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  • 9. Januar 2020 at 13:04 #47902

    Hi alex,

    You can use our API-Examples Plugin to copy and paste such http requests directly from our web interface to the end device of your choice.

    9. Januar 2020 at 13:03 #47901

    Hi spamification,

    Here’s how you deinstall the protection manually via ssh:

    cd /var/www/max2play/application/plugins/sdcardprotection/scripts/
    sudo ./uninstall_sdcardprotection.sh

    Don’t forget to enter sudo su to get root rights.

    9. Januar 2020 at 12:52 #47898

    LMS doesn’t need to see the dlna integration. You should be able to play from something like BubbleUPnP on your phone.

    9. Januar 2020 at 12:51 #47897

    Hi antonio,

    Did you edit the config.txt of the OS manually?
    Do you use the vnc plugin?

    9. Januar 2020 at 12:48 #47896

    Hi fsarrias,

    Thank you for sharing this issue, we will try to recreate it.

    9. Januar 2020 at 12:47 #47895

    Have you reinstalled BT after the update?

    3. Januar 2020 at 16:40 #47866

    Hallo Bernd,

    Du solltest einen Lizenzcode mit deiner Bestellung erhalten haben. Dieser muss im Webinterface eingegeben werden.

    Sollte dieser keine Aktivierung mit sich bringen, dann schicke uns bitte deinen Code per Mail zu, damit wir diesen hier prüfen können.

    18. Dezember 2019 at 14:18 #47813

    Hello Primoz,

    As mentioned the DAC+ DSP is not fully integrated in the Max2Play system. However, playback should definitely be possible with the basic DAC driver selected (DAC without +).

    For full use of the DSP features we would recommend checking out HiFiBerry’s documentation on the device and your options for integration.

    18. Dezember 2019 at 13:54 #47812

    Hi Sprollonis,

    Die möglichen Fehlerquellen wären das WiFi-Signal, die Internetverbindung, der Server oder Raspberry Pi selbst.

    Letzteren kannst du ausschließen indem du den Health Checker beobachtest während des Radio playbacks. Wenn dieser im grünen Bereich bleibt, sollte es zumindest nicht an zu viel Rechenleistung liegen.

    Bei den anderen potenziellen Fehlerquellen ist es leider nicht so einfach. Du kannst einen Pi via ethernet anschließen und prüfen ob dabei die Probleme weggehen oder bestehen.

    18. Dezember 2019 at 12:13 #47809

    Okay, so you want to suppress the normal desktop startup of the underlying debian and have the terminal output instead. There is no default option for this in Max2Play. However, you can manually remove the functionality with one of the many guides for Raspbian. Max2Play is based on the Raspbian and the same steps should apply. Here’s one for Raspbian Stretch with even further tips to reduce power usage

    You can check the version of your Max2Play in Settings/Reboot’s debug info window and use the remote control plugin to apply these commands.

    If I may ask, what is the reason for this if you don’t intend to have a screen connected? If the Pi does not recognize a screen on boot, it has nothing to launch the desktop on and will not do so.

    17. Dezember 2019 at 17:53 #47804

    Hallo Thomas,

    Bitte prüf einmal ob dein Squeezelite den Parameter „-C 5“ in den Kommandozeilenoptionen hat und füge ihn ein falls dies nicht der Fall ist.

    17. Dezember 2019 at 16:58 #47802

    Hi Barry,

    I don’t understand. The web interface is the way to control Max2Play. You can use a terminal. There’s a plugin called remote control that let’s you run a simple SSH through the web interface. You can also always access the device via terminal with software like putty.

    17. Dezember 2019 at 16:37 #47799

    Hi antonio,

    How did you end up with stretch 9.9? Our stretch image should be stretch 9.8.

    I tested the installer with a new stretch image updated to 2.51 and was able to access the OpenHAB’s web interface after the install.

    16. Dezember 2019 at 17:46 #47791

    Hello Max2Play community,

    There is now a new fix available for the camera plugin on our stretch images. You can get this fix with all new Stretch image downloads or by making a beta update to your current stretch image.

    Hallo liebe Max2Play User,

    Das Kamera Plugin wurde nun auch in der aktuellen Beta einem Fix für Stretch unterzogen und sollte danach auch bei allen Stretch Usern laufen.

    16. Dezember 2019 at 17:45 #47790

    Hi 23c5287b57,

    You do not need to edit asound with max2play. All your Squeezelite players can be synced via web interface or app through the Squeezebox Server/LMS. You can just select which rooms should get which playback and sync or unsync them at will. Popular apps for this are iPeng on iOS or Squeezer on Android.

    16. Dezember 2019 at 17:32 #47788

    Hi Barry,

    Glad to hear you got it working.

    The issue is actually not undervoltage but inexperience with such high levels of voltage on the zero. Other issues are the lower computing power, which can get problematic mostly with Squeezebox Server installed, and the dimensions of the Pi. The AMP2 was designed and developed with the standard HAT dimensions of the main Pi’s in mind. Those are Pi 2B, 3B, 3B+ or 4B. All these are the primary devices for use with Max2Play and the ones we are testing it on continually. The Zero Wireless is a nifty smaller option for smaller setups e.g. just running Squeezelite. There are also specific sound cards for the zero Pi’s like MiniAmp or DAC+ Zero.

    16. Dezember 2019 at 17:13 #47787

    Hi Munich,

    The best way is probably to manually install it through our remote control plugin. You can use the login user: pi pw: max2play and then the command sudo su to get root rights.

    16. Dezember 2019 at 17:09 #47786

    Hi alex,

    The ethernet test would just be to make sure the WiFi connection is not at fault.

    You can find the extensive Squeezebox Server logs in the server web interface’s Settings under „information“.

    There’s also some options to optimize sync there under Settings / Player / player / Synchronization.

    16. Dezember 2019 at 16:58 #47785

    Hi Munich,

    Current versions of Max2Play should have a browser already preinstalled in the desktop environment. Check the jivelite options to disable fullscreen and navigate the desktop to find it. If it’s not there you might have an older version and should be able to install the browser by clicking the button at the end of the Raspberry Settings (install IceWeasel).

    16. Dezember 2019 at 16:53 #47784

    Hi LimpBizkit,

    If you are using the Squeezebox Server anyway, you can check out the DLNA interface plugin which adds DLNA/UPNP playback options for all Squeezelite players connected to the server.

    16. Dezember 2019 at 16:52 #47783

    I assume by platforms you mean playback sources? Firstly, you can try playing from the preinstalled radio plugin or your own music library. Then, you can check out plugins like DLNA interface or the Spotify „spotty“ plugin for music from outside sources.

    16. Dezember 2019 at 16:50 #47782

    Hi Max,

    You should only have 1 player with a running Squeezebox Server. Otherwise, the two servers will interfere with their respective assigned players. Please disable one server and check whether the problem persists.

    13. Dezember 2019 at 14:27 #47767

    Hallo H.Freitag,

    Hast du bereits das HiFiBerry Plugin installiert und dort auch den DAC+ Pro ausgewählt? Beim ersten Start von Max2Play sollte eine Abfrage kommen, welche Soundkarte du nutzt. Danach sollte mit einem Neustart der richtige Treiber bereits gesetzt sein.

    Hier das Video zum HiFiBerry Plugin

    13. Dezember 2019 at 14:25 #47766

    Both error messages are inconsequential. The first occurs on all boot sequences and is due to the fact these interfaces aren’t loaded yet within the sequence of events and the second is about the HDD idle time for connected HDDs.

    I should mention that we do not recommend using a device like the AMP2 with a RPi zero. Please have an eye on the Health Checker in Settings/Reboot when using it. If you have a 5V PSU, please try booting the Pi without the AMP2 and letting it set up the automatic access point. Then follow the instructions to set up your WiFi credentials while in access point mode.

    13. Dezember 2019 at 13:53 #47764

    Hi Barry,

    If you connect successsfully, you should have a positive feedback indication in your router’s web interface. Then, you should be able to see the max2play in your router’s device list and it’s assigned IP. You can try using this IP to connect to the Pi as well.

    To make sure the connection did not fail, you can also connect it via ethernet cable and set up the wifi manually.

    13. Dezember 2019 at 12:29 #47763

    If the option is available please try sysdefault:CARD=Pro – FiiO K5 Pro, USB Audio – Default Audio Device. This works with our tester usb dac here.

    12. Dezember 2019 at 16:19 #47759

    Hi max,

    Sorry that we didn’t find the issue in time before your departure.

    I suggest you try another time when you get back and download the newest image. Try connecting to ethernet to see if the error is completely generally occurring or if we can focus on the automatic access point mode.

    12. Dezember 2019 at 15:52 #47758

    Hallo Hicki,

    Wie bereits auf anderen Kanälen kommuniziert, sind wir aktuell auf der Suche nach einer Lösung. Wir lassen dich wissen, sobald dies mit unserem Beta Update gefixt werden kann.

    12. Dezember 2019 at 15:51 #47757

    Hi Lb,

    Which option options in gmedia renderer have you tried for playback when Squeezelite was off?

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