Forum Replies Created
15. Januar 2019 at 13:35 #43652
Hi klaraG,
Our miniDLNA server does not have an option for multiple paths in the webinterface. We recommend using the Squeezebox Server for multiple paths mounted on a server.
If you insist on minidlna, you might be able to add more paths manually via SSH or you can try adding a SambaShare to the path selected as your library (Filesystem/Mount).
However, the Squeezebox Server offers much more features, including DLNA playback and bridging options.
15. Januar 2019 at 13:26 #43651Hallo miles,
Hier ist die Seite von Hardkernel, den Herstellern des Odroid, zur Ubuntu-Installation
15. Januar 2019 at 13:24 #43650Great thread! Thanks again so much to Cassio for the expert help 🙂
15. Januar 2019 at 13:23 #43649Hi Joshua,
Please check the flatribbon cable of the cam, it’s often rather flimsily attached. We will try to recreate your issue and see if it’s a Max2Play problem.
15. Januar 2019 at 13:21 #43648Hi weka,
Unfortunately, you can only post links to pictures in this forum. We currently do not support native image management. But if you create a hyperlink to your flickr images, that will work fine.
14. Januar 2019 at 18:02 #43615Hi Gegor and FZ,
A direct power off/on button is currently only supported by the Audiophonics Sabre V3/V4. However, we are indeed looking for simple solutions that can be applicable to all sound card/Pi setups. Let us know if you have any recommendations. Our Max2Play system already supports simple HTTP commands for shutdown, so this could be used as integration in a hardware button. The issue would be to find the correct hardware that reboots the Pi, reinitiating power input when it’s pressed the second time because the Pi hardware only boots when the power source is newly connected.
Therefore, we generally recommend running the Pi (especially zero and 3B) 24/7 as their power consumption is extremely low and they are made to run continuously.
14. Januar 2019 at 16:26 #43614Hallo Herr Müller,
Mit Remonte meinen Sie die Fernbedienung/Remote App für Android? Das Runterfahren ist in der Tat nicht möglich, da dies über Max2Play selbst geschieht. Dafür können Sie sich auf dem Handy einen Shortcut für erstellen. Hier das Wiki dazu
Die Radiosender werden individuelle Probleme mit dem Stream sein. 2 WARNING: CreateLoader – unsupported protocol(playmedia(„http) in playmedia(„…“). Es muss also einen anderer Pfad als die HTTP-Adresse angegeben werden.Es gibt verschiedene Wege, Radiosender in Kodi einpflegen. Dazu finden Sie auch verschiedenste Anleitungen im Internet. Dies scheint die beliebteste Methode zu sein, ein Addon namens Radio.
14. Januar 2019 at 16:15 #43613Hi FZ,
We do not recommend unplugging the Pi from the power source without shutting it down. This will result in damage to the SD card.
Please consider adding an automatic button with the http command for shutdown (copy and paste from the API examples plugin) and using it before removing power source.
14. Januar 2019 at 16:12 #43608Hi FZ,
With direct streaming to audio card, the output needs to be Bluetooth on both players.
Max2Play Bluetooth switched to bluealsa instead of pulse for better performance. However, the procedure is the same and the help materials still all apply.
14. Januar 2019 at 16:07 #43603Hi phants,
Firstly, try making a backup of your current image with an image software or our image burner plugin.
Does the localhost have the same IP and if so, does the url „localhost/“ get you access to any interface?
Also, does your system run 24/7 or do you shut down the Pi? If so, do you click „shutdown“ in the webinterface before doing so? While the write proctection does make your card more robust, continuous manual shutdowns might still damage it.
14. Januar 2019 at 15:09 #43591Hi justinj,
Updates for shairtunes2 and all other plugins for LMS should pop up automatically in the Squeezebox Server settings menu (blue button in M2P -> settings in the bottom right corner -> „plugins“ menu)
14. Januar 2019 at 15:06 #43589Check bitte mal in deinen Raspberry Einstellungen ob build in audio aktiv ist. Wenn nicht aktiviere es und starte neu. Wenn schon, deaktiviere es, starte neu, aktiviere es wieder starte nochmal neu.
14. Januar 2019 at 15:04 #43586H ihtruelsen,
How did it work in your previous install? Have you tried reinstalling the Bluetooth plugin yet?
You can create backups of your install through various means, e.g. our image burner plugin.
14. Januar 2019 at 13:42 #43570Hi Gregor,
Our BT solution is in fact currently limited to the one Pi’s input with LMS on it. From there, it can be sent and synced to all other players. But the input can only come from the Pi with the LMS on it. Otherwise, there would be too many de- and encoding paths for the system and the quality would have to decrease while the latency would increase.
11. Januar 2019 at 17:03 #43534Hi FreFi,
Have you tried changing the bitrate yet to see if it changes the skipping? We have not received any similar negative feedback on the Spotify Connect Plugin yet, so I would appreciate it if you could share your exact setup and perhaps playlist/songs that particularly prompt these issues in your setup so I can recreate it in our office.
Please contact us via email to get a refund on your trial license.
- This reply was modified 6 years ago by Heiner.
11. Januar 2019 at 16:58 #43533Hi Eddie,
There are some differences, although they all work with the basic HiFiBerry DAC selection as a driver.
For the DAC+ DSP you can select the HiFiBerry DAC+ (Standard).
11. Januar 2019 at 16:55 #43532Weka and radiomog,
Please check your Password Protection Plugin and make sure SSH is running with a process ID.
11. Januar 2019 at 16:51 #43530Hallo Michael,
Wir werden dies versuchen hier nachzustellen. Bei der Option „hw:CARD=ALSA,DEV=1“ kommt bei dir auch kein Ton über HDMI an? Hast du ggf. ein anderes Gerät mit HDMI-Eingang zum Testen, um dies als potenzielle Fehlerquelle ausschließen zu können?
11. Januar 2019 at 15:48 #43520Hi thomas,
We do not recommend removing the power source before properly shutting down over the web interface. This does harm the microSD card, so this might the source of your issues. What does the Health Checker (Settings/Reboot) say during the JustBoom process?
11. Januar 2019 at 15:23 #43511I thought the issue was with shairtunes not shairport? You can find the shairport settings in the „advanced“ menu in the Squeezebox Server settings.
10. Januar 2019 at 18:23 #43429Hallo musiclover,
Was du aktuell nutzt ist unser automatischer AP zur Einrichtung des eigenen WLAN-Netzes. Dies ist kein Plugin sondern nur eine Einstellung im WLAN/LAN-Plugin.
Für deine Anwendung brauchst du das Access Point Setup Plugin. Zuvor musst du jedoch am Heimnetz mit Internet den LMS und alles weitere installieren.
10. Januar 2019 at 18:18 #43428Hi Gregor,
Thank you for the kind words!
You can use the DLNA interface of plugin of the Server to make all players DLNA/UPnP compatible. Then you can use apps like BubbleUPnP or AllConnect to stream from your phone. You can also check for the casting symbol, some apps natively support dlna streaming. AllConnect also offers AirPlay.
Regarding your sidequestion, I’m not exactly sure what you mean. There’s the AirPlay bridge plugin which can use to turn AirPlay speakers into Squeezeplayers.
10. Januar 2019 at 12:20 #43390We added a security measure to counter spambot registration. That’s why you couldn’t immediately post here.
With both devices using the same protocol, it could still be connected to the HTC Connect software. Try using a genuine AirPlay device if possible.
You can also check your Health Checker in Settings/Reboot during playback on the Squeezebox Server device to make sure the Pi is not somehow constrained.
10. Januar 2019 at 10:40 #43380Sorry, there’s a tick you can remove in the WiFi/LAN menu that sets up automatic access point when the device has no connection to a local network.
10. Januar 2019 at 10:38 #43378That sounds great! If you can find the time, we would appreciate you sharing your process and script (anonymized/generalized if possible) for other users to be able to recreate it.
10. Januar 2019 at 10:37 #43376Hi justinj,
Thank you for the detailed report.
I saw you also already posted in the slimdevices forum on the matter, you should get some insight from them as well.
I would recommend also trying out a different smartphone or streaming device output for AirPlay to rule out an issue with the HTC.
9. Januar 2019 at 11:58 #43326Hallo Peter,
Hier findest du das Kapitel „Monitoring core temperature“
Um mit root-Rechten Befehle auszuführen musst du im SSH den Befehl „sudo su“ eingeben. Das Passwort ist max2play.
9. Januar 2019 at 10:53 #43302Hallo Steffen,
Schau mal im Audioplayer debug info, ob deine Karte dort auf Platz 0 ist. Sollte das der Fall sein, müsste diese auch in Kodi als Auswahl auftauchen.
9. Januar 2019 at 10:50 #43301Hi ameters,
You can manually deactivate the protection via SSH with these commands:
cd /var/www/max2play/application/plugins/sdcardprotection/scripts/ sudo ./
Do you have the automatic access point still active? This might the reason.