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Posted in: Allo USB Bundle
3. Mai 2020 at 20:27 #48690
I know this is an old problem but i encountered exact the same thing today when i had to do a clean install with the stretch image on a pi 3b+ with the 7 inch dosplay. The display would not turn off when i press the power button in the left upper corner, only the playback stopped. What was missing for me is the setting for the screensaver when the device is off. So I did a reset of jivelite and went to settings-View-screensaver and now i can select what he should do when is turned off – blank screen. I think this was preconfigured in former releases of the display image. This solved my problem and now the display is turning off when i hit the button and is turning on again when touching the screen again.
15. Dezember 2019 at 22:07 #47781Thank you, it’s now working for me. It was a problem with the zway installation. This topic can be closed.
24. März 2018 at 23:34 #34719Hi,
tried to setting up a fresh image and connected as Heiner wrote to the PI with the Automatic Access Point Mode. Very Nice Feature!
Changed the Wifi Settings to connect to my FritzBox 7490 (2.4 GHz Network) and it is working well. If I change the network to my 5GHz SSID Problems occur. Some Times the Pi starts normaly and connects, some Times the Network Connection failed. Strange is that the Pi connects in AC Mode with 6MBits and changes after some time to A+N Mode with 150 MBits. I tried to setup the Wifi-Country to Germany in raspi-config, but this seems not to change the connection Problems. Now I’m using the 2.4GHz SSID and it works fine.By the way there are two errors when booting the Pi 3B+ with the clean Stretch Image. This can be fixed by a firmware update (sudo rpi-update over ssh). And there is another error when saving Wifi Settings in the Web-Interface (invalid argument ioctl – SIOCSIWENCODEEXT…).
Daniel24. März 2018 at 20:50 #34718@Heiner:
Danke für die schnelle Antwort. Bin gerade dabei den Server auf den PI 3B+ umzuziehen. Auf dem Zero lief es vorher.
Komischerweise funktioniert der Server auf dem Zero nun wieder nachdem ich ihn die paar Tage nicht angerührt habe, Webinterface wird auch geöffnet. Könnte mir vorstellen das er mit der Indizierung meines NAS ausgelastet war.Gruß,
Daniel23. März 2018 at 1:33 #34675Same Problem after updating LMS to the latest Nightly 7.9. Even installing the stable 7.9 wont fix this.
Using 2.45 based on Jessie on a Pi Zero. Is there any solution instead of flashing the stretch image?Seems to be not my day, broke two running installations in one hour.
This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by
23. März 2018 at 0:56 #34674Also having Problems after updating to the latest Version of the Stretch-Image (Update from Beta and Clean Installation).
Raspi 3B+ is starting a few times with LAN connected. Changing to WLAN 2.4Ghz seems to work, but after changing to 5GHz Wifi and following reboot the system is broken. No Network found and a PID 723 error message when starting X-Server. After that i cannot connect anymore, also with attached LAN.The system just worked fine for me with the latest beta of stretch and the Raspi 3B+. Using it with a Hifiberry Amp2 and the 7inch Touchscreen.
Could there be a bug in the final version 2.45 on stretch?Thanks in advance an greetings
15. Juni 2017 at 23:55 #29554Hallo Heiner,
das funktioniert leider nicht. Ohne den User=root schaltet mein Relais nicht (WiringPi). Außerdem startet Squeezelite nicht mehr automatisch wenn ich -C 10 zusammen mit -G eintrage. Mein Workaround ist das ich im Start-Skript von kodi (/opt/max2play/ ein sudo an den Anfang des Kills von squeezelite stelle ( sudo /etc/init.d/squeezelite stop). Damit wird dann squeezelite beendet und mein Hifiberry DAC für Kodi freigegeben. Nachteil ist jetzt aber das wenn ich Kodi beende, ich erst wieder was über Squeezelite hören kann wenn ich aus Jivelite heraus „Stop Kodi“ aufrufe. Kodi scheint den DAC auch nicht so gut freizugeben.16. Mai 2017 at 22:38 #28878Try using the sliders on the hifiberry tab (needs the plugin hifiberry installed).
16. Mai 2017 at 22:32 #28877I get it by myself deleting the parameters -V and -Q in the squeezelite commands. Set the Master volume in alsamixer at digital or at the justboom tab to 35 percent. Now i can use the software volume and the max volume is set to 35 percent.
This topic can be closed.
24. April 2017 at 21:56 #28449Hallo,
nachdem ich Squeezelite mit GPIO Unterstützung laufen habe, sehe ich meinen DAC+ nicht mehr in Kodi. Scheint an dem Benutzerkonto zu liegen. Ohne -G läuft Kodi unter dem Benutzer Pi und ich sehe meinen DAC.
Habe zum Testen mal über Jivelite das Startskript für Kodi mit Root gestartet und dann sehe ich meinen DAC auch.Gibt es eine andere Lösung um sowohl Kodi als auch Squeezelite mit GPIO Unterstützung zu betreiben?
Vielen Dank im Voraus
14. April 2017 at 18:39 #28257After the kernel upgrade it might work but not before because then internal wifi isnt recognized. So it can’t connect to any wifi with or without wps. The other method is to replace the bootfiles and the edit the wifi config. Like Mohammad wrote eill this be obsolete when a new image of max2play is out that works with the new firmware out of the box.
14. April 2017 at 15:54 #28253Hi, the pi zero does not have ethernet onboard. If you have a compatible wifi stick or usb ethernet adapter this could work too. You need internet connection to do the firmware upgrade.
12. April 2017 at 23:55 #28191Just burned the image again, made my settings and then installed the sd card protection. Now it is working well, thanks. Maybe the CEC Function of Jivelite was faulty. I had an similar problem with it in the past that the autologin failed. Now its running without CEC and everything is working.
12. April 2017 at 0:36 #28128Hi,
I have the same problem when activating the sd-card protection. The Pi isnt reachable over network and the console stuck at login. I need to run the uninstall script to get my Pi back to work so that i can access the webinterface.Using Max2Play 2.42 and the sd-card protection worked until today. I unistalled it and run kodi after the update to Version 2.42 and tried to use cec in jivelite. CEC is not working properly for me so i removed the package.
Now every time i activate the sd card protection, the automatic login doesnt work and i cant reach the pi over the network.
Could you please help me to solve this issue? Thanks in advance.
27. März 2017 at 14:28 #27870Hi,
I have reinstalled CEC Support but it doesn’t work as it should.
Using Kodi in an openelec Image is working well.Seems that my Button Pressed Signal is repeated several times.
14. März 2017 at 13:30 #27711Maybe there is another way to get the internal wifi running for those who don’t have another raspi (but it doesn’t worked for me):
Copy Startup Files-
This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by
11. März 2017 at 13:03 #27574Hallo, bei mir gehts mit diesem Treiber. Allerdings habe ich den Onboard Sound deaktiviert und im Squeezelite einen anderen Treiber einstellen müssen, plughw. Mit default oder sysdefault war es auch stumm.
This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by
This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by