Forum Replies Created
10. Juni 2016 at 14:24 #20575
Hi Raymond,
Unfortunately, the SiriusXM platform is not compatible with the Squeezebox environment anymore.
10. Juni 2016 at 14:00 #20574Hi ilko,
Ich habe deine Lizenz soeben erfolgreich getestet. Bitte befolge die Schritte die du per Mail erhalten hast, falls die Lizenz weiterhin inaktiv bleibt.10. Juni 2016 at 13:20 #20572Hi guys,
We are happy to announce that the IQaudIO image is now compatible with the Raspberry Pi 3 and backwards-compatible with the Raspberry Pi 1 and 2! You can find the image on our download page in place of the old IQaudIO image.8. Juni 2016 at 12:26 #20551Great idea and great participation, already!
We love to see projects realized with Max2Play and would love to publish some in our Blog with your cooperation. But it makes sense to have a forum to exchange your experiences, as well. However, due to the constraints of this forum structure, we would recommend contacting us if you want to present your projects in detail. Then we will be happy to publish them in the Blog with proper reference to your efforts.8. Juni 2016 at 11:30 #20548Hi Michael,
Have you tried reaching it with the IP address your router has assigned? Also, what were your steps after being able to reach the web interface? Do you still get a Jivelite output?8. Juni 2016 at 11:20 #20547Hi Marc,
Please try only entering „-o plug:plugequal“ in the command line.8. Juni 2016 at 11:08 #20546Hi didjean,
Our IQaudIO Bundles are all compatible and can be ordered with a Raspberry Pi 3. The IQaudIO image for RPi3 is in the works. But all the functionality and features of the IQaudIO image can be added to the normal RPi3-compatible image with the IQaudIO plugin.6. Juni 2016 at 13:59 #20522Hi Bristow,
As previously mentioned, we cannot guarantee support for all USB sound cards since their quality and performance vary greatly. However, since your card apparently seems to be intended for use with a normal audio jack, I would recommend „sysdefault – C-Media USB…“6. Juni 2016 at 13:53 #20521Hi Mike,
We have not experienced this issue with the Edimax WiFi Stick, yet. You might try this solve for a problematic WiFi connection: Juni 2016 at 12:37 #20516Hi Stephan,
Without a connection to your local network via LAN cable first, you can only access WiFi with our WPS feature:
You can, however, also first connect via LAN, set up your WiFi connection, and reboot and unplug the LAN.
The login for Max2Play is
user: pi
pw: raspberryFor basic information when getting started with Max2Play
– Visit our Wiki for simple use cases and configurations
– Visit our How-To for specific, quick applications of Max2Play
– Visit our Youtube channel for step-by-step web interface configurations
– Visit our FAQ’s for frequent questions with Max2Play
– Visit our page for specific hardware applications6. Juni 2016 at 12:06 #20514Hi Martin,
Thanks for the tip! For temporary use, you can also log in with the user pi and the pw raspberry and then enter su to be able to enter the root-password max2play.3. Juni 2016 at 14:06 #20490Hi alex,
The „root“ is the user, you should indeed enter a password, leave root as your username and click save. I just tested it again with our newest build and it worked fine. You should see „MAX2PLAY“ as a network device in your Windows Explorer, right below your computer’s hard drives.3. Juni 2016 at 13:04 #20471Hi David,
Sorry about the inconvenience. Have you tried reaching the server from another browser, people have mentioned having problems from time to time with different browsers? Also, please check your debug info under „Settings/Reboot“ to see if you have enough space left. Finally, we recommend the version 7.9 nightly. If you still could not reach the GUI, we would recommend burning a fresh image on the eMMC (free download, quick how-to), expanding the filesystem and installing 7.9 nightly.2. Juni 2016 at 12:10 #20434Hi howesfam,
What error occurs when you try to start Jivelite? Have you connected the screen first to establish an output? By the system fails to boot up, do you mean the whole image is not accessible anymore after the installation of Jivelite?30. Mai 2016 at 15:23 #20410Hi guys,
Firstly, the option „set static IP address“ does not give you the possibility to set an IP address of your choice but just to continously set the assigned IP that is already displayed. Please do not change this IP manually. Secondly, the LAN connection can impede on the WiFi connection. Please make sure disconnect the LAN cable once the WiFi connection is set up and you click „reboot“.30. Mai 2016 at 14:56 #20409Hi Sabreur,
The Squeezebox Server has the typical folder structure for artists, albums, songs, etc. But you can also just use the search bar to find any song. This search feature is also included in most Squeezebox apps like Squeezer or iPeng. You can also create playlists to find your preferred music more quickly.30. Mai 2016 at 14:53 #20408Hallo Peter,
Da sollte kein Problem aufkommen. Einfach die IP des RPi3 bei deinem SSH-Programm eingeben und als Login „pi“, als Passwort „raspberry“.30. Mai 2016 at 14:16 #20407Hi nikkos,
You can try using a different WiFi dongle, change the location of your device or WiFi router or switch to LAN. You can also try activating the max. USB-current option under Raspberry Settings to see if it fixes your issue.27. Mai 2016 at 12:34 #20354Hi Sabreur,
This is should be possible. However, this application is very specific and we cannot offer any direct instructions. We did find this discussion on the same topic:
You could also buy an input splitter with two inputs for your output. Or, if you still have a digital input left, you could buy a HiFiBerry Digi+ to connect your Pi and free up the AUX input.27. Mai 2016 at 12:13 #20352Hi guys,
Sorry for the late response. We had to find out ourselves that the source for this skin had changed. We made all the necessary adjustments already and you can, too, with a beta update (just click the beta update button under „Settings/Reboot“ and try installing the skin again). The issue will be completely gone with the next official update but the newest beta will work right now.27. Mai 2016 at 12:10 #20348Hi repiuk,
This might be an issue with the recognition of your screen. Please try connecting the screen before booting and check if the boot sequence is displayed. This should establish the screen so that Jivelite and Kodi can recognize it.26. Mai 2016 at 13:37 #20309The HiFiBerry image ideal if you use a HiFiBerry sound card with your Pi. You can directly activate it and the drivers and configuration is made with one click. However, the default image can also add the HiFiBerry plugin and any other plugins. So both will do the job but without a HiFiBerry card, I would recommend the default Pi image.
26. Mai 2016 at 12:52 #20307Yes, you can currently choose between the default jessie RPi 3 image or the HiFiBerry image.
26. Mai 2016 at 12:31 #20305Hi lid,
This image is based on wheezy and not compatible with the Raspberry Pi 3. The download page states all compatibilities for the respective images. The Touchscreen image works with RPi 1+2. However, you can use all the plugins and functionalities from it with the other images.26. Mai 2016 at 12:24 #20304Hi Nikkos,
Have you tried using LAN to eliminate your WiFi connection as a source of error?25. Mai 2016 at 16:43 #20283Hallo ilko,
Sorry für die späte Antwort. Unser Bluetooth plugin ist aktuell nur für das Koppeln von Bluetooth Lautsprechern konzipiert.25. Mai 2016 at 16:42 #20282Hi muhackl,
I was trying to say that we currently only offer the IQaudIO sound card for the Zero and cannot confirm or deny the compatibility of this other product. However, if you have it working flawlessly, we would appreciate the feedback so we can inform other users of the compatibility.25. Mai 2016 at 16:18 #20279Hallo Thomy,
Der Link wurde aus aktuellen Versionen von Max2Play entfernt. Wir empfehlen die installierte Version zu nutzen und werden euch natürlich darüber informieren wenn eine neue Version in einem Update enthalten ist.25. Mai 2016 at 16:15 #20278Hi guys,
Here the link to Sabreurs previous thread: let us know if there are still issues.
25. Mai 2016 at 15:44 #20268Hi halfdeaf,
Ich habe deine Email eben getestet und sie funktionierte auf diesem Testgerät. Die Lizenz ist nutzerbezogen und Sie können damit all Ihre Geräte aktivieren.
Bitte folgen Sie diesen Schritten:Achten Sie darauf, dass Ihr Max2Play-Gerät mit dem Internet verbunden ist.
Löschen Sie im Max2Play-Interface das Feld mit der Lizenz und klicken Sie auf „Speichern“.
Klicken Sie erneut auf „Einstellungen/Reboot“, geben Sie die Lizenz wieder ein und klicken Sie auf „Speichern“.
Prüfen Sie, ob das grüne „Aktiviert“-Feld erscheint. Falls nicht, kontaktieren Sie uns für weitere Hilfe erneut. -