlen zuvor ein Backup deines Max2Play Images vorzunehmen, falls später etwas schiefgeht.

    18. Januar 2021 at 16:32 #50618

    Hi Steve,

    You can access the Pi via ssh and make changes if you want. However, we cannot guarantee that everything will work as it should afterwards. If the autostart does not work properly, the server installation or the entire image is probably faulty. Therefore I would recommend burning a new image on the SD card, reinstalling the server and then testing the autostart again.

    18. Januar 2021 at 16:28 #50617

    Hi Steve,

    Unfortunately there is no function for this that you can use in Shairport’s command line options. Shairport is designed for direct streaming from the iPhone and receives its volume. A corresponding function would have to overwrite the volume setting of the iPhone.

    14. Januar 2021 at 16:53 #50613

    Hi Maurice,

    Please deactivate Squeezelite and remove it from the autostart. Does Spotify Connect autostart now?

    14. Januar 2021 at 14:47 #50609

    Hi Steve,

    Which Max2Play version and which Pi are you using? Usually it should work if you remove the server from autostart.

    13. Januar 2021 at 13:35 #50604

    Hi OOC,

    „No such device“ indicates that the sound output was not selected or it is not recognized. Please select your sound card there and try again.

    13. Januar 2021 at 13:28 #50602

    Hallo iceget,

    Es scheint so, als ob die API deaktiviert ist. Klick am besten mal auf den Link „…“, der in der Fehlermeldung angegeben ist (ich habe zur Sicherheit mal den API Key in deinem Kommentar mit „xxxx…“ ersetzt). Dort sollte dann wiederum ein Link stehen, der dich zum Bearbeiten des API Keys weiterleitet. Hier solltest du den API Key nochmal aktivieren können.

    12. Januar 2021 at 16:56 #50598

    Hallo Tefi,

    hast du die Möglichkeit, den Pi per HDMI an einen Monitor anzustecken? Interessant wäre, was die Konsole ausgibt. Gegebenenfalls ist die SD-Karte defekt.

    12. Januar 2021 at 16:49 #50596

    Hallo iceget,

    Ich nehme an, du hast auch Client ID, Client Secret und API Schlüssel eingetragen und die Oauth2 Anmeldung durchgeführt? Bei mir auf dem Testgerät funktioniert alles normal. Es sollte also eigentlich nicht am Plugin oder den Google Diensten liegen.

    Edit: Steht bei dir etwas in der Squeezebox Server Log Datei, wenn du versuchst nach Videos zu suchen?

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by MarioM.
    12. Januar 2021 at 16:41 #50595

    Hi cramcram,

    Thank you for your suggestions. I will forward them to our developer and get back to you when there are updates. Until then, the only option is to install the new LMS versions manually. We just added new ones to the list in our beta image. Note, however, that we have not yet tested some of them.

    12. Januar 2021 at 16:35 #50594

    Hi OOC,

    Please try to reset all settings in the Spotify Connect plugin and only activate the autostart. Please do not enter a username and password either. All input fields should be empty. What does your debug info look like when you restart your device like this? Does the Spotify Connect service start?

    12. Januar 2021 at 16:22 #50592

    Hi Raymond,

    You can find the clock applet (screensaver) here: /opt/jivelite/jivelite/share/jive/applets/Clock/ClockApplet.lua

    12. Januar 2021 at 16:21 #50591

    Hi OOC,

    On the Max2Play device „en_GB“ is the standard locale. This can be changed in the Settings/Reboot tab (language/time zone). The warning is actually irrelevant and should not lead to errors.

    12. Januar 2021 at 16:16 #50590

    Hi Hilary,

    Unfortunately you cannot play directly on the Squeezebox server. Apparently is based on a SoundCloud playlist called „Sounds of the Forest“. You can install SoundCloud with the SoundCloud plugin for the Squeezebox server and search for the playlist there.

    12. Januar 2021 at 15:51 #50589

    Hi Bencat,

    We have now made the other Squeezebox Server versions ready for installation again. You can find them when you perform a beta update of Max2Play. Please note, however, that some of the new versions have not yet been tested by us.

    12. Januar 2021 at 15:28 #50587

    Hi everyone,

    : The current image should now also work for the 8GB Pi (even if the „8GB“ is not yet displayed in the web interface). So you are very welcome to test the image with it. If you should still run into compatibility problems that we have not yet discovered, please let us know and we will solve them.

    : The Squeezelite autostart timer should be as long on the Pi 4 as it is on the Pi 3. Maybe we changed that though because of another problem with the Pi 4. I’ll ask our developer about this.

    12. Januar 2021 at 15:16 #50586

    Hallo iceget,

    Werden dir unter Hauptmenü/Eigene Anwendungen/Youtube die entsprechenden Menüpunkte (Video Kategorien, Geführte Kanäle, Video suchen, …) angezeigt?

    12. Januar 2021 at 14:43 #50585

    Hi Tefi,

    I suspect you are using an Odroid? However, if you are using a Raspberry Pi, please download our current image and burn it to the SD card. We are no longer actively developing for the Odroid and have switched to the Raspberry Pi. Accordingly, you can no longer perform updates with the old Odroid image.

    12. Januar 2021 at 14:27 #50584

    Hi polrus,

    That’s a good idea, thank you very much. I’ll pass this on to our developer.

    Edit: We have now made the other Squeezebox Server versions ready for installation again. You can find them when you perform a beta update of Max2Play. Please note, however, that some of the new versions have not yet been tested by us.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by MarioM.
    12. Januar 2021 at 14:10 #50583

    Hi HHit,

    Thank you for the bug fix. I will pass this on to our developer, he will implement the fix in our image if necessary.

    7. Januar 2021 at 16:15 #50560

    Hallo Christian,

    mir ist leider keine Lösung mit YMPD bekannt, die das ermöglicht. Du könntest allerdings versuchen, deinen Stream über den Squeezebox Server laufen zu lassen. Dort gibt es auch Optionen für das Neustarten eines Streams.

    7. Januar 2021 at 16:11 #50559

    Hallo Thorsten,

    Diese Option ist dafür gedacht, eine laufende Wiedergabe in der Spotify App (z.B. auf einem Smartphone) auf den Spotty Player zu übertragen. Damit kannst du also leider nicht zwischen den Playern wechseln. Ein Workaround dafür wäre, die Synchronisation zwischen den beiden Playern zu aktivieren (ausgehend von dem Player, auf dem die Musik aktuell nicht läuft) und anschließend die Synchronisation wieder aufzuheben (ausgehen vom Player, auf dem die Musik ursprünglich lief). Ansonsten könntest du auch das „Switch Player“ oder „Music Walk With Me“ -Plugin für den Squeezebox Server ausprobieren.

    7. Januar 2021 at 15:28 #50558

    Hi Mario,

    One of the advantages of Max2Play is that it does the setup of the sound card for you. If you select the Allo BOSS DAC in the Allo plugin or in the Raspberry settings, the recommended settings for operating the sound card are already made.

    7. Januar 2021 at 15:24 #50557

    Hi polrus,

    We always offer the latest Squeezebox Server version for download in the Max2Play interface when we have tested it extensively and can be sure that the most important Max2Play or Squeezbox features work smoothly. Accordingly, I would recommend that you only use the installations we offer, as long as you do not miss any features or bug fixes that the new version of LMS provides. In this case you can install the new version via ssh if you want. However, we cannot guarantee that the installation will work without errors.

    We will test the new server version as soon as possible and offer it for download.

    7. Januar 2021 at 15:12 #50556

    Hi Ravenik,

    There are some differences between the skins with regard to the media buttons. Have you already tried different Full-HD Skins, such as the Joggler Skin? If not, please try to select a different Full-HD Skin in the Jivelite settings. If none of the Full-HD Skins have the buttons, I’ll pass this on to our developer, who may be able to add them. Otherwise you can also check the slimdevices forum to see whether there are additional Full-HD skins. In this forum you can get in touch with the developers of the Squeezebox Server and Jivelite.

    7. Januar 2021 at 14:46 #50555

    Hi djtale,

    Thank you for sharing your solution!

    4. Januar 2021 at 16:10 #50548

    Hi Raymond,

    Since we don’t want to change the display of the clock for everyone, I have to ask you to do the adjustment for yourself. You would have to make the change directly in the clock plugin. There you will find .lua files for the display and control of the plugin.

    4. Januar 2021 at 15:52 #50547

    Hi djtale,

    Did you use the option to rotate the display in the RPI display plugin?

    4. Januar 2021 at 15:50 #50546

    Hallo Lars,

    Hast du in den Squeezelite Optionen -G 26:H eingegeben? So wäre zumindest die richtige Schreibweise. Vielleicht hilft dir das bereits. Inwiefern hast du das Ganze denn getestet? An/Aus meint ja Soft Power On/Off, entspricht also dem Drücken des Powerbutton des Players im Squeezebox Server.

    4. Januar 2021 at 15:33 #50544

    Hallo justwords,

    Es kanns ein, dass du deinen Napster-Account über neu registrieren musst. Dieses Vorgehen war neuerdings auch für TIDAL notwendig. Ansonsten ist nicht auszuschließen, dass Napster noch nicht für den LMS 8.0 oder höher optimiert wurde und daher nicht korrekt funktioniert. Ich empfehle dir in diesem Fall einen Blick in das slimdevices Forum zu werfen. Dort können dir die Entwickler des Squeezebox Servers und der Drittanbieter-Plugins direkt weiterhelfen.

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