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  • 8. Juni 2018 at 9:58 #36120

    Hi Wolfgang,

    Our Kodi is the default version, so you should be able to follow any tutorial from the web. Here’s one from the Kodi Wiki

    8. Juni 2018 at 9:36 #36118

    Hallo TimmBo,

    Das ist in der Tat sehr seltsam. Hast du im IO Broker eine Einbindung des Squeezebox Servers?

    7. Juni 2018 at 17:09 #36111

    Hi nick,

    Kodi comes preinstalled, so there is no need to install it. Upgrading is also not necessary as our newest image has the most up to date version, while older versions have the correct version Kodi to work with it. I assume updated an older wheezy-based system (RPi development has by now jumped from jessie to stretch, which is the most current version) to a version of Kodi that is not compatible with it anymore.

    Depending on how much you have set up on your wheezy image, I would recommend burning our new image.

    7. Juni 2018 at 17:04 #36110

    Hi chrimoe,

    Is this according to our Health Checker?

    Please head to your Settings/Reboot menu and see if the Health Checker is red and also how much space is left on the SD card at the bottom of that page.

    Please also remove all periphery to rule these out as a source of error (USB, HDMI, etc.)

    Lastly, what kind of Pi and power supply are you using?

    7. Juni 2018 at 11:16 #36106

    Hi gchip,

    The Max2Play desktop is really only intended for Jivelite and Kodi and not for actual mouse or keyboard control. Your shortcut is probably not allowed to be executed as user pi. Perhaps with sudo su, it might work. But generally we would recommend using HTTP requests or the like.

    6. Juni 2018 at 13:41 #36099

    Hi Antonio,

    Please try changing -C 10 to -C 5, also check the Squeezebox Server debug info log whether there are any error messages after playing DSD.

    6. Juni 2018 at 13:14 #36097

    Look at the health checker to see if there are any problematic stats.

    Also, if you have another SD card, burn a copy of your setup and see if it behaves the same way to rule out the SD card as a source of error. (Is it Class 10 or higher)

    5. Juni 2018 at 14:40 #36091

    Hi jm,

    Your logs say you still use the jessie image. Did the switch to Stretch not work?

    5. Juni 2018 at 14:37 #36090

    Hi hans,

    Might be possible if it is compatible with Raspbian Stretch.

    You should try it out, use „sudo su“ instead of sudo, though.

    5. Juni 2018 at 14:33 #36089

    Generally, the problem with input is lag time. Any solution will have at least 2-4 seconds lag and requires a lot of processing from each end device to synchronize streams. The Wolfson card, which is no longer being manufactured, takes care of some of that but still cannot eliminate the lag.

    5. Juni 2018 at 13:46 #36087

    No problem and no time wasted! 🙂

    5. Juni 2018 at 11:27 #36085

    Hallo Leerzeichen,

    Guck einmal ob shairtunes2(fork) in den Einstellungen des LMS aktiv ist (Einstellungen->Plugins->Aktive Plugins).

    Außerdem kannst du einmal gucken im Audioplayer ob dort shairport läuft. Dieser sollte bei Nutzung von shairtunes2 automatisch mitlaufen.

    4. Juni 2018 at 15:36 #36067

    Hi chrimoe,

    Sorry I am not familiar with this power supply. But you can try supplying from a single source to rule it out as a possible source of error.

    4. Juni 2018 at 14:17 #36065

    Hi chrimoe,

    – Our plugins are not connected to Kodi’s plugins. You need to update or install Kodi plugins in the Kodi web interface and in our Kodi menu, not Settings/Reboot.
    – CEC off is also in Kodi’s own interface settings.
    – Your connection issue can be due to a myriad of reasons, please offer more information on your setup so I can understand what the issue might be.
    – As mentioned before, we have no experience or expertise with specific Kodi plugins. You are best advised to ask about those in a Kodi forum.

    4. Juni 2018 at 14:10 #36064

    Hi jmkeuning,

    Sorry about the headaches, WiFi and WPS in particular can be fickle.

    When connected via ethernet, check the automatic AP option in the WiFi/LAN menu and make sure it is deactivated.
    Make sure the option „Load WiFi Interface:“ is active.
    Make sure your login credentials are correct and save them again.
    Shut down the Pi.
    Remove the the Pi from ethernet and boot it again.

    4. Juni 2018 at 14:06 #36063

    Hi Philip,

    Danke für die schnelle Rückmeldung und die netten Worte 🙂

    4. Juni 2018 at 14:04 #36061

    Hi Robert,

    Thanks for the update 🙂

    4. Juni 2018 at 14:04 #36060

    Hi Leute,

    Wie bereits Robert erwähnt, wird das mit deinen 2 Verbindungen zusammenhängen. Du kannst einmal versuchen, eine zu deaktivieren und neuzustarten. Das sollte die Ausgabe ändern.

    4. Juni 2018 at 14:01 #36059

    Hi Schorschl,

    Leider haben wir bisher noch keine Erfahrungen mit dieser LCD Lösung machen können. Deshalb kann ich dir leider auch nicht sagen, welche Dependenz hier das Problem auslöst. Du kannst vorerst gucken, ob der Pi noch genug Strom kriegt mit Anschluss des Screens. Ggf. angeschlossene USB Peripherie entfernen um ein Hardware-Problem auszuschließen.

    4. Juni 2018 at 13:58 #36058

    Hi Jhujube,

    Thanks for the update! Glad to hear it’s working for you 🙂

    4. Juni 2018 at 13:57 #36057

    Hi ejj3,

    Did you manually update your LMS? Default should be version 7.9.1

    Check the debug info log in the Squeezebox Server menu, the LMS might still be busy with indexing.

    4. Juni 2018 at 13:54 #36056

    Hi gchip,

    After rebooting device once you selected the DigiOne, Max2Play should automatically set the right output. It should be sysdefault or default.

    4. Juni 2018 at 13:53 #36055

    Hi Mike,

    Thanks for the update. My tests probably all included ca 45 mb files as our test devices do not have big libraries. But we will check this out ourselves and see if it is a general issue.

    4. Juni 2018 at 13:51 #36054

    Hi manuel,

    The RTC does not have hw volume control. You need to use the DAC or DAC+ light selection.

    4. Juni 2018 at 13:48 #36052

    What kernel do you have displayed in the settings/reboot menu’s debug info?

    4. Juni 2018 at 13:47 #36050

    Hi cramcram,

    You can find the logs for all plugins in the debug info window. you can also check the active autostarts of your services and try removing ones you do not need to see if it solves the issue.

    4. Juni 2018 at 13:45 #36049

    Hi Tom,

    Thanks for the update.

    4. Juni 2018 at 13:17 #36048

    Hi chrimoe,

    The JB Amp power supply should be able to power all three devices. Please try following the instructions and leave out the additional power supply.

    4. Juni 2018 at 12:24 #36045

    Hi kiza,

    This is a loaded questions and depends on various factors in your setup. Generally, the DAC at the end of your digital signal is the most important factor. But I would recommended testing both outputs yourself with your setup and seeing if the sound card makes a significant difference.

    4. Juni 2018 at 12:22 #36044

    Hi lynoo,

    This plugin might be of help, but we have not tested it with Max2Play yet, so we cannot offer any further guidance.

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