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Posted in: Allo USB Bundle
17. Juli 2016 at 5:16 #21630
Odroid C2 has 4k and gigabit ethernet. I came here looking if you would support hi-fi shield with odroid c2, I had assumed you would support Odroid C2 without hi-fi shield already, but I got surprised really by this thread.
I already use your software on Raspberry Pi 2, but I want to upgrade. Will you reconsider please and release an image for Odroid C2 with support for hi-fi shield included? Thanks.
This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by
29. April 2016 at 1:26 #19993The above method requires two Max2Play installations, i.e., Max2Play set up on two SD cards – a main SD card which needs backing up and which we cannot boot from if we want to save a backup of that main SD card, the other SD card with Max2Play and Imageburner addon which we’ve booted from to be able to save the main SD card. This means that the Raspberry Pi running Max2Play needs to be shut down, the main SD card removed, the Max2Play with Imageburner addon inserted and booted from and then the main SD card backed up; then Raspberry Pi rebooted from the main SD card again after the backup is completed. A tedious process which involves shutting down the running Raspberry Pi and swapping SD cards.
Instead, if Max2Play can provide a facility whereby the running main SD card can be backed up to a network share, that would be awesome (it can pause/stop all running services if needed for backup stability and resume/start the services which were stopped again after the backup is complete!). Restoration then simply should be a matter of expanding the stored archive onto a new SD card using standard (un)archiving utilities available on most operating systems.
Please, Max2Play, provide this facility – users spend a lot of time configuring their installations and it would be very useful to be able to do a 1-click backup/restore. If this can be directly supported via the Imageburner plugin, even better (Imageburner will need two enhancements for this to happen: a) allow running system to be backed up b) network shares as backup targets).
I’m visualising the capability to utilise my NAS as backup target for all my Max2Play devices as a use-case of the above if implemented/made available…if this is done, I’ll install Max2Play on all my Raspberry Pi devices I currently use as media centres.
This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by
29. April 2016 at 1:05 #19992I totally support this. I want to do the same. Please allow a facility to save the entire max2play system to a network share in a zip (or other compression format) stream (and allow some way to easily restore this to a new SD-card, e.g., by unzipping the previously saved to the SD-card root).
19. Februar 2016 at 15:22 #18600That doesn’t work. Audio outputs are separate and I hear Kodi sounds via HDMI, but even now, when Kodi runs, Audioplayer/Squeezelite stops though Squeezelite is using DAC+.
Kodi also renders on 7″, not HDMI though sound is on HDMI for Kodi. Jivelite (and Squeezelite) pause whilst Kodi is running.
Is there a way for Jivelite/Squeezelite to run simultaneously with Kodi? Ideally for both audio and video, though even the audio is not working at the moment. I want Kodi to render using HDMI and Jivelite to render on 7″.
[UPDATE] Okay, works, kind-of, if I select USB-DAC checkbox. I shouldn’t be selecting that however, because DAC+ is not USB DAC. However, now I cannot connect to Squeezelite using Squeezer app (because there is a port conflict on port 9090 between this and Kodi. Note that I’m not talking about port 8080 control of Kodi, that’s separate and works, this is about port 9090). Also, the problem that Kodi still renders on 7″ still remains (so Jivelite UI is not seen which coupled with the fact I cannot use Squeezer to connect any more if I autostart Kodi, means I cannot now control Squeezelite if I start Kodi, so cannot play audio via it for example if I start Kodi – this problem would be solved if either of Kodi or Squeezelite uses a port other than 9090 (how?) – at least, I would be able to use Squeezer (or other app) to control Squeezelite whilst Kodi is occuyping the 7″ display.
So two problems after both Squeezelite and Kodi have now started running simultaneously after selecting the USB-DAC checkbox:
* Both Kodi and Jivelite want to use 7″. I want Kodi to use HDMI, but video output device is not selectable inside Kodi and I do not know how to get it to render on HDMI and Jivelite on 7″ simultaneously. I do not know if I can use a parameter like--display 6
to start Kodi on the non-default screen (from – search for Dual display usage). If it is possible, it would be great to have this parameter available on the max2play web interface.On a side note, this might be useful for those who want to run Kodi on demand (upon HDMI plug-in), especially if it can then use the parameter mentioned above to start Kodi on the non-default display (for most users, TV/monitor as opposed to the 7″ LCD):
* Both Kodi and Squeezelite want to use port 9090. I do not know how to make one of them listen on a different port.
[UPDATE] I’m guessing the issue for the port conflict can be addressed by setting a different port for Kodi jsonrpc, It would be great if max2play did this automatically if the user chooses to autostart both Squeezelite and Kodi.<jsonrpc> <compactoutput>true</compactoutput> <tcpport>9999</tcpport> </jsonrpc>
So, until this thing is fixed properly (a.k.a. in a newbie friendly way), my workaround is to:
* Set Squeezelite to DAC+ in Advanced settings
* Set Squeezelite to autostart
* Set Kodi audio output device to HDMI (assuming DAC+ can’t be used in Kodi and Squeezelite both simultaneously)
* Set Kodi jsonrpc to a port other than 9090 (e.g., 9999)
* Set Kodi to autostart
* Set HDMI as default video device usingdisplay_default_lcd=0
file (from
* Forget about using Jivelite interface unless Kodi is exited, but use the Squeezer (or similar) app on my smartphone to control SqueezeliteBut once it all falls into place for noobs like me (prameters provided on max2play web-interface, automatically configured as needed, dual display works properly), I’ll no longer default display to HDMI and will use dual display to show Jivelite UI on LCD and Kodi on HDMI connected display (TV/monitor), running all the time.
For those desiring to use DAC for all audio output, who do not have a use-case for playing music and Kodi on different speakers but at the same time, perhaps running Kodi with XSqueeze plugin is a better option?
This reply was modified 9 years ago by
16. Februar 2016 at 15:35 #18521You need to designate two different audio outputs to Squeezelite and Kodi
…which I have done, but Squeezelite stops when I run Kodi. And I cannot get Kodi to display on the TV connected to the HDMI output whilst Jivelite displays on the 7″ display. How to achieve that?
So, is the way to achieve it is that I do not run Jivelite because if I run Jivelite, Jivelite will shut down (taking Squeezlite down with itself?) when I start Kodi? So, do I stop using Jivelite, set the display to duplicate on both 7″ and HDMI (with different resolutions) – how?; and then set Kodi to auto-start upon boot-up? Is this the only way to run Squeezelite and Kodi simultaneously? Is there a way I can have a user interface for Squeezelite on 7″ screen and the Kodi user interface on HDMI, both using different audio devices as mentioned in your reply?
This reply was modified 9 years ago by
This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by