Forum Replies Created
21. Juni 2016 at 12:02 #20790
Hi Ricky,
Thanks for the feedback! We will look into ways to incorporate the information more clearly into our documentation.21. Juni 2016 at 11:56 #20786Hi chopinhauer,
Sorry for the confusion. The second image is in fact just based on the Jessie lite Raspbian operating system. It is the full Max2Play image for the Raspberry Pi 3. All normal features are available, including the installer for the LMS you will find under the menu „Squeezebox Server“.20. Juni 2016 at 16:37 #20768Hi Lars,
It seems, Kodi currently only allows one additional audio output in its interface. This seems to be the Pi’s own output by default.
To change this, you can activate the option„Disable Build-In-Audio on RPI3“
under Raspberry Settings in the M2P web interface. This way, the HiFiBerry card should take the top slot and appear in your Kodi Interface.
20. Juni 2016 at 16:24 #20767Hi bobw,
It sounds like your device is not correctly connected to the internet. Which would explain your issue with the help functions which should all link to different web pages from our website. Please make sure your device has access to the internet to install new add-on’s. By internet access, I do mean the connection of the Pi to the web. Your access to web pages from the device you are accessing Max2Play with does not matter.20. Juni 2016 at 16:05 #20765Hi lidbanger,
Firstly, you might try assigning the write mode 766 instead for full write and read rights without the execution. Secondly, please try the installation of 7.9 nightly of the Squeezebox Server if you do not have this version. Thirdly, if the problem persist, you might try one of the normal formats like NTFS or ext4.
20. Juni 2016 at 15:57 #20764Hi Patrick,
The crossfeed filter is not included in Jivelite. You can currently only adjust those settings in the Audio Player menu in the Max2Play web interface. You can add a link to this page on PC, tablet or smartphone.20. Juni 2016 at 15:55 #20763Regarding your problem with output, you should at least get a perfect output from the audio jack. Please try typing „-o hw:0“ in your command line options to force the output via audio jack and test it again.
Additionally, do you have any other add-ons installed, like the Squeezebox Server?20. Juni 2016 at 15:48 #20762Hi Sigis,
Your problem is probably caused by a previous pairing with a different source that hinders the pairing with Max2Play. Please make sure you do not have any other devices connected to your BT speakers. Otherwise, you should make sure that the Pulse Server is selected in Squeezelite as the output.20. Juni 2016 at 15:42 #20761Hi Wayne23,
Es klingt anhand deiner Beschreibung danach, dass du zwei unterschiedliche Squeezebox Server am laufen hast. Bitte entferne oder deaktiviere den SBS deiner DiskStation um zu gucken ob der Server des Pi dann richtig funktioniert.
Du kannst zudem im Audioplayer-Menü unter den Kommandozeilen-Optionen-s max2play
oder deine IP anstatt „max2play“ eingeben um dem Player einen festen Server zuzuweisen.
20. Juni 2016 at 15:34 #20760The current version of Jivelite has, in fact, the function to switch off the backlight included in the Display Off option under Screensavers. We could validate this by disabling the autofunction and just turning off the display leaving the backlight on. When going back to the default option on Jivelite, the backlight is turned off again.
You can check if this function is active in your version of Max2Play by typing the following command in the console:cat /opt/jivelite/jivelite/share/jive/applets/BlankScreenSaver/BlankScreenSaverApplet.lua
20. Juni 2016 at 15:33 #20759Hi madman,
We have tested the addon throughly after seeing your concerns. The current version of Jivelite has, in fact, the function to switch off the backlight included in the Display Off option under Screensavers. We could validate this by disabling the autofunction and just turning off the display leaving the backlight on. When going back to the default option on Jivelite, the backlight is turned off again.
You can check if this function is active in your version of Max2Play by typing the following command in the console:cat /opt/jivelite/jivelite/share/jive/applets/BlankScreenSaver/BlankScreenSaverApplet.lua
20. Juni 2016 at 13:08 #20754Hi mister,
Hast du das HiFiBerry Image und dort das MPD Player Setup im HiFiBerry Menü ausgewählt und welches Pi-Modell benutzt du?20. Juni 2016 at 13:03 #20753Hi Bobw,
Where do you get this SSL Handshake error? You mention that is comes up when you try to install a new plugin. This installation should happen over the web interface under Settings/Reboot. Does the error message appear as a yellow text or in the Debug Info-window?20. Juni 2016 at 12:56 #20751Hi halfdeaf,
Die Instruktion ist lediglich ein Klick auf den Menüpunkt „Einstellungen/Reboot“, der die PHP-Informationen zurücksetzt. Kein Neustart ist nötig. Ich habe Ihre Lizenz erneut getestet und diese ist noch lange aktiv.20. Juni 2016 at 12:34 #20749Hi rithram,
Those features are included in the plugin Jivelite which brings a graphical user interface to your attached screen and has a special skin for the Raspi 7″ Touchscreen including a Kodi-button for quick swichting and a search feature.20. Juni 2016 at 12:31 #20748Hi dunpea1,
For Squeezelite to work, you must have an active Squeezebox Server in your local network. However, if you want to use UPnP, you can install the GMediaRender in the „Audio Player“ menu. It behaves like a simple player client for DLNA systems.17. Juni 2016 at 15:02 #20717Hallo westphh,
Wenn du das PVR Addon auswählst in deinem Webinterface, wird dir dann dieser Link direkt darüber ausgegeben:
Dieser sollte funktionieren, ich habe ihn gerade an einem Testgerät genutzt und die Ausgabe war „Plugin installiert“.17. Juni 2016 at 14:59 #20716Hi Bob,
Max2Play is controlled over a web interface that can be accessed on any device in your local network like PC, smartphone or tablet. It is not intended for use as a Desktop PC, all configurations can be handled headlessly so that a connection to a screen is not necessary.16. Juni 2016 at 14:38 #20703Hi howesfam,
Sorry for the delayed response. Please remove the MAC addresses you assigned to the Pi’s. This option is only intended for use with Odroid devices and might cause problems with Pi’s. Otherwise, you can see the activity of the WiFi in the Debug Info-Window below and the first line indicating the connection has to show „active“.16. Juni 2016 at 12:46 #20700Hi Pastinakel,
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We have solved this issue and the correct source is already included in our current beta. The fix will roll out to all devices in the next official update.15. Juni 2016 at 16:11 #20697Hi Nikkos,
Regarding sound cards, we have a multiroom configurator that shows you the pros and cons to the different sound cards: USB sound cards, we have had some positive tests with the LogiLink 7.1 sound card and the XFi from Creative. But we would always recommend the native I2S sound cards since the conversion is much, much better ensuring a far better sound quality.
15. Juni 2016 at 16:04 #20696Hi alex,
All your configurations are correct. If you find the default output volume to be too loud with your setup, you can of course lower the default configuration to your liking. However, we would recommend to adjust the volume on your Audioplayer and leave the recommended volume of HiFiBerry to receive the full output without clipping.15. Juni 2016 at 15:57 #20695Hi marioir,
Wir haben noch keine Erfahrungen mit der Intel NUC-Reihe an Geräten gemacht. Unsere Images sind für Raspberry Pi- und Odroid-Geräte konzipiert.14. Juni 2016 at 12:42 #20668Great Howto, Adam!
Thanks for contributing this instruction to our community, I’m sure it will help others using this WiFi dongle. We will consider including it in a future release of Max2Play.10. Juni 2016 at 16:04 #20592Thanks for the request, we will consider implementing this feature in a future release.
10. Juni 2016 at 15:43 #20587Unfortunately, we do not have any experience with SiriusXM and their technology. The service also only works in the US and Canada making it not compatible with most our customers. However, you can take a look and participate in the discussion on this subject in the Squeezebox Forums.
10. Juni 2016 at 15:07 #20579Hallo ilko,
Ich habe deine Anfrage bereits per Mail beantwortet. Die Problematik sollte inzwischen gelöst sein. Falls nicht, melden Sie sich bitte erneut per Mail.10. Juni 2016 at 15:02 #20578Hi junglecat,
The sound card is usually just set up for the optimum volume after selecting it in the Raspberry Settings. We do not have a selection between low, medium and high. We recommend changing the volume only in the respective software interface of the player.10. Juni 2016 at 14:53 #20577Hi chestroled,
This should definitely work with Max2Play. However, the sound, especially with four cheap USB-DAC’s on one RPi, will probably not be very great. We cannot speak to the PiFi DAC since we do not have any experience with this device. We recommend the high quality sound cards by HiFiBerry and IQaudIO.
10. Juni 2016 at 14:49 #20576Hi cptainsprky,
Sorry for the late response. Have you tried a different path? The folder might not have been created yet. Also, have you tried creating a SambaShare with the write-mode 0777 for the path? -