Forum Replies Created
27. August 2018 at 10:45 #37546
Hi peter,
Please check whether your NAS receives a new IP address when it starts up again. Try fixing its IP if it is not yet and point the mount to the IP instead of the name.
27. August 2018 at 10:43 #37545Hi peter,
Thank you for your request.
I found your topic in Spam and restored it. This error is probably connected to the real Spam topics that popped up during the weekend. We are looking into this and already taking measure to make sure this does not happen again.
27. August 2018 at 10:40 #37543Hi ken,
Sorry about that, the VNC plugin is still available. You have to install it from our plugin library (Features -> Extensions).
27. August 2018 at 10:39 #37542Hi Cristiano,
So you have been running the jessie image before? We generally recommend the stretch version (from 2.45) of Max2Play for new setups.
I will look into your request for the dhcp daemon.
27. August 2018 at 10:22 #37462Hi superkep,
Please deactivate the build in audio in Raspberry Settings or add „hw:1“ to the command line options.
27. August 2018 at 10:10 #37460Hallo TaW,
Unser Lizenzsystem registriert jeden Lizenzkauf mit der Email-Adresse des Käufers in unserem Shop. Wenn Sie den Haken setzen bei „Käuferemail nicht mit Lizenz verbunden“ erstellen wir Ihnen manuell einen Lizenzcode.
Wenn Sie die Lizenz spezifisch aufgeteilt und angepasst haben wollen, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte per Mail (unter Hilfe -> Kontakt) und ich werde dies für Sie einrichten.
24. August 2018 at 15:19 #37268Okay, I was referring to your output from the debug info: USE_EQUALIZER=1
edit: also, the tips in this topic might help you along.
This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by
24. August 2018 at 15:10 #37266If you are using the Equalizer, please deactivate it to rule it out as a possible source of error.
Also, please remove the
-a 80:4::
parameter from your command line options.24. August 2018 at 15:08 #37265The Beocreate beta is already available in our HiFiBerry plugin beta. Presumably, the integration will be very similar.
24. August 2018 at 15:06 #37264Hi alex,
Great to hear! Deactivate build in audio (RPi Settings), reboot, select none in JB plugin, reboot, select JB AMP HAT in JB plugin, reboot.
Kodi only displays the first sound card slot. By deactivating the build in audio, the amp should jump into the visible options.
24. August 2018 at 12:33 #37261Hi vkolotov,
Please check if you have the same output value in both players. If so, choose one with „default“ and one with „sysdefault“, then the feature should work, too.
24. August 2018 at 12:12 #37259Hi m_c_ill,
Wir haben einen Artikel zu Drehreglern gemacht und auch eine Einbindung für Squeezelite im JustBoom Plugin integriert (sollte aber mit allen Soundkarten funktionieren).
24. August 2018 at 10:32 #37257Hi Bas,
Easiest solution would be running the LMS on the Raspberry Pi. But I assume that’s not an option for you?
What’s the output when you add the command line options ans save?
Also, please check and make sure that both Pi an LMS device are connected to the same network and do not have any restrictions on them.
24. August 2018 at 10:20 #37256Hi Cristiano,
Could you try running the SD with WiFi set up on another Pi and tryto recreate it, to rule out a hardware problem?
24. August 2018 at 9:18 #37255Hi Ron,
Please try deactivating the build in audio, rebooting, selecting none in the JustBoom menu, rebooting and again selecting the JB Amp HAT and reboot. Afterwards, please check your playback again.
23. August 2018 at 16:40 #37217Hi Bas,
The Audioplayer plugin’s menu has the Squeezelite player in it. The Squeezelite player has a button „edit advanced options“. There, you can find the parameter „command line options“ and can save any new values to it.
23. August 2018 at 15:09 #37212Is it a Pi2 as well? If so, what WiFi dongle are you using? If so, please enable max USB current in the Raspberry Settings.
23. August 2018 at 15:05 #37211Hi Ron,
Please share the command line options of your Squeezelite player as well as the debug info.
23. August 2018 at 13:18 #37199Hi Gino,
So you already deactivated the automatic access point feature in WiFi/LAN, right? Please copy your debug info from there in this topic.
23. August 2018 at 13:14 #37198Bitte teile deinen Kommandozeilenoptionen-Eintrag hier.
23. August 2018 at 9:46 #37183Hi alex,
Looks good, the parameters with justboom_dac in the name are the driver for the Amp. You can select
sysdefault:CARD=sndrpijustboomd - snd_rpi_justboom_dac, - Default Audio Device
for Squeezelite and this should route the audio output directly through the Amp. You can install the LMS with one click, do the first steps by skipping and test some radio station’s playback to make sure the output works.23. August 2018 at 9:42 #37182Hi Vlad,
As mentioned it seems to be a dependency issue with an older version. You can check if it’s based on jessie or wheezy in the debug info of Settings/Reboot. If it’s wheezy, the version might be too old.
However, you can also check out the Spotty plugin for Squeezebox Server if burning a new image is completely out of the question. It has a Spotify Connect feature as well and turns all Squzeezelite players Spotify compatible.
23. August 2018 at 9:35 #37179Hi Ken,
The easiest thing you try is burn a new image. Since your primary Pi only needs the NAS mounted for LMS, you only need to do a few clicks to set up the other with a new image as a player. If the problem should persist in this case, please copy and paste the debug info from the wiFi/LAN plugin.
23. August 2018 at 9:28 #37178Hi Mike,
He already have a beta integration of the beocreate dsp profiles in the HiFiBerry plugin. We are working closely together with HiFiBerry on the coming DSP DAC as well.
22. August 2018 at 16:56 #37132Hallo pm11,
Bitte füge einmal „-C 10“ bei den Kommandozeilenoptionen von Squeezelite hinzu.
22. August 2018 at 14:36 #37121Hi Sinus,
Ich glaube deine Nutzung von Max2Play weicht ein wenig von der Norm ab.
Bitte beschreibe einmal welche Schritte du genommen hast zum Brennen des Images, was die Ausgabe über HDMI ist wenn du deinen Pi hochfährst und auf welche angelegten Daten du dich beim SSH-Login beziehst.
Grundsätzlich sollte die Einrichtung mit Max2Play komplett über das Webinterface geschehen.
Hier noch unser Getting Started Guide für 3 Optionen zur ersten Verbindung mit dem Router.
22. August 2018 at 14:11 #37120Sorry, in the Audioplayer menu under Squeezelite’s advanced options is the command line options field.
Add your diskstation’s IP and its port in the following syntax:
-s <server>[:<port>] Connect to specified server, otherwise uses autodiscovery to find server
So, for example: „-s“
22. August 2018 at 14:07 #37119That might be reason, as mentioned both streams work for me here in Germany.
Perhaps contact your stations and ask for a compatible link or stream in your location?
@Christoph: Versuch bitte einmal, eine SD Karte von einem anderen Amp-Setup im nicht-funktionierenden zu betreiben. -
This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by