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  • 2. Mai 2016 at 13:46 #20014

    Hi Raymond,
    Great Video! Your setup seems to work nicely and covers a lot of possible applications.

    2. Mai 2016 at 13:43 #20013

    Hi Stephan,
    First, you need to activate your sound card, if that has happened, you should find options default and sysdefault with the name of your sound card (hifiberry_amp) in the list of available outputs. Choose sysdefault for one of your players, you cannot have both players running with the same output. We would recommend Squeezelite since it should be available for both Android and iOS with apps like iPeng for iOS and Squeezer for Android. You can see if the shairtunes plugin is installed in your Squeezebox Server Interface’s Settings.

    2. Mai 2016 at 13:25 #20012

    Hi Clyde,
    This has previously been discussed in German, I translated the gist of the conversation to English here: https://www.max2play.com/en/forums/topic/what-kind-of-usb-dac-supported-by-max2play-for-multiroom-purpose/#post-18840

    27. April 2016 at 15:35 #19983

    Hi Sabreur,
    The Jessie-Image is not compatible with the old Wolfson Card since it needs a kernel change which would break the Jessie system. Please use one of the Wheezy-based images, e.g. m2p_default_226_wps.img, on our Download page: https://www.max2play.com/en/max2play-image/

    25. April 2016 at 16:13 #19965

    Hi Tobi,
    Bei solchen konrketen Fragen zur Anpassung von Squeezelite empfehlen wir dir, den Thread vom Squeezebox-Forum zu konsultieren: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?97046-Announce-Squeezelite-a-small-headless-squeezeplay-emulator-for-linux-(alsa-only)/page308

    25. April 2016 at 16:09 #19964

    Hi ppb1005,

    Danke für den Hinweis, die Installation benötigt das zusätzliche Installieren eines Java-Pakets im neuen Jessie-Image. Um dies zu machen, muss man einfach folgende Befehle in der Konsole eingeben (Anmeldung mit user: pi pw: raspberry):
    sudo apt-get udpate
    sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre

    Dieses Problem wird zudem in der nächsten Version und der aktuellen Beta behoben sein.

    25. April 2016 at 16:05 #19962

    Hi nimora,
    I just tested all special characters as password and username options on a test device without any problems. I also tried out some other possibly problematic characters but none gave any login issues. Which image are you using?

    25. April 2016 at 16:00 #19961

    Der normale Port sollte 3483 sein. Du solltest jedoch auch in den Kommandozeilen-Optionen von Squeezelite mit dem Befehl „-s IP“ deine IP-Adresse festlegen.

    25. April 2016 at 15:57 #19960

    Hi Leute,
    Die direkte Anmeldung über root ist in der aktuellen Version von Max2Play nicht mehr möglich. Die einfachste Möglichkeit auf root zu kommen ist die typische, empfohlene, offizielle Einwahl über Nutzer: pi Passwort: raspberry und dann die Eingabe „su“ (Superuser) wobei das Passwort weiterhin „max2play“ ist.

    25. April 2016 at 15:53 #19959

    Bitte versuche noch ein Update durchzuführen, falls dieses irgendwie unvollständig druchgeführt wurde könnte dies das Problem sein. Falls du nicht auf den Button kommst, gebe bitte dies ein: http://DEINE_IP/plugins/max2play_settings/controller/Basic.php?action=checkMax2PlayUpdate

    25. April 2016 at 15:50 #19958

    Hi Gianpaolo,
    We have now gotten our hands on a Macbook and recreated your application. You need to go to „Sharing“ in the Mac Options and create a share with „SMB“. The output address you get from that share can then be entered into the M2P interface as you described above.

    25. April 2016 at 15:47 #19957

    Hello ghost,
    Unfortunately, the C1 is not updated anymore. Please contact the people at Hardkernel for further information on Kernel updates.

    25. April 2016 at 15:45 #19956

    Hi Batman und Humpelpumpel,
    Dieses Problem sollte mit dem neuesten Update behoben sein. Falls dies bei euch immer noch nicht der Fall ist, klickt bitte einmal auf das Beta-Update und danach erneut auf das normal Update.

    25. April 2016 at 15:43 #19955

    Please contact the manufacturer for further information on DSD compatibility, here is the email: [email protected]

    25. April 2016 at 14:36 #19948

    Hi awietek,
    We have not had any experience with the Soekris DAC, yet. Which output option do you have selected in your player options and do other file formats play fine?

    25. April 2016 at 14:31 #19947

    Hi guys,
    Sorry for your inconveniences. The jessie-image should really be working on all Raspberry Pi 3’s, for the SD card we recommend at least Class 10 speed but otherwise those should all work as well.
    Regarding your issues, benekm, we will look at our wording on the download page adjust for misunderstandings. Thanks for informing us.

    25. April 2016 at 14:26 #19945

    Hi Dan,
    The gmediarender client should be back in the Audioplayer menu in our newest version. Have you tried it again under 2.30?

    25. April 2016 at 14:17 #19944

    Hi ehe,
    Max2Play comes with Kodi preinstalled. The start installation section replaces that working version. Which HTTP-Link did you use and which Raspberry Pi are you using?

    25. April 2016 at 14:14 #19943

    Hi guys,
    Our current Jessie Image has Kodi 2:15.2-2~jessie.
    The installation protocol should work as well, depending on the source package you use for installation.

    edit: We also took out the preset download link that would not be working with the Jessie-Image to prevent further confusion.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Heiner.
    25. April 2016 at 14:09 #19942

    Hi B3eni,
    Von Max2Play’s Seite kannst du das Plugin „Passwortschutz“ installieren. Dies sperrt den Zugriff auf Max2Play und fragt vorher immer eine Nutzername und Passwort-Abfrage ab. Diese kannst du ganz einfach im Webinterface eingeben.

    25. April 2016 at 13:44 #19938

    Hi Max,
    Did you disconnect the LAN cable during reboot? Otherwise, the LAN connection might override the WiFi and when you then disconnect the cable, the connection is still LAN. Also, does the web interface show an active wifi module and have you ticked the wifi interface on to load?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Heiner.
    22. April 2016 at 14:38 #19907

    Yep, the installation of the Squeezebox Server on Max2Play is 7.9 nightly which should work fine with other preexisting Squeezeboxes.

    22. April 2016 at 14:25 #19905

    Hi Gringo,
    The SqueezePlug image is our oldest image and stems from an old collaboration with a now inactive project „SqueezePlug“. Thus, we do not plan on making it compatible with new models. For the Raspberry Pi 3 we have the current Jessie image which works perfectly with the RPi3, no waiting necessary. It has all the features of the SqueezePlug image but has steadily been improved and expanded.

    22. April 2016 at 14:14 #19904

    Hi Eyerex,
    The Youtube plugin is a troublesome third-party plugin by Triode. You can read about its issues and current status on Triode’s announcement thread in the slim devices board: http://forums.slimdevices.com/archive/index.php/t-87731.html

    22. April 2016 at 13:49 #19903

    Hi adam,
    Thanks for the tip, we will look into it!

    22. April 2016 at 13:48 #19902

    Hi Dirk,
    We would recommend using the previous version in which this plugin worked. Hardkernel has ceased production of the U3, thus the new compatible software for it is going to cease as well.

    21. April 2016 at 13:19 #19894

    Hi Jan and Douglas,
    Currently, the ONLY image that works with the RPi3 is the Jessie-based one. This one should, however, not cause any big problems. Please try burning the Jessie image on your SD card using this software: http://com.odroid.com/sigong/blog/blog_list.php?bid=144
    This imager cleanses the sd card of any faulty data from previous images.

    21. April 2016 at 13:14 #19893

    Hallo Hens,
    Meinst du, dass nach inaktiver Laufzeit oder nach 24 Playback dieses Problem auftritt? Bei letzterem liegt es daran, dass der Streamanbieter (Radio/Spotify) nach gewisser Zeit ohne Änderung die Verbindung beeinträchtigen kann. Da hilft dann nur ein Neustart. Bei ersterem könnte dies mit deinem lokalen Netzwerk, vor allem am WLAN liegen. Da müsstes du testen ob zB das WLAN-Gerät bei einer näheren Position zum Router oder mit LAN auch dieses Problem erzeugt.

    21. April 2016 at 13:07 #19891

    Hi Mat,
    Please tell us which image you used, which Pi you have and what steps you took before this anomaly happened in your web interface. Also, please try another browser or device to rule out Chrome as a source of error for this.

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