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  • 30. Juli 2019 at 9:49 #46530

    Hi Ashley,

    Glad to hear it! You can make a backup of your existing install with our image burner and safely try out our buster if you like 😉

    30. Juli 2019 at 9:47 #46529

    Hallo Jürgen,

    Wie ist die SSD denn formatiert? Wurde sie auf dem Pi3 erkannt? Sind beide Festplatten ohne eigene Stromversorgung?

    29. Juli 2019 at 16:07 #46521

    Okay, got it. For now, you should remain with stretch as there are still some minor bugs we need to figure out with the current beta of our Buster image. For future reference, you can upload the tar file and link it here so I can check if the restore works with one of our testers.

    29. Juli 2019 at 12:30 #46518

    Hi Ashley,

    It’s mostly the advanced settings, if you changed preferences for the file playback handling, your libraries, etc.

    It’s optional and if you have not changed a lot on your Squeezebox Server, you might be quick just setting it up again.

    29. Juli 2019 at 12:28 #46517

    After setting up standalone with the tick, you can find a new network „max2play“ on your phone. Connect to it to control the Pi without your home network.

    29. Juli 2019 at 9:42 #46515

    Hi niladridm,

    The currently implemented version of Kodi is a beta based on the current status of Kodi development for Raspbian Buster. It’s running with our testers but with subpar performance and we are currently looking for a better alternative.

    That being said, it should generally start albeit slowly. Do you see the desktop? If so, have you tried starting it from the shortcut there?

    29. Juli 2019 at 9:40 #46514

    Hi danilu,

    As mentioned, the card might be somehow occupied by these players. In Squeezelite, please make sure there’s a „-C 5“ in the command line options which disconnects the card from Sqlite after 5 seconds of inactivity, opening it for Kodi.

    29. Juli 2019 at 9:37 #46513

    Hallo Ivo,

    Bei irrecord solltest du durch eine Reieh von Prompts geführt werden, wobei deine verschiedenen Tasten gemappt werden.

    Hier wäre ein passendes Tutorial

    26. Juli 2019 at 13:00 #46502

    Hi FZ,

    It might be connected to the BT player then. Do you usually not use Squeezelite? You can add „hw:0“ to the command line options if you do use it.

    26. Juli 2019 at 10:22 #46501

    Then it might be connected to the BT dongle’s driver requirements. Have you googled the exact device’s name and „raspbian driver“ yet?

    26. Juli 2019 at 10:21 #46500

    Hi Robing,

    Yes, this is possible. You need the Access Point Setup plugin which has an option „standalone mode“. This will let the Pi establish its own network „max2play“ to connect to.

    26. Juli 2019 at 10:20 #46499

    Thank you for following up so quickly and sharing your fix!

    We will check if this is a general issue and try to recreate it with some different Pi setups.

    25. Juli 2019 at 12:58 #46482

    Hi domus,

    Thanks for sharing the log, which Raspberry Pi and which image of Max2Play are you using?

    25. Juli 2019 at 11:26 #46477

    Hi lektoren,

    Sorry about the confusion, our touchscreen image is much older than our current ones (2.32 instead of 2.49/2.50). Therefore, the bluetooth solution is also an older one since we switched from pulse audio to bluealsa in between those versions. Unfortunately, that’s a change that cannot be made with update since the underlying Linux structures had to be changed for new Raspberry Pi models. You can use the default image and install the rpi display plugin manually.

    24. Juli 2019 at 11:15 #46464

    Hi lektoren,

    If you have a very old version of our image, it might still be user:pi pw:raspberry

    But otherwise, it has to be:

    pi and max2play

    23. Juli 2019 at 13:58 #46457

    Hi FZ,

    Do you use the hardware volume setting? This would allow your hardware to override the the Pi’s volume since software volume would impede on the ideal sound stream. Check if „hw:0“ or „hw:1“ is in the command line options of your Squeezelite, depending on your card’s position.

    23. Juli 2019 at 12:02 #46453

    Das wäre meine Vermutung, weil es bereits zuvor bei Usern vorkam. Welche Links okay sind und welche vom WordPress als Spam identifiziert werden ist jedoch weiterhin offen. Viele Posts werden auch mit Link nicht als Spam markiert. Ich vermute, die Länge des Links und dessen Verschachtelung kann eine Rolle gespielt haben.

    22. Juli 2019 at 15:38 #46450

    Hi Andy,

    You can use the Plugin Builder, we recently updated the plugin and some documentation on it. Have a look at our developers corner under Features.

    22. Juli 2019 at 15:37 #46449

    Hi ashley,

    Thank you for the detailed description of your problem. I will try to recreate the issue here.

    22. Juli 2019 at 15:36 #46448

    Hallo pokerjung,

    Ich habe deine Antworten nun im Spam gefunden und eine wiederhergestellt. Es wird der Link zu einem fremden Forum sein, der diese als Spam markiert hat lassen von WordPress.

    22. Juli 2019 at 15:13 #46446

    Hi lektoren,

    There’s a plugin called Remote Control that lets you enter the SSH console in any browser. The login is user:pi pw:max2play

    22. Juli 2019 at 15:12 #46445

    Hi Bencat,

    Please check the debug info from the Squeezebox Server menu and paste the last lines in here.

    22. Juli 2019 at 11:42 #46442

    Hi lars,

    Idle default is 180 secs. However, Squeezelite does not access the HDD, only the server and it might be reindexing the library at the you would expect it to go idle.

    Here’s how you change the idle time

    22. Juli 2019 at 9:43 #46439

    Hi jilk,

    Das wird mit dem automatischen idle-mode der Festplatte zu tun haben. Dazu gibt es hier im Forum einige Lösungsansätze. Hier ein Thema zum Anpassen der idle-time

    22. Juli 2019 at 9:41 #46438

    Hi jilk,

    Root-rechte erhältst du in SSH indem du „sudo su“ eingibst.

    Shairtunes2 sollte funktionieren, gehe sicher dass es sich um die Version shairtunes2 (fork) handelt.

    19. Juli 2019 at 9:53 #46412

    Hallo pokerjung,

    Entschuldige die Unannehmlichkeiten, wir haben keine Begrenzungen für unser Forum. Ich vermute einen Bug von WordPress.

    Bitte versuchen es erneut und kopier die Fehlermeldung, die du erhältst, hierher, falls es weiterhin nicht klappen sollte.

    19. Juli 2019 at 9:52 #46411


    18. Juli 2019 at 14:37 #46373

    There are various multi launcher for this kind of setup. We have only heard good things from Alex’s Berryboot.

    edit: sorry about Rasplex, that’s just the plex client. For server you would need a different image that installs the plex media server.

    18. Juli 2019 at 10:51 #46362

    Hi chopinhauer,

    There are some images that make it very easy to set up Plex on the Pi, e.g. Max2Play for Squeezebox and something like Rasplex for Plex. You can also mount a network share for both devices to eliminate the need for two HDDs. A NAS usually lacks in computing power to run both server units as snappily as the Pi would (especially with the new Pi4B with 4GB RAM). However, if you are satisfied with your current PC setup, there’s obviously no need to switch it up.

    18. Juli 2019 at 10:46 #46361

    Hi Feinrib,

    Thank you for the feedback. We will try to recreate your issue with the GUI display and evaluate options for enhancement.

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