I don’t have my config.txt at hand right now. But simply google for it. I didn’t do anything different from what I found in the web.
However, the touch screen I never got to work, not even with the official waveshare raspbian images! So I’m now planning to use the screen for display only and control the device via the Orange Squeeze app for Android.
The waveshare screens seem to be of poor quality anyway. I’ve got a vertical red line in the middle of the screen already although I’ve really taken good care of it. I just didn’t like the resolution of the official Raspberry pi screen (600×480 or so). That’s why I went for waveshare.
After a lot of searching the source code, I’ve actually managed to adjust the JogglerSkin to my 1024×600 resolution.
This reply was modified 8 years, 12 months ago by [email protected].