Forum Replies Created
15. Januar 2016 at 16:14 #17911
Hi Josiane,
Thanks for letting us know about these errors on our webpage, we will look into this. You need two separate accounts for shop and forum because the two are separate websites. We use different software for each and want the to keep the support aspect as much on the forum as possible so that all the community can profit from these public exchanges.15. Januar 2016 at 16:08 #17909Hi dangerusty,
We do not recommend running more than 3 instances of Squeezelite on a normal Raspberry Pi 2. We do not have a known limit for Odroids. Although it is possible, the output can suffer from that many simultaneous instances. For this we recommend using multiple Raspberry Pi’s since their cost, power usage and size is so small that its more advantageous to use more Pi’s for more players.
This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by
15. Januar 2016 at 15:58 #17908Hi manu,
You do not need an additional plugin, the control with an app like squeezer should always be possible if you are able to reach the webinterface. Which version of the SBS do you have installed? Did you try out the 7.9 nightly? Also, have you tried accessing the web interface from your smartphone, maybe the connectivity of the phone hinders the apps connection.15. Januar 2016 at 15:55 #17907Hi iiuuzz,
Wir haben leider keine Erfahrungen mit Deezer gemacht. Wir wissen, dass es ein Deezer-Plugin für den Squeezebox Server gibt, betreiben dieses jedoch nicht selbst. Es gibt außerdem anscheinend eine Deezer-App bei, also falls du dort einen Account erstellen möchtest könntest du diese auch austesten: Grüße
Heiner von Max2Play15. Januar 2016 at 15:45 #17906Hi microphone,
Du machst nichts verkehrt. Unser System ist nur so konfiguriert, dass Audioplayer und Kodi seperat laufen und Audioplayer in der Regel autostart hat und somit durchgehend läuft. Wenn Kodi dann gestartet wird, werden die Audioplayer automatisch gestoppt bis Kodi wieder beendet wird, woraufhin die Audioplayer wieder gestartet werden.15. Januar 2016 at 15:41 #17905Hi Bob,
I do not really understand your problem with our Squeezebox Server’s autostart. It does start automatically when booting if you have the tick on the autostart in SBS-menu. In the newest version of M2P you can even designate a delay in seconds for the autostart upon boot for SBS.15. Januar 2016 at 15:20 #17901Hi Bob,
The Imageburner plugin does not have portfolio page yet, but we will add one as soon as possible. However, you can already install it and check it out if you like. The link you need to paste for installation is: Januar 2016 at 15:06 #17900Hi macbecki,
We currently have two solutions for AirPlay: The normal Shairport player which comes preinstalled on alle images in the Audioplayer menu and the shairtunes2 plugin for the Squeezebox Server which turns all instances of Squeezelite into Airplay-compatible players that can then be controlled via iTunes.15. Januar 2016 at 13:58 #17897Hi Josiane and Bort,
Our default Raspberry Pi image with the WPS feature is now fully compatible with the Raspberry Pi Zero. Please download and burn the image to try it out. If you are having problems with the 2.26 version, try updating to the newest 2.27.14. Januar 2016 at 15:02 #17848Hi Robert,
You can see the filesystem, memory usage, workload, kernel, etc. in the Settings/Reboot menu on the bottom under Debug Info. CPU and RAM are not really ever challenged to their fullest with our Max2Play plugins and are thus not really necessary to observe the device’s situation.14. Januar 2016 at 14:56 #17847Hi Tefi,
You can use URL-commands from the Squeezebox Server-Software. We have been working on a voice control plugin and although it does not fully work yet, you can use the info from this plugin to implement URL-commands from the Squeezebox Server. Here is the installation-link:
Once installed, it generates some example commands based on your setup (mac-address, etc.). You can also look into the links below, wherein you can find all necessary commands. The second link is especially helpful and more structured and detailed.14. Januar 2016 at 13:58 #17845Hi noop,
This is great! We just checked it out on a test device and it works like a charm. We would love it if you could provide us a description and possibly a link of your own, so we can add this plugin to our website’s overview. We would add it as a user-built plugin and you would provide us with what it should say.
We would also very much appreciate it if you could write a blog post about your experience and the plugin to introduce it to the rest of the community.14. Januar 2016 at 13:53 #17843Hi Patrick,
Please take a look at your config and make sure you have the right parameters active. When you select the Digi-Amp+/Amp+ option in our image, it should add those automatically, but they are: -o hw:0 -V Digital14. Januar 2016 at 13:38 #17838There seems to be something wrong with your Kodi version. Please burning our new image with Kodi preinstalled to get rid of any corruptions.
6. Januar 2016 at 14:51 #17592Hi Bob,
Sorry about the US keyboard problems, we are working on it.
Regarding your application on a boat, I would suggest using the Access Point feature if you do not have a local network on the boat. With this plugin and a WiFi Stick you can access the Max2Play device with any other WiFi-compatible device. The whole system is set up to be headless, so the absence of a screen and keyboard should not impede on any features of Max2Play. You can control the system in any browser or with any apps for the Squeezebox. The Duet remote unfortunately is not supported under Max2Play.6. Januar 2016 at 14:04 #17590Hi mkkyah,
We have not experienced or heard of this problem before with our image. It seems that the plugin you installed has probably caused these problems. Trying to clean all the issues this might have caused would be harder than burning a new image or using the backup which we would recommend.Best Regards
Heiner from Max2Play5. Januar 2016 at 17:38 #17584Hi Thomas,
Bitte check ob du das Drittanbieter-plugin für Spotify aktiviert hast und nicht das ofiziell. Der Autor sollte Triode heißen.5. Januar 2016 at 17:35 #17583Hi Fred,
If you have your RPi set up as an access point, you should be able to access it as an available WiFi network. If you have a WiFi-Router at home, you can just use the WiFi/LAN setup and it should start showing up in your router. Please try using just WiFi connecting to your router or just a fully set up access point to access the Pi and you should be fine.21. Dezember 2015 at 15:54 #17425Hi Lars,
Unfortunately, we do not offer an image for the SheevaPlug. We currently offer images for the ODroid U2, U3, U3+, C1, C1+, XU3, XU4 and various images for the Raspberry Pi: Dezember 2015 at 14:31 #17232Es tut uns Leid, aber das scheint leider ein aktuelles Problem mit der neuen Kodi-Version zu sein. Da müssen wir dann selbst warten bis ein Fix rauskommt. Bis dahin können Sie, wenn Sie ISO-Wiedergabe benötigen, das Image neu brennen und die alte Version benutzen.
3. Dezember 2015 at 13:17 #17113Hi RichG,
Thanks for bringing up this issue. We are now working on a solution to have this section blank again.3. Dezember 2015 at 13:15 #17112Hi louroux,
The 86 value was something we had set from individual experience. However, after having had contact with the proprietor of the IQaudIO sound cards, we have found out that the optimum value for all three parameter’s is 100 percent.3. Dezember 2015 at 13:12 #17111Hallo Fam.Weigand,
Wir arbeiten aktuell noch an dieser Umsetzung. In unserer aktuellen beta haben wir bereits eine CEC-Funktionalität integriert. Wir müssen jedoch noch die unterschiedlichen Befehle für diese Funktionalität einrichten. Dieses Feature wird jedoch definitiv noch kommen. Es ist nur relativ zeitaufwendig.
Also halten Sie unseren Changelog und unsere anderen Kanäle im Auge für Updates.3. Dezember 2015 at 13:05 #17109Hi Tang,
At the moment, the easiest way would be a full, new installation. For the readonly you definitely need a fresh image. You need to update that fresh image and then you need to expand the filesystem. Only after that is the second partition rightly set up and your jivelite can work under write-only.2. Dezember 2015 at 16:54 #17104Hi jademonkee,
Technically, there should be no difference. However, the IQaudio image is specifically set up for those sound cards with a start page to select your card and some pre-configured setups for music applications. While the touchscreen image is for direct use of the screen upon first booting. So, whichever you prefer you might use. You can also try out both and tell us which one you would prefer for your use.2. Dezember 2015 at 16:45 #17103Hi Thomas,
What system and version of Max2Play are you using? We recommend using the current version of Max2Play 2.25 and not the NOOBS version. Also, please make sure you have expanded your filesystem; the free memory you can see in the bottom of the Settings/Reboot-page should be at least 40 percent with a 8 gb card.2. Dezember 2015 at 16:26 #17102Hi Andreas,
The plugins for LMS are third-party software and we can thus not guarantee any compatibility. The Deezer Plugin seems to require an active account on mysqueezebox and a Deezer Premium+ subscription. You might try it again with this course of action.
Regarding your second question, I am not sure which interface you mean when you say it shows up in the Squeezelite Player. TuneIn manages the radio functionalities of the LMS, this might be the reason it shows up.2. Dezember 2015 at 16:14 #17099Hi hdhwx42,
Not sure if I understand completely what you need, but the button’s functionality is applicable with just the URL that is displayed after you have clicked it. So you can copy and paste the URL to start Kodi (http://max2play/plugins/max2play_settings/controller/Xbmc.php?action=start& and integrate it into any application you want in your local network. You can, for example, add a bookmark on your smartphone or tablet for this link to have it switch with one touch on your device. You can of course, also integrate into a script for your TV.
I hope this solves your problem.2. Dezember 2015 at 15:29 #17097Hi Cyfect,
Very interesting ideas! There are obviously some logistical issues but some of your proposed steps are certainly possiblities for Max2Play’s future. Thanks for your active interest in Max2Play and if you want to start the development in this direction, we would welcome you looking into our developer’s corner:
Regarding SqueezePlug, we have not had contact to the them in a while. However, Max2Play is still keeping this project very much alive.2. Dezember 2015 at 15:16 #17096Hi joschi,
Dein erstes Anliegen sollte kein Problem sein, wenn der Server im Netzwerk ist sollte dieser auch deine Max2Play Raspi’s als „Max2Play“ erkennen. Du kannst diese dann mit dem Serverinterface kontrollieren.
Die Airplay-Anwendung ist leider nicht möglich. Das System ermöglicht keine Synchronisation. -
This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by