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  • 4. November 2015 at 16:55 #16775

    Den Edimax EW-7612UAn haben wir hier selbst aktuell am laufen und den anderen Edimax auch bereits mehrmals erfolgreich getestet. Versuchen Sie bitte einmal ohne andere USB-Peripherie zu verbinden und den LAN-Stecker zu ziehen beim Reboot nachdem Sie Ihr WiFi-Netzwerk ausgewählt haben und das PW eingegeben haben.

    3. November 2015 at 18:05 #16754

    Squeezeplug hat mit Max2Play kooperiert um dieses Image mitzugestalten. Squeezeplug ist jedoch schon seit längerer Zeit nicht mehr in der Entwicklung unserer Images involviert. Daher gibt es unsere aktuellen/neuen Images ohne Squeezeplug-Logo und Spendebutton. Beide Images funktionieren jedoch weiterhin und bei beiden können Sie auch alle Raspberry Pi-Addons aktivieren.

    3. November 2015 at 18:02 #16753

    Hi malohm,
    We now have the capacity to update to Kodi 15. When your version of Max2Play is up to date (version 2.24) you can see in the Kodi-menu under the option start installation an URL for update (http://steinerdatenbank.de/software/kodi-15.tar.gz). Just click the „start installation“-button and your version of Kodi will be updated.

    3. November 2015 at 17:56 #16752

    Hi K.Rens,
    We do not have any experience with this application and do not if it is compatible with Max2Play.
    Our image is based on Raspbian, if that helps you.

    3. November 2015 at 17:12 #16751

    hi superpat,
    please make sure, before installing Jivelite, that the filesystem has been expanded (less than 50 percent used in the debug info under „Settings/Reboot“) and that you do not have any other hardware connected to the Pi since this interferes with the power supply for the installation.

    3. November 2015 at 16:47 #16750

    Ja, das sollte eigentlich passieren. Hast du den Haken bei Autostart unter Squeezelite? Dieser sollte eigentlich automatisch gesetzt sein. Falls nicht, setz ihn und klicke auf „save“. Danach sollte Squeezelite nach Beenden von Kodi automatisch wieder angehen.

    3. November 2015 at 16:40 #16749

    Hallo rel,
    Du kannst versuchen bei „Raspberry Einstellungen“ die Option „USB-DAC“ zu wählen bei Soundkarte auswählen. Diese Option aktiviert den allgemeinen Treiber von Raspberry Pi für USB-DAC’s.

    3. November 2015 at 16:28 #16748

    Hi nathas,
    Ich nehme an du meinst das Accesspoint-Addon? Da ist es durchaus seltsam, dass du mit AP erreichbar bist über WiFi und über eine normale Verbindung nicht. Dazu ein paar Fragen zur weiteren Aufklärung:
    Welchen WLAN-Stick benutzt du?
    Welche andere Peripherie ist an deinen Raspberry angeschlossen?
    Erkennt das System im WLAN/LAN-Menü deine Netzwerk?
    Ist dein Heim-WLAN WPA/WPA2 gesichert oder durch eine andere Verschlüsselung?

    30. Oktober 2015 at 17:29 #16650

    We are looking into it, it might be a problem with the Kodi version itself on M2P. If so, we will fix this in an update and inform you. In the meantime, if you are missing the CEC support, we recommend temporarily reverting back to Kodi 14.

    30. Oktober 2015 at 17:25 #16649

    Hi nikitidiver,
    Please check if you have activated the Max2Play Kernel that allows for a sample rate of up to 192 KHz. You can find this option in the Raspberry Settings under „Change HDMI Settings for Display Resolution, Framerate and Audio“. Since the Pi automatically restricts all playback to a maximum of 48 KHz, this could be the issue with your ALAC files.
    However, we will also look into this issue ourselves and see if we can replicate this problem.

    30. Oktober 2015 at 17:20 #16648

    Hi Rince,
    We are not familiar with the hardware you are using, so we cannot make any comments about that. The stream, however, comes from the Server. So this application you are suggesting has to be done with the server software. But, we do have a software for multiple players on one Pi using different outputs. It’s called Multisqueeze and it runs multiple instances of the Player Squeezelite where you can define each with a different output, using audio jack, HDMI or sound cards.

    30. Oktober 2015 at 17:17 #16647

    Depending on the size of your library for the SBS, it can affect the Server’s speed. The indexation and search of the music files goes through the SD card’s memory, so those process are affected. However, if you have a smaller library this should not change the server’s performance.

    30. Oktober 2015 at 17:13 #16646

    Hi oniros,
    Thanks for letting us know about this new application for the Raspberry Pi. We will look into what it would take to implement it in Max2Play.

    30. Oktober 2015 at 16:26 #16645

    Hi sdspieg,
    With the HiFiBerry image, the selection of the Amp+ should have automatically set the output of the mpd to the Amp+. You can see the output option under Soundcard Settings in the mpd menu; hw:0,0 is the default setting.

    30. Oktober 2015 at 16:13 #16644

    Hi Tang,
    Thanks for the input! We will look into the benefits and issues that go with Bluetooth compatibility and how many people request this feature.

    30. Oktober 2015 at 16:06 #16643

    Diese Funktion lässt deinen Server laufen ohne Korrespondenz und Features der mysqueezebox Plattform wo man unter anderem Apps für den Server runterladen kann. Hauptsächlich für offline Nutzung gedacht.

    30. Oktober 2015 at 14:28 #16626

    Hi markus,
    Wir haben Kodi als seperaten Dienst designiert, da er ein einwandfreies Laufen des Squeezebox Systems beeinträchtigt. Wenn Sie also Kodi starten wird Squeezelite für diese Zeit pausiert und bei beenden von Kodi automatisch wieder gestartet.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by Heiner.
    30. Oktober 2015 at 14:24 #16625

    Hi klara,
    We have the DLNA server-plugin which should work perfectly with your PS3, here is a link to the plugin page: https://www.max2play.com/features/dlna-server/

    26. Oktober 2015 at 14:18 #16551

    Hi tito,
    Please try turning of your TV completely (disconnect power supply) and reboot your Raspi and then see if the peripherals are still greyed out. This could be the issue with some TVs.

    23. Oktober 2015 at 13:24 #16534

    Yes, but if your Jivelite installation failed, is it possible that this failed attempt has tainted the image. Also if you have not expanded the filesystem as your first step, that might have caused some problems. Thus, we would recommend burning a fresh image and expanding and updating it first if you have not done that yet.

    22. Oktober 2015 at 12:57 #16513

    Hi loroux,
    We are sorry that you’re experiencing difficulties with our system. First of all, we recommend you update to the latest version of Max2Play, 2.23. Since you already had a faulty installation attempt, I would also recommend that you burn a new image. Also, if you have not considered it yet; expanding the filesystem first on the new and image and disconnecting all periphery on the Pi (USB keyboard, etc.).
    Please let us know if the problem persists after testing this and we will find another solution.

    20. Oktober 2015 at 16:55 #16444

    Hi L-J Silver,
    With Max2Play, the requests and workload of apache is marginal. Thus we have not yet considered using another server software. However, NGINX should work with Max2Play without any problems. We will investigate its merits and report whether or not an implementation or an option for the software would be feasible.

    20. Oktober 2015 at 16:52 #16443

    Hi Tang,
    Thanks for pointing us toward this issue. If Jivelite is running and the read-only addon is installed, Jivelite is stopped. We will fix this issue in the next update.

    16. Oktober 2015 at 14:43 #16410

    Okay, I thought this would be a secondary problem.
    So, you tried mounting a HDD with external supply and did not work either? To make sure you follow the same steps we do, please take a look at our tutorial video on the subject: https://youtu.be/3klQkxF6iNA?t=1m37s
    If you still cannot mount the drive, please try again with a freshly burnt and expanded image if you have not already.

    14. Oktober 2015 at 15:09 #16361

    We do not have any experience with USB-Hub’s, we would recommend using a proper outlet for power supply.
    Regarding the German error message, please make sure you have English put as the device’s system language under „Settings/Reboot“. We are looking into this specific message, whether it got mixed up.

    14. Oktober 2015 at 14:59 #16357

    Hi skare,
    Thanks for pointing us toward this error. Please try deinstalling and installing the plugin again.
    Also, did you have a monitor connected via HDMI? If possible, please also try running VNC with a monitor connected.

    8. Oktober 2015 at 17:53 #16224

    Hi Paul,
    Unfortunately, we cannot recreate this issue since it is specific to your setup and hardware. Our advice would be to try out the old QNAP again to rule out the Pi as an origin of error and put the Squeezeboxes very close to the WiFi router to rule out the WiFi connection as an origin.

    8. Oktober 2015 at 17:02 #16209

    Hi patrick,
    Max2Play is designed and fitted for a specific version of Ubuntu, updating would mess with the system. Regarding size restrictions, we have already successfully integrated a 1TB HDD into the system. This should not be a problem for the U3. Please try it without any additional periphery connected to rule out this origin of error.
    Regarding the HDD idle time, I have already addressed this issue in another thread: https://www.max2play.com/forums/topic/hard-drive-goes-into-idle-mode-too-early/
    You can try out this solution and change the idle time to your liking.

    7. Oktober 2015 at 17:30 #16102

    Hi mcduman,
    We built the Max2Play images with only the most basic services included in the initial image, so that you can add the other plugins whenever you want. This is the reason why we would not recommend disabling or deleting services. You can, however, look into the players and disable them and all their „autostart“ buttons in the web interface that you do not need. Then your RPi should be runnning as fast as it gets.

    7. Oktober 2015 at 16:25 #16100

    Hi Tommy,

    thank you for this great input. We will consider your idea in the future. Please stay in touch with us on our blog and Facebook to see if it might be implemented.
    For now, however, we have two options to control volume etc. with touch screens. Please have a look at our instructables:
    The 7 inch touch screen from Raspberry Pi: http://www.instructables.com/id/High-End-Sound-with-7-Inch-Touchscreen-Control-Bas/
    The 2,8 inch touch screen from watterott: http://www.instructables.com/id/Audio-Solution-with-Control-and-Visualization-on-a/

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