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  • 30. Oktober 2018 at 11:02 #41756

    Hi radiomog,

    Did you remove the static IP in this instance?

    29. Oktober 2018 at 18:37 #41749

    Hi atmfrank,

    Thanks for informing us, this seems to be a new issue. I will discuss this with our head developer and get back to your asap.

    29. Oktober 2018 at 17:44 #41746

    Hi osolosada,

    Which version of Max2Play did you burn and on what version are you when you try to upgrade the packages? Please try making a proper Max2Play Update before updating the packages in the Raspberry Settings.

    29. Oktober 2018 at 17:34 #41745

    Hallo lalu,

    Welchen Link meinst du? Die HTTP-Links die dort als Beispiele stehen müssen in die URL-Leiste kopiert werden, wenn du sie direkt ausführen willst. Grundsätzlich sind die aber am besten zur Einbindung in andere Software. Hier findest du zwei Beispiele für Verknüpfungen in Android und Windows:

    29. Oktober 2018 at 10:42 #41742

    Anmeldedaten für SSH sind bei Max2Play user: pi password: max2play; root password: max2play

    26. Oktober 2018 at 14:32 #41729

    Hi Gwydion,

    Thank you for your request and your long support of Max2Play.

    Did you also exchange the router? Raspberry Pis can sometimes have issues with channel 13 WiFi. So if your router uses this channel, try changing it to another (10 or 11).

    You can also try WPS to connect to your local network if your router supports it.

    Also, with Max2Play from 2.44, there should be an automatic access point being established as soon as the Pi does not find a network to connect to. You can then connect to Pi’s own accesspoint network to access the webinterface there and enter your SSID manually.

    Here is some documentation on those features:
    WPS HowTo
    Access Point HowTo

    26. Oktober 2018 at 12:43 #41724

    Hi Gwydion,

    We made some adjustments to our forums these days to address a spam issue. Are your menus still German? Because the forums in general should be English.

    25. Oktober 2018 at 16:30 #41444

    that’s odd, have you tried with a connected screen on boot yet?

    25. Oktober 2018 at 13:26 #41443

    Hi Josh,

    With openHAB, make sure the command you are sending is executed exactly like the URL you are given in API-examples.

    With Bluetooth, please explain your procedure. Did you pair the device already successfully? Have you installed the Squeezebox solution in the Bluetooth plugin and the separate player for individual bluetooth playback inactive?

    24. Oktober 2018 at 15:28 #40283

    Hi Charles,

    Check the WiFi/LAN plugin’s debug info log to see which IP your device is getting.
    Your device used to access the LMS has to be in the same network.

    Also, check your router’s web interface to see if max2play’s access is somehow restricted.

    24. Oktober 2018 at 12:09 #40280

    Hi bisesik,

    That’s a bit problematic for default integration. We will look into it and see if we can find a solution to ensure safe integration.

    24. Oktober 2018 at 11:56 #40278

    Hi Ludwig,

    Eigentlich sollte es mit beiden Lösungen ohne Probleme klappen. Die dynamische IP kann jedoch der Faktor sein, der beide zum erliegen bringt. Versuch einmal, das System mit fester IP laufen zu lassen und schau ob die AirPlay Wiedergabe auch dann nach ein paar Stunden nicht mehr funktioniert. Sollte dies der Fall sein, check bitte bei shairtunes2 (fork) Nutzung den Log des Squeezebox Servers und kopiere hier die Zeilen wo shairtunes erwähnt wird. Bei Shairport Nutzung, kopier bitte einmal den dbug info log vom Audioplayer für Shairport hierher.

    24. Oktober 2018 at 11:50 #40276

    Hi matt,

    The VNC takes the screen that’s set up when you boot. You can change the resolution in the Raspberry Settings. Just select the resolution you’d like to see in VNC and check whether the problem persists.

    24. Oktober 2018 at 11:48 #40275

    Hi charles,

    The error message says that you are trying to remotely access the LMS, so not from the local network but from somewhere else. This is blocked in default to avoid any vulnerability from outside sources.

    Do you have a normal router setup and are trying to access the web interface from a device connected to the same network?

    23. Oktober 2018 at 16:28 #38804

    No problem 🙂

    23. Oktober 2018 at 15:54 #38795

    Hi spouti,

    Ideal sync playback is supported by Squeezelite and the Squeezebox Server already. Since you have LMS, you should be able to sync players with any Squeezebox app and also use the plugin „Group Players“ to create groups with automatic syncing 😉

    Here’s the discussion of the implementation of AirPlay 2

    23. Oktober 2018 at 12:43 #38790

    Hi Preslmayer,

    A simple click on the apt-get button in our Raspberry Settings will also suffice.

    However, we will also launch a new version with the newest packages very soon to make sure nobody can be affected in the future.

    23. Oktober 2018 at 12:41 #38789

    Hi Spouti,

    shairtunes2 only supports sync with iTunes. As soon as AirPlay2 can be implemented in shairtunes, it will be able to offer sync with iOS.

    23. Oktober 2018 at 12:33 #38788

    Hi Bas,

    Max2Play is based on Raspbian (stretch) and constructed as an image. For the easiest switch between other OS, you can use boot loaders like berryboot.

    23. Oktober 2018 at 12:32 #38787

    Hallo Ludwig,

    Hast du den automatischen Wechsel aktiviert? In den erweiterten Einstellungen von Shairport:

    Gib die Squeezebox-Server URL- oder IP-Adresse ein. Diese erlaubt automatisches wechseln zwischen Squeezelite und Shairport (für Soundkarten die nur eine Soundquelle erlauben wie HiFiBerry’s DAC’s). Alles andere neben der Squeezebox Server IP wird automatisch eingestellt. Starte einfach Airplay und der Squeezeplayer wird automatisch temporär ausgeschaltet (Soft-Power-Off). Wenn der Squeezebox Server auf diesem Gerät läuft kann diese IP eingetragen werden: IPADRESSE

    23. Oktober 2018 at 12:14 #38753

    Hallo Jörg,

    Wir haben jetzt gefunden, was das Problem war. Es gab eine 100 MB Grenze für die .tar Dateien. Wir haben diese nun in der aktuellen Beta auf 200 MB angehoben. Nach einem Beta-Update sollte auch deine Konfig-Datei einlesbar sein.

    23. Oktober 2018 at 12:13 #38752

    Hi Slaytanic,

    Here’s the exact command you need to execute in sudo su to get rid of the logo:

    sed -i '[email protected]:addWidget(obj.m2plogo)@--obj.window:addWidget(obj.m2plogo)@' /opt/jivelite/jivelite/share/jive/applets/Clock/ClockApplet.lua

    22. Oktober 2018 at 12:31 #38716

    Hi Mark,

    By installing Bluetooth, your output device was set to the bluetooth connection. You can change it in the advanced settings of your audioplayers under „sound card“. Select any „bcm…“ value to get your audio jack as output device.

    22. Oktober 2018 at 12:30 #38715

    Hi mike,

    Very odd, have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling the Bluetooth plugin yet?

    Please try uninstalling Bluetooth in the Bluetooth plugin menu, then installing the plugin itself from Settings/Reboot again, then installing Bluetooth itself again on the Bluetooth plugin menu. This reinstalls the plugin completely from our server and rules out any issue with the plugin itself.

    22. Oktober 2018 at 12:26 #38714

    Hi matbic,

    Please try having the Pi connected to an hdmi screen when booting and then check VNC, to make sure it is not a general issue.

    19. Oktober 2018 at 15:29 #38700

    This is a limitation of the video output, indeed. I’m not sure we have a fix for it but we will look into possibilities, if you find anything applicable to Raspbian Stretch yourself, let us know and we’ll look into it, too.

    19. Oktober 2018 at 11:32 #38697

    Hi mikez,

    I was able to play through the Squeezebox Server and pair with the iPhone 5S we have here.

    Could you detail the steps you take to pair? Is there a prompt or at least a device listed in the iPhone for Max2Play?

    19. Oktober 2018 at 10:46 #38696

    Hallo Ti-ejtsch,

    Ich werde versuchen, das Problem so bald wie möglich hier nachzustellen.

    19. Oktober 2018 at 10:45 #38694

    Hi matbic,

    Which vnc viewer are you using?

    19. Oktober 2018 at 10:34 #38691

    Not sure I understand this, you want to switch between the two cards?

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