Forum Replies Created
29. Januar 2019 at 12:37 #44224
Hi Alex,
Have not tested this yet, but according to their documentation they use the IQaudIO Pi-DAC+ driver. So you can just select that sound card in Max2Play to get it running 😉
29. Januar 2019 at 11:36 #44223Hi Toby,
You can only use the Allo plugin to select your sound card. Not the premium Raspberry Settings.
Try headin to the Allo plugin, selecting „none“ in the sound card selection, save and reboot, reselect the BOSS and reboot.
29. Januar 2019 at 11:34 #44222Just a quick FYI for anyone looking for step-by-step instructions on setting up their device.
Our intern Mario is currently writing a series of articles for each of his rooms to facilitate multiroom audio with Max2Play on a budget.
The first room is the living room and the bundle is a JustBoom Digi HAT.
This setup is the closest to an ideal starting point for Max2Play as he explains all the steps and configurations in detail.
It includes setting up audio output, using Kodi, getting started with the Squeezebox Server and Jivelite.
There is also the first article in the series which explains the rudimentary aspects of Max2Play and Raspberry Pi audio.
They are both well worth reading in my opinion 😉
Article 1: Step-by-Step Multiroom Audio Setup with Max2Play – The Basics
Article 2: Step-by-Step Multiroom Audio Setup with Max2Play – The Living Room
28. Januar 2019 at 11:06 #44192Hallo Matthias,
Was sagt denn dein Debug Info im Squeezebox Server Menü?
Hast du eine besondere Firewall oder andere Software, die diesen Port vielleicht blockieren könnte?
Erhältst du andere Fehlermeldungen bei anderen Geräten oder handelt es sich immer um die oben beschrieben?
28. Januar 2019 at 10:42 #44191Hi ST,
It’s more likely that the SD card or the image installation is somehow faulty. Try burning a fresh image or using another SD if possible.
25. Januar 2019 at 12:10 #44157Hi ST,
This seems to be basically the index php text from our web interface start. So your browser/end device might be the issue.
Could you try accessing from a smartphone or use another browser?
Also, when you have a screen connected during boot, does it run through console and then start a desktop? If so, your max2play runs correctly. If not, please share the error message the console hangs on.
25. Januar 2019 at 12:05 #44156Hi motamas,
I made a thread on this new beta plugin a few weeks ago. We are still checking what’s possible and what our users want from it. Here’s the thread with link to install the plugin.
The issues have come up because of the new version of Raspbian and the changes that come with it. There is no quick fix and under the current circumstances a witch back to the old image would probably be the smartest approach if you cannot lose the CEC functionality.
25. Januar 2019 at 12:01 #44155Hi Cassio,
I wanted to approach you as well, since your greatly detailed and helpful replies in the last weeks, to join as a mod.
Can I send you an email with some further info if you are interested?
24. Januar 2019 at 12:23 #44132Hi daveyboi,
Please try using Spotty’s Connect feature and see if the issue is present there.
24. Januar 2019 at 12:16 #44131Hi FZ,
Das sollte ohne Probleme gehen, hier die Beschreibung des Plugins Access Point Setup:
You can easily turn your device into an accesspoint for other WiFi-devices. Once installed the new WiFi network created by this device enables other devices to access its features and services. It also shares the internet connection if available and forwards all traffic to the LAN-network.
This happens on installation:
a DHCP-Server will be installed
a static WiFi-entry will be added to your interfaces
the WiFi of this device will be used to give access to other devices
as long as the accesspoint is installed, you cannot connect to other WiFi-networks with this device24. Januar 2019 at 12:14 #44130Hallo FZ,
Die Karten slots sollten sich schon beim ersten Reboot anpassen.
Dies ist leider eine Limitierung von Kodi, welches nur die ersten beiden möglichen Ausgangskanäle des Pi als Optionen ausgibt.
24. Januar 2019 at 12:13 #44129Hallo mechaniker,
24. Januar 2019 at 12:11 #44128Hi st,
I just wanted to make sure the linux device is not the Pi itself. Thanks for clearing this up. Please let me know if your new install should reproduce the error.
24. Januar 2019 at 12:10 #44127Hi guys,
Unfortunately, there seem to be several larger issues at play in the integration of CEC. We will not be able to offer the current integration and have look whether there are alternatives.
For now, our hardware control plugin does offer a universal integration for IR remotes and our JustBoom plugin has recently been updated to include a custom integration for Jivelite control with the smart remote.
23. Januar 2019 at 17:43 #44098When you set up MPD, it should automatically set the right output device and be able to produce sound.
However, if you want to use the Spotify Connect player simultaneously, you need make sure that MPD does not block the output.
Therefore, users who want to use Spotify and not JUST SPOTIFY are better off with the Squeezebox solution as it offers all portals, protocols and features under one roof.
MPD is just for playback of audio files and radio streams.
Spotify Connect player is just for Spotify Connect.
Shairport is just for AirPlay.
Squeezebox is for all of the above.
23. Januar 2019 at 17:38 #44097Danke für die Rückmeldung. Falls deine Zielführung allgemeinen Mehrwert bringen könnte, könntest du diese hier noch teilen.
23. Januar 2019 at 14:57 #44085Yes, unfortunately there are currently no other displays that can use the Pi-specific display connection as far as we know.
There are workarounds but they usually have to compromise in other areas and can indeed become very complicated.
If you don’t need touch functionality, an HDMI screen is a good alternative though.
23. Januar 2019 at 14:54 #44084Hello Martin,
There are various help materials for all our various applications.
For MPD, I made a youtube video.
You can use the Filesystem/Mount menu to add any sources of music. There’s also a video for that process as well as several other tutorials in our wiki:
YT video
WikiWhich help materials did you follow that caused the confusion?
We recommend using the Squeezebox Server and Squeezelite as it is our primary mode of playback and supports all major protocols like Spotify, DLNA/UPNP, AirPlay, etc. There are also various guides on this setup. Namely our new blog series on setting up a three zone multiroom system. You can follow along the first zone Living Room with JustBoom Digi for your setup. Just make sure to select the DAC instead of the Digi in your case.
23. Januar 2019 at 14:16 #44075Hi guys,
@st: I assume you accessed it from another linux device? Max2Play is controlled via web interface, so you shouldn’t need the desktop or browser of the pi. If this is the output you get on our web interface, your image or sd card are somehow faulty. Try burning a new max2play image and see if the issue persists. If so, try another sd card if you have it (you need a class 10 speed or higher for ideal max2play use)
@weka: we added an additional 10 secs runtime delay to make sure apache2 will also start with slower cards and pi’s in our newest beta. However, you are right that you do need a fast SD card to get all features of Max2Play working ideally.
23. Januar 2019 at 12:55 #44066Hallo kinglouis,
Für den Drehregler haben wir hier eine Anleitung. Diese ist zwar mit JustBoom vorgenommen worden, es sind jedoch auch Links für die passenden Anpassungen für HiFiBerry vorhanden.
Dazu kannst du unser Hardware Control Plugin nutzen.Der Power Button ist leider nur mit der Audiophonics Soundkarte Sabre V4 direkt kompatibel.
Du kannst jedoch in Jivelite direkt einen Button in die Touchoberfläche deines Geräts integrieren.23. Januar 2019 at 12:51 #44064Hi Philip,
As mentioned, two different boards often have overlapping pin usage which makes them both inoperable. We therefore recommend using only one extension board per each Raspberry Pi.
HDMI displays will work, there won’t be any touch control with them, though.There is currently no 5″ solution for Max2Play, however, you can try installing the drivers manually.
23. Januar 2019 at 12:20 #44049Hallo Max,
Das Addon ist ein Addon, keine Version von Kodi. Du kannst jederzeit eine andere Version von Kodi installieren. Diese muss kompatibel mit Raspbian Stretch und im .deb Format gepackt sein. Einfach die URL des Pakets im Webinterface eingeben und auf installieren klicken.
23. Januar 2019 at 12:18 #44048Hi bollinim,
We have an installer for homebridge in our beta voice control plugin. We have not had any recent feedback on it so you have to check it out yourself.
23. Januar 2019 at 12:16 #44047Hi dd-gamer,
I’m not sure I follow your setup and what you intend to do with Max2Play. Could you elaborate?
22. Januar 2019 at 18:30 #44041Falls bereits vorhanden kannst du noch die Performance mit einem WLAN-Dongle testen. Auch die Entfernung zum Router kannst du nochmal anpassen und testen. WLAN kann leider sehr viele mögliche Störfaktoren haben.
22. Januar 2019 at 18:25 #44040It’s there when you hover over the passage „Here’s the link“
22. Januar 2019 at 18:01 #44038There seems to be a new authentification method where you set up an app password. Here’s the link
22. Januar 2019 at 14:40 #44008Hi Philip,
Try using a new image and avoiding the 7 inch option.
We recommend using only one add-on board per Raspberry Pi as the GPIO pins for these often overlap and can cause issues.
You can check with the documentation of the manufacturer whether is the case with your setup.22. Januar 2019 at 14:32 #44007Hi sorry about the late reply. Does the issue persist? Were you able to try another deviceID?
22. Januar 2019 at 14:17 #44006Hi reverbus,
Please try removing the parameters for custom DSD playback in audioplayer and see whether this changes playback.