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  • 16. Juni 2017 at 3:36 #29557

    hello and thank you for your answer.
    2Tb limitation is no more actual.. on Pi’s device. And on odroid device actual again or not ?
    I had problem for see a drive 4TB formated btrfs… a relation with limit or related to format ?

    I find armdroid OS very good for odroid, but still have problem for make running kodi actually (my fault due to low knowledge for kodi coding and low population interested for share knowledge around that to), but it is actually installed (armdroid installed from openmediavault3.76 for odroid xu4 specifically).
    Could you tell me if limitation of 2TB exist again for odroid-xu4 actually (06/2017) and if yes, why/how to change that (easy or not) ?

    Actually, my favorite OS is archlinux because of simplicity, his great wiki and community and it stay on edge (same for arm part of arch), but it failed with kodi. the OMV web interface is something nice… max2play investigation is something good… for Pi’s device then. Hope you will have opportunities and time for mak max2play better for other devices (i tryed pi3 device and find it very slow, i think it is a good device for domotic on house, not really for media player or NAS works). I go with odroid-xu4 for power ability at low cost.

    12. Juni 2017 at 15:07 #29522

    if i wasn’t able to go inside by ssh, i would not be able to see that in fact, some services failed to start (first). Second, for be sure what max2play does, i have to look inside the config files (right ?) it is a necessary control i think, because sometimes, there is problems, and terminal emulator can do what web UI can not.
    So… actually, as i told you, 3 services failed on start, directly (i post something on that).

    Aussi, comme les Allemands et les Français ont une histoire commune (certes gênante), peut être aussi parlez vous Français ? Mais je pense que le simple fait de poster sur un forum publique entraine que nous parlions pour tout le monde (donc dans un langage connu de la majorité… donc ni le français, ni l’allemand).

    Bonne continuation and good luck.

    12. Juni 2017 at 15:01 #29521

    Hi Heiner,
    It was not max2play… on odroid-xu4, has you know, it needs to have something special unlocked that dd can not do. I find the solution from ameridroid web site who provide an android os installation on micro sd card, then put emmc and sd card together for unlocok recover the emmc card, after that we can install what ever os we want on the emmc card (with dd also).
    But yes, max2play doesn’t work so fine in first install, 3 service failed directly (i post something on that, with systemctl status messages about that (hope this help).
    And also, i was happy to find kodi working on odroid-xu4, but max2play actually can not mount a partition drive content more than 2TB (why ? it’s so weird and big deception for me). You imagine ? not more than 2TB for a media video player… serve nothing for me. So this limitation (and the fact that directly 3 services doesn’t work mark the end of my story with max2play this year. Hope for you and people that max2play will be nice as soon as possible.
    good luck guys

    9. Juni 2017 at 8:16 #29438

    instead of edi my post, i choose to add a new one.
    I resolve my problem. My eMMC card was corrupted, then i had to gone here:
    for find odroid-xu3/4 recovery proceed:
    download the android-4.4 file provide by ameridroid and follow the step: install it on micro-SD card, then plug micro-SD and eMMC together inside odroid-xu4 board in place with switcher to SD-boot position, then waiting to have the blue light OFF… the tie for have android-4.34 installed on eMMC and by the way, correct something in the boot mechanism who can not be accessed by dd application.
    After that, can put images on eMMC drive… i choosed to use dd because for me linux is more clear than windows things.
    All goes right after that, i can see mate desktop on HDMI connected screen and i will go to install kodi and NFS/sFTP/SMB shared servers, then CEC-HDMI things for Kodi to be able to use remote control from TV compatible CEC by USB connection on Odroid board, through UDMI cable.

    thank you for your help and hope this should help other users who will have the same problem than me.
    Have a good day (maybe someone will translate in german langage, i can also translate in french if you need; just tell me).

    9. Juni 2017 at 4:32 #29436

    Hello and sorry, but what is „LMS“ please ?
    I can’t be able to install max2play on odroid-xu4 eMMC and i’m searching for a solution to do it well.

    9. Juni 2017 at 4:27 #29434

    I’m not German, so i’m sorry i can not read Deutch langage, i’m not english to, but i learn this langage as international langage, so i hope we can communicate in english here.
    I need some help for install max2play on odroid-xu4 device.
    I do download image for this device here, then download win32diskImage windows application, install it on a windows 7 OS, then unzip iage file downloaded, then write it on eMMC card (through the micro-sd adaptator and an SD adaptator linked together). Ok, the image has been burnt.
    Then i do put eMMC card on Odroid-xu4 borad, switch on eMMC boot (switcher on borad)… power on and… nothing.
    I connect HDMI (no image, but maybe there is no graphic driver), then i try to connect through ssh on LAN ip (no ssh server i think), then try to connect on webrowser http: (that is the normal ip for this mac adress, i look that on my box)… nothing.
    I look at the device and there is no blue color light blink on board (that led normally blink on blue color whern boot has been correct).
    I think that just simply write image from win32diskImage doesn’t work or is not suffisant.
    Could you please help me (and i think some other who will be in the same situation than me) ?
    (in english)
    thank you

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by jerome___.
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