Forum Replies Created
8. Juli 2016 at 14:36 #21334
Hi Martin,
Which version of Max2Play are you currently using? Because the version 2.33 marked some major improvements and bug fixes including in the Filesystem/Mount menu. Please make this update, if you have not yet done so.6. Juli 2016 at 16:11 #21271Hi luke,
There has been some previous discussion on IR here:
This might help your endeavour.6. Juli 2016 at 16:05 #21270Hi shepdoug,
Thanks for the great documentation on your troubles with this third-party sound card. This can help other users who might want to venture in the same direction.6. Juli 2016 at 15:56 #21269Hi pics,
Sorry for the delay. The advanced options are only included for the 2,8″ watterott and the 7″ Raspberry Pi.6. Juli 2016 at 15:31 #21267Hallo Thomas,
Welchen WLAN-Adapter nutzt du und kannst du einen anderen versuchen um diesen als Fehlerquelle auszuschließen?6. Juli 2016 at 15:29 #21266Hallo Stefan,
Der Squeezebox Server unterstützt aktuell keine Updates. Die sollte 7.9 nightly ist die empfohlene Version der Software. Wenn diese weiterhin bei Ihnen läuft sollte es keine Probleme gegeben haben.6. Juli 2016 at 15:25 #21265Hi Martin,
Firstly, does the Filesystem/Mount menu display anything in the devices connected section? The mounted device should automatically be detected there. What filesystem does the hard drive use?
Secondly, you might have to open the AudioPlayer menu again to remove the autostart from Squeezelite.5. Juli 2016 at 12:18 #21182Hi mister,
Der Equalizer ist nur für das Audio Player Plugin. DLNA funktioniert hervorragend mit dem Squeezebox Server, der alle Squeezelite-Player DLNA-fähig macht. Falls du jedoch den Server nicht installieren willst haben wir auch den gmediarender als Audio Player der nur als DLNA Renderer dient.5. Juli 2016 at 12:14 #21179Hi nickc,
Firstly, we would recommend that you update your system since it might also include a patch for your issues. Secondly, if that does not change the output, check if your card is in slot 0 or slot 1. You can see this by clicking the debug info in the Audio Player menu. Depending on the cards position, then enter either „hw:0,0“ or „hw:1,0“ in Squeezelite’s command line options.4. Juli 2016 at 16:16 #21146Hi Hammerhead,
These issues are probably caused by the wrong base image being loaded for RPi3 by the HiFiBerry installer. Please download one of the images from our download page that says it is compatible with the Raspberry Pi 3, burn it with a tool like the WinDiskImager32, expand the filesystem in „Settings/Reboot“ and you should be fine.4. Juli 2016 at 14:53 #21133Hi Hammerhead,
HiFiBerry seems to be loading the old WPS image that is not fully compatible with the RPi3. Thanks for bringing this to our attention, we will notify HiFiBerry immediately and have this corrected. Meanwhile, you can head to our Download page and get our current Image based on Jessie lite which is fully compatible with the RPi3 and recognizes the WiFi module from the first boot.4. Juli 2016 at 14:43 #21131Hi mibant und mister,
Bitte führt das aktuelle Update aus und versucht die Wiedergabe mit MPD erneut. Wir haben die Einstellmöglichkeiten des Webinterface vom MPD überarbeitet. Ihr könnt nun automatisch im MPD-Menü eure Soundkarte wählen und dessen Einstellungen werden für euch vorgenommen. Der DAC+ light unterstützt zudem keine Volume Control über Software, falls ihr diesen verwendet.4. Juli 2016 at 14:19 #21129Hi Martin,
The exact line you should type in into the URL bar should be „http://max2play/“. If you still cannot access the web interface, you can access your router’s web interface and look for Max2Play’s IP. You can then enter the IP that is listed for the device „Max2Play“ in your URL bar to access Max2Play’s web interface.4. Juli 2016 at 14:15 #21127Hi shepdoug,
The filesystem expansion should be your first step. While the update should not impede on the expansion, the installation of the LMS occupies the filesystem that is supposed to be expanded. That should be the reason for your problems. Please try first expanding, then updating and then installing the LMS.29. Juni 2016 at 16:02 #20911I mentioned it in my previous post, it is not needed, just recommended. Your card should work as well, we just recommend a higher speed for our applications. It is not mentioned on our download page since we do not want to discourage people using slower cards and it is not a necessity.
29. Juni 2016 at 15:51 #20909Thanks for pointing it out, we will look into a less ambiguous depiction. Good luck with your purchase, don’t forget to get a Class 10 speed or higher.
29. Juni 2016 at 15:32 #20908Hallo Peter,
Max2Play bietet leider aktuell keine Option zum Vergeben von festen IP’s. Es gibt jedoch verschiedene Anleitungen im Internet: Juni 2016 at 12:40 #20904Hi Slaytanic,
Wenn du bereits ein Image zu deinen Wünschen eingerichtet hast, spricht nichts dagegen davon ein Kopie auf deine neue SD-Karte zu brennen. Dazu haben wir ein Plugin:
Und einen Wiki-Artikel:üße aus Leipzig
27. Juni 2016 at 13:35 #20896Hi, we have removed the default root login. However, you can still navigate through SSH with root privileges by logging in as user: pi pw: raspberry and typing „su“, the same pw for root applies „max2play“.
27. Juni 2016 at 12:45 #20871Hi halfdeaf,
Hier noch der Artikel in unserem Wiki zur Lizenzaktivierung: du bereits sichergestellt, dass dein Pi Internetzugriff hat? Ein möglicher Test wäre, den Squeezebox Server zu installieren.
27. Juni 2016 at 12:31 #20869Hi dunpea,
We recommend the Squeezebox Server as a media server since it covers a lot great features and works flawlessly on Max2Play. But since the Kodi Server feature does seem to support UPnP, you should be able to use the gmediarender as renderers and the Kodi Server as the server with any UPnP client like BubbleUPnP making it an effective multiroom system.27. Juni 2016 at 12:27 #20868Hi Martin,
We recommend a 4 GB or higher microSD card with Class 10 speed or higher. Our Raspberry Pi images, when unpacked, should be around 3 GB in size.27. Juni 2016 at 12:22 #20865Hi Ricky,
Please make sure you have the sound output selection for the Amp+ only selected in one of the players when running them simultaneously. So, if you are using Squeezelite, make sure you do not have Shairport running with the same output.
Also, what output did you get after activating the Amp+? You should have seen three sliders to adjust your volume in the Raspberry Settings.27. Juni 2016 at 12:17 #20863Hi gertjan,
If you are referring to the HiFiBerry Amp+ or the IQaudIO Digi-Amp+, you need an external power supply. On the Max2Play web interface, you need to make sure that the right sound output is selected in the Audioplayer menu under Advanced Options. The right sound card selection includes the name of the sound card manufacturer and starts with sysdefault_.27. Juni 2016 at 12:11 #20862Hi Galvan,
Könntest du bitte die Eingabe für deinen Mount teilen damit wir besser herausfinden können, was das Problem sein könnte? Außerdem, nenne bitte dein Gerät und die Version von Max2Play die du nutzt. Hast du einen Benutzer in deiner QNAP mit der du die nötigen Pfade für dein Max2Play-Gerät freigegeben hast? Wenn ja, müssen diese in dem letzten Feld eingegeben werden.24. Juni 2016 at 13:01 #20852Hi Herman,
As mentioned in your other thread, please try following the steps under the section “If activation fails…” in this wiki article: Juni 2016 at 12:54 #20851Hi Herman,
Please try following the steps under the section „If activation fails…“ in this wiki article: Juni 2016 at 12:12 #20792The browser on the Raspberry Pi is not intended for use. The whole Max2Play system is supposed to be headless, meaning control and configuration is only made from other devices via the Max2Play web interface.
21. Juni 2016 at 12:09 #20791Hi Rainer,
It’s in the „Overclocking and GPU-Memory“ box of options, between „Disable Bluetooth“ and „Disable IPv6“. -