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  • 12. August 2019 at 1:27 #46747

    Hi Bobw

    [19-08-09 15:02:59.2973] Slim::Networking::Discovery::Players::_players_error (146) Unable to get players: Connect timed out:
    [19-08-09 15:03:30.0108] Slim::Networking::Discovery::Players::_players_error (146) Unable to get players: Connect timed out:
    [19-08-09 15:04:06.0099] Slim::Networking::Discovery::Players::_players_error (146) Unable to get players: Connect timed out:
    [19-08-09 15:04:42.0508] Slim::Networking::Discovery::Players::_players_error (146) Unable to get players: Connect timed out:
    [19-08-09 15:05:54.0071] Slim::Networking::Discovery::Players::_players_error (146) Unable to get players: Connect timed out:
    [19-08-09 15:07:07.0073] Slim::Networking::Discovery::Players::_players_error (146) Unable to get players: Connect timed out:
    [19-08-09 15:07:43.0099] Slim::Networking::Discovery::Players::_players_error (146) Unable to get players: Connect timed out:
    [19-08-09 15:08:43.0093] Slim::Networking::Discovery::Players::_players_error (146) Unable to get players: Connect timed out:
    [19-08-09 15:08:54.0094] Slim::Networking::Discovery::Players::_players_error (146) Unable to get players: Connect timed out:

    One of the main reasons for this time out is normally that your router is under attack from hackers outside your local network:

    Have you turned on the firewall on your router?
    If you have port forwarded nr. 9000 and/9090 turn it off (delete)
    Are you running any plugins in Logitech Media Server that needs access to the internet ( like Spotify)
    – if yes turn them off one by one and reboot rms and check afterwards in lms log if the issues sill exist (after every plug in you turn off)

    Let me hear if this solved your problem

    21. März 2019 at 5:42 #44818

    Thats correct!!

    13. März 2019 at 22:32 #44767

    Hi Thomas

    The Raspberry does not have an internal clock (there is no battery on the Motherboard)

    This means that you have to put in the date and clock every time you reboot!!!

    You can set the clock manually by downloading the Remote Control Extension:

    Inside the extension install shell in a box.

    After the setup, login in with:

    login: pi
    password: raspberry

    then type:

    sudo date -s „Thu Aug 9 21:31:26 UTC 2012“

    replace „Thu Aug 9 21:32:26 UTC 2012“ with actual time, timezone and date in your time zone.


    12. März 2019 at 3:33 #44748

    Hi Bernhard

    Your plugin is from 2016, but it seems that there is still someone giving support at GitHub: I would suggest that you ask your question here: Click here


    10. März 2019 at 16:46 #44733

    Hi fourchtein

    Great that you found a solution that worked.

    The Pi once needed to be activated before it supported usb. I think by copying the sd-card installation will work fine, but you might have to do that every time you need to reflash it.

    Were as Pi3+ and a support a usb stick out of the box, for the Pi3 I would recommend doing an activation before use:

    How to activate Raspberry Pi 3 to support Boot from USB Stick

    Install the latest Raspbian on a SD Card

    On Raspberry Pi:

    Open terminal

    sudo nano /boot/config.txt

    scroll down to the bottom of the page and add the line:



    Open the SD-card boot drive on your PC/MAC
    open the file config.txt with you built in text editor
    Scroll down to the bottom and add:


    Inset the sd-card in the Pi.

    Boot up the Pi

    Reboot the Pi

    after the reboot shout down the Pi.

    You can now use the usb stick and it should work with out any problems.

    10. März 2019 at 4:41 #44728

    Hi fourchtein

    My setup is AUDIOPHONICS I-SABRE V4 DAC ES9023 TCXO / Raspberry Pi 3 with power button, and it works from a usb stick.

    Reformat and reflash your usb stick or try another usb stick

    10. März 2019 at 1:37 #44726

    Hi spaguin

    I don’t think it’s a bug!! all official Servers has been down for a couple of days. The servers came up again an hour ago. Reboot max2play a see if that helped

    10. März 2019 at 0:52 #44725

    Sorry can’t help you with that, I run Jivelite on a Mac.

    LMS has its settings files in var/lib maybe you can find Jivelite inside the LMS folder I think LMS see Jivelite as a plug-in so maybe inside plugins folder or the cache folder.

    9. März 2019 at 23:55 #44723

    Hi again

    Now I get it.

    It is not possible to add the link for individual players to the main menu by default. The closest you can get is adding the „choose player“ menu to the main menu: press and hold the text in Settings: „choose player“, when settings screen pops up choose: „add to start menu“


    9. März 2019 at 17:20 #44720

    Hi Lutz

    I would like to come with some suggestions, however I need some info about your set up.

    How do you store your music? (on a hard drive connected to Rasperry Pi or a NAS or ?)

    It sounds to me that you only have one touch display with Jivelite but more than one child, were do you want to put the Jivelite control so your children has access to it at the same time??

    What music setup does your children have at present ? (bluetooth speakers or a pi with speaker connected or ?)


    7. März 2019 at 23:48 #44709

    Let me know if everything turns out as expected !!


    5. März 2019 at 16:14 #44661

    Thats Great..

    Im not a coding guy I did some basic stof in Basic and Comal 80 in high school back in the 80’s. I have leaned every thing from the internet. Raspbian core is based on Debian linux so you can use Debian commands in Raspian.


    4. März 2019 at 19:16 #44649

    Hi Dave Im sorry it’s not you it’s me…..

    To do permissions you have to be in „system mode“ called root. let’s do it once again note my added line:

    We change user from pi to root

    sudo su

    „if asked for password use: max2play“
    note that the beginning of each command has gone from pi@DenC to root@DenC

    chmod -R 775 /media/usb0

    chown -R pi:pi /media/usb0


    after the reboot; „notice you are back in „pi“ (user) mode“ go back to your usb0 folder

    cd /media/usb0


    you should now se folders and/or files who are stored on your hard drive.

    If this is the case open your Logitech media server and go to the settings page. Check that the server is set to scan the /media/usb0 folder and do a complete scan.

    It should work now!!


    4. März 2019 at 2:38 #44630

    Ok I leaned something here that I wasn’t aware of. drives formatted in fat has smaller identifying numbers than NTFS NFS formatted drives hmmm also fat formatted drives doesn’t really show that number.

    Every partition (part of a drive) has a uniq identifying number called UUID. I wanted to see the distribution of all drives and their
    id’s however your shorter UUID number turns out to be OK. I then wanted to hold your UUID up to the fstab to see in the drives registration had gone wrong which isn’t the case.

    Your UUID doesn’t show up because linux hide fat UUID’s in the way we checked. I don’t think that there is anything wrong in this direction ….. let’s focus on what Heiner said about special rights or restrictions on your files.

    In linux folders have to have permissions and a owner assigned to them before you can access them. Luckily we do not have to do that manually to every folder and file. In the following code we assign permission to the user (pi=the one you are locked into):

    go to the Remote control plug-in

    First we set the permission to allow all users to read and write (but only Adm to execute files by the number 775) in the folder usb0 and every folder and file with in that folder (-R)


    chmod -R 775 /media/usb0

    Next we tell the system who owns the folders and files with in the usb0 folder user (pi) aswell as group (pi)


    chown -R pi:pi /media/usb0

    sudo reboot

    after the reboot go back to your usb0 folder

    cd /media/usb0


    you should now se folder or flies who are stored on your hard drive.

    If this is the case open your Logitech media server and go to the settings page. Check that the server is set to scan the /media/usb0
    and do a complete scan.

    Let me hear if that worked!


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by Cassio299.
    3. März 2019 at 23:23 #44628

    Hi again

    Ok the first one didn’t work try this in the Remote Control plugin instead:

    sudo blkid


    3. März 2019 at 16:36 #44623

    try this

    login: pi
    password: raspberry


    login: root
    password: max2play

    3. März 2019 at 15:23 #44619

    This conversation continues here: click here

    3. März 2019 at 15:21 #44618

    Hi Dave

    Go to the tab „Settings/Reboot“ in max2play.

    Scroll down to the blue bar „A List of max2plays extensions can be found here“ and open it.

    find the „Plugin Remote Control“ and open it

    Click on Download to the right and copy the link

    go back to „Settings/Reboot“ tab, below the blue bar

    Paste the link in „Enter http-URL“ and hit install

    go to the new tab on top „Remote Control“

    In here you have to click somewhere to install it (mine is already up and running)

    After that here is a window on the page or you can open a new page.

    put the code from above in there!

    3. März 2019 at 14:54 #44616

    Hi airheader911 I googled ‚amazon prime Kodi‘ for you, this is what I found: click here

    hope this will help

    2. März 2019 at 8:46 #44604

    Hi Dave

    I think your UUID is to short. Install the plugin remote control and set it up (if you haven’t all-ready done so.

    cd /dev/disk/by-uuid

    [hit ENTER]


    [hit ENTER]

    copy paste the result in here

    next: I would to se if your system has set your hard drive to properly start after reboot:

    in the remote control plug in Type:

    sudo nano /etc/fstab

    [hit Enter]

    and copy paste the results in here!


    2. März 2019 at 8:20 #44603

    Topic moved to: here

    2. März 2019 at 8:14 #44602

    Hi Gabriel

    It seams that Napster has change protocol so the it doesn’t work anymore. You can read more about it here and follow the tread:

    Click Here


    2. März 2019 at 7:59 #44600

    Dobb reply, sorry!!

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by Cassio299.
    2. März 2019 at 7:58 #44599

    Hi Frank

    Custom Clock is one of Erlands many plugins.

    All Erlands plugins are now free of charge, so you shall uninstall the license Manager check if custom clock works there after.

    If that doesn’t help, visit the official support forum an make a search for Custom Clock: click here


    28. Februar 2019 at 22:32 #44583

    Hi Sean

    Im not sure what you mean by I got your email…. I think by that you mean the auto reply you get when ever someone answers to your topic (you set it up as you save your question).

    Hope everything is working now


    28. Februar 2019 at 22:20 #44581

    Hi Hans,

    You are not alone, I too would like a simple funktion to steam my Lp’s to the rest of the house. It has to do with the Logitech Media Server and the way it handles music in !! in your case it might also need a driver from HiFi Berry.

    People over at the LMS Forum has have luck with streaming to the Server as a „Radio Station“ in Flac quality, there’s a plugin for LMS for wave in in LMS you can read an participate in booth here: Click and here click and there are many more under the topic: Waveinput


    28. Februar 2019 at 21:57 #44580

    Hi Sean

    You don’t need a registration code your email is your code.

    Download the max2play image and burn it to your SD card.

    Choose if you want to login via wifi (access point) or lan or WPS. Read more here: Click

    When you are in, find the Settings/Reboot tab and fill in the email you used for registration…. Here is a „Walkthrough for Beginners“ :Clik here

    Ask here in the forum if you have any problems and we will try to help..

    Have fun


    23. Februar 2019 at 8:09 #44549

    Edit 23.2

    Hi Mike

    Raspbian which runs under max2play doesn’t support expansion of a USB Stick, therefore you will be stocked with a stick of 4gb (which) is the max size of the installation. You will therefore most likely run out of space sooner or later. There are 2 way to expand the second partition either run an app called Gparted on a SD card or 2nd usb (as it doesn’t work on the same drive were you system is installed so this is not an option for max2play. Secondly, the manual way which I have described below. As you can see it involves serval reboots and a knowledge of the size of the first partition….. It will take more than a plugin to get running. Maybe Heiner can confirm that !!

    Until Raspberry PI fully support USB sticks you can follow the manual method below, if you want.

    I haven’t tested all the plugins, I assume that the home-automation plugins wont work running from a USB Stick. You will need to check that with their homepage.

    The Raspberry Pi 3b has indirect support for booting from a usb-flash. You need to activate it on the Pi first.

    Follow this guy if you haven’t prepared your Pi 3b: Click here

    After that you can install the max2play on to your usb stick with Etcher (balenaEtcher)

    Extent your root directory
    Make sure that you have no other flash devices connected

    In the remote control plugin type:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt upgrade

    sudo fdisk /dev/sda

    type p (to list the partition table)

    You will now see something like this:

    Device Start
    /dev/sda1 12
    /dev/sda2 98888

    Take a note of the number at column 2 (Start), row 2 (/dev/sda2)

    type d (to delete a partition)
    type 2 (partition number)
    type n (to create a new partition)

    For the first sector on the new partition set in the start number in column/row 2 you noted earlier

    leave it black just [ENTER] (the highest end number will be auto added)

    When it asks you something about not to keep the EXT4 format type no

    type w (to save the changes)

    sudo reboot

    After the reboot go back to the remote plugin and type:

    sudo resize2fs /dev/sda2

    sudo reboot (again)

    that’s it

    with the command: df -h can you see the new size of your root device


    23. Februar 2019 at 8:07 #44548

    test my post got deleted

    20. Februar 2019 at 7:10 #44531

    Hi Josh

    Im sorry, but Im not able to help you.


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