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  • 8. Oktober 2018 at 11:05 #38422

    Hi dennis,

    We cannot offer support for PiCore Player, however, distorted sound is most likely a hardware or audioplayer software error. Make sure you do not have any specific parameters entered in your player and try ruling out hardware defects.

    8. Oktober 2018 at 10:46 #38420

    Hi Beukelszoon,

    Please select „advanced“ setup again in the Audiophonics plugin and then reinstall the display support.

    8. Oktober 2018 at 10:46 #38419

    Hi Beukelszoon,

    Please select „advanced“ setup again in the Audiophonics plugin and then reinstall the display support.

    8. Oktober 2018 at 10:45 #38418

    Deaktiviere bitte einmal GMedia Renderer und das Spotify Connect Plugin und teste die Wiedergabe mit LMS Spotty während alle anderen Player inaktiv sind.

    5. Oktober 2018 at 11:33 #38402

    Hi dan,

    The 3B+ does indeed need more power than 3B. Which is why we previously already made a blog post, detailing the changes of 3B+ and why it is not a necessary upgrade for most Max2Play users. However, with the BOSS DAC 1.2 and a sufficient PSU, this should not be an issue.

    5. Oktober 2018 at 11:20 #38401

    Hallo Jörg,

    Deaktivier bitte einmal mysqueezebox.com in den Einstellungen des LMS, falls es aktiv ist. Die Fehlermeldung könnte ein Abfrageloop an dessen Server sein, der andere Dienste blockiert.

    5. Oktober 2018 at 10:37 #38400

    Hallo timo,

    Das -o „wert“ sollte die werte wie oben beschrieben sein. Also stereofront, stereoback, etc.

    4. Oktober 2018 at 16:23 #38394

    Hallo Jörg,

    Das ist in der Tat genau der richtige Prozess.

    Kannst du einmal die debug info im Squeezebox Server Menü von Max2Play hierher kopieren, nachdem du erneut versucht hast, die .tar Datei hochzuladen?

    Du kannst die Zeile bezüglich der Scan-Iniziierung auslassen (diese sind normal):
    [18-10-04 11:34:02.7526] Slim::Utils::SQLiteHelper::postConnect (374) Optimizing DB because of missing or empty sqlite_stat1 table
    [18-10-04 11:34:02.7835] Slim::Schema::forceCommit (2147) Warning: Trying to commit transactions before DB is initialized!

    4. Oktober 2018 at 12:54 #38387

    yep, they are synchronized in our solution, so you should see the changes from lms by refreshing the slider page 😉

    4. Oktober 2018 at 12:48 #38384

    Hi anders,

    We have not yet experienced this issue. Do you have any periphery connected to the Pi that might also require power?

    Have you tried powering both devices individually? This is the ideal setup for best audio performance. For this, the jumper on the BOSS board needs to be removed.

    4. Oktober 2018 at 12:43 #38383

    Hi Alex,

    The config.txt is listed in the main folder of the boot partition.

    4. Oktober 2018 at 12:23 #38382

    Hallo Gordogass,

    Ich habe es gerade bei einem neuen Tester erfolgreich prüfen können. Könntest du deine Vorgehensweise genau beschreiben?

    Außerdem empfehlen wir, immer nur einen Server pro Netzwerk aktiv zu haben, damit sich dieser nicht mit einem anderen behindern kann.

    4. Oktober 2018 at 12:10 #38381

    Hi Alex,

    Did you use a new 2.45 image download? Is your device connected via ehternet or WiFi? Did you do a manual apt-get update upgrade via Raspberry Settings or console command?

    4. Oktober 2018 at 12:09 #38380

    Hallo laborant,

    Welches Ausgabegerät nutzt du? Kannst du den debug info log aus dem Audioplayer Menü und aus Spotify Connect hierher kopieren?

    2. Oktober 2018 at 15:33 #38335

    Ich markiere hier mal als solved, MPD dann im MPD topic weiter besprechen.

    2. Oktober 2018 at 15:32 #38334

    Hi surfknox,

    Thank you for your request.

    The middle application: – Hear and stream music from iphone spotify to all rooms
    Works ideally with Max2Play. Both other applications are not ideal for Pi-Max2Play Setups.

    For Plex, I would recommend just getting a second Pi.

    For streaming the vinyl through various zones, max2play is not the solution. We cannot offer an option for input streaming with Pi as a server.

    2. Oktober 2018 at 14:24 #38331

    Hi Patrick,

    So you have a custom solution with split outputs from a USB sound card? This is probably the problem. Try not using plugequal as an output.

    2. Oktober 2018 at 14:22 #38330

    Hi Telka,

    Mehrere Logins sind leider nicht möglich.

    Du kannst jedoch unser WPS oder unseren Automatischen Access Point zur schneller Verbindung nutzen.

    Raspberry Pi automatische WLAN/WiFi Konfiguration mit Max2Play und WPS

    2. Oktober 2018 at 14:17 #38329

    Hi ninjaw,

    I just successfully tested it. Please try reinstalling the plugin to make sure it got all packages and try using the find my phone service of Google to double-check your device id. (Got my correct one only through this process)

    1. Oktober 2018 at 16:21 #38307

    That’s great! We will look into why the basic range does not offer these features and get back to you.

    1. Oktober 2018 at 14:44 #38292

    Hallo knorcke,

    Bitte wähl einmal sysdeafult_hifiberry als Ausgabe aus.

    1. Oktober 2018 at 14:43 #38291

    Hi Arjan,

    We have CEC support for Jivelite, you might want to try that.

    However, CEC for AirPlay is not option. If you do find a possible solution for this under Raspbian, do let us know, though.

    1. Oktober 2018 at 14:20 #38288

    Hallo Peter,

    Kannst du deine Werte im MPD Menü Soundcard Settings hier teilen?

    1. Oktober 2018 at 14:08 #38283

    Hello Patrick,

    Thank you for your request.

    Please renaming both devices if you have not yet. Also, check MultiSqueeze that you do not have overlapping names or output devices selected.

    When you say they only work individually, does it mean you cannot access or you cannot boot one of the Pi’s when the other is running?
    When you cannot access them, can you still see the players in the Squeezebox Server overview?
    Are you using WiFi or ethernet cable for connection to your network?

    If you can still access the web interface, please copy and paste the Audioplayer debug info here.

    1. Oktober 2018 at 13:09 #38282

    Hi guys,

    Thank you for the active participation in our development efforts.

    It seems OpenVPN is preferred solution.

    Do you have any specific experiences with the application under Raspbian Stretch?
    If so, we would appreciate all feedback.

    1. Oktober 2018 at 12:54 #38280

    I’ll test it out today or tomorrow and let you know the results.

    1. Oktober 2018 at 11:11 #38270

    Hallo Hans,

    Beziehst du dich auf unser Max2Play OS oder auf Volumio?

    Wir bieten auch nur eine Lösung für 7″ Touchscreen und Soundkarte an.

    1. Oktober 2018 at 10:41 #38263

    Hi Marc,

    Thank your for your request.

    Technically, you can activate the premium license on all your Max2Play devices you own as a private customer. As a digital product, it is compatible with every Max2Play image. Once you have bought the license in our shop, the e-mail address you used to order in our shop itself becomes the active license code.

    Max2Play however is a community project. With each license you buy, you contribute to its further development and our community support.

    1. Oktober 2018 at 10:38 #38262

    Thanks for the quick follow-up 🙂

    1. Oktober 2018 at 10:38 #38261

    Hi ninjaw,

    You should only need to enter the device ID and the premium login of your Gmusic account.

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