Max2Play Home › Forums › Max2Play on Raspberry PI › Which card to select in M2P setup for HiFiBerry DAC+ DSP
Tagged: card selection, HiFiBerry DAC+ DSP, M2P setup
- This topic has 9 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 2 months ago by
Heiner premium.
Posted in: Max2Play on Raspberry PI
10. Dezember 2018 at 11:08 #42626
Dear all,
I’m having problems finding which card to select on the HifiBerry page in the M2P setup process for the HiFiBerry DAC+ DSP card. I remember seeing a comment on this somewhere, but cannot find it anymore via Google or the site search engines.
Please advice.
Kind regards,
Arno.10. Dezember 2018 at 12:55 #42635Hello Arno,
Depending on what application you want to achieve, you can select either the DAC+ selection for simple output or the BeoCreate selection for our beta solution for DSP profiles.
15. Dezember 2018 at 9:17 #42769Thank you. I have the RPi+HB connected to my audio system via an optical cable (S/PDIF).
I want to do two things:
1) Use the RPi+HB as part of a multi-room music player.
2) Use the RPi+HB as a clean pass-through station for optical input from my other media player connected to my video setup.Later, I want to create DSP profiles to:
A) adapt the sound profile to my room
B) create a night-mode to reduce bass and normalize volume.I’m still working on how to exactly achieve this.
Do I understand correctly that to get the ‚beta solution for DSP profiles‘ I do NOT need to install the ‚Beta for Max2Play (Development)‘?
Kind regards,
Arno.17. Dezember 2018 at 15:31 #42781Hi Arno,
You can activate the beta solution for BeoCreate/DSP in the HiFiBerry plugin without a beta update for the whole of Max2Play. However, it is still a work in progress and there are only profiles for the B&O speakers suppoerted by the Beocreate. We would recommend going with the HiFiBerry solution for DSP for your DAC as you can currently only achieve the first of your two goals with Max2Play.
10. Januar 2019 at 19:50 #43431My question is almost the same:
I also have a Hifiberry DAC+DSP connected to a Pi 3B+, which card should I select in Max2Play?DAC+
…I don’t want to use any DSP-features or functions. My intention is to use the RCA outputs for music playback.
Whats the difference between the card settings for DAC+, DAC+Pro, … ?
Best regards,
This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by
11. Januar 2019 at 16:58 #43533Hi Eddie,
There are some differences, although they all work with the basic HiFiBerry DAC selection as a driver.
For the DAC+ DSP you can select the HiFiBerry DAC+ (Standard).
4. März 2019 at 23:21 #44650Yesterday I had some time to begin with the max2play setup. I couldn’t start squeezebox server when selecting DAC+ as my soundcard. The only way to hear anything was selecting BeoCreate as soundcard. The standard settings for BeoCreate (in squeezelite – additional options) doesn’t allow to use volume controle via mobile phone app. The command line options had to be changed slightly for volume control with squeezer.
Which output should I select for squeezelite (8 choices are available)? Is there anything I should take care of when changing th command line options in the squeezelite menu of max2play?
Will the DAC+DSP card be implemented in the next max2play update?
This reply was modified 6 years ago by
5. März 2019 at 11:16 #44657Hi Eddie,
„sysdefault“ is the standard selection for output.
What kind of implementation of the DAC+ DSP would you like to see from Max2Play?
Currently it works with the standard hifiberry driver.17. Dezember 2019 at 16:49 #47800hello!
i have raspberry pi 4B and non of the selected works
RCA doesn’t work at all. the optical output is humming …how can i get it to work or i just both 70€ worth non supported electronic
18. Dezember 2019 at 14:18 #47813Hello Primoz,
As mentioned the DAC+ DSP is not fully integrated in the Max2Play system. However, playback should definitely be possible with the basic DAC driver selected (DAC without +).
For full use of the DSP features we would recommend checking out HiFiBerry’s documentation on the device and your options for integration.
This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by
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