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  • 11. März 2019 at 12:39 #44740

    The auto-connect function works in tandem with the BT device’s own protocol for connection. Some speakers need constant re-connection, some are completely open to all pairings, some require a code to be entered. As mentioned, we have not had any experience with the SB Roar but seems to be an advanced Bluetooth solution.
    Please try to do the apt-get update upgrade (takes a few minutes) through our Raspberry Settings to rule out any possible dependency issue with Raspbian’s packages (our BT solution is directly based upon the official Raspbian solution).

    Please also make sure the „Bluetoooth-Speaker“ player below the pairing list is not active or in autostart.

    Meanwhile, I will try to recreate the issue here with a Pi3B and Max2Play 2.47 image. Please let me know if there any other factors in your system (like LMS installed) that might also recreate.

    11. März 2019 at 11:12 #44738

    Hi Matt,

    That sounds like something might have gone wrong during the installation sequence.

    The script should be running regardless of whether an encoder is connected or not.

    Your output during installation should have been the following:

    Update Configfile - new Entry created
    IQAUDIO_ROTARY_ENCODER_AUTOSTART successfully added to autostart
    Get:1 http://archive.raspberrypi.org/debian stretch InRelease [25.4 kB]
    Get:2 http://mirrordirector.raspbian.org/raspbian stretch InRelease [15.0 kB]
    Get:3 http://archive.raspberrypi.org/debian stretch/main armhf Packages [214 kB]
    Get:4 http://archive.raspberrypi.org/debian stretch/ui armhf Packages [44.4 kB]
    Get:5 http://mirrordirector.raspbian.org/raspbian stretch/main armhf Packages [11.7 MB]
    Get:6 http://mirrordirector.raspbian.org/raspbian stretch/non-free armhf Packages [95.5 kB]
    Fetched 12.1 MB in 19s (615 kB/s)
    Reading package lists...
    Reading package lists...
    Building dependency tree...
    Reading state information...
    /opt /var/www/max2play/public
    finished - Reboot needed: Click here to Restart Device

    Please try a new installation if possible and see if you can recreate this sequence.
    Both installation and reboot take a minute or two.

    8. März 2019 at 16:44 #44715

    Sorry, the answer was half out the door yesterday.

    We’ve not had any experience with the SB Roar nor with the automatic switch on MultiSqueeze.

    Could you try changing the outputs to BT on Audioplayer and your primary player on MultiSqueeze to see if this makes a difference?

    8. März 2019 at 10:31 #44714

    Hi Nojelc,

    I don’t think the screenshot includes any new information, if so please copy-paste the pertinent lines of error.

    Your WiFi/LAN debug does attest an active connection to your network. However, it might be restricted somehow.

    Try removing your license, saving, rebooting and reentering your license to make sure you still have access to our server.

    7. März 2019 at 18:00 #44697

    Hi felipefi,

    I set it up on a Pi 3B but had no error on default ports 9000 LMS and 8089 openHAB. I’ll keep it running over night and see if this remains the case, if so please try burning a fresh image and keeping the default ports.

    7. März 2019 at 17:50 #44696

    Hi Nojelc,

    Might be an issue with Kodi and the plugin’s compatibilities and updates. If possible, try using a fresh Max2Play based on Stretch and see if the issue persists there in the BBC plugin. Make sure you have a backup of your current installation though.

    7. März 2019 at 17:11 #44695

    Hi Notroot,

    I don’t think there is a plugin by Netflix for Kodi.

    If it’s this solution, you can try following their course of action, mainly looking at and copying the log from Kodi:

    Something doesn’t work
    If something doesn’t work for you, please:

    Make sure all prerequisites are met
    Enable verbose logging in the plugin settings
    Enable the Debug log in you Kodi settings
    Open an issue with a titles that summarises your problems

    7. März 2019 at 16:04 #44694

    Hi Marcin,

    Sorry about the late reply. Our Odroid images are legacy versions of Max2Play at this point.

    Have you tried the version 2.22 image yet?

    7. März 2019 at 15:17 #44691

    Hi Clarenze,

    That should be Shairport’s advanced options‘ Shairport/Squeezelite automatic Audio-Switch.

    7. März 2019 at 15:15 #44689

    Hallo Andreas,

    Welches Hardwaresetup hast du wobei dein Max2Play regelmäßig abstürzt? Läuft das Gerät 24/7 oder fährst du es regelmäßig herunter? Bei letzterem, geschieht dies über das Webinterface oder durch Stecker ziehen? Es kann sein, dass deine SD-Karte dabei die Schuld trägt, welche Karte verwendest du?

    7. März 2019 at 14:56 #44687

    Hi Bow,

    Which pins did you use? Should be the pin 22 for GPIO25 and e.g. pin 1 for 3V.

    7. März 2019 at 13:58 #44686

    Hi Frank,

    The LMS log is in the Squeezebox Server plugin web interface, not in Squeezelite. You can find a link debug info at the bottom of each plugin’s web interface.

    However, since only this specific applet seems to be the issue it is more likely that you will the solution from the applet itself. Here’s the discussion on it.

    6. März 2019 at 16:40 #44677

    Hi d-muc,

    As far as I know, there is no such feature available for the Squeeze software at the moment. There are some cards they would let you find a solution of your own to implement (like the DAC+ DSP by HiFiBerry) but they are not the kind of user-friendly, simple solution we are looking for in Max2Play’s plugins 😉

    6. März 2019 at 16:34 #44676

    Hi antonio,

    We do not have any experience with this screen. However, it seems to be plug-and-play for the XU4.

    Here’s the guide by hard kernel

    6. März 2019 at 16:32 #44675

    Hallo waterdrinkingman,

    Danke für den ausführlichen Test, ich konnte es bei selbem Vorgehen leider nicht reproduzieren mit deinem Setup.

    Meine Vermutung ist, dass irgendetwas (Firewall, Router, Security) das Webinterface blockiert. Um dies zu testen kannst du unser Accesspoint Setup testen (du hattest 2 sd karten oder?) und damit ohne Verbindung zum Router auf Max2Play zugreifen. Sollte dies funktionieren ohne Probleme, ist es wahrscheinlich dass die Unerreichbarkeit mit deinem Heimnetz zusammenhängt.

    6. März 2019 at 11:24 #44673

    glad to hear! 🙂

    I’ll mark the topic solved.

    6. März 2019 at 11:24 #44672

    glad to hear! 🙂

    I’ll mark the topic solved.

    5. März 2019 at 16:58 #44662

    Mit Prozess meinte ich die letzte Konfiguration (Auswahl Digi, Installation LMS, etc.). Bei den meisten dieser Prozesse ist ja ein Reboot nötig, es wäre gut zu wissen bei welchem das Gerät dann nicht mehr erreichbar war, damit ich es hier mit einem Tester rekreieren kann und ggf. sogar einen grundsätzlichen Bug ausfindig machen kann.

    In welcher Reihenfolge deine Einrichtung stattfand kann auch weiterhelfen.

    Auch der Klick auf das Max2Play-Gerät über die Fritz.Box-Oberfläche landet in einem leeren Browser-Fenster?

    5. März 2019 at 11:16 #44657

    Hi Eddie,

    „sysdefault“ is the standard selection for output.

    What kind of implementation of the DAC+ DSP would you like to see from Max2Play?
    Currently it works with the standard hifiberry driver.

    5. März 2019 at 11:14 #44656

    Did you create a new login for this share? Could you try using without any special characters to rule this out as a source of error (if you haven’t)?

    5. März 2019 at 11:12 #44655

    Hi ftarz,

    You need to observe the LMS log as playback is handled there.

    You can try manually installing it as this seems to have been an issue for someone else in the past (slimdevices thread).

    5. März 2019 at 11:09 #44654

    It’s just an example, you can glean from the power the Miniamp has which speaker would suit it. With 2x3W output you have a variety of inexpensive choices 😉

    4. März 2019 at 17:53 #44646

    Hi jono,

    Thanks for elaborating and thanks for the link. For root rights in Max2Play, you need to do „sudo su“ as a command as user pi. This might have been an issue.

    Regarding the MiniAmp, it really depends on what kind of setup you want to achieve. We collaborated with Ricardo Rapponi in publishing his MiniAmp project, the Tivoli radio alarm.

    There is also this topic in the HiFiBerry forums on the subject:

    4. März 2019 at 17:30 #44645

    Hi Clemens,

    If you did not have it included, please try doing so.

    Please also follow the help section’s advice:

    Options (user, password and other options for network share): e.g. user=name,password=pass,sec=ntlm,iocharset=utf8,vers=1.0
    important: always add to the options sec=ntlm! With cifs mounts, always include vers=1.0!

    Should look like this:
    //GOOFY/MP3 /mnt/mp3 cifs user=xbmc,password=“test123″,sec=ntlm,iocharset=utf8,vers=1.0

    4. März 2019 at 16:40 #44643

    Hi Clemens,

    Try removing the value vers=1.0.

    Please also share the values you previously entered with the login obscured.

    4. März 2019 at 15:53 #44640

    Hi Clemens,

    Which version of cifs are you using on your NAS?

    4. März 2019 at 12:48 #44637

    Danke für die Rückmeldung!

    4. März 2019 at 12:47 #44636

    Hallo Andreas,

    Nach welchem Prozess wurde das Interface unerreichbar?

    Du kannst einen Bildschirm anschließen, um in der Boot-Sequenz zu prüfen ob ein Fehler auftritt.

    Außerdem kannst du versuchen, den Pi mit seinem Namen (default max2play/) zu erreichen und prüfen wie dieser in deinem Router aufgelöst wird über dessen Webinterface.

    4. März 2019 at 12:44 #44635

    Hi ggabriel,

    Sad to hear about Napster. We will inquire what the future may look like for this service.

    Spotty is indeed a great alternative. The plugin is in active development by mherger from the slimdevices forums.

    New features like Connect and Family Account login are supported and maintained.

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