Forum Replies Created
22. September 2016 at 12:53 #23149
Hello benpollard,
Thanks for your request.
Squeezelite can play all audioformats. Also 192kHz flac files, too. Sometimes something has to be changed in the Squeezebox Server under lms settings – player – audio.
You can check which format is played. In the DEBUG Information at the menu of the player (here squeezelite). You can find it here:
22. September 2016 at 12:44 #23147Hello asplundj,
You can activate under Kodi – System – Audio – Keep audio alive – the „always“ option. It is only possible to use kodi or shairport or jivelite. It is not possible to use it at the same time.
Best Regards
22. September 2016 at 12:41 #23145Hello asplundj,
If you open kodi out of the terminal, and then close it, the terminal is set to a clear terminal. But it can still be used. Kodi does not fill the full screen. Because of this we use this:
sudo sh -c "TERM=linux setterm -foreground white >/dev/tty0"
If the desktop is on autostart, this will be the background after close kodi. Or if you starting kodi with jivelite, and then close kodi, you will come back to jivelite.
22. September 2016 at 12:35 #23143Hello asplundj,
If you change something on the packages of the Max2Play image, it is difficult to give you support. The Max2Play image is the minimal version of raspbian jessie.
The functions of max2play are working without any changes on the packages. Only above the browserinterface. If you want to try some projects so please use a separately testing image.
22. September 2016 at 12:31 #23142Hello asplundj,
please try to use the webinterface to mount your usb devices. With this we haven’t any issues.
Best Regards
22. September 2016 at 12:28 #23141Hallo jono,
Es gibt dafür bereits Befehle zum setzen der Hintergrundbeleuchtung:
sudo bash -c 'echo 1 > /sys/class/backlight/rpi_backlight/bl_power' sudo bash -c 'echo 0 > /sys/class/backlight/rpi_backlight/bl_power'
Die Befehle die du wünschst müssen in Kodi definiert werden (diese sind dann an die Befehle von der Fernbedienung gekoppelt) und ausgeführt werden.
Beispiel hierfür ist Keymap für Kodi: . Dort kannst du Beispiele für die Umsetzung des Shell Befehls „System.Exec“ aus der Function Liste nutzen.Beste Grüße
There are already commands to set the backlight:sudo bash -c 'echo 1 > /sys/class/backlight/rpi_backlight/bl_power' sudo bash -c 'echo 0 > /sys/class/backlight/rpi_backlight/bl_power'
The commands that you want, have to be defined and executed in Kodi (these are then coupled to the commands from the remote control).
Example is Keymap for Kodi: There you can use examples of the implementation of the shell command „System.Exec“ from the function list.22. September 2016 at 12:23 #23140Hallo zook,
Danke für deine Anfrage und entschuldige bitte die späte Antwort.
Konnte dein Problem bereits gelöst werden?
Beste Grüße
Thanks for your request and excuse the late reply.
Could your problem already be solved?
Best regards
22. September 2016 at 12:21 #23138Hallo jcu-muc,
Entschuldige bitte die verspätetet Antwort.
Es sollte kein Problem darstellen, diese zusätzlichen Tools zu installieren.22. September 2016 at 12:19 #23137Hello bombadil79,
Thanks for your request.
Did you change something on the settings of the hifiberry menu? – digital volume (here is the optimum 100%), analogue playback boost (here is the optimum to set it off) and analogue boost (here is the optimum 100%)
Best Regards
21. September 2016 at 16:00 #23128Hallo crepp,
Danke für deine Anfrage.
Kannst du ein paar zusätzliche Informationen veröffentlichen? Wir benötigen:
1) die URL mit der du auf den LMS gehst (nicht nur die Portnummer)
2) welche Version du verwendest (die aktuellste Version von Max2Play ist 2.36)
3) Statt WICD teste doch bitte mal VNC.
Beste Grüße
—————————————————————–Dear crepp
Thanks for your request
Can you write some additional information? We need:
1) The URL which you can see when you go to the LMS (not only the port number)
2) Which version you are using (the latest version of Max2Play is 2.36)
3) Instead of WICD please try it with VNC.
Best Regards
15. September 2016 at 14:18 #23040Hello Holger,
Thanks for your request.
The raspberry pi and the iqaudio uses different soundchips. It is possible to go over an indirect way. Maybe this link will help you.
But with this it is not possible to playback high Quality media files.
Best Regards
15. September 2016 at 13:59 #23039Hello std.
Der Access Point wird erst installiert. Sonst müsste er wieder deinstalliert werden. Diese Idee in der Antwort, war nur ein Vorschlag zum Lösen der Frage von mol.
The access point will not be installed. Otherwise, he may have to be uninstalled. This idea in response, was only a suggestion to resolve the question of moles.
Best Regards
15. September 2016 at 13:56 #23036Hello lomex,
Thanks for your request.
Please try to reboot the squeezebox Server or only squeezelite. Maybe this solves your problem. And additional, please activate the better energy output over usb in the raspberry Settings of the Max2Play browserinterface.
Best Regards
15. September 2016 at 13:51 #23034Hello muhackl,
please turn off the dlna Client. The Squeezebox Server is for streaming via dlna, the others are only player.
Enter the ip address of the squeezebox Server into the shairport. But Attention, here is only one possible (shairport or shairtunes).Squeezelite and the shairport should be activated and then you can playback over the AMP.
Best Regards
15. September 2016 at 13:45 #23032Hello jhornbr255,
Sorry for this late reply. And thanks for your request.
Kodi only reads this files. For Jivelite you need a sambashare access. For this you need a password and a username. To get an access first you have to set a password and the username.
Please try this.
Best Regards
14. September 2016 at 15:47 #23021Hallo Ulf Schrader,
Danke für deine Anfrage.
Der Squeezebox Server kann mittels, sogenannter 3rd Party Plugins, möglicherweise auch auf Twonky zugreifen. Diese kann man dann möglicherweise unter dem Punkt – ‚entfernte Musiksammlung‘.
Twonky ist jedoch ein DLNA Media Server, der Squeezebox Server ebenfalls. Der Squeezebox Server ist also eine eigene Medienbibliothek und nicht dafür gedacht andere Medienbibliotheken zu integrieren. Wir können das leider hier nicht testen. Sie können das aber gerne mal Probieren mit ihrem Twonky Server.
Beste Grüße
Thank you for your request.
The Squeezebox Server can use, so called 3rd party plugins. They maybe get access to Twonky. These can then possibly under the item – see ‚distant music collection‘.
However Twonky is a DLNA Media Server, the Squeezebox Server also. The Squeezebox Server is thus an own media library, and not intended to integrate other media libraries. We can unfortunately not test it here. You can try it with your Twonky Server.
14. September 2016 at 13:17 #23014Hallo LeZandre & std,
Wir haben euch zu danken. Eure Hinweise waren sehr hilfreich und haben dazu geführt, dass das Problem eingegrenzt und gelöst werden konnte.
Besten Dank!
We have to thank you. Your instructions were very helpful and have meant that could be narrowed down the problem and solved.
Thank you very much!
14. September 2016 at 13:15 #23013Hello Cyn,
we have corrected the problem with your help and with the help of the other guys from another post. Please check the normal add on website. Now it should work correctly.
Best Regards
8. September 2016 at 13:52 #22932Hallo std,
Danke für deinen Beitrag damit wir die Sache eingrenzen können.
Nutzt du das lokale Netzwerk mit deinem mobilen Gerät? Oder nutzt du dein mobiles Internet?Beste Grüße
Thank you for your contribution so that we can narrow down the cause.
Do you use the local network with your mobile device? Or do you use your mobile internet?7. September 2016 at 12:14 #22897Hello mol,
Thanks for your request.
To your first question:
When I’m on my local network and forget to activate the Access Point Plugin then leave my home network, I think I cannot switch on the Access Point Plugin anymore as I cannot connect to the raspi then, correct?
Right, this is not possible. If the access point is not activated and you leave your local network you cannot activat it again, only you re-enter your local network.
Second question:
– Is it possible to have a timeout on the home connection (if no “home” connect within say 60sec, activate AP + “self” instead)?
For this, it is possible to write your own script and to integrate it into Max2Play with the Pluginbuilder
It gives a example which you can use in order to understand. This is the script which is checking that the Wifi / LAN furthermore is connected. It is called autoreconnect_wifi and you can find it in
With this it is possible to write your own script to start the AP if wifi is not connected. The access point starts with this:
For example (it is only a idea):
#!/bin/bash if [ "$(LANG=C && sudo /sbin/ifconfig eth0 | grep 'inet addr:' | wc -l)" -lt "1" -a "$(LANG=C && sudo /sbin/ifconfig wlan0 | grep 'inet addr:' | wc -l)" -lt "1" ]; then sudo /var/www/max2play/application/plugins/accesspoint/scripts/; sudo reboot; fi
It is possible to enter in crontab or something like that. Like script with user: pi and
crontab -e
We are eager about your solution and would be pleased about a few pictures of your solution. With your permission, we would then also publish a blog post on our site and via our social media channels.
Thanks for your effort.
7. September 2016 at 11:51 #22896Hello Richard Kimber,
Thanks for your request.
The both outputs of the Hifiberry Digi+ are not independent. They output exactly the same signal. So it should be possible to playback the sound simultaniously.
Best Regards
7. September 2016 at 11:40 #22895Hello ejfrolich,
Thanks for your request
Maybe the problem is occured through the 1Channel plugin which you have installed for yourself. If you cannot solve the problem, please download the Max2Play Image and burn it on the microSD.
If you need help for this take a look in our Wiki
Best Regards
7. September 2016 at 11:36 #22894Hallo Hens,
Spotify speichert die Playlists – erst nach erstmaliger Wiedergabe – unter
Möglicherweise läuft das wieder ohne Probleme, wenn du diesen Ordner geleert hast. Weiterhin empfehle ich dir, die Option – Caching für Spotify – unter erweiterte Einstellungen des LMS für Spotify zu deaktivieren.Sollte dieses Problem öfter auftreten, teile uns das doch bitte mit. Damit wir dementsprechend einen „Cache löschen“ Button in der Max2Play Browsersteuerung integrieren können.
Beste Grüße
Spotify stores the playlists – after initial playback – in /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/spotifycache/Users/
Maybe it runs with no problem if you have emptied this folder. Furthermore, I recommend that option – disable under advanced settings of the LMS for Spotify – „Caching for Spotify“.Should this problem become more common, please tell us this. So we can integrate a „Delete Cache“ Button into the Max2Play browserinterface.
Best Regards
6. September 2016 at 16:11 #22886Hello Tang,
Thanks for your request.
Please, reboot the system when you unplug the LAN cable with a active access point. To connect with the MPD try to use YMPD which you can open with the Max2Play web interface. That works with your android browser, too. It is the easiest way.
5. September 2016 at 16:12 #22870Hello martin-s and Bull,
Thanks for your request.
Maybe this is a help for you:
It is possible that the calibration file is not automatically loaded from the path which you have used. Usually the config should be saved under
For example:
Please send us what stands in your config file, so we can try this.
Best Regards
5. September 2016 at 16:06 #22869Hallo Christian,
Danke für deine Anfrage.
In diesem Fall wird die Bildausgabe über HDMI nicht funktionieren. Parallel ist das auch aktuell nicht möglich. Solange das Display angeschlossen ist, kannst du den HDMI-Ausgang nur für Ton-Wiedergabe verwenden.
Beste Grüße
Thanks for your request.In this case, the image output via HDMI will not work. It is also currently impossible to use HDMI-output and a display in parallel. As long as the display is connected, you can only use HDMI output for sound playback.
Best Regards
5. September 2016 at 15:58 #22868Hallo Wolfgang,
Danke für deine Anfrage.
Dieses Image scheint beschädigt zu sein. Es bedarf einer Neuinstallation des Max2Play-Images um dein Problem zu lösen. Du kannst dir das Image gerne hier herunterladen: Download Max2Play-ImageNach dem herunterladen folge bitte dem Starter-Guide.
Thanks for your request.This image appears to be damaged. It requires a new installation of the Max2Play image to solve your problem. You can download the image here: Download Max2Play Image.
After downloading please follow the Starter Guide.
1. September 2016 at 15:27 #22830Hello klem1 and welcome in our forum.
Thanks for your request.
First of all, please update your max2play. Reboot the System and if the file system has not been expanded, please do it now. Reboot the system again.
Then try it again, please. if it doesn’t run, use the option – Compile latest version from sources.
Normally you only need to install the touch display plugin for the 7″ touchscreen. The joggler skin is already preconfigured.
30. August 2016 at 16:53 #22770Hello feeder6,
Here is an excerpt from the Raspberry settings under the item HDMI change settings:
Activate 192Khz sample rate and 32-bit encoding for sound output through HDMI. Important: Set Alsa parameters for Squeezelite on page audio player to „::16:0“! (Fixed bitrate to 16 and disable MMAP) if you get no sound at all or crackling sound blockquote>
I hope that is a help.
Best regards
30. August 2016 at 16:31 #22767Hello Arianna and welcome in our forum.
Thanks for your request. To help you I need some informations from you. Can you describe your setup, please.
1.) Which Raspberry Pi do you use? So I can see you if you use the onboard bluetooth of the Raspberry Pi 3 or a bluetooth dongle and a wifi dongle.
2.) Which power supply? (2A or 2.5A)
3.) Is something on the usb ports of the Raspberry Pi?
4.) Is it the already the current Version of Max2Play? (Max2Play Version 2.35)
5.) Could you also share the debug information of the speech control menu? You can find it at the buttom of the site.
Best Regards
This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by
This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by