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  • 25. Juni 2018 at 16:03 #36352

    Ich denke das wird eine Limitierung der App sein. Teste ggf. einmal BubbleUPnP.

    Sonst könntest du zur Not auch noch Bluetooth nutzen zur direkten Wiedergabe vom Smartphone.

    25. Juni 2018 at 16:02 #36351

    Hi alex,

    I’m not sure I get your setup.

    If you want Max2Play without internet and only use it for Kodi, you would not even need an access point, just need to set Kodi to autostart and it should be displayed via HDMI once you start it, right away.

    If you want to use an access point, you need the access point setup and set it to standalone after installation.

    25. Juni 2018 at 15:51 #36350

    Hallo stf1,

    Wir haben erfolgreich getestet und verkaufen auch den EdiMax WLAN Adapter. Grundsätzlich sollten jedoch die meisten WLAN-Sticks automatisch erkannt und als wlan1 nebst dem vorhandenen wlan0 im debug info Fenster erscheinen. Wenn zuvor in den Raspberry Einstellungen wlan0 deaktiviert wurde, wird dieser dann auch nach dem Anschluss und einem Neustart automatisch genutzt.

    25. Juni 2018 at 15:48 #36348

    Do you perhaps have another HDMI cable or screen to make sure this is not causing the issue? As mentioned, I cannot recreate this error on any test device.

    25. Juni 2018 at 10:47 #36346

    Hi cramcram,

    Thanks for the follow-up and the kind words. 🙂

    25. Juni 2018 at 9:51 #36345

    In general though, we would recommend only using one Squeezebox Server running in your local network so as to avoid confusion and dependencies between two servers.

    22. Juni 2018 at 15:26 #36315

    I just tested with RPi 3B+ and a new Stretch Image and the autostart worked. What device are you using?

    22. Juni 2018 at 14:15 #36313

    Hi Simon,

    You could post your issue in the Spotty thread by the creator, mherger, to find out if it is a known issue.

    If you prefer Spotify Connect to the LMS integration, you can also try out our own Spotify Connect plugin.

    22. Juni 2018 at 13:42 #36312

    Okay, erstmal danke dass du uns auf diese Problematik aufmerksam gemacht hast:

    Die LMS-Installation funktioniert, sie initialisiert auch (ca. 2-3 min Wartezeit, Test mit 7.9 nightly und 7.9.1), die Infos im gelben Text werden jedoch nicht mehr aktualisiert. Wir werden versuchen, diesen Fehler so schnell wie möglich zu beheben.

    Grundsätzlich würde ich dir aber trotzdem unser neues Stretch Image empfehlen. Wir haben zwar noch kein fertiges Display-Image dieser Version. Nach Installation von RPi-Display ist dieses jedoch genau so eingebunden wie in einem dedizierten Image.

    22. Juni 2018 at 13:14 #36311

    Hallo jono,

    – Das RPi-Display Plugin für Touchscreen Support hat einen Haken zum drehen des Bildschirms.
    – Ich werde die LMS Installation auf dem Jessie image umgehend testen und mich hier zurückmelden.

    21. Juni 2018 at 15:43 #36300

    Hi shaun,

    You need „sudo su“ to execute commands under root in Max2Play. But initially I meant converting them manually and not on the fly.

    21. Juni 2018 at 14:49 #36296

    Hi simon,

    I mean using the Logitech Media Server interface instead of the Spotify Connect integration (using the Spotify app), which is in beta under Spotty.

    21. Juni 2018 at 13:39 #36293

    Hi hd,

    Are you trying to create a new plugin with the plugin builder?

    21. Juni 2018 at 13:37 #36292

    Which image did you download and what device are you using?

    21. Juni 2018 at 13:35 #36290

    Hi Bencat,

    Thanks for following up, I’ll mark this as closed 🙂

    21. Juni 2018 at 12:10 #36289

    Hi shaunm,

    We have not had this request yet. However, you can first check whether the option „WMA lossless“ is set to „native“ or „deactivated“ in the LMS Settings‘ advanced section for file formats.

    21. Juni 2018 at 12:06 #36288

    Hi Bard,

    The newest Max2Play image is based on Raspbian Stretch, so generally everything for Stretch should work with Max2Play as well.

    Out-of-the-box you can use the RPi Sense HAT extension board to get readings of humidity, temperature and pressure. Here’s the plugin for that

    21. Juni 2018 at 11:52 #36287

    Hi Simon,

    Could you try playing Spotify from the Squeezebox Server web interface to see if it is a Spotify Connect issue?

    21. Juni 2018 at 11:51 #36286

    Hi boingball,

    Thanks for the feedback, we will consider implementing a volume control solution in the future.

    21. Juni 2018 at 11:48 #36285

    Thanks for the nice words, will do 🙂

    20. Juni 2018 at 14:57 #36276

    Ich meinte Squeezelite und Shairport im Audioplayer Menü. Bei beiden gibt es in den erweiterten Optionen „Soundkarte“ als Auswahl.

    20. Juni 2018 at 14:04 #36275

    Hi guys,

    No out of the box solution for these at the moment, you can request this in our development forum and if other users are requesting it as well, we will look into options to add it to Max2Play

    Erscheint dein galaxy als grün im Bluetooth Menü? Klick einmal erneut auf Connect und guck ob auf deinem tel ein pop-up zur kopplung erscheint, danach sollte die Wiedergabe mit dem Pi verbunden sein. Bitte teile deinen debug info log vom Bluetooth Plugin.

    20. Juni 2018 at 13:51 #36274

    Hi chrimoe,

    You select the audio output device for kodi in kodi’s own settings under audio.

    You can enter SSH with user pi and pw max2play. if you want to execute commands as root, use the command „sudo su“.

    Does playback from Squeezelite or Shairport work? Is the selection for JustBoom listed in the Squeezelite’s sound card selection?

    20. Juni 2018 at 11:18 #36271

    Depends on many factors, especially how openly accessible AirPlay2 will be.

    Here’s the current discussion on it under the plugin we use for our AirPlay solution.

    20. Juni 2018 at 11:15 #36270

    Hi Bencat,

    Have your tried other other software, like SoftSqueeze or an LMS app yet? Also, what does your Health Checker display?

    19. Juni 2018 at 14:18 #36257

    Hi Christian,

    If you write new posts, your topic gets automatically bumped up the chain and I will get to it later as I answer chronologically. Please edit your post instead the next time and I will be able to answer you more quickly. 😉

    – Both the 7 inch image (jessie) and the new image (stretch) should work. With jessie, you need the kernel upgrade, with stretch you do not.

    – for Kodi, you need to deactivate build in audio in the Raspberry Settings and reboot

    – your Pi should not crash after reboot, could you share the error message you receive?

    – for the 7″ Touchscreen you need the RPi Display plugin, after selecting and installing the 7″ RPi Display and rebooting, it should work right away.

    19. Juni 2018 at 12:19 #36256

    probably more like a second or more, but as I mentioned we do not offer input support and therefore cannot be precise. You can try asking in the slimdevices forums, where the wave input plugin is discussed most frequently.

    19. Juni 2018 at 12:16 #36255

    Hi Maxime,

    AirPlay does not allow syncing on mobile devices. You need to use iTunes for AirPlay sync playback or a Squeezebox app for sync playback through LMS.

    19. Juni 2018 at 11:03 #36253

    Do you have an output after booting? Does the device load the desktop?

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