Forum Replies Created
22. Januar 2019 at 10:25 #43974
Hallo floppybox,
Verstehe nicht ganz, was du damit meinst. Einen Player der als Radio dient?
Am besten fragst du das parallel noch im slimdevices Forum. Dort gibt es die meisten Squeezebox Nutzer mit langjähriger Erfahrung.
21. Januar 2019 at 13:43 #43947Hi Josh,
Very odd, have you tested it with our software yet? Also, which version is it? We have Camera V2.1 here.
Which of the options do you have ticked and unticked?
21. Januar 2019 at 13:30 #43946Hi Josh,
What do you mean by changing the settings? The audio drivers cannot be reinstalled.
Did you try deactivating BT or using ethernet yet?
21. Januar 2019 at 12:45 #43934Hallo FZ,
Wir haben leider keinerlei Erfahrung mit dieser Software. Die einzige mögliche Version wäre die für Debian, dort müsstest du prüfen ob diese mit Raspbian Stretch-basierten Images möglich sei.
21. Januar 2019 at 12:21 #43927Hi Andy,
Squeeze is your best bet, however, you can also post in the slimdevices forums to ask for input. They have a large DIY community for the server.
21. Januar 2019 at 12:18 #43926Haben die Tests weitere Einblicke ergeben? Bleibt es bei diesem einzigen Sender, der nicht funktioniert?
18. Januar 2019 at 11:07 #43876Make sure the HDD is either powered or that you have powerful PSU on the Pi since this can lead to undervoltage.
18. Januar 2019 at 10:44 #43874Ein Blick auf den Health Checker in Einstellungen/Reboot bei dieser langsamen Performance von Jivelite würde ggf. weiterhelfen zum Eingrenzen.
Ist der Squeezebox Server auf diesem Gerät installiert? Hat der Pi weitere Geräte über USB angehangen?
Könntest du das Setup einmal mit Ethernetverbindung testen um zu sehen ob die Problematik bestehen bleibt?
17. Januar 2019 at 17:39 #43850Sorry, I was under the wrong impression. This is a much larger issue and we will evaluate the situation in the coming week.
17. Januar 2019 at 17:29 #43846Hi Gregor,
This is probably connected to your home network situation. Have you tried different IP addresses yet? Also, is your network somehow different from a typical router home network?
17. Januar 2019 at 17:28 #43845Hallo Philip,
Danke für die ausführliche Beschreibung deines Setups.
Zwei mögliche Fehlerquellen sind die folgenden:
Der 3B+ braucht mindestens 2.5 Ampere auf dem Netzteil, 3 Ampere wenn es noch USB-Geräte gibt.
Falls du WLAN nutzt, wechsel einmal zu LAN um sicherzugehen dass dies nicht das Problem ist. Der 3B+ nutzt nur ein Modul für WLAN und Bluetooth und priorisiert WLAN vor Bluetooth Signalen.
17. Januar 2019 at 17:22 #43840Sehr seltsam, kannst du einmal die Wiedergabe über Kodi und dessen Auswahloptionen für Audiogeräte checken, um sicherzugehen dass mit dem HDMI alles in Ordnung ist?
17. Januar 2019 at 17:20 #43838Hi moreorless,
Please do so to be sure. You can make a backup with our image burner plugin or with another imager software. What SD card to your use for Max2Play?
17. Januar 2019 at 17:15 #43834Hi Wes,
In what capacity would you want to use Google Assistant? You can check out our APi-Examples plugin which gives you a list of Max2Play features and their HTTP commands to use in any home automation software. This might be your first step for an integration.
17. Januar 2019 at 17:13 #43832Hi guys,
We did not really change anything. Problem with CEC is the different protocols of different TV manufacturers. Could you tell us the devices you tried CEC with? And also which commands work and which ones do not.
17. Januar 2019 at 16:42 #43824Hi Andy,
We will check out the ADC very soon and integrate the drivers. However, we are also still evaluating which uses you could have and how you would want them integrated in Max2Play. What is your audio source and through which protocol would you want to stream it?
17. Januar 2019 at 16:34 #43823Hallo scopeone,
Max2Play ist ein auf Stretch basiertes Image. Du musst also deine jetzige Instanz von Stretch mit dem Max2Play Image überschreiben.
17. Januar 2019 at 16:21 #43819Hallo Matthias,
Das ist definitiv ein Windows-Problem. Dazu findest du im Internet auch viele Lösungsansätze wenn du die Fehlermeldung googlest.
17. Januar 2019 at 13:26 #43802Hallo Alex,
Der Pi nutzt das WiFi Modul für Bluetooth mit, geh also sicher dass Bluetooth nicht aktiv ist um dies als Fehlerquelle auszuschließen.
Ggf. kann auch ein WiFi Dongle mit Antenne Abhilfe schaffen, falls möglich kannst du dies noch testen.
17. Januar 2019 at 13:23 #43799You lost all function? You can select one of the hifiberry settings, it should automatically set to sysdefault hifiberry once you selected the AMP2.
16. Januar 2019 at 18:19 #43760Hi moreorless,
Try deactivating the automatic access point in the WiFi/LAN menu and rebooting.
15. Januar 2019 at 16:10 #43668Sorry, die Option bezog sich auf eine andere Kodi-Lösung.
Testen Sie die URL des Senders am besten nochmal bei einem anderen Gerät und prüfen ob sich dessen Pfad angepasst hat. Sollte dies der einzige betroffene Sender sein, können Sie diesen ggf. auch direkt kontaktieren und die beste Streamingmethode für Kodi unter Raspbian/Max2Play erfragen.
15. Januar 2019 at 15:56 #43663I just tested the plugin and was not able to recreate the error. The camera is recognized instantly. Please check the flatribbon cable again, make sure it is connected to the port in the middle of the Pi and not one at the end of the SD port.
15. Januar 2019 at 14:02 #43659Edit „hw:1“ in command line options of Squeezelite to „hw:0“
15. Januar 2019 at 14:00 #43658Hi FZ,
SD card protection only works with players without servers installed as they need to write on the SD constantly.
After renaming in the Settings/Reboot, reboot the device and it should be available under „http://NAMEYOUGAVEYOURDEVICE/“ from any browser in the network. Squeezelite on this device will also receive this name. You should not have to rename again afterwards.
15. Januar 2019 at 13:57 #43657Hi FZ,
Below in the BT plugin, you have two options for streaming with instructions. Follow either one to get streaming from your phone to either a channel in your Squeezebox Server or directly to your sound card.
Since you want the latter, make sure the player is running and you have your output device selected. Once this is case, the other players only to open the channel for BT output to go to your hardware. This is achieved with Squeezelite by the option „-C 5“ which automatically disconnects the player form the hardware after 5 seconds of inactivity. Select „sndrpihifiberry…“ for your sound card’s audio output in the Bluetooth player (called bluetooth speaker, this is indeed confusing but the name of the playersoftware). Afterwards, make sure Shairport and MPD are not running and you should be able to stream BT to your sound card (even with Squeezelite running but inactive).
15. Januar 2019 at 13:46 #43656Es kann sich erneut um ein nicht kompatibles Format handeln. Aktiviere außerdem
Playback Mode, Native (Direct paths)
in den Einstellungen um sicherzugehen, dass die Dateien und Links korrekt abgegriffen werden.15. Januar 2019 at 13:41 #43655Hi Gregor,
Thank you for the feedback. We will consider amending our information on AirPlay.
Have you tested the app AllConnect yet? It lets you stream media to AirPlay players from your Android phone.
15. Januar 2019 at 13:39 #43654Hi VenicianFrog,
You can try it out on any Max2Play system. Let us know what the result is.
We already offer a VNC server as a premium plugin on Max2Play for screen mirroring. You can check that out, too.
15. Januar 2019 at 13:37 #43653Hi FreFi,
The request on lower bitrate is only to monitor whether the skipping goes down, indicating a correlation with the performance.
Thank you for your feedback.