Forum Replies Created
23. Mai 2016 at 15:39 #20225
Hi asplundj,
You can accomplish this by using the php-command to start Kodi: http://YOUR-IP/plugins/max2play_settings/controller/Xbmc.php?action=start23. Mai 2016 at 15:31 #20224Hi Dirk,
You can access Kodi’s interface with our VNC server addon and a VNC viewer app from anywhere in your local network. We currently do not have a feature for CD integration in the works.23. Mai 2016 at 15:28 #20223Hi schmello,
Natürlich geht das. Abseits vom Backup des gesamten Images, wofür wir inzwischen diesen praktischen Wiki-Eintrag haben:
Kannst du natürlich auch die Daten deines Squeezebox Servers sichern. Gehe einfach auf die Einstellungen im SBS Webinterface, dort auf „Informationen“. Dort findest du alle wichtigen Ordner für Einstellungen, etc. und dessen Pfad zum kopieren. Für bestimmte Einstellungen innerhalb des M2P Systems benötigst du die jeweilige config-Datei bzw Ordner.23. Mai 2016 at 15:17 #20222Hi Raymond,
The update will not damage your hardware or do any long term harm. But we cannot guarantee that all our features will continue working since we did not test the new updates.23. Mai 2016 at 15:15 #20221Hallo Michael,
Das Skin was du benötigst sollte den Namen QVGATouchSkin tragen. Ist diese Auswahl bei dir vorhanden?23. Mai 2016 at 14:44 #20220Hi Dan,
Please try installing the gmedia renderer first before updating the kernel.23. Mai 2016 at 14:42 #20219Hi Alex,
We have not had any experience with a BT home hub router, but it should not be a problem. Have you tried burning a fresh image? Because it seems there are several issues that usually do not come up in the Max2Play web interface.23. Mai 2016 at 14:39 #20218Hi sammy,
This seems like something might have gone wrong during the installation of the Squeezebox Server. Have your tried installing it again on a fresh image? Also, have you expanded the filesystem? You can see how much space you have left in the debug window under „Settings/Reboot“.23. Mai 2016 at 14:25 #20217Hi JD,
The correct selection should be sysdefault_…. with a specification for your sound card included.23. Mai 2016 at 14:04 #20216Hi Flo,
Please select the PVR Addons Repository compiled by Max2Play to prevent any issues. You will find, amongst others, the tvheadend addon in the Max2Play Repository in Kodi’s interface under the System Settings in the Addon Manager.23. Mai 2016 at 13:55 #20215Hi kevlille,
The correct login is user: pi pw: raspberry
If you want root rights, enter „su“ and the password is max2play.
The sound levels should be the same, have you used the option „USB sound card“ in Raspberry Settings?
You should see two different AirPlay sources, but can just play one at a time without iTunes.18. Mai 2016 at 15:04 #20174Hi muhackl,
We currently only support the PiDAC Zero by IQaudIO for the Raspberry Pi Zero18. Mai 2016 at 14:38 #20166Hello Allen,
We successfully tested our current images for use with the DAC+ Pro multiple times. The images for the Raspberry Pi 3 are all based on jessie but include all the previous features of Max2Play in addition to the new features that come with the RPi3’s hardware like bluetooth speaker connectivity.12. Mai 2016 at 13:04 #20100Hallo Werner,
Bitte aktualisiere dein System auf die Version 2.31. Wir haben ein Problem mit der WLAN-Verbindung und älteren Images gefunden das nun in diesem Update behoben wurde. Lass uns bitte wissen ob dies dein Problem löst.12. Mai 2016 at 13:02 #20099Hi Max,
Thanks for the detailed response. We have found an issue with older images updated to 2.30 that might cuase your troubles. It is fixed in our newest update, 2.31. Please update your system and check if you still cannot get an IP address for your WiFi connection.12. Mai 2016 at 12:25 #20097Hallo Volker,
Die aktuellen Images haben die aktuelle Version von Kodi 15.2-2 vorinstalliert. Momentan gibt es noch keine Möglichkeit eine neuere Version zu installieren, weshalb das Feld für diese URL aktuell leer steht. Sobald es eine neuere kompatible Version gibt, werden wir diese umgehend dort einbringen.12. Mai 2016 at 12:09 #20095Not your browser, but your Windows Explorer bar where you can see the path you are currently on in your computer’s folders. With Windows it should read something like C:\User\etc.
Just type in the name of your Samba Share (in this case \\max2play) there.11. Mai 2016 at 15:44 #20086Hi alex,
Does the Max2Play web interface show you the successfully added Samba Share? Also, have you tried typing \\max2play into your Windows Explorer bar?11. Mai 2016 at 15:37 #20085Hi knorke,
Das Image für den Rpi2 kannst du nutzen für den Rpi3 wenn es ein Jessie Image war, dies siehst du im Debug-Info-Feld bei Einstellungen/Reboot ganz unten.
Gehe ich richtig in der Annahme, dass das WLAN-Problem nun behoben ist?11. Mai 2016 at 15:26 #20084Hi guys,
We recommend using the shutdown button before removing the power supply. While this usually does not have a great effect on the system, the removal of the power supply while the system is running tasks in the background can lead to future errors.10. Mai 2016 at 13:59 #20082Hi tung,
For Spotify you need a third party plugin by triode, here is a how-to on the topic: Mai 2016 at 13:43 #20081Hi Thomas,
The control can be handled with a lot of apps that all work in your local network, if both your smartphone or tablet and the Max2Play device is connected to the same network. Bluetooth is not supported for this control option. For Squeezebox control we recommend Squeezer for Android and iPeng for iOS. It is, of course, also no problem to connect a HDD.10. Mai 2016 at 13:22 #20080I just tried the installation on a fresh jessie image and the player was installed and ready to use after one click on the start installation button. Does your web interface still show the gmedia renderer under the Audioplayer menu as not installed?
10. Mai 2016 at 12:22 #20079Hi qu1ckdry,
Great news! The triode Spotify plugin usually works from the start, I’ve made a small How-To on setting it up, in case have not seen it yet: Mai 2016 at 16:25 #20048Hi Simon,
I successfully tested this setup with the Max2Play Jessie Image, the Cirrus Card put out music over its audio jack. I just selected the Wolfson Card under Raspberry Settings, rebooted, selected the audio jack and played something over Squeezelite. Please try the Jessie Image again (only Jessie works with the RPi3, our new HiFiBerry Image is jessie-based as well) and share your steps and when exactly you encounter error messages.4. Mai 2016 at 16:20 #20047Okay,
You can use the example 1 since you probably want to write on the share as well as read:
Name: usbshare
Path: /media/usb
writeable: yes
Create Mode: 0777Except if you want to use a share on the SD card and not a constantly connected usb drive to be your share, you need to use another folder. You can use home/pi/downloads. Now, just click save and the share is created. If you have not yet, also create a password to enter from your windows pc, you can leave root as the user name.
Now, if you go to your PC’s explorer, under network you should find the element \\MAX2PLAY. If you click it, it will ask for your user name and password, type those in and you can access the share, add files, delete them or copy them to your PC.4. Mai 2016 at 15:19 #20044Hi alex,
You can create a Samba Share on your M2P device under „Filesystem/Mount“. This folder on your Pi’s SD card is then shared in your local network and accessible for all other devices. You can follow the guidelines and example parameters to configure your preferred share.4. Mai 2016 at 15:10 #20043Hi Eyerex,
The Change Log states that this addon’s development is currently on hold.2. Mai 2016 at 14:20 #20018Hi Stephan,
Please only use the sysdefault option. You can only put out through one player at a time, so do not select the Amp+ for both or have one deactivated.2. Mai 2016 at 14:16 #20017Hi Dave,
I just tested this setup here and it worked. However, the LED on the DAC+ Pro just indicates that it is connected. Please, try selecting „none“ again, reboot, and your sound card again, reboot. -