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  • 3. Mai 2019 at 11:22 #45235

    Hello Jerome,

    Have you tried adding the IP address of the server unit in your player unit’s Squeezelite command line options? Here’s the syntax:
    -s <server>[:<port>] Connect to specified server, otherwise uses autodiscovery to find server

    Here’s also a topic form slimdevices that gets into this subject

    3. Mai 2019 at 11:17 #45234

    Hi marc,

    You can just try radio playback as a start, to make sure the issue is not a general one.

    You are right in your two statements.

    3. Mai 2019 at 10:27 #45232

    Did you deactivate the built-in audio? If so, please check the command line options of shairport and paste them here.

    Please try running the Digi+ Pro directly on the Pi to rule out the Isolator as a possible source of error.

    3. Mai 2019 at 10:00 #45227

    Okay, the same goes for the player units, which version do they run and can you check if they have jessie or wheezy whether a jump to Stretch might change anything?

    Also, can you try running a server on a Pi unit to see if the issue is the same to rule out the NAS a possible source of error?

    3. Mai 2019 at 9:56 #45226

    Did you try any of the steps from the guide? Our mounting solution requires a proper login which is named in the options section.

    3. Mai 2019 at 9:53 #45225

    That’s sad to hear, I do recommend you try out advanced setup some time. It’s Max2Play’s true strength and the ideal starting point for multiroom and multimedia applications.

    3. Mai 2019 at 9:53 #45224

    That’s sad to hear, I do recommend you try out advanced setup some time. It’s Max2Play’s true strength and the ideal starting point for multiroom and multimedia applications.

    3. Mai 2019 at 9:51 #45223

    Hallo Netzfunker,

    Wenn du einen betroffenen Pi mit Bildschirm angeschlossen hochfahren lässt, kannst du dann eine Fehlermeldung in der Boot Sequenz feststellen?

    Sind alle Pi Modelle betroffen?

    Wie alt sind die Images? Handelt es sich bei den betroffenen Images um Wheezy, Jessie oder Stretch Versionen (steht in Einstellungen/Reboot unten im debug info)?

    2. Mai 2019 at 14:38 #45211

    Hello elmarhe,

    Unfortunately, we were not able to recreate any error with the adafruit installation scripts. Both 2.8 and 3.5 worked and ran through. Could you paste any error messages and detail the faulty behaviour? Might it be connected to Jivelite’s skin?

    2. Mai 2019 at 13:50 #45208

    Hi sfraser,

    The 7″ is based on jessie and therefore only compatible with all Raspberry Pi’s except the Raspberry Pi 3B+. To get 7″ touch running on the 3B+, please download the standard image and install the RPi-Display plugin.

    2. Mai 2019 at 13:49 #45207

    Hallo Stefan,

    Der LMS ist sehr kleinlich bei Rechten und Restriktionen auf Ordner und Dateien.

    Dieses Topic und dessen Fix könnte dir dahingehend noch weiterhelfen.

    Auch die Suche nach QNAP in unserem Forum bringt dir noch ein einige weitere Erfahrungsberichte und Lösungsansätze.

    2. Mai 2019 at 13:45 #45206

    Hello Rauschen,

    Which selection did you try for sound card in Shairport? Please make sure it’s default or sysdefault.

    2. Mai 2019 at 13:36 #45205

    Hi clarenze,

    Not pause and play but restart, meaning „stop Squeezelite“ and „start Squeezelite“in Max2Play.

    2. Mai 2019 at 13:04 #45203

    Hello Marc,

    Please check to see if your server device has Stretch running and not jessie or wheezy, as those are legacy images. If possible burn a new image with our newest Stretch download and see if this changes the situation. You can back up your previous image with our image burner plugin.

    2. Mai 2019 at 13:02 #45202

    Hi Peter,

    Thanks for the quick heads-up. I’ll mark the topic solved.

    30. April 2019 at 16:18 #45191

    Hello Georg,

    I’m not familiar with the error but it’s possible that there’s a hardware issue with an outage.

    Do you have another SD card or Pi to rule out one of them as a source of error?

    30. April 2019 at 14:33 #45185

    Hello J,

    For the advanced user interfaces, album art, playback options, control features, etc. please try the Squeezebox Server and Squeezelite. The MPD player is really just that, a simple audio player at its most basic. There is also Ampache as a visual component for MPD but generally MPD is not Max2Play’s core feature.

    30. April 2019 at 14:30 #45184

    Hello elmarhe,

    We are working on it but cannot give you any direct info on when it will be fixed. The issue is not a minor problem since adafruit changed their whole integration and we need to make sure this does not break anything with our other plugins, scripts, structures and integrations.

    30. April 2019 at 12:27 #45183

    Hi three_jeeps,

    What sound card do you use and what are your parameters in MPDs advanced settings?

    30. April 2019 at 12:26 #45182

    Hello marc,

    Is this issue different from your other post? Can I mark it as fixed?

    30. April 2019 at 12:23 #45181

    Hallo Holson,

    Vielen Dank für den Bericht deiner bisherigen Erfahrungen, wir werden dies hier umgehend versuchen nachzustellen und nach einer Lösung suchen.

    30. April 2019 at 12:20 #45180

    Sure, contact us via email with your order no. and we will be able process your request.

    30. April 2019 at 12:08 #45179

    Hallo Hans Hamburg,

    Bitte kopier einmal die debug info aus dem Squeezebox Server Menü wenn du mit Spotty wiedergibst.

    30. April 2019 at 11:55 #45178

    Hi Max,

    Is your device connected to the internet? Also, have you updated to version 2.48 yet?

    30. April 2019 at 11:54 #45177

    Hallo Kim,

    Spotify gibt es in der Squeezebox-Lösung als Spotty plugin in der erweiterten Einstellungen des Servers vorinstalliert.

    Hier die Anleitung für Spotify

    Und hier eine detailierte Anleitung zum allgemeinen Max2Play und inwiefern es Multiroom mit Squeezebox umsetzt usw.

    30. April 2019 at 11:51 #45176

    Yes, as mentioned this is because you remove an active component in the playback-system while playing to it.

    30. April 2019 at 11:50 #45175

    Hi Brian,

    Yes there is, however, Max2Play does not offer a general solution. You would need the WaveInput plugin für Squeezebox Server.

    There are several discussions on this plugin here and in the slimdevices forums.

    Here you can find all pertinent posts from Max2Play.

    30. April 2019 at 11:48 #45174

    Hi pte,

    Our wheezy-version of Max2Play is a bit older. You can try our brand new 2.48 Stretch version to eliminate this possible source of error.

    However, first check your Settings/Reboot Health Checker when playback drops out to see if your Pi’s vital stats are affected.

    30. April 2019 at 11:46 #45173

    Hi Mnine01,

    First of all I have to say that we do recommend running the Squeezebox Server on a PiZero, let alone any other additional services with it.

    The server unit should be a Pi 2B, 3B or 3B+, ideally. Depending on your library and your players, the Zero will most likely reach its limits.

    Max2Play’s protocol for connection usually goes as follows:
    – check ethernet
    – check WPS
    – establish access point

    If your ethernet is not recognized, it’s either not fully configured within Max2Play or cannot reach your router.

    26. April 2019 at 12:37 #45152

    Wenn Squeezelite auch nicht startet bei der Auswahl sysdefault_bcm2835 als Soundkarte, brenne bitte ein neues Image. Denn dann scheint grundsätzlich etwas nicht mit Squeezelite zu stimmen. (das ist die eingebaute Soundkarte des Pi)

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