Forum Replies Created
18. Februar 2019 at 11:11 #44498
Hi guys,
Thanks to Cassio for the quick reply. You can get root rights by using the command „sudo su“ in max2play user as well.
18. Februar 2019 at 11:11 #44497Hi guys,
Thanks to Cassio for the quick reply. You can get root rights by using the command „sudo su“ in max2play user as well.
18. Februar 2019 at 11:10 #44496Hallo Peter,
Im LMS braucht man das Wave Input plugin, um Line In Audio einzuspeisen.
18. Februar 2019 at 11:06 #44495Hi Toby,
We have the option „Reset configs to Max2Play delivery configuration“ in the Settings/Reboot menu which resets all configurations.
18. Februar 2019 at 11:03 #44494Hi patrick,
This is a guide for version 17.4 of Kodi.
We already have version 17.6 in our default Max2Play image.
18. Februar 2019 at 11:01 #44493Hi Gregor,
You do not need to do anything in our repositories or in Squeezelite in order for your 2.8″ screen to work.
Just select it in our RPi-Display plugin, click save and reboot.
If you want to use it to control Squeezebox playback, make sure you set Jivelite to autostart.
18. Februar 2019 at 10:59 #44492Hi Hans-Peter,
Did you check the sound card settings and make sure they are as mentioned above?
The log also indicates either a problem with your connection to the radio servers or a general issues with the specific radio channel.
Try selecting none, rebooting, selecting the card and rebooting again to rule out an error with the hifiberry driver.
18. Februar 2019 at 10:51 #44491Hi ftarz,
There are two routes you can go with this.
My recommendation would be to find an app or software that lets you customize your menu items individually. As far as I know this is possible with most Android and iOS apps as well as some for Windows, too.
The other option would be to use the „Custom Browse“ plugin for LMS. However, this might slow down performance of your Max2Play and has to be edited manually.
6. Februar 2019 at 11:49 #44391Hallo Herwig,
Tritt das gleiche Problem auch bei Jivelite-Ausgabe oder im Desktop-Menü am Touchdisplay auf?
Hast du außerdem das 7″ Image oder das Standardimage gebrannt?
6. Februar 2019 at 11:17 #44389Hi koozoop,
Make sure the hdmi device is on and connected during boot.
Also, try starting Kodi to see if gets put out by the hdmi device and make sure that it is not in autostart mode.
6. Februar 2019 at 10:06 #44388Try disabling build in audio in the Raspberry Settings, rebooting, enabling it again and rebooting again.
If that still does not change anything, try removing the USB sound card if possible to see if this changes anything about the audio jack issue.
5. Februar 2019 at 11:39 #44352Have you selected anything in the Raspberry Settings? Please try the option „force headphone jack“ there.
5. Februar 2019 at 11:38 #44351Hi domino,
Check out our API-Examples plugin (preinstalled). There is all documentation on commands available in our web interface.
4. Februar 2019 at 16:33 #44336Hi domino,
You can use HTTP requests to add commands from the Max2Play web interface anywhere.
To start and stop the Spotify Connect player, you can use the following commands:
http://IPADDRESS/plugins/spotifyconnect/controller/Setup.php?action=start http://IPADDRESS/plugins/spotifyconnect/controller/Setup.php?action=stop
However, you can also try out the Squeezebox Server solution and see whether this solves your issue.
4. Februar 2019 at 15:48 #44334Hi jcu-muc,
We are always working on the new version and include most updates and changes in the current beta version of Max2Play, if you already want to have a peek 😉
Topics we are currently working on are the DAC+ ADC by HiFiBerry and its input method for multiroom input from an analogue source (cd-player, record player, etc.) as well as our beta hardware control plugin for general support of rotary encoders, buttons, remotes and the like.
If you have any input for the latter, what you’d appreciate to be included or on the interface, please let us know.
4. Februar 2019 at 13:01 #44332Hi Josh,
Try removing the -C parameter from your audio jack output player.
So the device keeps working and the USB card is also running on the same device and does also not stop working?
It’s only the audio jack output on a device that’s otherwise working fine?4. Februar 2019 at 11:12 #44331Hi justin,
The ZeroW is indeed not as powerful as the standard Pi. So if you intend on adding functionality, other features like bluetooth or adding periphery, you might consider going for the 3B (3B+ is not necessary with most setups of M2P). However, you really only want to run Squeezelite on it, a ZeroW might suffice. Just make sure your WiFi network is strong enough on all locations you want to use it in.
1. Februar 2019 at 15:06 #44313Hi Andy,
Apparently it needs a Kernel which is not yet officially released (4.18). We are investigating if this can be issue at the moment. When the Kernel goes live, we might get an integration for LMS input soon.
1. Februar 2019 at 14:53 #44312It should not be connected to the Kernel. Please paste audio player debug info like I did here so I can see what your device does.
I just tested with a fresh sd card: select allo, select BOSS DAC, reboot, the dac is in autostart in Squeezelite. Then, you should already be able to play to the BOSS automatically.
1. Februar 2019 at 11:11 #44311Hi Joshua,
I’m sure there is a solution without reformatting. Resetting is a feature we only install for specific things since can cause other issues. With the USB card drivers it just wouldn’t make sense.
If you like to experiment with different features of Max2Play, it’s a good step to make a backup of your existing image’s setup for future projects.
I’m also not sure what exactly your current situation is. Your players‘ playback does not work at all or it stops after a few days?
If the former is the case, a new image would be your best bet, also just to make sure there is no hardware defect.
If the latter is the case, you need to look at performance in the Health Checker and try to tweak aspects of your setup that might decrease performance (WiFi, USB powered hub to make sure the USB DAC is not receiving insufficient power, power supply in general for 3B+ should have 3A especially with USB connected, etc.)31. Januar 2019 at 16:26 #44282Hallo Desiderius,
AirPlay bietet eine Synchronisation der Streams leider nur mit iTunes oder bei iOS mit dem neuen AirPlay2 an. Dies ist leider noch nicht in shairtunes und AirPlay bridge verarbeitet, da der Code für Raspberry Pi noch nicht integriert werden konnte. Der Macher von shairport-sync, der zugrundeliegenden Software, ist jedoch im regen Austausch. Hier der Thread dazu
31. Januar 2019 at 13:41 #44279Die beste Lösung wäre ein powered USB Hub, damit hättest du aber auch eine zweite Stromquelle anzuschließen.
Was meinst du mit GPIO nicht angeschlossen?
30. Januar 2019 at 15:25 #44248Hi apo,
What steps did you take and what error messages have you encountered?
Did you install the power off button script in the Jivelite plugin menu?
Have you tried resetting Jivelite entirely there as well?
30. Januar 2019 at 13:17 #44238Hi Hampi,
Can you copy the log from your MPD player and your soudn card settings here again?
30. Januar 2019 at 13:16 #44237Hallo Matthias,
Begrenze die Log-Zeilen am beste nur auf Fehlermeldungen oder sende sie an
Gemeint war der Router und dessen Protokolle.
Du kannst zudem testen, ob eine Squeezeboox-App auf deinen Server zugreifen kann.
Squeezer für Android und SoftSqueeze für Windows wären zwei gratis Optionen.
30. Januar 2019 at 10:53 #44236Hi Toby,
There’s not much log detection for the sound card, you can check alsa mixer or the debug info of your Audio Player plugin. The following output options should show up at the end (just tested with a fresh install):
format: S32_LE
subformat: STD
channels: 2
rate: 44100 (705600/16)
period_size: 882
buffer_size: 352829. Januar 2019 at 15:58 #44232Hi Hampi,
I just tested on the device to make sure there is no general error.
After selecting „Amp2“ in the HiFiBerry plugin and rebooting, I selected Starter and rebooted.
Afterwards, your sound card settings in MPD should be:
Sound Device default:CARD=sndrpihifiberry snd_rpi_hifiberry_dacplus, Default Audio Device Audioformat 192000:24:2 Mixer Device default Mixer Control Digital
29. Januar 2019 at 15:46 #44228Hallo Alex,
Also bringt die Antenne auch einen Performance-Boost?
Die neue Beta kannst du installieren, wir empfehlen aber unsere Version zu nehmen.
Die Fehlermeldung sind lediglich ein fehlender Zugriff (auf einen Radiosender oder das Internet allgemein) in diesem Moment. Ein Problem besteht nur wenn diese Fehlermeldung durchgehend wiederholt würde und nicht nur am Anfang eines Neustarts oder zwischendurch auftritt.
29. Januar 2019 at 15:42 #44227Hallo FZ,
Wenn dein „hw:0“ Parameter gesetzt ist, sollte sich die Lautstärke dynamisch mit dem Regler im Squeezebox Server anpassen.