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  • 8. Juli 2019 at 16:06 #46197

    Hello Marc,

    I will send you an email with the further steps.

    Thank you for posting.

    8. Juli 2019 at 12:38 #46189

    Hi Erwin,

    Please copy and paste the audioplayer debug info when the Digi+ is selected.

    Your description of the problem seems to indicate that the card is somehow physically not recognized by the Pi anymore.

    8. Juli 2019 at 11:33 #46187

    Hello ErwinB,

    When you set the digi+ and reboot, what is the output device selected in the Audioplayer’s advanced settings afterwards?

    With the touchscreen, you should be able to just run the install of the 7″ and have it calibrated and configured right after.
    Have you tried resetting and reinstalling yet?

    8. Juli 2019 at 11:24 #46186

    Hi Michael,

    Peter refers to the Max2Play plugin „Remote Control“ which lets you access SSH from the webinterface. Here’s the plugin page

    8. Juli 2019 at 11:22 #46185

    Hello Marc,

    With fresh Raspbian, do you mean the new Max2Play image based on Raspbian Buster?

    You should not edit the config.txt as you interfere with the webinterface config.

    Select the IQaudIO sound card in the IQaudIO plugin and reboot. Afterwards, your audio players should automatically run with the sound card as output.

    8. Juli 2019 at 10:42 #46181

    Glad to hear it! Thanks for the update.

    8. Juli 2019 at 10:39 #46180

    Hello Mimi,

    Make sure Squeezelite is not occupying the sound card (add „-C 5“ to the command line options of Squeezelite to automatically vacate the card after 5 secs of inactivity).

    Do you use the Squeezebox Server usually? If so, you should migrate to the Spotty plugin for Squeezebox Server. It adds Spotify Connect and Spotify in the LMS to all your Squeezelite players. Here’s how you set it up

    If the issue is the same with Spotty, this might be directly connected to Spotify or a related package.
    If not, our Spotify Connect player has an issue.

    8. Juli 2019 at 10:32 #46179

    Hi gresyth,

    Thanks, so it’s not related to an older version. You are up to date.

    I googled the SSD’s specs and it seems to be formatted in exFAT. Usually, we have not had any issues with this format mounting on M2P.

    Does the double entry of the mount result in any errors or issues for your setup?
    Can you access and play any of the music from the mounts?

    8. Juli 2019 at 9:37 #46178

    Hi lektoren,

    The download is just part of the install process. Did the whole process take more than three minutes? What were the final lines of yellow text?

    5. Juli 2019 at 14:33 #46169

    Hi FeinRib,

    Did you try out playback with Kodi yet?

    We have an official guide on setting up Kodi for a mobile Max2Play solution.

    We also have one on a mobile Bluetooth solution which might be useful, too.

    I will have a look at the Squeezebox solution, too. But for this weekend, I recommend trying out Kodi or MPD as alternatives.

    5. Juli 2019 at 10:50 #46166

    Hi Andrew,

    Thanks for the quick reply! Glad to hear it worked right away.

    Let us know about the performance of the 4GB model with your LMS library, it would be interesting to compare it to older models of the Pi.

    5. Juli 2019 at 9:35 #46161

    Hi gresyth,

    Which version of Max2Play are you using? (Settings/Reboot debug info Kernel and release name „jessie“ or „stretch“)

    Please also make a beta update.

    5. Juli 2019 at 9:32 #46160

    Hi everyone,

    The official Max2Play 2.50 Buster Beta image is now available for download.
    You can use it on all the new Raspberry Pi 4B models as well as on older Pis.

    We appreciate all feedback from any device you can try the image on.

    4. Juli 2019 at 10:51 #46135

    Previously, I asked which of the drives has the data on it. Have you been able to find that out yet?
    Do both shares contain data or is one empty?

    Also, have you tried removing the stick physical, rebooting and connecting it again?

    3. Juli 2019 at 11:12 #46108

    Stell sicher, dass dieses Paket mit Raspbian Stretch kompatibel ist. Nutze „sudo su“, um root-Rechte zu erhalten.

    2. Juli 2019 at 11:47 #46105

    Hallo Mike,

    Danke für den Tipp. Sicher interessant für viele Multiroom-Nutzer die noch nach einer günstigen Lösung für eine weitere Zone suchen.

    2. Juli 2019 at 11:46 #46104

    Der Raspberry Pi 3B verbraucht sehr wenig Strom. Wir haben es mal ausgerechnet und bei Dauerbetrieb für 365 Tage und hoher Auslastung verbraucht er ca. 22 kwh was ca. 5-6 € pro Jahr entspricht.

    Bei den Playereinheiten ohne Server sind es eher die Hälfte.

    2. Juli 2019 at 11:39 #46103

    For the last questions, yes, the tick affixes the mount to a certain path.

    If so, remove this tick and reboot.

    2. Juli 2019 at 10:32 #46102

    Mit Kodierung meine ich das Dateiformat und dessen Restriktionen, Rechte, etc. Dies sind zumeist der Grund, weshalb Dateien nicht richtig gescannt wurden vom LMS.

    Da bei dir jedoch anscheinend bereits alle Dateien zuvor erfolgreich gescannt wurden, würde ich erstmal einen neuen Scan mit „clear everything“ machen und gucken ob die betroffenen nun alle wieder weg sind und ob weitere dazukommen.

    Sollte das der Fall sein, installiere den Server am besten neu (7.9.1).

    1. Juli 2019 at 10:27 #46019

    Hi willytom,

    The path to Max2Play’s Jivelite is the same as in the documentation from slimdevices, you might try that.

    I assume Moode has a wholly different approach to their font management. As mentioned, Jivelite has a different source for its fonts than e.g. our web interface.

    1. Juli 2019 at 9:55 #46003

    Hi greysth,

    Does your USB drive have two different partitions?

    Have you tried ejecting the drive, rebooting and connecting it again? If so, do both entries reappear?

    Do both shares contain data or is one empty?

    Have you made a tick at permanent mounting for one of them or both?

    1. Juli 2019 at 9:52 #45999

    Hi everyone,

    Thank you for chiming in and letting us know that you are interested in the new Pi as well! 🙂

    We will discuss how quickly we can get a stable release of the 4B out and also evaluate the different RAM options for Max2Play applications.

    As you may already know, the new Raspberry Pi 4B is only compatible with the newly released Raspbian Buster image by Raspberry Pi Foundation which came out even before the official Debian Buster release it is based on. So we will have to make sure there are no dependencies with Max2Play’s plugins and that the release is stable enough to start migrating.

    So we appreciate all feedback on your experiences with the new Pi.

    1. Juli 2019 at 9:47 #45996

    Hallo ehaeb,

    Danke für die Rückmeldung, freut mich zu hören 🙂

    28. Juni 2019 at 12:17 #45979

    Hi willytom,

    I’m afraid Jivelite’s font set does not support special characters.

    I will dig some more about possible options.

    27. Juni 2019 at 10:40 #45953

    Da es sich nur um diese bestimmte Art von File handelt, wird es mit einem Problem mit der .cue oder mit einem bestimmten Rechte/Schreibschutz-Status zusammenhängen. Versuch einmal, eine der FLACs gesondert nur als .wav datei zu scannen und abzuspielen.

    27. Juni 2019 at 10:32 #45952

    Hi Matej,

    This is indeed odd. Did you do anything else manually on the system?

    Please burn a new image and see if you can recreate the error. If so, please copy-paste the error you get when first starting the LMS after reboot (wait 1-2 min).

    27. Juni 2019 at 10:28 #45951

    Hi willytom,

    Which interface are you referring to? (Squeezebox webinterface, Max2Play, Jivelite, Kodi)

    Here’s a relevant thread in case you mean Max2Play itself

    27. Juni 2019 at 10:18 #45949

    Hi RHD,

    Most of theses errors are negligible as they refer to missing connections when a service is still starting or restarting. Deactivating plugins should not be necessary, so make sure you do not deactivate anything vital. Check your Max2Play’s Health Checker, it might be that the LMS was just indexing your library which takes some time and a lot of load off the Pi’s CPU. But once it’s done, this should go down.

    27. Juni 2019 at 10:16 #45948

    Hallo Michael,

    Hier erstmal die Anleitung zum Teilen von Audiokanälen in einer USB-Soundkarte für unser MultiSqueeze Plugin.

    Nun würde ich gern kurz anschneiden, welche Probleme damit einhergehen und weshalb wir immer zu mehreren Pi’s raten.

    Der Squeezebox Server als zentrale Einheit hat den größten Aufwand und den größten „Load“, da dort alle Streams im Multiroom verarbeitet werden, ist es empfohlen auf diesem Pi maximal einen Audioplayer laufen zu lassen.

    Das Zubehör, das vonnöten ist, um alle Kanäle danach weiterzuleiten an die jeweiligen Endgeräte, die Endgeräte selbst, die relativ niedrige Qualität eines herkömmlichen USB-DACs und die zentrale Natur eines Pis mit allen Playern nimmt einem viele Vorteile eines Max2Play Multiroom Systems. Durch die Verbindung mehrerer Computer einem Netzwerk und dessen Positionen in verschiedenen Räumen lassen sich verschiedenste Plugins und Integrationen in Smart-Geräte ermöglichen. Außerdem sind sowohl der Pi als auch die meisten Soundkarten in einem sehr guten Preisleistungsverhältnis zu haben. Dank der modularen Struktur dieses System lassen sich außerdem jederzeit Elemente ausbauen, ersetzen, anpassen, etc.

    Hier noch unsere 4-teilige Artikelreihe zum Thema für weitere Anreize

    25. Juni 2019 at 15:28 #45925

    Okay, so there are different kinds of ports. For the Pi in the local network, the LMS usually uses port 9000.

    However, open ports, for example for VPNs and the like, are a danger for the LMS. If you have not worked with anything to route a connection outside your local network, you do not need to concern yourself with this.

    It might be, your installation was just somehow faulty. You can try installing anew and keeping the installation running uninterrupted for at least 15 minutes. Try selecting the version 7.9.1.

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