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  • 13. Juni 2019 at 14:50 #45734

    Hallo AM,

    Das bedeutet, dass die Karte vom Pi erkannt und als Ausgabegerät ausgewählt wurde. Nun kann die fehlende Wiedergabe entweder am Anschlussgerät, am Kabel oder am Anschluss des Digi+ Pro selbst liegen.

    Prüf einmal die Ausgabe mit der Klinke am Pi (sysdefault_bcm2865…), um zu prüfen dass die Wiedergabe grundsätzlich funktioniert. Falls möglich, prüfe bitte auch den SPDIF-Ausgang des Digi und ob dieser eine Weidergabe produziert.

    13. Juni 2019 at 14:47 #45733

    Since your playback works, it’s unlikely that this is an issue with Max2Play or your hardware. There have been some reports about certain ISPs in the US restricting Pandora use but that would also result in a hard error when trying to use it. Since your issue seems to just be an unrecognized premium status, this is most likely a problem on the end of Pandora or mysqueezebox.com.

    Have you had contact with Pandora yet? If not, please try doing so and asking about your account and its limitation despite your premium status.
    Pandora Tech Support

    13. Juni 2019 at 14:39 #45732

    Thanks for the heads-up, I’ll mark the topic solved 😉

    13. Juni 2019 at 10:17 #45730

    Hi geoff,

    I assume your previous image was still based on Jessie or Wheezy (you can check in the debug info on Settings/Reboot). In this case, the underlying structure is unfortunately not compatible with the 3B+ which only boots with a Stretch image.

    However, you can migrate your Squeezebox Server settings from the web interface and reload them onto a new image. You can also make a backup of your existing older image in case you want to return to it with the 3B.

    12. Juni 2019 at 10:33 #45688

    Hello thomas.se,

    Please check to make sure your router does not have any open ports, if so please close them if you are running LMS.

    More information

    An open port would allow anyone on the internet
    to install a plugin on your server. This plugin could potentially
    install malware etc. You really don’t want to leave the ports open.

    12. Juni 2019 at 10:26 #45685

    Hello kraker,

    You should be able to deactivate the write protection, then you can change your configuration and reactivate it.

    The WiFi only possible to connect means that the device is not connected to your local network but you can access it under „max2play“ wifi network that the Pi set up. There, you should also be able to deactivate the write-protect plugin.

    12. Juni 2019 at 10:24 #45683

    Odd, as I said it worked for me with a new test image (you have to wait a bit longer than usual).

    12. Juni 2019 at 10:23 #45682

    Hallo AM,

    Entschuldige bitte die späte Rückmeldung.

    Für den Digi+ Pro muss in den Raspberry Einstellungen oder im HiFiBerry Menü die Auswahl HiFiBerry Digi/Digi+ gewählt werden.

    Bitte wähle einmal „none“ als Soundkarte im HiFiBerry Menü, starte das Gerät neu, wähle HiFiBerry Digi/Digi+ und starte erneut neu.

    Prüfe danach, welches Ausgabegerät in den erweiterten Einstellungen von Squeezelite ausgewählt ist.

    12. Juni 2019 at 10:15 #45675

    Hi justinj,

    Thanks for sharing this issue in such detail. I will try to recreate it and discuss it with our head developer.

    12. Juni 2019 at 9:50 #45662

    Hi swvalenti,

    Sorry about the late reply.

    According to Pandora, the 6 skip limit per hour should only be occurring for free users.

    Please try re-entering your premium login credentials in mysqueezebox.com and see if the problem persists.

    11. Juni 2019 at 15:42 #45655

    Hi Lars,

    Thanks for asking, you can actually always install a new version of the Squeezebox Server if its compatible with our Raspbian (stretch with 4.19 kernel at the moment) and in the .deb format.

    The 7.9.2 is still in the beta folder at the slimdevices ressources and I cannot find an official release thread in the forums either. So I think it’s still not officially out. However, you can try installing the new version by pasting the link in our installer in the web interface. Make sure you give the installer a lot of time (ca 15 minutes) to ensure it installs correctly. I check and this link worked for me with the newest version of Max2Play (2.48 image): Link

    11. Juni 2019 at 11:55 #45648

    Hi djvj,

    We generally recommend Spotty for all multiroom purposes due to its modular structure in the Squeezebox system.

    In our Spotify Connect player, the error you name is not really an error and should not cause the issue of being unable to stop. This is most probably due to multiple players trying to occupy the same sound card and running into occupied ports. You can check this by stopping all players in the Audioplayer menu and restarting the Spotify Connect player. However, your best bet with multiroom is Spotty, as I mentioned.

    11. Juni 2019 at 11:51 #45647

    Wie gesagt, du kannst einen Dienst deiner Wahl nehmen, der diese Befehle verarbeiten kann, um eine Lösung zu finden.

    Leider können wir keine Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung bieten. Unsere Ressourcen zu openHAB mit den API-Examples ist jedoch ein guter Einstieg:
    HowTo – Einfache Squeezebox Server Automation mit OpenHAB und Smartphone

    11. Juni 2019 at 11:48 #45646

    Hi Alistair,

    Currently there is no such feature. Jivelite control is linked to the player you have selected in Jivelite.

    However, you can create a request for this in our development forum and if other Max2Play members also request this feature, we will evaluate the possibilities to do so and try to find a good solution.

    7. Juni 2019 at 14:18 #45636

    Thank you for sharing, Phanegem! 🙂

    6. Juni 2019 at 13:36 #45630

    Thanks for following up so quickly! Glad you could solve it 🙂

    6. Juni 2019 at 9:35 #45626

    Hi djvj,

    Were you able to authenticate you premium account yet?

    Please try reinstalling Spotify Connect and try logging in again.

    6. Juni 2019 at 9:28 #45625

    Hi Jacco,

    Try deactivating the ickstream plugin if you have not tried that yet. It seems to have issues in the log you posted.

    Do you have any other plugins or services running that might occupy port 9000?

    You can also try posting in the slimdevices forums and ask the Squeezebox veterans if they have a good idea.

    5. Juni 2019 at 12:55 #45615

    Hi Jacco,

    It’s probably connected to your home network. I’d assume that the device is somehow impeded by your router. You can check the router’s web interface to see if the device with the LMS is recognized properly and doesn’t block any connections.

    5. Juni 2019 at 12:48 #45614

    Thanks for letting me know, glad to hear the plugin is useful 🙂

    5. Juni 2019 at 10:41 #45610

    Hallo feeder,

    Du kannst mit den API-Examples Befehle zum Starten und Stoppen des Squeezebox Servers finden und diese in eine Lösung deiner Wahl einbinden (cronjob, Verknüpfung, Hausautomatisierung, etc.). Das ist der Befehl zum Stoppen: http://IPADDRESS/plugins/max2play_settings/controller/Squeezeserver.php?action=stop

    Grundsätzlich würde ich aber empfehlen, einen 2. Raspberry Pi einzubinden. So kannst du zudem weitere Multiroom Features nutzen und einbinden und Kodi und der Squeezebox Server können getrennt voneinander laufen, während auf der Kodi-Einheit ein weitere Squeeze-Player automatisch ausgeschaltet wird, sobald Kodi startet.

    5. Juni 2019 at 10:34 #45609

    Hello Elmar,

    Depending on the GPIO pins your SUSV card occupies, you might not be able to run it concurrently with the DigiOne. If possible, please check which pins the card uses and which ones it can put through to the next HAT card.

    5. Juni 2019 at 10:32 #45608

    Hi Jacco,

    Please try removing your WiFi connection if you are running the Pi connected via ethernet. A double connection is not advantageous.

    If possible, you can also try reinstalling the latest proper release 7.9.1 to see if it makes a difference.

    4. Juni 2019 at 12:38 #45598

    Das könnte eine Lösung sein. Du kannst außerdem noch die Performance Optionen des LMS anpassen in der erweiterten Einstellungen „Performance“.

    4. Juni 2019 at 10:30 #45595

    Sollte sich das Fehleverhalten wiederholen, prüfe bitte einmal den Health Checker wenn Zugriff auf das Webinterface gewährt wird.

    4. Juni 2019 at 10:28 #45594

    Hi Thilo,

    There’s a slight possibility that your AMP2 is still affected by this issue.

    Please contact HiFiBerry to make sure this is not the case and so they can further investigate.

    4. Juni 2019 at 10:24 #45593

    Hallo Daniel,

    Wenn ich raten müsste, würde ich vermuten dass der Pi Mühe hat das Video aufzulösen am Start. Während die Elec Systeme sich auf Kodi beschränken und so den maximalen Load für Kodi aufwenden können, hat Max2Play noch weitere Prozesse die parallel laufen, was wohl den Unterschied ausmachen wird. Du kannst versuchen, den Load von Max2Play zu minimieren. Falls du den LMS auf dem Pi hast, wird dieser die größten Ressourcen beanspruchen. Du kannst im Einstellunge/Reboot Menü prüfen, wieviel CPU-Leistung in jedem Moment beim Pi beansprucht werden.

    4. Juni 2019 at 10:21 #45592

    Hi krell,

    First of all, thanks for the detailed and thoughtful post.

    You can repost some of the development requests in our development subforum for maximum visibility. If they are also requested by other users, we will fast-track their evaluation for feasibility and for inclusion in a future update.

    On 5: Have you deactivated the build-in audio in the Raspberry Settings yet? This should bring the DAC down to slot 0.

    On 6a: Bluetooth is indeed still a beta solution as you can see in our discussion thread here on the plugin. However, this is mainly due to hardware constraints as the Pi shares an antenna between BT and Wifi and the BT itself is not very reliable to begin with.

    3. Juni 2019 at 17:01 #45586

    Hi kanetoad,

    Depends on your setup, however, it should not be an issue for activation of your license.

    Have you been successful by now with activation? It might just have been a temporary inaccessability issue.

    3. Juni 2019 at 16:35 #45582

    Hallo Stefan,

    Das Problem kann mit der Auflösung des Namens zusammenhängen. Versuch einmal, mit der IP auf das Gerät zuzugreifen (steht im WLAN/LAN Menü) und ändere den Namen des Geräts. Wenn der Zugriff bei der IP schneller war, sollte die Namensänderung schon Abhilfe schaffen können.

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