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  • 10. Juli 2018 at 16:51 #36516

    Hi Thomas,

    Yes, you can use our Access Point Setup Plugin. After installing the LMS (internet required), you can set up the Pi as an active access point that you can connect to on the go from your smartphone. Here’s an Instructable we made on the topic.

    10. Juli 2018 at 16:02 #36514

    Hi crepp,

    We created this Instructable back in the day to illustrate the setup.

    10. Juli 2018 at 16:01 #36513

    Hallo NewOne,

    In den Einstellungen/Reboot kannst du unter „Debug Info“ noch sicherstellen, dass es sich um ein „Stretch“ Image handelt und nicht um ein „Jessie“ Image unter dem Punkt #### LINUX-VERSION ####.

    Jessie-Images funktionieren leider unter dem 3B+ nicht direkt, dazu ist ein Kernel-Update nötig (Raspberry Einstellungen -> Button „Upgrade Kernel“ ganz unten) welcher natürlich nur im 3B oder 2B vorgenommen werden kann.

    10. Juli 2018 at 15:57 #36512

    Hallo Klaus,

    An welchem Gerät und in welcher Verbindung ist dein LMS zum Heimnetz? Außerdem, haben deine Player alle unterschiedliche Namen? Falls nein, kannst du dies am besten anpassen über unsere Einstellungen.

    Grundsätzlich kannst du das LMS Gerät auch noch einmal mit LAN-Kabel betreiben, um das WLAN als Fehlerquelle ausschließen zu können.

    Außerdem kannst du noch den Namen des LMS-Geräts anstatt seiner IP-Adresse ausprobieren.

    10. Juli 2018 at 14:42 #36510

    Hi hd,

    Sorry about the late response, I was on holiday until yesterday.

    Your IP might have been the issue, but it seems you found another solution somewhere else. While this is sad to hear, you did not get to enjoy Max2Play properly, I am glad you found a solution that fits your needs.

    10. Juli 2018 at 14:38 #36509

    Hallo Meininger,

    Check bitte einmal ob ein anderes Programm auch im autostart ist und entferne dies ggf. (shairport, Kodi, etc.).

    10. Juli 2018 at 14:28 #36508

    Hallo Christian,

    Bitte entschuldige die späte Rückmeldung. Ich war bis gestern im Urlaub.

    Input ist problematisch, man kann jedoch vom PC über DLNA/UPnP oder AirPlay am einfachsten streamen.

    Auch dedizierte Squeezebox-Programme gibt es für Windows und Mac.

    10. Juli 2018 at 13:47 #36507

    Hi guys,

    Sorry about the late reply, been on holiday until yesterday.

    : DLNA/UPnP or AirPlay are your best bet.

    @Crazy Doc: Specifically, that the streaming channel does not work anymore after disconnecting from a primary BT device and connecting with a secondary BT device?

    10. Juli 2018 at 13:43 #36506

    Hi pspacc,

    Here’s how you reset manually.

    9. Juli 2018 at 14:28 #36496

    Hi Mike,

    Thanks for the detailed feedback and sorry about the late response, I was on holiday until yesterday.

    1. The Add-On works with all Pi images. The install link is: http://shop.max2play.com/media/downloadable/currentversion/sdcardprotection.tar

    We recommend running the Pi LMS continuously in your local network as the server unit. The Pi has no problem running 24/7 and the power usage is minimal (under 10€ a year with the 3B). However, if you want to securely shut down your Pi, you can schedule the shutdown command with any software you like through the Max2Play http request: http://max2play/plugins/max2play_settings/controller/Basic.php?action=shutdown

    2. You need to reboot the device after renaming it. Is that the issue? Afterwards, your router should reassign the name if the device. If this is not the case, please try to reboot once more. You can also activate the network lookup (free feature in Settings/Reboot) to easily switch between web interfaces of your different Max2Play devices 😉

    9. Juli 2018 at 14:16 #36495

    Hallo Hugo,

    Der automatische ist nur zur Einrichtung des Heimnetzes, falls kein WPS vorhanden oder erwünscht ist. Als echter Access Point ist er nicht empfohlen.

    Gehe bitte sicher, dass eben dieser auch deaktiviert wird, nach der Einrichtung im Heimnetz, um einen eigenen Access Point im Nachhinein einzurichten.

    9. Juli 2018 at 12:55 #36494

    Hi wesley,

    Did you try the hint mentioned above? Otherwise, I would recommend burning a new image.

    9. Juli 2018 at 12:54 #36493

    Hi cramcram,

    You should be able to alter and save the volume setting in the sound card plugin page (HiFiBerry, IQaudIO, etc.).

    Otherwise, you can also try using this parameter:

    -U <control> Unmute ALSA control and set to full volume (not supported with -V)

    9. Juli 2018 at 12:51 #36492

    very odd, so the boot sequence loads on the screen, the desktop is established, but clicking start on the web interface for Kodi does not start Kodi in the desktop? And this occurs even with an image where you have not done anything yet?

    29. Juni 2018 at 9:42 #36404

    Hi Mike,

    The SD card protection does not work with LMS. So if you have LMS installed, this is the reason why.

    You can also use the HTTP command for shutdown (displayed when you click it manually in the URL bar) to schedule or implement a correct shutdown without using the web interface.

    What is the exact error you get when you try to install the SD card protection?

    Regarding URL bar access to max2play: the slash at the end „max2play/“ should indicate that it is not a search request. At least this is the case with most browsers.

    29. Juni 2018 at 9:38 #36403

    Please follow these steps:

    Make sure your Max2Play device is connected to the internet.
    Delete the license in the Max2Play interface and click „save“ with a blank field.
    Click on „Settings/Reboot“ again, reenter your license and click „save“.
    Check if the green „Activated“ field appears. If not, contact us again for further help.

    29. Juni 2018 at 9:37 #36402

    Hi Crazy Doc,

    Thank you for the detailed post.

    Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling the Bluetooth Plugin?

    29. Juni 2018 at 9:36 #36401

    Danke für die Rückmeldung 🙂

    29. Juni 2018 at 9:29 #36400

    was your screen on when you boot the pi? if not, this might be the issue.

    29. Juni 2018 at 9:26 #36399

    Hallo Georg,

    Du musst die Soundkarte „HiFiBerry DAC“ im HiFiBerry Plugin auswählen.

    27. Juni 2018 at 9:55 #36382

    Hi alex,

    Thanks for the kind words.

    Squeezelite is pre-installed on all max2play systems, but you need to install Squeezebox Server. After, you can control the headless Squeezelite from any Squeezebox app, with DLNA apps or if shairtunes2 is active also with AirPlay.

    27. Juni 2018 at 9:53 #36381

    Hi hd,

    Have you checked some of our documentation, yet? We recommend using max2play in your local network. After connecting via WPS, the AP that’s automatically set up after no connection was made or ethernet cable. (Internet connection is necessary to install LMS or other new plugins)

    After that, you can control and access max2play from any device in your local network with the browser entering „max2play/“ in the url bar.

    Your system is currently in AP mode, you can scan, select and connect to your WiFi in the WiFi/LAN menu.

    27. Juni 2018 at 9:49 #36379

    Hi transfers,

    Thanks for following up. However, you wrote have set up gmedia render player to run. It shows as running. and the Audioplayer plugin should not be optional unless you selected the MPD player solution in your HiFiBerry Plugin.

    26. Juni 2018 at 16:45 #36371

    You need an active premium account for Google Music for this plugin.

    26. Juni 2018 at 16:32 #36370

    Very odd, perhaps you can also post this in the slimdevices forums to see if they have more specific insight.

    Our system’s integration of the LMS has not really changed much, so I cannot point you in any specific direction based on your experience.

    26. Juni 2018 at 16:29 #36369

    Hi alex,

    Thanks for clarifying, that’s mostly the same setup as most standalone Max2Play systems, except the Kodi integration is usually only used for videos and Squeezelite, Shairport or MPD player used for audio, depending on what you need. If you have iOS I would recommend Shairport, if you have android I would recommend the Squeezebox Server (install with internet access) with Squeezelite.

    26. Juni 2018 at 10:13 #36367

    Hi hd,

    Max2Play is usually not used with a connected screen. Screen output is only used by Jivelite and Kodi. You can check for internet connectivity on the Health Checker in Settings/Reboot.

    Also, I cannot recreate setups with a lot of manual adjustments, so if you burn a new image, you do not need to upgrade your packages (or do it from our web interface in the Raspberry Settings).

    25. Juni 2018 at 16:20 #36355

    Hi Iwan,

    AirPlay currently only works synchronized from the iTunes software. Playback from iOS cannot be synchronized.

    If you want to synchronize music, check out our Squeezebox solution which also synced playback for as many players as you want.

    25. Juni 2018 at 16:19 #36354

    Hi bouton,

    Do you have an active Google Music Premium Account?

    25. Juni 2018 at 16:11 #36353

    Hi hd,

    Do you have WPS on your router? If so, please try setting it up with WPS and see if this problem persists.

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