Forum Replies Created
4. April 2019 at 10:08 #44964
Hallo Martin,
Dies ist leider nicht möglich mit unserer SambaShare-Lösung.
Was genau willst du damit erreichen und könnte ggf. ein anderer Lösungsweg dir helfen?
4. April 2019 at 10:03 #44963Seven seconds is tough, we usually experience about 1-3 seconds. You can try to improve your bluetooth signal by deactivating WiFi.
3. April 2019 at 15:05 #44960Hallo Ralf,
Das Voice Control Plugin ist in der Beta Phase und aktuell leider nicht in unserem Fokus.
Die Installation des Homekit scheint jedoch trotzdem weiterhin durchzulaufen, trotz der genannten Meldungen sollte Homekit zu starten sein und auch die config-Datei im Webinterface anpassbar sein.
3. April 2019 at 14:46 #44958Hello Thomas,
Thanks for answering in English!
I just tested it and this does indeed seem to be a bug. We will try to add a fix soon, thanks for pointing this out.
However, you can also manually edit the .conf through our Remote Control plugin.
There, you can use login pi pw: max2play and the command sudo su to get root rights for editing and then the command nano to edit the aforementioned file.
3. April 2019 at 14:43 #44957Hm, also den Befehl fürs Starten und Stoppen von Kodi findest du in den API-Examples. Alsd HTTP-Befehl ließen sich diese in (fast) jede Software integrieren. Der Sleep-Mode für Kodi wäre eher ein Thema für Kodi-spezifische Foren, die Ausgabe verdunkelt sich jedoch im automatisch nach einer Weile.
3. April 2019 at 11:16 #44956Hello gasuter,
If possible please try burning a new image to rule out any dependencies from the previous install.
Please follow these steps:
– Burn new image
– Activate license
– Update to Beta
– Install BluetoothIf the issue should persist, please post your debug info from bluetooth here.
3. April 2019 at 9:52 #44955Hello Jerome,
We restricted root access to a login via the pi user for security reasons. You need to enter „sudo su“ in pi user (pw: max2play) to get root rights.
2. April 2019 at 12:30 #44948Hi Andy,
Unfortunately we cannot recreate this issue here since we have experience with the BT dongle you mention. However, as you describe it, the device seems to unable to initiate the transfer mode, requiring the end device to fulfill the pairing and connecting. Check your transmitter’s documentation, whether there is a physical option to initiate the pairing on its end.
2. April 2019 at 11:42 #44947Just to make sure people headed to this topic by googling Max2Play home automation get the full picture, we have added various new home automation plugins and features by now. Here are some links for further information:
New Plugins:
API-Examples Plugin – dynamically creates a list of commands to copy-paste to your home automation software of choice (audio playback, shutdown, etc.)
openHAB Server Plugin – one-click installer for openHAB 2 on the Raspberry Pi
Hardware Control Plugin – Easy web interface integration of hardware like rotary encoders or infrared remotesFurther reading:
Our Home Automation Overview
Howto – Squeezebox Control with openHAB
HowTo – Use HTTP-Requests with Max2Play2. April 2019 at 10:01 #44946Hi Bow,
Thanks for the quick update!
We would appreciate if you raised the different issue in a different topic so I can close this specific issue as solved 😉
2. April 2019 at 9:54 #44945Hi mathieu,
As mentioned in my previous posts here, CEC support has been discontinued on Max2Play in favor of our Smart Remote and Infrared integration. Unfortunately, it had become unfeasible to keep up CEC support.
1. April 2019 at 14:20 #44939Hi clarenze,
We tested Bluetooth with the new fix on MultiSqueeze and did not encounter any errors.
Please try running a new image, making a Beta update from the start and then installing Bluetooth to rule out any possible dependencies from previous installs as a possible source of error.
1. April 2019 at 14:18 #44938Hallo Ralf,
Konntest du bereits testen, was passiert wenn es leer bleibt? Ich kenne mich leider mit der KNX und Homekit nicht so gut aus, als dass ich dir da die beste Hilfe bieten könnte. Ich denke ein Forum zu diesen Lösungen könnte dir da am schnellsten weiterhelfen.
Das Problem bei einem An-Befehl vom Pi ist, dass dieser keine solche Funktionalität hat und nur über einen physikalischen Strom-Anschluss hochgefahren werden kann. Jegliche Schalter oder Anschalt-Mechanismen müssten somit zusätzlich zur/neben der Raspberry Pi-Struktur eingepflegt werden.
1. April 2019 at 13:53 #44937Hallo Bernhard,
Kannst du eingeschlafen genauer definieren? Falls es mit dem automatischen Aus beim Ausschalten des TV zusammenhängt sollte folgendes helfen:
Kodi Settings, System, Input Devices, Peripherals
In CEC Adapter Settings set "When the TV is switched off" to "Ignore"
29. März 2019 at 14:32 #44925Hallo Ralf,
Den Dummy-Befehl verstehe ich nicht ganz, kannst du genauer erläutern was dieser erreichen soll?
Bezüglich Status gibt es in unserem API-Examples Plugin bereits die Befehle:
Get Status for Player (in Z-Wave-Server Status Field)
für den Squeezebox Serverund
den CLI-Befehl
Get player Lastmode
für den Audioplayer StatusAußerdem gibt es noch eine detailierte Dokumentation zu allen CLI-Befehlen im LMS (http://DEVICEIP:9000/html/docs/cli-api.html) und eine allgemeine Dokumentation unserer API unter http://DEVICEIP/apidoc/.
29. März 2019 at 13:55 #44924Hi Andy,
Thanks for the quick update! Glad to hear it’s all working fine now 🙂
29. März 2019 at 13:42 #44923Hallo Gerhard,
Ab unserem Stretch Image ist das Passwort max2play. Für root-Rechte musst du nach dem Login „sudo su“ eingeben.
Changelog V.2.46 – 11.04.2018
New SSH login for Stretch Image, both pi and root now have max2play as pw27. März 2019 at 16:55 #44909Hi Bow,
We were able to isolate the issue and add a fix to our current beta. To get it working, do the following:
– Head to Settings/Reboot and make a Beta Update
– Select „None“ in your IQaudIO menu, click save, reboot
– Select DigiAmp+ again, rebootNow your Rotary Encoder should be working.
27. März 2019 at 14:32 #44900Hi clarenze,
Our bug fix is now live in the current beta. Here’s the announcement:
Hello everyone,
We are glad to announce that he have found a fix for the current bug in Bluetooth. It’s only available in our current beta at the moment. To get the fix on your device, do the following:
– Head to Settings/Reboot and click the Beta Update button
– When the update is finished, head to Bluetooth and „Uninstall Bluetooth“
– Refresh the Bluetooth menu if necessary and „Install Bluetooth“
– Reboot after the installation is finishedYour system should now be able to connect to any Bluetooth device again.
27. März 2019 at 14:32 #44899Hello everyone,
We are glad to announce that he have found a fix for the current bug in Bluetooth. It’s only available in our current beta at the moment. To get the fix on your device, do the following:
– Head to Settings/Reboot and click the Beta Update button
– When the update is finished, head to Bluetooth and „Uninstall Bluetooth“
– Refresh the Bluetooth menu if necessary and „Install Bluetooth“
– Reboot after the installation is finishedYour system should now be able to connect to any Bluetooth device again.
27. März 2019 at 14:28 #44897Hi Andy,
We just added the fix to our current beta. To get it working again, make a beta update, uninstall the Bluetooth plugin, install the Bluetooth plugin again and reboot.
26. März 2019 at 16:37 #44875Hi Andy,
If you have a second SD card or can easily back up your existing image, you can do it.
However, we are currently working on this and hope to have a fix by the end of the week.
26. März 2019 at 15:22 #44866Hi Bow,
Thank you for the detailed report and sorry about the late reply.
I was just able to recreate the issue. We are not sure what might have caused it since we did not alter the installer in any way.
We will investigate further and let you know when we have the fix right away.
26. März 2019 at 12:12 #44865Hi bt,
Not sure if this helps but
comma = , -> line 205
period = . -> line 207
parenleft = [ -> line 20126. März 2019 at 11:05 #44864Hi Andy,
Yes it is. If you need want to use Bluetooth right now, you can install our legacy image based on Jessie which used the pulseaudio bluetooth solution. This still works but is not as great as the bluealsa. You can find the download in our legacy versions section.
We hope to have a solution for the bluealsa bug ready by very soon, though.
25. März 2019 at 15:35 #44862Hello everyone,
We have encountered a new issue with the Bluetooth Plugin.
The plugin itself does not seem to be affected, however, with new installations of bluealsa, the connection is unstable and drops out before playback. The pairing process itself also doesn’t seem to affected, the device can be found in the scan and then paired.
We are currently investigating this bug and looking for a solution. If you have further details with similar reports to share, please do so here.
We will let you know once we have a solution and roll it out as usual through our beta update.
Thank you to everyone who first reported this.
25. März 2019 at 15:30 #44861Hi Andy,
Thank you for the detailed report. We were able to recreate this issue here and are looking for a fix right now.
Sorry about the inconvenience. We will keep you up to date in the main Bluetooth thread with our progress.
25. März 2019 at 10:19 #44859Yes, we are currently looking into this issue specifically.
We will keep the community up to date on our findings.
22. März 2019 at 16:34 #44853Hello Werner,
Thanks for the quick update! Glad this worked out right away 🙂
22. März 2019 at 11:18 #44851Hi werneraugust,
By install do you mean activate? Spotty should be preinstalled in LMS 7.9 and can be activated in the 3rd party plugins section.
Is your power button script indicated to be running in the Audiophonics menu?
Also, can you check the debug info in the Squeezebox Server menu when trying to shut down the Pi and copy paste the unique lines here? -