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  • 22. Juli 2016 at 13:29 #21726

    Hi benny,
    We looked into this procedure and it does not seem to have any benefit on the system. The LMS manages its own cache perfectly and we have Squeezebox Servers in constant use for several years without issues.

    21. Juli 2016 at 16:27 #21706

    Hi guys,
    If you can tell us the Mixer Device the Meridian Explorer 2 is using (with most Amp’s its „Master“, with most digital devices its „Digital“), we can add the device as an option to our Raspberry Settings and enable hardware-volume adjustment from the web interface. You can see the mixer used by typing „alsamixer“ in the console (tool like putty) and selecting your device.
    You can then also activate hw-volume control yourselves by putting the mixer name in the command line options accoring to this wiki article: https://www.max2play.com/en/wiki/optimizing-squeezelites-volume-control/

    21. Juli 2016 at 16:03 #21698

    Hallo Ulf,
    Kodi benötigt für den normalen Betrieb keinen Mpeg2-Schlüssel. Die ARD Mediathek habe ich eben an einem RPi3 erfolgreich getestet. Die Fehlermeldung scheint ein Problem der Mediathek selbst zu sein, alle Funktionen und Videos sind aber sonst abrufbar.
    Die Log-Datei findest du ganz unten im Webinterface im Debug-Fenster. Die Informationen bringen jedoch nichts, da ARD normal läuft. Kodi’s Struktur zeigt oft Fehlermeldungen an die nicht fatal für den Betrieb sind. Im Internet findet man zudem viele Dokumentation zu den Möglichkeiten und Features von Kodi. Die grundsätzliche Nutzung habe ich zudem noch in einem Video dokumentiert: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MUcTz9EcfQ

    21. Juli 2016 at 14:03 #21694

    Hi hammerhead and neo,
    You might try disconnecting the LAN cable right after having set up the WiFi and during the reboot. You can also try out the WPS feature of Max2Play which now also works with the built-in WiFi module of the Raspberry Pi 3 (https://www.max2play.com/en/how-tos/how-to-wifi-configuration-with-wps-and-max2play/). Neo, you are correct that the RPi 3 does not require a USB WiFi Adapter.

    19. Juli 2016 at 17:32 #21665

    Hi Mike,
    I will answer your request here for the benefit of the community since your comment is on our general information page on how to support Max2Play.
    I recreated your setup today, using a fresh 2.26 WPS image and unfortunately did not encounter any of your issues.

    If you have somewhere deviated from my procedure, please try a new setup with my steps.

    1 burn the image default WPS 226
    2 connect the pi with the new image inside to power supply
    3 activate WPS on your router
    4 access the web interface with http://max2play/
    5 expand the filesystem
    6 reboot
    7 activate your premium license
    8 update the max2play system (under Settings/Reboot) to 2.33
    9 activate the IQaudIO DAC+ selection under Raspberry Settings
    10 reboot

    You should then be able to change the volume controls and find the IQaudIO selection in your Audio Player. Also, the two boost options only recognize either 0 or 100, meaning on or off. We will make this more clear in a future update.

    19. Juli 2016 at 17:00 #21663

    Hi Forrest,
    The two parallel power supplies should not pose any threat to your setup. This currently seems to be the simplest option. The other option would be looking for a bigger power supply for both. However, we do not have any experience with the waveshare 7″ and cannot guarantee or recommend any specific product for this device.

    19. Juli 2016 at 16:54 #21662

    Hi neije,
    Sorry for the late response. We will add your suggested packages in the next update making the use of exFAT cards no problem anymore. Thanks for documenting your steps, thus helping both us and other users.

    19. Juli 2016 at 16:07 #21661

    Hi mugen,
    We have not encountered this issue, yet. However, a rescan of the library is not necessary. It only makes sense if you added new music. We would also recommend separating the music and the playlist folder and you might try saving the playlists somewhere else if this particular path is giving you problems.

    19. Juli 2016 at 15:49 #21660

    Hi scheferenc,
    Thanks for pointing out a small issue. We already fixed it in the beta, so you can make a beta update to fix it as well. But it will also be included in the next general update. Regarding the volume boost, we will also makes this a little more clear in a coming update, but the only two settings volume boost recognizes is 0 and 100; turning it either on or off. Thanks for the input and for supporting Max2Play.

    19. Juli 2016 at 15:40 #21659

    Hi dave,
    I’m sorry we did not answer you earlier. We try to respond to emails as soon as possible, but we cannot offer 24 hour customer support. Your email address, used during your order is actually the 5 year license you purchased. It is active from the moment we received your PayPal transfer.
    On the shop website for the license, you can see the manual to activate the premium license on your device under Manual for setting up your Premium Max2Play License.
    Please feel free to post in this topic if you have any other questions. I will try to respond as quickly as I can.

    18. Juli 2016 at 15:36 #21652

    Hi max,
    Hast du die korrekte MAC-Adresse in den CLI-Befehlen angefügt? Du kannst einige vorgefertigte Befehle bereits in der Beta-Version unseres Sprachsteuerungsplugins einsehen. Dort sind dann bereits alle Parameter im Befehl enthalten und die richtige MAC-Adresse gesetzt. Hier ist der Installationslink für das Webinterface: http://shop.max2play.com/media/downloadable/beta/voicecontrol.tar

    18. Juli 2016 at 13:58 #21651

    Hi std,
    Wir hatten bereits ein paar Threads zum Thema Infrarot. Hier die ertragreichsten:

    Mit der Harmony-Fernbedienung haben wir bisher noch keine Erfahrungen gemacht. Wir würden uns jedoch über Feedback bei deinen Versuchen freuen und natürlich zur Hilfe stehen.

    18. Juli 2016 at 13:23 #21650

    Hi Gringo,
    Sorry for the late response and your continuing issues! Since this specific problem is unusual for Max2Play, you might try out different hardware to isolate the source of error. I would start with a different SD card since you will find a spare most easily. You might also try the whole setup at a friend’s with a different router to rule out that possibility.

    18. Juli 2016 at 12:16 #21643

    Hi std,
    Danke für das Feedback! Unser Shop ist immer im Wandel und wir versuchen kontinuierlich die Nutzererfahrung für alle Max2Play-Kunden zu verbessern.
    Bezüglich der Digi+-Versionen, der Transformer bildet eine, wie bereits von dir erwähnt, galvanische Isolierung zwischen Pi und DAC am elektrischen Output. Das erlaubt die beste Übertragung bei besonderen SPDIF-Outputs diese Output-Transformierung unterstützen. Da jedoch die meisten normalen Geräte dies nicht tun, ist vornehmlich eine Lösung für Audio-Enthusiasten.

    14. Juli 2016 at 14:15 #21535

    Bitte aktiviere das Squeezebox Server plugin und gucke ob dieses installiert und aktiv ist. Wenn du es zuvor installiert hattest, kann es sein, dass dieser Server noch im Hintergrund läuft. Falls dies nicht der Fall ist, versuche bitte den SBS der DiskStation zu deaktivieren und den des Pi zu zu testen um die DiskStation als Fehlerquelle auszuschließen.

    14. Juli 2016 at 14:11 #21534

    Dabei sollte eigentlich kein Problem aufkommen. Hast du vielleicht die falsche sound output option gewählt? Es sollte „sysdefault_hifiberry…“ sein und auch immer nur bei einem der aktiven Audio Player ausgewählt sein.

    14. Juli 2016 at 14:09 #21533

    Hi manuel,
    The web interface should automatically display the language that is set in your browser as the preferred language. If you have your set to English, the web interface should already be English.

    14. Juli 2016 at 14:08 #21532

    Hi luke,
    Have you updated to the newest version 2.33, yet?

    12. Juli 2016 at 13:52 #21497

    The WiFi issue and you can fix it now with the beta update.

    The touchscreen can be set to turn off the screen in the Jivelite settings under „display“.

    11. Juli 2016 at 16:54 #21427

    Hi Mike,
    You can see how much space you have left on your filesystem in the debug info window under „Settings/Reboot“. If its full, you forgot to expand, installed too much on a limited filesystem and crashed it. In this case, we would recommend burning a fresh a image and expanding the filesystem first.

    11. Juli 2016 at 16:48 #21426

    Hi westphh,
    Wir haben uns das Problem nochmal genauer angeschaut und die Ursache ausfindig gemacht. Bitte führe ein Beta-Update durch und wähle dann im Kodi-Menü des Max2Play Webinterface bei der PVR-Auswahl die Option „Kodi Platform Installation…“ zum Installieren. Damit sollte das PVR-Plugin wieder funktionieren.

    11. Juli 2016 at 16:32 #21424

    Hi shamot,
    The change between wheezy and jessie forced us to implement the change with a new image. The features will be updated if you use wheezy and update. Just Kodi and the general image cannot be updated since it is advised by the Raspberry foundation to use a new image when changing from wheezy to jessie. Based on the many issues that come with an upgrade, it is strictly advised against. Normal updates of the Max2Play software still occur without the need of a new image.

    11. Juli 2016 at 16:29 #21423

    Hi max,
    Currently we have no frontend option to set these parameters. The feature will be added in an upcoming update. However, they should be set automatically when connecting.

    11. Juli 2016 at 16:04 #21421

    Hallo Thomas,
    Ich habe die Installation und Inbetriebnahme des Accesspoint heute getestet und leider keine Probleme gehabt. Falls du die Möglichkeit hast, nutze bitte eine andere SD-Karte um diese als Fehlerquelle ausschließen zu können.

    11. Juli 2016 at 16:01 #21420

    Hi knorke,
    Sorry für das Missverständnis, du hast recht dass aktuell die Vergabe einer festen IP kein Problem darstellt. Es freut uns zu hören, dass jetzt alles klappt!

    11. Juli 2016 at 15:51 #21417

    Hi Ajax,
    Sorry for the late response and thanks for sharing! Unfortunately, the text in this forum is problematic to paste in code. Please send us a file of your patch so that we can include in it a future release.

    11. Juli 2016 at 15:47 #21416

    Hi alex,
    We have solved this issue in our current beta. You can already use it by doing a beta update. The fix will be included in the next version of Max2Play (2.34).

    11. Juli 2016 at 14:26 #21413

    Hi zerbes,
    1. The Raspberry Pi 3 runs only with the Jessie Images on our download page.
    2. You can use the same SD card but need to burn the Jessie Image on it.
    3. We recommend a freshly burned Image since the configuration should be quicker with the web interface.

    11. Juli 2016 at 14:19 #21412

    Hi mbrown63,
    The updates of 2.32 and 2.33 happened more closely to each other than usual. Thus, we have not yet updated the downloads on all fronts. However, there is no difference when downloading the 2.32 and updating to 2.33 from a new 2.33 image.

    8. Juli 2016 at 14:41 #21336

    Hi Gringo,
    We have not yet encountered any issues with the new update. General reasons for the issue could be a full memory card (expansion of filesystem necessary), a problematic power supply (unlikely, but has happened) or any other hardware issues. You can first try looking for the device in your router’s web interface and try reaching it with the IP in your browsers.

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