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Posted in: Allo USB Bundle
16. September 2018 at 11:01 #37854
I found what happened. C-Media USB was not correctly plugged in USB port.
Now lsusb command is ok :
Bus 001 Device 015: ID 0d8c:000c C-Media Electronics, Inc. Audio Adapter
Sorry 😉
14. September 2018 at 23:39 #37849Hi !
I have a big problem since few days… On menu of audio soundcards, i have no more C-media USB. So, sound disappeared !
Do you have an idea ?
Max2Play : Version Beta-160530
4. Juli 2016 at 21:21 #21167Raymond said : „Just checked and I have all the files you listed here all ready.“
Maybe you don’t have right to read them. Can you write this code in a SSH console :
ll /opt/jivelite/jivelite/share/jive/applets/QVGATouchSkin/images/Clocks/Digital
If you don’t have rw-r–r– 1 root root on files, you can do :
chmod 644 /opt/jivelite/jivelite/share/jive/applets/QVGATouchSkin/images/Clocks/Digital/*.png
chmod 644 /opt/jivelite/jivelite/share/jive/applets/QVGATouchSkin/images/Clocks/Radial/*.png
Flysurfer said : „I changed it a little to keep the JogglerSkin working and added the changes to the Jivelite installer in Max2Play“
Good news, i knew that code was very dirty 🙂 Thanks !
3. Juli 2016 at 17:29 #21075Happy to see that 🙂
You don’t have littles lines and shadow under numbers. I think some pics are missing on your system. They are in /opt/jivelite/jivelite/share/jive/applets/QVGATouchSkin/images/Clocks/Digital/
You must have these files :
And, i didn’t see the good background : /opt/jivelite/jivelite/share/jive/applets/QVGATouchSkin/images/Clocks/Radial/wallpaper_clock_radial.png
This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by
3. Juli 2016 at 12:20 #21073So the photo you have looks like it’s on a little 3.5 inch touch screen right? Looks very good!
This is this touchscreen :
3.2″ and 320 x 240 pixWere do you put this code in what folder?
Then it will just work?
You have to choose QVGATouchSkin for skin and change and replace function Digital:getDigitalClockSkin() by my code.
I have commented almost all changes i made like this :
-- font = _font(143), font = _font(110),
This function is in this file /opt/jivelite/jivelite/share/jive/applets/Clock/ClockApplet.lua. After changes, you have to restart Jivelite.
2. Juli 2016 at 19:11 #21069Hi,
I managed to modify function Digital:getDigitalClockSkin(skinName) for my C1 touchscreen :
This is the new code, i don’t know if it’s very proper, but it’s works 🙂
-- DIGITAL CLOCK SKIN function Digital:getDigitalClockSkin(skinName) if skinName == 'WQVGAlargeSkin' then skinName = 'WQVGAsmallSkin' end if skinName == 'QVGATouchSkin' then self.skinName = skinName self.imgpath = _imgpath(self) digitalClockBackground = Tile:loadImage(self.imgpath .. "Clocks/Radial/wallpaper_clock_radial.png") skinName = 'QVGATouchSkin' end self.skinName = skinName self.imgpath = _imgpath(self) local s = {} if skinName == 'QVGATouchSkin' then screen_width, screen_height = Framework:getScreenSize() local shiftx = math.floor((screen_width/2) - 260) if shiftx < 0 then shiftx = 0 end local shifty = math.floor((screen_height/2) - 140) if shifty < 0 then shifty = 0 end local digitalClockDigit = { -- taille de l'heure -- font = _font(143), font = _font(110), align = 'center', fg = { 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc }, --w = 76, w = 50, } local shadow = { -- w = 76, w = 50, x = shiftx, } local x = {} -- position sur x -- x.h1 = 48 + shiftx x.h1 = 10 + shiftx -- x.h2 = x.h1 + 75 x.h2 = x.h1 + 60 -- x.dots = x.h2 + 75 x.dots = x.h2 + 60 x.m1 = x.dots + 39 -- x.m2 = x.m1 + 86 x.m2 = x.m1 + 71 x.alarm = x.m2 + 80 x.ampm = x.alarm local _clockDigit = { position = LAYOUT_NONE, -- font = _font(143), font = _font(110), align = 'center', fg = { 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc }, y = 54 + shifty, zOrder = 10, } local _digitShadow = _uses(_clockDigit, { -- y = 54 + 100 + shifty, y = 35 + 100 + shifty, x = shiftx, zOrder = 1, }) s.icon_digitalClockDropShadow = { img = _loadImage(self, "Clocks/Digital/drop_shadow_digital.png"), align = 'center', padding = { 4, 0, 0, 0 }, -- w = 76, w = 50, } s.icon_digitalClockNoShadow = _uses(s.icon_digitalClockDropShadow, { img = false }) s.icon_alarm_on = { img = _loadImage(self, "Clocks/Digital/icon_alarm_digital.png"), } s.icon_alarm_off = { img = false } s.icon_digitalClockHDivider = { w = WH_FILL, img = _loadImage(self, "Clocks/Digital/divider_hort_digital.png"), } s.icon_digitalClockVDivider = { w = 3, img = _loadImage(self, "Clocks/Digital/divider_vert_digital.png"), align = 'center', } s.icon_digitalDots = { img = _loadImage(self, "Clocks/Digital/clock_dots_digital.png"), align = 'center', w = 40, border = { 14, 0, 12, 0 }, } s.icon_digitalClockBlank = { img = false, w = 40, } s.Clock = { bgImg = digitalClockBackground, h1 = _uses(_clockDigit, { x = x.h1, }), h1Shadow = _uses(_digitShadow, { x = x.h1, }), h2 = _uses(_clockDigit, { x = x.h2, }), h2Shadow = _uses(_digitShadow, { x = x.h2, }), dots = _uses(_clockDigit, { x = x.dots, y = 93 + shifty, w = 40, }), m1 = _uses(_clockDigit, { x = x.m1, }), m1Shadow = _uses(_digitShadow, { x = x.m1, }), m2 = _uses(_clockDigit, { x = x.m2, }), m2Shadow = _uses(_digitShadow, { x = x.m2, }), ampm = { position = LAYOUT_NONE, x = x.ampm, y = 112 + shifty, font = _font(11), align = 'bottom', fg = { 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc }, }, alarm = { position = LAYOUT_NONE, x = x.alarm, y = 56 + shifty, }, ampm = { position = LAYOUT_NONE, x = 403 + shiftx, y = 144 + shifty, font = _font(20), align = 'bottom', fg = { 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc }, }, horizDivider2 = { hidden = 1 }, today = { hidden = 1 }, horizDivider = { position = LAYOUT_NONE, x = 0 + shiftx, y = 194 + shifty, }, date = { position = LAYOUT_SOUTH, order = { 'dayofweek', 'vdivider1', 'dayofmonth', 'vdivider2', 'month' }, w = WH_FILL, --h = 70, h = 40, padding = { 0, 0, 0, 6 }, dayofweek = { align = 'center', -- w = 190, w = 115, h = WH_FILL, font = _font(20), fg = { 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc }, padding = { 1, 0, 0, 6 }, }, vdivider1 = { align = 'center', w = 3, }, dayofmonth = { --font = _font(56), font = _font(30), -- w = 95, w = 80, h = WH_FILL, align = 'center', fg = { 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc }, padding = { 0, 0, 0, 4 }, }, vdivider2 = { align = 'center', w = 3, }, month = { font = _font(20), w = WH_FILL, h = WH_FILL, align = 'center', fg = { 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc }, padding = { 0, 0, 0, 5 }, }, year = { font = _boldfont(20), -- w = 50, w = 40, h = WH_FILL, align = 'left', fg = { 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc }, padding = { 3, 0, 0, 5 }, }, }, } local blackMask = Tile:fillColor(0x000000ff) s.ClockBlack = _uses(s.Clock, { bgImg = blackMask, horizDivider = { hidden = 1 }, horizDivider2 = { hidden = 1 }, today = { hidden = 1 }, date = { order = { 'dayofweek', 'dayofmonth', 'month', 'year' }, }, h1Shadow = { hidden = 1 }, h2Shadow = { hidden = 1 }, m1Shadow = { hidden = 1 }, m2Shadow = { hidden = 1 }, }) s.ClockTransparent = _uses(s.Clock, { bgImg = false, horizDivider = { hidden = 1 }, horizDivider2 = { hidden = 1 }, today = { hidden = 1 }, date = { order = { 'dayofweek', 'dayofmonth', 'month', 'year' }, }, h1Shadow = { hidden = 1 }, h2Shadow = { hidden = 1 }, m1Shadow = { hidden = 1 }, m2Shadow = { hidden = 1 }, }) elseif skinName == 'QVGAlandscapeSkin' then local digitalClockBackground = Tile:loadImage(self.imgpath .. "Clocks/Digital/bb_clock_digital.png") local shadow = { w = 62, } local _clockDigit = { position = LAYOUT_NONE, font = _font(100), align = 'right', fg = { 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc }, w = 62, y = 48, zOrder = 10, } local _digitShadow = _uses(_clockDigit, { y = 116, zOrder = 1, }) local x = {} x.h1 = 19 x.h2 = x.h1 + 50 x.dots = x.h2 + 65 x.m1 = x.dots + 15 x.m2 = x.m1 + 64 x.alarm = x.m2 + 61 x.ampm = x.alarm s.icon_digitalClockDropShadow = { img = _loadImage(self, "Clocks/Digital/drop_shadow_digital.png"), align = 'center', padding = { 4, 0, 0, 0 }, w = 62, } s.icon_alarm_on = { img = _loadImage(self, "Clocks/Digital/icon_alarm_digital.png") } s.icon_alarm_off = _uses(s.icon_alarm_on, { img = false }) s.icon_digitalClockNoShadow = _uses(s.icon_digitalClockDropShadow, { img = false }) s.icon_digitalClockHDivider = { w = WH_FILL, img = _loadImage(self, "Clocks/Digital/divider_hort_digital.png"), } s.icon_digitalClockVDivider = { w = 3, img = _loadImage(self, "Clocks/Digital/divider_vert_digital.png"), padding = { 0, 0, 0, 8 }, align = 'center', } s.icon_digitalDots = { img = _loadImage(self, 'Clocks/Digital/clock_dots_digital.png'), align = 'center', w = 16, padding = { 0, 26, 0, 0 }, } s.icon_digitalClockBlank = { img = false, } s.Clock = { bgImg = digitalClockBackground, h1 = _uses(_clockDigit, { x = x.h1, }), h1Shadow = _uses(_digitShadow, { x = x.h1, }), h2 = _uses(_clockDigit, { x = x.h2, }), h2Shadow = _uses(_digitShadow, { x = x.h2, }), dots = _uses(_clockDigit, { x = x.dots, w = 16, }), m1 = _uses(_clockDigit, { x = x.m1, }), m1Shadow = _uses(_digitShadow, { x = x.m1, }), m2 = _uses(_clockDigit, { x = x.m2, }), m2Shadow = _uses(_digitShadow, { x = x.m2, }), ampm = { position = LAYOUT_NONE, x = x.ampm, y = 112, font = _font(11), align = 'bottom', fg = { 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc }, }, alarm = { position = LAYOUT_NONE, x = x.alarm, y = 50, }, horizDivider2 = { hidden = 1 }, horizDivider = { position = LAYOUT_NONE, x = 0, y = 173, }, today = { hidden = '1' }, date = { position = LAYOUT_SOUTH, order = { 'dayofweek', 'vdivider1', 'dayofmonth', 'vdivider2', 'month' }, w = WH_FILL, h = 65, padding = { 0, 10, 0, 0 }, dayofweek = { align = 'center', w = 115, h = WH_FILL, font = _font(18), fg = { 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc }, padding = { 0, 0, 0, 14 }, }, vdivider1 = { align = 'center', w = 2, }, dayofmonth = { font = _font(48), w = 86, h = WH_FILL, align = 'center', fg = { 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc }, padding = { 0, 0, 0, 12 }, }, vdivider2 = { align = 'center', w = 2, }, month = { font = _font(18), w = WH_FILL, h = WH_FILL, align = 'center', fg = { 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc }, padding = { 0, 0, 0, 14 }, }, }, } local blackMask = Tile:fillColor(0x000000ff) s.ClockBlack = _uses(s.Clock, { bgImg = blackMask, horizDivider = { hidden = 1 }, horizDivider2 = { hidden = 1 }, today = { hidden = 1 }, date = { order = { 'dayofweek', 'dayofmonth', 'month', 'year' }, }, h1Shadow = { hidden = 1 }, h2Shadow = { hidden = 1 }, m1Shadow = { hidden = 1 }, m2Shadow = { hidden = 1 }, }) s.ClockTransparent = _uses(s.Clock, { bgImg = false, horizDivider = { hidden = 1 }, horizDivider2 = { hidden = 1 }, today = { hidden = 1 }, date = { order = { 'dayofweek', 'dayofmonth', 'month', 'year' }, }, h1Shadow = { hidden = 1 }, h2Shadow = { hidden = 1 }, m1Shadow = { hidden = 1 }, m2Shadow = { hidden = 1 }, }) elseif skinName == 'QVGAportraitSkin' then local digitalClockBackground = Tile:loadImage(self.imgpath .. "Clocks/Digital/jive_clock_digital.png") local digitalClockDigit = { font = _font(90), fg = { 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc }, w = WH_FILL, } local shadow = { w = 62, } local _clockDigit = { position = LAYOUT_NONE, font = _font(90), align = 'right', fg = { 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc }, w = 62, y = 123, zOrder = 10, } local _digitShadow = _uses(_clockDigit, { y = 185, padding = { 4, 0, 0, 0 }, zOrder = 1, }) local x = {} x.h1 = 0 x.h2 = x.h1 + 49 x.dots = x.h2 + 62 x.m1 = x.dots + 4 x.m2 = x.m1 + 49 x.alarm = x.h1 s.icon_digitalClockDropShadow = { img = _loadImage(self, "Clocks/Digital/drop_shadow_digital.png"), align = 'center', padding = { 4, 0, 0, 0 }, } s.icon_alarm_on = { img = _loadImage(self, "Clocks/Digital/icon_alarm_digital.png") } s.icon_alarm_off = _uses(s.icon_alarm_on, { img = false }) s.icon_digitalClockNoShadow = _uses(s.icon_digitalClockDropShadow, { img = false }) s.icon_digitalClockHDivider = { w = WH_FILL, img = _loadImage(self, "Clocks/Digital/divider_hort_digital.png"), } s.icon_digitalClockVDivider = { w = 3, img = _loadImage(self, "Clocks/Digital/divider_vert_digital.png"), align = 'center', } s.icon_digitalDots = { img = _loadImage(self, 'Clocks/Digital/clock_dots_digital.png'), align = 'center', w = 18, padding = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }, } s.icon_digitalClockBlank = { img = false, } s.Clock = { bgImg = digitalClockBackground, h1 = _uses(_clockDigit, { x = x.h1, }), h1Shadow = _uses(_digitShadow, { x = x.h1, }), h2 = _uses(_clockDigit, { x = x.h2, }), h2Shadow = _uses(_digitShadow, { x = x.h2, }), dots = _uses(_clockDigit, { x = x.dots, w = 18, y = 143, }), m1 = _uses(_clockDigit, { x = x.m1, }), m1Shadow = _uses(_digitShadow, { x = x.m1, }), m2 = _uses(_clockDigit, { x = x.m2, }), m2Shadow = _uses(_digitShadow, { x = x.m2, }), today = { position = LAYOUT_NORTH, h = 83, zOrder = 2, w = WH_FILL, align = 'center', fg = { 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc }, font = _font(20), }, ampm = { position = LAYOUT_NONE, x = 203, y = 208, font = _font(14), align = 'bottom', fg = { 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc }, }, alarm = { position = LAYOUT_NONE, x = 12, y = 209, }, horizDivider = { position = LAYOUT_NONE, x = 0, y = 320 - 84, }, horizDivider2 = { position = LAYOUT_NONE, x = 0, y = 84, }, date = { position = LAYOUT_SOUTH, order = { 'month', 'vdivider1', 'dayofmonth' }, w = WH_FILL, h = 83, padding = { 0, 10, 0, 0 }, dayofweek = { hidden = 1 }, vdivider1 = { align = 'center', w = 2, h = WH_FILL, }, month = { font = _font(20), w = WH_FILL, h = WH_FILL, align = 'center', fg = { 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc }, padding = { 2, 0, 0, 15 }, }, dayofmonth = { font = _font(48), w = 86, h = WH_FILL, align = 'center', fg = { 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc }, padding = { 0, 0, 0, 15 }, }, }, } local blackMask = Tile:fillColor(0x000000ff) s.ClockBlack = _uses(s.Clock, { bgImg = blackMask, horizDivider = { hidden = 1 }, horizDivider2 = { hidden = 1 }, date = { order = { 'month', 'dayofmonth' }, }, h1Shadow = { hidden = 1 }, h2Shadow = { hidden = 1 }, m1Shadow = { hidden = 1 }, m2Shadow = { hidden = 1 }, }) s.ClockTransparent = _uses(s.Clock, { bgImg = false, horizDivider = { hidden = 1 }, horizDivider2 = { hidden = 1 }, date = { order = { 'month', 'dayofmonth' }, }, h1Shadow = { hidden = 1 }, h2Shadow = { hidden = 1 }, m1Shadow = { hidden = 1 }, m2Shadow = { hidden = 1 }, }) end return s end
22. Juni 2016 at 17:57 #20823Thanks Stefan for you post.
I don’t know Lua so, just a question, what do i have to do just after having modify ClockApplet.lua file in order to test my change ?
Restart lua, jivelite, nothing ?
Thanks !
7. Juni 2016 at 19:38 #20544Thanks for your reply Heiner.
And for this question : ?
2. Juni 2016 at 22:02 #20460Maximilian, which files i have to modify on Jivelite in order to make a numeric clock ScreenSaver for 3.2inch TFT for Odroid C1 ?
2. Juni 2016 at 21:17 #20458I think i have found the bug !
The script (/opt/max2play/cache/newplugin/jivelite/scripts/ didn’t get the skin :
sh /opt/max2play/cache/newplugin/jivelite/scripts/ /opt/max2play/cache/newplugin/jivelite/scripts/ 7: /opt/max2play/cache/newplugin/jivelite/scripts/ pushd: not found Cloning into 'jivelite-qvga-touch-rpi'... fatal: unable to access '': Failed to connect to port 443: No route to host cp: cannot stat ‘/opt/jivelite-qvga-touch-rpi/share/jive/applets/QVGATouchSkin/’: No such file or directory cp: cannot stat ‘/opt/jivelite-qvga-touch-rpi/share/jive/jive/ui/Keyboard.lua’: No such file or directory Skin setting updated finished
I made a git clone from my personal computer, made a scp command in the right directory and it was ok 🙂
Maybe it was due to my hostname (error : sudo: unable to resolve host SqueezeSdB). I changed it from webinterface : odroid > SqueezeSdb. It was changed in /etc/hostname but not in /etc/host. New bug ? I don’t know.
Now my Jivelite with right Skin is ok 🙂
1. Juni 2016 at 22:52 #20426Hi !
I don’t understand. After bigs problems with Jivelite, i burned an other time in order to re-install Max2Play.
Jivelite is ok but not with the good skin, i use 3.2″ touchscreen. I installed the good skin (QVGA) with the web interface but i can’t choose it with Jivelite, it doesn’t appear on the menu. So i can’t use Jivelite.
What i made :
– install Max2Play
– upgrade Max2Play
– install Jivelite, reboot…
– install Max2Play Beta, reinstall Jivelite…Please i need help !
25. Mai 2016 at 10:00 #20256Argh, i have upgraded on beta only for that. Do we need to re-install Jivelite after upgrade on beta ?
24. Mai 2016 at 21:33 #20251Finally, I made an upgrade with M2P beta channel, and VNC server start. But with remmina, i get a blank screen, maybe it due to Jivelite…
24. Mai 2016 at 19:35 #20246Hi, i have the same problem with my Odroid-C1. I tried to re-install without any effect.
Any idea ?
6. März 2016 at 15:29 #19138Finally, i’ve taken and burn Max2play Image for C1+ and everything works fine with C1 !
6. März 2016 at 12:58 #19137I have the same problem, did you find a solution ?
Is there some support from Max2Play ?
6. März 2016 at 12:06 #19136I had to install drivers like this :
But i have some problems :/ is strange that drivers aren’t included in Max2play, don’t you think ?
and i have a new one problem with Jivelite, it doesn’t want to start :
JiveLite 0.1.0
[0;33m20160306 09:51:12.333 INFO jivelite – JiveMain.lua:267 JiveLite version 0.1.0[0m
[0;31m20160306 09:51:12.339 ERROR jivelite.ui.draw – jiveL_initSDL:204 SDL_Init(V|T|A): Unable to open a console terminal
[0m -
This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by