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  • 19. Oktober 2016 at 13:18 #23449

    You do not necessarily need one, usually a HiFi system (stereo) on its own is enough to amplify the signal of a DAC. What end device are you currently connecting your DAC to?

    19. Oktober 2016 at 13:14 #23448

    Hi Rob,
    If your original image was based on Jessie lite (you can check this in the debug info under Settings/Reboot), it should not be a problem. If its a wheezy-based image, this is not possible. However, your configurations might differ with the Pi3 and since the steps you need to take in Max2Play to set up a new image are relatively easily and quickly done, I would recommend burning a fresh image for your new Pi.

    18. Oktober 2016 at 14:10 #23438

    Please check whether you have Squeezelite set to autostart since this might interfere with shairport. However, if you want to use your system as multiroom, you might be better off with the Squeezebox system, you can install shairtunes2 to turn all your Squeezelite players into AirPlay-compatible players and can still take advantage of the great multiroom features of the Squeezebox Server.

    18. Oktober 2016 at 13:53 #23437

    Currently we do not have a solution to make this happen. However, if you are working on it, we would love it if you shared your results.

    18. Oktober 2016 at 13:30 #23436

    Those parameters are all correct. The DAC+ light does not have a volume control mixer. Once the selection of the DAC+ light has been set, it is automatically activated to a 100 %. You might want to try a different end device and turn up the volume there.

    17. Oktober 2016 at 16:28 #23432

    Hi Hilary,
    Could check your Music Player Sound Card Settings in the MPD menu and tell us what the parameters are?

    17. Oktober 2016 at 16:14 #23431

    Hi juras,
    Are you using the Shairport player or the shairtunes2 plugin for the Squeezebox Server?

    17. Oktober 2016 at 14:26 #23430

    Hi Marc,
    I just tested your setup for this issue and unfortunately could not reproduce it. I could navigate through Jivelite and select the Squeezelite player of the Pi to play music. When you navigate Jivelite whilst in access point mode, are you not seeing any players at all? You mentioned that you have server’s on both the Pi and another device in your system, did you shut down the other server when testing the access point mode?

    10. Oktober 2016 at 14:42 #23356

    Hi knorke,
    It seems you went with the wrong horse in this race. While the HiFiBerry sound cards only offer a solution to implement this yourself using the GPIO pins on top of the device (https://support.hifiberry.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/205753859-Amp-Hardware-Volume-Control-), IQaudIO actually offers a dedicated rotary encoder that is supported and configurable in our images: https://www.max2play.com/en/2016/09/rotary-encoder-for-iqaudio-soundcard-now-also-in-max2play-shop-available/

    10. Oktober 2016 at 13:10 #23341

    Hi Arianna,
    Sorry for the late response. Unfortunately, your proposed simultaneous use is not possible. You can only use one of the two systems at a time. Kodi should automatically shut down once Jivelite is started and vice versa.

    10. Oktober 2016 at 12:59 #23338

    Hi ThoMue,
    Sorry for the late response. The steps you described should usually not cause you any trouble. You did not mention whether or not you did a reboot after expanding the filesystem, that should be done. Also, you might want to try using the port directly. Since you can access the M2P web interface you should also be able to access the SB Server’s. The Server’s web interface can be reached under the port 9000. So you need to type your device’s IP:9000 in the URL bar or your device’s name:9000 should also do the trick.

    16. September 2016 at 14:10 #23065

    Hi Ravenik,
    Kodi’s output is via HDMI from the Pi and the control also happens via the Pi’s system. Thus, you can most easily connect any USB-periphery (e.g. wireless keyboard, mouse, controller, remote control, etc.) directly to the Pi to control Kodi. You do not need an additional system like Windows since the visual output comes directly from the Pi to a connected screen.

    15. September 2016 at 17:24 #23050

    Hi phamd4,
    Where did you find the info on the root password (which web page are you referring to) and what did it say? The login is only possible under user: pi and pw: raspberry. It is not recommend to log in as root. You can operate any root functions using the prefix „sudo“ in your command. You can also log into root from the user pi, using the command „su“ and the pw „max2play“. However, we do not recommend doing this for simple tasks.

    Please tell us where you found wrong documentation on the login so we can edit it to the correct current status.

    15. September 2016 at 13:54 #23035

    Hi phamd4,
    Can you still navigate the Jivelite menus and if so, have you tried selecting a different skin and then reverting back to the Joggler skin?

    15. September 2016 at 13:51 #23033

    No, this is currently not possible. However, the Squeezelite-Player is a very small application that does not take up much computing power. If you already have the BT-adapter, I would suggest testing the Pi’s performance.

    12. September 2016 at 14:45 #22988

    Hi ThoMue and salopette,
    We recommend the version 7.9 nightly as pointed out in the information on the Squeezebox Server-Plugin menu. The installation of the server itself, however, should not pose a problem with any version. What happens in your installations when you click on the blue button to open the web interface? Also, how big are your microSD cards and how much space did you have left after installation? You can see the memory and how ich still available in the Settings/Reboot menu in the bottom window called debug info.

    9. September 2016 at 16:31 #22956

    Hi dicker007,

    1. Dies geht leider nicht. Wie std aber bereits erwähnt gibt es dafür, besonders mit dem Squeezebox Server, einige bessere Alternativen.
    Bezüglich des Adapters, das kommt darauf an wo du einen Bluetooth-Lautsprecher anschließen willst bzw welchen Player du mit dem BT-Lautsprecher verbinden möchtest.

    2. Aktuell haben wir keine nützlichen Plugins oder Anwendungen die einen Audioeingang in den Pi benötigen oder nutzen können. Deshalb gibt es dafür auch noch keine Funktion.

    3. Die Images sind als .img-Dateien auf dem Pi gespeichert und können z.B. über SambaShares freigegeben werden oder direkt an ein anderes Gerät geschickt werden. Der Pfad wird im Imagebrenner angezeigt.


    1. This is not possible. As std mentioned, there are far better alternatives, especially with the Squeezebox Server. Regarding the adapter, it depends where you want to connect the BT speakers meaning which player you want to couple the speakers with.

    2. We currently do not have any applications for a sound card’s line in and thus do not have feature for it yet.

    3. The images are saved on the Pi and can be accessed e.g. via SambaShares. The path of the image file is displayed in the image burner web interface.

    7. September 2016 at 13:45 #22900

    Hi Arianna,
    This might be due to another service starting the xServer in the background causing Jivelite to start but not be displayed on the screen you want it to.
    Please try burning a fresh 7″ display image, it should make jivelite work on your 7″ touchscreens from the first boot.

    2. September 2016 at 15:16 #22850

    Hi Staudie,
    According to WD, this should not be a problem:

    Can I use the WD PiDrive with my own microSD™ card and OS?
    Absolutely! The WD PiDrive is a USB hard drive and can be used for external storage on the OS of your choice, but it must first be partitioned, formatted, and mounted. Detailed instructions can be found on wdlabs.wd.com/community.

    31. August 2016 at 14:00 #22781

    Hi Arianna,
    Sorry about the confusion. The speech control plugin is an incomplete alpha version without technical support as stated in the plugin’s description (https://www.max2play.com/en/portfolio/plugin-speech-control/). We have had some negative experience with Jasper and decided to focus on different plugins.
    The reason we are shifting our focus is that we are working on a bigger plugin for voice recognition and control. The beta to this plugin can also be tested already, however the features are not ready yet. But, it does automatically generate http-commands for our main plugins like Jivelite, Kodi and Squeezebox Server. Check it out if you like.

    Regarding the specification of your sound card, I presume of your own install of Jasper, you can find out the location and identity of your sound card by typing „alsamixer“ as command in the console (login: pi pw: raspberry).

    26. August 2016 at 14:25 #22624

    Hi Cyn,
    Sorry about the inconvenience. In order to narrow down your issues, please tell us if you encounter them when accessing the web page via your web interface or by navigating through the website. Please, also tell us whether the rest of Max2Play.com is properly displayed on your browser.
    In the meantime, have you tried opening the page on a smartphone or tablet?

    27. Juli 2016 at 15:13 #21895

    The image for 7″ touchdisplay does not require a patch. In the other images, the 7″ RPi Touchdisplay should be a selection for installation. The patch you are probably referring to is for another 7″ touchscreen with a different resolution (See Changelog v2.34). Please try burning a fresh 7″ Touchdisplay image and not installing the patch, the screen should automatically boot Jivelite in the correct Joggler Skin from the first start.

    27. Juli 2016 at 15:05 #21894

    Hi Kelly,
    You can actually use one Raspberry Pi as both the server for all your Squeezebox-Players in your household and, additionally, use it as another player. The connection via LAN cable is as stable as it gets. My comment on the old Squeezebox models was on a specific issue (FLAC playback) with one of the old Squeezebox devices. However, this was solved with the installation of our recommended version of the Squeezebox Server 7.9 nightly.

    26. Juli 2016 at 15:39 #21862

    Hi mj,
    Please type http://max2play/ in a browser of a device in your local network. Here is a guide on how to activate your license: https://www.max2play.com/wiki/activating-your-max2play-premium-license/

    26. Juli 2016 at 15:07 #21861

    Wir haben hier Testgeräte die seit Monaten laufen ohne Probleme. Max2Play für Raspberry Pi ist als kopfloses System konzipiert für die Nutzung über Webinterface und kann auch für Tage durchlaufen ohne große Belastung oder ein nötiges Herunterfahren. Es ist jedoch zwingend nötig, dass das Dateisystem als ERSTES expandiert wird.

    26. Juli 2016 at 14:25 #21859

    Thanks for sharing, repuik!
    That is a great documentation for a fix I am sure a lot of other users will want and appreciate.

    26. Juli 2016 at 14:19 #21858

    Hi jcu-muc,
    The Logitech Media Server 7.9 nightly is the most stable, most up-to-date version. We do not recommend installing a different version. Only the three options on the installer of Max2Play are compatible. We do not recommend any updates since the software has not changed.

    26. Juli 2016 at 14:06 #21857

    Ja, der Rechner ist nicht wichtig solange das Image richtig gebrannt wird. Wir empfehlen den WinDiskImager32 von Odroid, der erst Nullen auf die Karte schreibt bevor er das Image brennt. So können Schreibfehler vermieden werden.

    25. Juli 2016 at 15:24 #21830

    Hi std,
    Hast du bereits ein Passwort für die Freigabe eingetragen? Dieses sollte abgefragt werden, sobald du auf den „Max2Play“-Eintrag bei Freigaben in Windows klickst.
    Hier unser Wiki-Artikel zum Thema: https://www.max2play.com/en/wiki/creating-a-sambashare/

    25. Juli 2016 at 13:09 #21812

    Hi Gerald,
    Please check if you have memory left. It seems like you might not have expanded the filesystem properly and now have a full filesystem. In this case, burning a new image would be the easiest solution.

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