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Posted in: Allo USB Bundle
30. Juli 2019 at 23:08 #46574
Thanks again!
Honestly, I didn’t understand much of your answer.
1. What do you mean by „it“ in the beginning of the sentence? What might be connected to the BT player? And what do you mean by BT player? At least, I don’t have a BT speaker linked, but a hifi set via audio out.
2. Yes, I sometimes use Squeezelite to lean back and listen to the music I bought and have stored on my NAS. And sometimes, I lean forward and want to just test some music derived from Youtube or so – directly from my phone or laptop.
3. If I can add „hw:0“ to the commandline options of squeezlite: How exactly do I manage this? I’m of the sort who buy a micro processor equipped with an operating system, but are not able to conduct a machine via a terminal. What do I put between the existing „-C 5“ and the „hw:0“? A blank, a comma or what?
23. Juli 2019 at 16:02 #46460Hi Heiner,
thanks for your response! I don’t have a volume knob on my hifiberry, if you mean this by „hardware volume setting“. Just a raspi 3+ with a hifiberry card out of the box. My installed driver is „Hifi Berry DAC+ Pro (B+ / Pi 2/3)“.
My volume thing arose with Bluetooth transmission of music right from my laptop – I didn’t use Squeezelite or the like. But if it matters: Squeezelite is running, options are:
– Soundcard default -snd_rpi_hifiberry_dacplus
– ALSA parameter 80:4::
– commandline option -C 5
I found another setting for direct streaming to the m2p soundcard „Bluetooth Speaker“ (which I don’t have, cause the Pi is plugged to the hifi tower) with these options:
Sound Device: „sndrpihifiberry – hw:0:0 – Mixer Digital – Hifiberry DAC+ Pro HiFi pcm512x-hifi-0 []“Besides, I’ve got „Audio Ausgang für Raspberry Pi“ (RPI output port) set to „Standard, use HDMI, if plugged“ (which isn’t).
My Squeezebox isn’t running on the Pi, but on my Syno NAS. But wasn’t used at this moment.
29. Januar 2019 at 14:51 #44226Hallo Heiner,
hatte vor 14 Tagen Probleme, die einfache BT-Verbindung hinzubekommen (Musik streamen von Smartphon auf RPI/HifiBerry DAC+: Klappt jetzt zumindest mit _einem_ Smartphone – nachdem ich die Soundkarte umgestellt habe: Und zwar nicht im Audioplayer-, nicht im Raspbery-Einstellungen-, sondern direkt im Bluetooth-Modul des Web-Interface: sndpihifiberry… Musste dafür aber im Modul „Raspberry Einstellungen“ „Disable built-in audio“ aktivieren. Etwas verwirrend, v.a. durch die verschiedenen Hilfe-Kanäle, die alle auch einem leicht anderen Stand sind. Blöd dann, wenn man ausgerechnet das Hilfsangebot auf dem Web-Plug-In selbst missachtet. Mein Eindruck: Euer System ist relativ robust, und mit etwas kühlem Kopf kriegt man die Dinge dann schon noch gedeichselt. Eins kriege ich noch immer nicht hin: Im Vergleich zu den anderen Hifi-Geräten (Yamaha) ist der RPI/Hifiberry an der Anlage sehr laut – und „Analogue Boost“ von 100% auf 85% reduzieren funktioniert nicht, weil das Interface immer nur 0% oder 100% speichert. Oder muss ich die allg. Lautstärke anderswo einstellen?
Problem with Bluetooth audio streaming (smartphone > RPI/Hifiberry DAC+) solved! One phone now gets connected and disconnected with audio stream running smoothly. Soundcard had to be set to „sndpihifiberry…“ on the Bluetooth tab of your web interface – no changes needed for the soundcard settings on the other tabs. Just to get that „soundcard“ into the selection, I had to enable „Disable built-in soundcard“ on the „Raspberry settings“ page. That did the trick! Besides, most things work fine. One last point: Loudness of the RPI/Hifiberry is quite high on the HiFi rack – I tried to reduce „Analogue Boost“ on the Hifiberry tab down to 85%, but that setting isn’t stored: It switches either to 0% or to 100%!
18. Januar 2019 at 1:56 #43872Oh, the issue looks quite different now. I still have LAN and WLAN activated (want to keep LAN because of speed), so I have two connections with two IP addresses active – and sometimes two different device names in the network (sometimes 2x LivingroomBerry, sometimes 1x LivingroomBerry and 1x max2play). Maybe the device got mixed up because of that. In a long run, I wanted to change WLAN into an AP – but didn’t dare, as it is labelled as ‚do so, if you don’t have a network at all‘. Wanted to enlarge the WLAN connectivity with it, if that doesn’t lead to audio or video stuttering.
Ich stelle fest: wenn LAN und WLAN beide aktiv sind, hat das Gerät ja zwei Netzwerk-Verbindungen – mit unterschiedlicher IP und z.T. unterschiedlichem Gerätenamen. Soll nicht sein. Eigentlich wollte ich WLAN zu einem AccessPoint umbauen, hab mich aber nicht getraut – weil das AP Plugin beschrieben wird für den Fall, dass es sonst kein Netzwerk gibt. Würde sonst gern eine WLAN-Reichweitenverlängerung draus machen (wenn das nicht zu Rucklern in Audio und Video führt).
17. Januar 2019 at 23:48 #43867Well, I was complaining about having to rename my device every time I had disconnected it from power supply. But loosing the given name (say: „LivingroomBerry“) to a default „max2play“ does not happen every time after disconnecting it. In fact, I haven’t lost the name again after the first few days. Funny thing. So far, I’m happy.
Am Anfang ist es ein paarmal passiert, dass mein Wunschname beim RPI verschwunden ist und das Ding wieder „max2play“ hieß. Aber wie ich jetzt feststelle, passiert das nicht jedes Mal. Nach den ersten Tagen ist es nicht mehr aufgetreten. Ich bin in diesem Punkt jetzt zufrieden. Merkwürdig, aber mir recht.
17. Januar 2019 at 23:00 #43865DHCP on the RPI off and manual setting on? IP addresses outside DHCP server (Router) range?
17. Januar 2019 at 22:54 #43864Hallo,
scheint öfter vorzukommen, das Problem. Ich konnte nach dem Einrichten von Kodi auch nur wählen zwischen [Standard (HDMI, wenn verbunden)], [Kopfhörer] und [HDMI]. Und da ich HDMI am Beamer angeschlossen hatte, ist da der Sound drauf gegangen – nicht wirklich HiFi mit seinen 5 W mono.
Der Trick mit dem „Raspberry-eigenen Sound off“ (siehe oben) oder wie das heißt war nötig, und zwar mit mehrmals an und aus mit jeweils dazwischen Booten. Danach hatte ich noch immer dasselbe begrenzte Angebot auf dem Webinterface von Max2Play – aber in Kodi konnte man dann immerhin in den Audioeinstellungen den HifiBerry auswählen! Da muss man erstmal drauf kommen.
14. Januar 2019 at 21:18 #43635Oh, I always shut it down, not disconnect. Well, up to now. I will see if I can set the SD card to read-only, when I’me done with the rest.
But where can I set the player name (for Squeezebox etc.) so that it will be kept. It always changes to „max2play“ or „Max2Play“ (I’m not sure) after having been shut down and rebooted. I know, it has little power consumption, but I would like to disconnect power when I’m not at home. For security reasons.
I understand that it’s a good idea to have it reset to a standard name if you’ve found an old RPI and want to rerun it – not knowing the IP address. But renaming it every day is not that comfortable.
Thank you.
14. Januar 2019 at 21:00 #43634Thank you, Heiner,
for your answer. You encouraged me to try it again, but I still don’t quite get it.I want to stream audio from an android device via Bluetooth to the Raspi audio card (HifiBerry) and get it to the rca jacks/amplifier, not connect a bluetooth speaker.
1. I install Bluetooth (successful).
2. I connect my device via bluetooth – android phone says: connected to Max2Play as „Media-Audio“.
3. I run „Bluetooth Speaker“ from the Bluetooth page (auto run) because it seems to be necessary.
4. I run music with my „Play Music“ app on the phone and set output to bluetooth (if I uncheck, I hear the music playing on my phone)
5. There are different places in M2P where you can set audio devices. I don’t change „ALSA – hw:0:0 – Mixer“ on the Bluetooth page, I don’t change „Standard (use HDMI if plugged)“ (or the like) for the RPI audio output on the Players page, but I change „default – snd_rpi_hifiberry…“ into „bluetooth – Your Bluetooth device…“ (with the MAC address of my smartphone following in the name) in Squeezelite > Extended Options on the Players page. This option sounds strange to me, because I don’t want to send sound to that device, but get it from there. BTW there is no „-B“ parameter set in the extended Squeezelite options (it’s „-C 5“), but only older material says it would be necessary (and you haven’t set it in the video neither).
6. No sound. I even stop Squeezelite Player so that the sound card is not blocked (as the warning says), but nothing changes. In my opinion, it can’t either, because there must be some player to play the streamed audio.You say, I’ve got to change the output for both players – if you mean Shairport as the second, I haven’t changed it because it isn’t running. I was running only one, and that one is now stopped…
Btw, Squeezelite player doesn’t want to be started manually as long as the Squeezelite option „Bluetooth“ soundcard is set.
Unfortunately, I’m someone who can be very complicated if he doesn’t understand what he’s doing.
I’m glad, Squeezelite still works fine after all those trials.
I would really appreciate another hint, as I’m quite confused by all that different sorts of help channels (and even don’t remember where I found a howto some days ago).
13. Januar 2019 at 23:17 #43566If you have other audioplayers (squeezelite / shairport / MPD / Kodi) running, make sure the audiocard is not blocked!
I didn’t pay attention to this, first – but it doesn’t work either, if I stop and de-autostart Squeezelite.
What do I all have to pay attention to?
13. Januar 2019 at 22:27 #43564OK, found the point. Didn’t pay attention to that sentence: (Install stream to squeezebox server) „Dies funktioniert nur, wenn der Squeezebox Server auf diesem Gerät läuft!“ (‚only works if Squeezebox server ist running on this device‘) Doesn’t in my setting.
So then no wonder it doesn’t work.
But I still don’t understand why there is no streaming to the Raspi audio card.
The smartphone is paired:
If you connected Bluetooth Speakers, make sure to set the soundcard of your audioplayers to bluetooth as audio output! You need to restart your Audioplayer if the Bluetooth Device changed. If you connected a Smartphone to stream to Squeezebox Server, NO further setting to your soundcard is needed (do NOT set your soundcard to bluealsa)! Device C4:86:E9:05:E9:B6 HUAWEI P9 lite trust C4:86:E9:05:E9:B6 Changing C4:86:E9:05:E9:B6 trust succeeded pair C4:86:E9:05:E9:B6 Attempting to pair with C4:86:E9:05:E9:B6 Failed to pair: org.bluez.Error.AlreadyExists connect C4:86:E9:05:E9:B6 Attempting to connect to C4:86:E9:05:E9:B6 Device C4:86:E9:05:E9:B6 Connected: yes Connection successful quit Name: HUAWEI P9 lite Address: C4:86:E9:05:E9:B6 Icon: phone Class: 0x5a020c Paired: 1 Connected: 1
Streaming to Raspi audio card is activated with:
Status: Bluetooth-Speaker läuft aktuell unter der ProzessID 16168 Autostart Bluetooth Speaker: Yes Sound Device: ALSA - hw:0:0 - Mixer
The other two sound devices don’t work either.
12. Januar 2019 at 21:23 #43559Direct Bluetooth Audio output on the Raspberry/Hifiberry didn’t work either – and the steps to go while following the instructing video mention a „Pulse“ Audio output which I can’t find on my M2P 2.47 installation browser admin page.
This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by
12. Januar 2019 at 20:59 #43557(German description below)
just doing the first steps with our Raspi 3B+/HifiBerry device. Squeeze controller work well (SqueezePlay for PC, Squeezer for Android phone). Tried to connect smartphone via Bluetooth, but failed.
Pariing works. Tried to connect smartphone directly to squeezebox server. No stream under „Favorites“ implemented, no sound output. Is this, because LMS is running not on the RPI but on our Synology nas? Should we try something else?
– installed Bluetooth streaming to squeezebox server
– checked AutoStart-streaming-on-server option
– added Debug mode in a second step
– no player MAC address specifiedThanks for all support!
– – –
wir haben glücklich mit dem neuen Raspi 3B+/HifiBerry gestartet. Die Squeeze-Controller auf dem PC und Smartphone steuern den Raspi sehr schön, auch Synchronisieren mehrerer Player im Netz haben wir schon probiert mit InternetRadio und AudioDateien vom NAS. Der nächste Schritt wäre Bluetooth-Sound vom Smartphone gewesen – aber das klappt nicht.Aktivieren von Bluetooth auf dem Raspi klappt, Pairing des Smartphone mit Max2Play auch – als „Media Audio“ (so im Smartphone). Aber es entsteht kein Streaming Channel in LMS unter „Favoriten“. Also auch keine Audioausgabe. Liegt das daran, dass die entsprechende Option der Max2Play-Settings voraussetzt, dass LMS auf dem Raspi läuft? Bei uns läuft sie auf dem NAS. Was sollen wir tun?
Vielen Dank für jeden Hinweis.
This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by
12. Januar 2019 at 10:51 #43549The thing I would be most interested in, is an on/off button: power on > power on & boot, power off > shutdown & power off. Don’t know if this already works with the button you sell.
30. Dezember 2018 at 21:57 #42983Hello Cassio299,
I’m sorry, I couldn’t find your post any more – mine got the next place in the bottom, yours still isn’t there. Deleted?
What I just miss are the LINKS to the projects you recommended, because they weren’t included in the notify mail I got.
Thank you anyhow!
30. Dezember 2018 at 21:50 #42982Hello Cassio,
thank you a lot! Sounds good.
My „spielzeug“ is meant to be a „toy“ for my 14-year old daughter who already has programmed on an arduino or a raspi – I will try to be the wise old guy who knows what to do. But indeed, I think we will end up both in looking what you can do with that thing!
Luckily, I got your answer by eMail – ‚cause I haven’t found your post on the forum yet. Hopefully, it will come later, so that everything is together.
Happy new year!
30. Dezember 2018 at 19:01 #42975Ach so – wenn ich noch weiter stöbere, ergibt sich die Frage, ob es störend ist, zwei Media Server im Netzwerk zu haben: a) der UPnP-Server auf dem NAS und b) der Squeezebox-Server auf dem RPI (dann vermutlich besser ohne UPnP-Bridge)? Klingt jedenfalls nicht selbsterklärend für einfache Nutzer im Haus.
This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by