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  • 26. April 2018 at 13:04 #35346

    Hi Mike,

    Glad to hear it 🙂

    26. April 2018 at 13:02 #35345

    Hi Hilary,

    Please check the advanced settings of your player. Please also try deactivating build in audio in the Raspberry Settings and rebooting.

    Afterwards, if the volume still cannot be altered, please select „none“ in the HiFiBerry Plugin, reboot, select the „DAC+“ again and reboot once more.

    26. April 2018 at 12:59 #35344

    Hi Mike,

    Sorry about sending you on the wrong path. The Pi Zero seems to indeed be the only Pi that does not work with our current Spotify Connect player. We will try to find a fix asap. In the meantime, however, the Spotty plugin for LMS is ideal for your system!

    Please give it a try, here’s how you set it up.

    26. April 2018 at 12:57 #35343

    Hi Mike,

    Sorry about that. We do not recommend logging into SSH and manually adapting Max2Play.

    Please try using the Spotty solution for Spotify until we’ve fixed our Spotify Connect Player for Pi Zero.

    Here’s the HowTo on setting it up, it also supports Spotify Connect and multiple accounts.

    26. April 2018 at 12:53 #35342

    Hi Matej,

    Please try burning our new image which uses bluealsa instead of pulse. It’s called „Stretch Image for Raspberry Pi 3B+“ but is compatible with all Pi’s. After burning and booting, update to version 2.46 and then install bluetooth. This solution is better and should not crash for you.

    26. April 2018 at 12:50 #35341

    Hi airheader,

    That is very odd since we do not alter the LMS installation aside from some plugin integrations. But these should not be able to affect other plugins or the general structure of the LMS. Which version did you install?

    26. April 2018 at 12:46 #35340

    Hi rhd,

    Thanks for following up on your request, you can use the Network Lookup feature (option in Settings/Reboot) for that in future if you like 🙂

    26. April 2018 at 9:45 #35338

    Hallo Thomas,

    Entschuldige die späte Rückmeldung. Ich war im Urlaub und arbeite jetzt alle Anfragen der letzten Wochen chronologisch nach.

    Falls du noch einen anderen Pi im Netzwerk hast, aktivier einmal Netzwerksuche im Einstellungen/Reboot Menü und guck ob der Pi eine neue IP bekommen hat.

    Versuche auch einmal im Router web interface dein Gerät zu finden.

    Welchen Browser nutzt du? Versuche bitte einmal einen anderen um dies als Fehlerquelle ausschließen zu können.

    25. April 2018 at 13:19 #35330

    That is very odd, we have not had issues with Kodi on our Stretch image yet.

    Just tested on a Pi3B with a fresh image. Could you share your exact setup and the steps you’ve taken on it until you got the Kodi error?

    Also, could you try rebooting the Pi with HDMI connected and screen on and then start Kodi?

    25. April 2018 at 11:18 #35329

    Hi C.Marchand,

    Please try heading to Raspberry Settings, ticking „Disable build in audio“ and rebooting.

    25. April 2018 at 11:14 #35328

    Hi joejvj,

    Sorry about the late reply.

    Currently this not possible, however, if we get this request by multiple users, we will consider adding a feature for it.

    25. April 2018 at 11:05 #35327

    Hi Mike,

    Sorry about the late response. I was on holiday and am still working through the past week of requests.

    Thank you for the detailed report. I was able to recreate the issue on a Pi Zero Wireless, while 3B and 3B+ worked fine. So I added it to the list of known bugs and we will try to find a solution asap.

    If you are referring to the superuser in SSH, please log in as user pi with the pw „max2play“ then execute „su“ and use pw „max2play“.

    For now, you can use Spotty if you are okay with a Squeezebox Server running. Here’s the HowTo on setting it up.

    24. April 2018 at 16:56 #35317

    Hi guys,

    Sorry about the late reply, I was on holiday until yesterday.

    : thanks for the detailed report, I will try to recreate the errors and find fixes asap. I’ll also add them to the known issues if they are recreatable.

    : Burning and booting should not be an issue with a 64GB card. What software did you use?

    : Max2Play is intended for use with microSD cards of writing speed Class 10 or higher. Depending on your USB stick and the Pi’s processing of the port, this might be the issue. Please make sure no other USB devices are connected, but really we recommend using a Class 10 microSD card and cannot offer official support for USB solutions.

    24. April 2018 at 15:59 #35314

    That bluetooth for Max2Play does not allow for one Raspberry Pi to be paired and connected to multiple Bluetooth devices. So either input or output and only one at a time. However, the preferred usage is pairing a speaker for output as an additional zone in a multiroom system.

    Unfortunately, I cannot. The previous image’s solution still works the same, though, if you still have a 3B you can use it as your input device.

    24. April 2018 at 14:54 #35311

    Hi Mike,

    Please first try reinstalling Spotify Connect and make sure you have our current Stretch Image installed.

    The new login for Stretch is „max2play“. Log in with user „pi“ pw „max2play“ and then „su“ and again „max2play“.

    24. April 2018 at 14:48 #35310

    Hi Matej,

    Did you restart the device yet? According to your web interface it might have crashed. This is the service that handles Bluetooth in our Jessie Image.

    24. April 2018 at 14:09 #35307

    Hi JLC,

    The integration of LMS in Bluetooth is still in the works for 3B+. Also, you can always only use one Bluetooth pairing with each Pi system.

    24. April 2018 at 14:06 #35306

    Hi thierry,

    Sorry about the confusion, shairtunes2 runs this instance of shairport which is recognized by Max2Play as such. You do not need to shut it down and can keep it running.

    24. April 2018 at 14:02 #35304

    Hi Alistair,

    Thanks for letting us know! Glad to hear that you are content with our software 🙂

    24. April 2018 at 14:00 #35303

    Hi ddc,

    Thanks for letting us know!

    24. April 2018 at 14:00 #35302

    Hi xlisec,

    Please try the Audiophonics Sabre V3 selection.

    24. April 2018 at 13:56 #35301

    Hi guys,

    First of all, sorry about the late response, I was on holiday until yesterday.

    With our current image on version 2.46, the newest version of librespot should automatically load. I just tested it on a new SD card to make sure. Please try reinstalling Spotify Connect or burning our new Stretch Image if you have not yet.

    24. April 2018 at 13:51 #35300

    Hi sf,

    Were you also able to select the QVGA skin in the Jivelite menu itself?

    24. April 2018 at 13:44 #35298

    Hi sf,

    Thanks for the request and please excuse the late reply, I was on holiday until yesterday.

    The instructable you linked to is for the watterott 2,8″ screen, so perhaps this might be an issue.

    24. April 2018 at 13:41 #35297

    Thank you for the detailed responses. If possible, could you try running an instance of Squeezelite with the LMS on another device to rule it out as a possible source of error?

    24. April 2018 at 13:37 #35295

    Hi jujosaar,

    I just tested a new install on a Pi3 and did not have any issues.

    If you have not tried it yet, please download and burn our new Stretch Image to rule out this possible source of error.

    24. April 2018 at 13:34 #35294

    Hi fahzz,

    There is, you can just burn a new image and back up your LMS preferences in the Squeezebox Server menu.

    You can also back up your image to avoid this in the future.

    Here are the guides:
    Burning a new image
    Saving LMS preferences
    Backing up an image

    24. April 2018 at 13:28 #35293

    Hi adamd,

    Thanks for following up and letting us know. We will try to recreate it and perhaps add an info note on this in the future.

    24. April 2018 at 13:27 #35292

    Hi Mike,

    I would suggest using Spotty for multiroom as it has a lot more advantages with the Squeezebox Server as a central unit.

    You can use our HowTo-Page on setting up Spotty for easy setup.

    24. April 2018 at 9:57 #35291

    Hi dernoxl,

    Thanks for the detailed request.

    Please make sure your Squeezelite has „-C 5“ in its Command Line Options, otherwise it might block the playback. If that does not help, please try running BT without Squeezelite on to completely rule it out and also stop any other players.

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